I would most definitely wait Mass Effect's release and reviews. NMS is 60$, and while they are trying to climb out of the well, they fucked up the unpatched base game royally. It seems that it will gradually get content, but it won't get any more expensive - so don't rush buying it. Let's wait and see what ME can offer, and at what quality.
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Any early access survival shit. All they have is empty space. BA DUM TSS.
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It doesn't look bad but I don't like the style of the game.
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There is this game Precursors. It was recently in the $1 tier in the Bundle Stars Chaos Bundle.
It's an indie game that was originally released in Russia in 2009. It definitely has its share of problems and it has some bad reviews, but there also seems to be a decent amount of people that really like the game. I haven't played it, but I probably will eventually and to be honest, I think this game might be better than No Man's Sky. It's certainly no technical masterpiece and looks quite dated, but that doesn't bother me if the rest of the game is good.
It looks like it has first person shooting, 3rd person driving and flying, and you can fly to other planets and fight in space. Here's a review that I thought does a pretty good job. It may be an interesting game or it could be complete trash, I really don't know.
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I don't usually judge a game by the graphics but this time I want something that's pleasing to the eye.
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Nothing wrong with that, I enjoy the eye candy as well, just depends on what I'm in the mood for.
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No Man's Sky is on sale right now and I doubt it will be again until the summer sales which are usually June/July.
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I could get both I just want to be sure that the price justifies the content that's in the games. I don't want to spend so much on games that can't get past 50 hours of gameplay. If you take Borderlands 2 GOTY for example you can easily put 200 hours of gametime into it and you can pick it up on sale for less than 10 euros. That's a really good deal.
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If you have some patience with bugs & other issues, and a clunky interface, why not check out some (and I know I might summon him for uttering his name) some of Derek Smart's games? Some of his older games have been released for free, so there's no harm in trying. Do keep in mind that these are not the most user friendly games, and as I said, rather buggy. But they're also quite interesting.
For the slightly less hardcore, we have the X-series? X3: Terran Conflict is really the only game you need to get from it, as the story is not that important, but the exploration & sandbox elements are, and it's the most complete of the bunch. Do keep in mind that they're very time consuming.
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I think the X series are good but you are stuck in your spaceship though not?
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You can leave the ship, but you're still stuck in space (you're in a space suit). The latest X-game also lets you wander around on space stations. And it's supposedly been fixed since launch (it was a broken mess at launch), but people still seem to generally find Terran conflict to be the better game.
Both Battlecruiser Millennium & Universal Combat offer ground & space things (Universal Combat is more mixed than BC:M). So they're both relatively close to what you're asking for. Universal Combat is also easier to get into (but a bit less deep).
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maybe you should check freelancer
Edit: added link to one of the most famous mods of the game
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Starmade has some of what you want. best thing is the demo is the FULL game until it leaves alpha.
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"Block based" may be a better term - I get what you mean, but sometime comparing starmade and minecraft can result in hostility from either faction! ;)
Well, I've no doubt somebody has seen this post, downloaded and already begun a journey that will change their game time enjoyment, so job done, and good luck in your search! :)
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I was watching videos of gameplay and I don't see any animations and physics.
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Hmm, you and I seem to like similar games, I suppose.
I've only played a bit of Osiris: New Dawn, but so far I think it's probably closest to what you're looking for. It has the base building, the survival (though you can change the settings to make it easier), the exploration, the strange alien creatures that want to eat you. It's gorgeous to look at and feels pretty damned immersive so far. So far it reminds me of ARK: Survival Evolved in space. I'll have to put more time in it to see how deep the gameplay is, though.
I'm one of probably a handful of people who loved No Man's Sky. I put about 40 hours into it before I finally set it down to wait for more content. Like others have said, though -- if you want to wait for more content, the price will only go down while you wait. Wait for the summer sale on this title imho. It's a good game, but definitely not $60 worth of good to everyone.
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Thank you for the explanatory reply. I'm looking at Osiris and the fact that it has co-op is also a huge advantage over No Man's Sky for me. It does look a lot prettier too. It's just that EA tag on it but No Man's Sky feels like EA too anyway.
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Talking about 2001: A Space Odyssey: there's a slim chance that you might be interested in Event[0], an adventure game mostly about building a relationship with a spaceship AI. STASIS is a really cool horror point-and-click adventure largely inspired by iconic movies like Alien (you can try CAYNE, a free game in the same universe, to learn if it's up your alley). J.U.L.I.A.: Among the Stars is another awesome space adventure, this time you actually get to explore different planets in the company of two helpful AIs.
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I´ll second, third and fourth the suggestion for Space Engineers!
There was an article on PC Gamer praising it´s seamless planet to space transition, exactly what i´ve been longing for for such a long time and even more so since No Man´s Sky went into the no more than 20$ shelf, so a mate and I hopped in right away yesterday at around 2100 and ended up quitting around 0200, having travelled to 3 different planets and planting respawn points on all of them .. it was glorious!
I´ve uploaded some of it to YT (no GA sorry :D)
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Greetings steamgifters, I'm wondering if anyone could help me finding/choosing a game. First of all I know that No Man's Sky has negative reviews and all but I'm still getting the impression that it is the best choice out there for a space exploration game.
What I'm looking for is a game that offers:
Games that come to my mind and are really close to what I'm looking for are Mass Effect and No Man's Sky.
Other games that I found on steam are:
http://store.steampowered.com/app/244030 Take On Mars
http://store.steampowered.com/app/402710 Osiris: New Dawn
So I wonder if I should just pick up No Man's Sky instead of any of these. Ooooor..Would the upcoming ME Andromeda be a much better choice than any of these?
Edit: shortened the steam games list to 2 games
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