invite me plz I made Dota 2. Prize 30$ on Steam store.
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1) I don't really like ratios. I often give away when I feel like and never really liked being told what to do as far as that is concerned.
2) I try to give away original and eye-catching things. Many times it's not possible and I simply give away things that are discounted at that time or keys I have around. I'm quite hectic regarding that.
3) As I've said it may vary. It would depend on my mood, my cash available, steam releases and what I winned there, if I leeched a lot I'd prolly give back more.
4) Yeah, sort of. Whenever I was on Steam.
5) 400. It depends on my mood. I have tons of games to play. D:
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I know I don't qualify, but I like giving my opinion.
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1) What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc? (feel free to digress a little and explain)
2) What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away? (bundle games, less than $5s, anything)
3) How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis? (eg. $1-5, $20, $15-35, etc)
4) Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom? (never, once a week, few/most days per week, daily)
5) How many games do you own (feel free to round) and do you tend to stick to one game or play many different games? (ex: 200 games, I mainly play one game (CS:S))
6) (Optional): Feel free to share more related to the subject.
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1 - My favourite style of private group (since I run two of them myself in this style) are groups that invite the users they consider worthy of their best giveaways. I have one group for people I know on GameFAQs, another for people I know here. I ask nothing of those people other than to continue being the awesome people I invited to the group.
2 - I'm not picky about prices of games, just that they look interesting enough that I might play them.
3 - It really depends on luck. Some months I'm broke, other times I can afford to waste a chunk of cash.
4 - Not really the most social user, though I regularly take part in the chat for one group I'm in.
5 - How many games? I don't know, over 1000 though (I have a lot of console games as well as my Steam library). And I tend to be indecisive with what I play, often switching titles before finishing them.
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1) What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc: Casual, seriously those "giv gaemz evry week or BANNNN!111!" groups annoy me greatly! Just give things away when you want, and only take in those members that you think can actually be honorable enough to give back if they win or just give things away for fun. If they aren't on for weeks or aren't ever in chat/make giveaways, talk to them first and if that fails then give 'em a kick! They can always earn their right back. ;)
2) What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away: Anything that comes my way! I win a lot of giveaways or contests from other sites, and often give stuff away that I don't really want on here! I haven't given anything away in months, but that's also because I haven't BEEN on here in months. Back when I was, I gave away stuff all the time that came my way. :P
3) How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis: I'm pretty poor and almost equally cheap, so most of the games I'd give away would be cheap ones. However, they'd be good games, or non-bundle ones at least! I can make up for price in quantity I guess is what I mean.
4) Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom: Great question! I go on forums a lot, but I used to be in a lot of Steam groups that chatted every day. Having a bunch was hectic so I eventually just got caught up in too many. Having just 1 or 2 to chat in with some cool people is nice though! ;)
5) How many games do you own: 600, but in reality it's 450 according to my library. I've gotten many for free though, and seemingly enjoy those the most. :P
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2)games that are affordable
3)depends on how much money i got for myself
6)groups where there's a decent contrib limit shouldn't suffer from inactiveness,and you'll always find lonely,bald guys who would have a chat with you or whomever's in chat
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oops.. i didnt read that big bold text xD im pretty satisfied with my groups :P
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1)Casual, i dont buy games frequently and if i do mostly there are for me
2) I think bundles or less than $5 because if i buy something up than that it would be for me xD
3) monthly? i dont think i would do monthly giveaways..
4) Not so much, i think between never and once a week, but i think if the people likes me i would do it more frecuently xD
5) 60 games, i usually play a game at time, i mean i play one game until i bored of it or i finish it an then i play other
6) sorry for my bad english D:
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Reading is for other people, I just want the free games.
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Not really groupless but open to joining more groups so I hope you don't mind me giving thoughts in the survey:
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1) Hmmm, maybe 1:1 or casual. I quite like scheduled giveaways or contests - a way of selecting who will give next, maybe something random.
2) anything that's interesting to me. It's nice if members check wishlists, although I imagine a lot depends on sales/prices.
3) $10-15ish I guess, depends how much is going out to other groups.
4) Not really. I use forums/messages more. I pop in group chatrooms occasionally, but I'm in a different timezone to a lot of members so it makes it a bit more difficult.
5) About 100, I play what I'm in the mood for. Have a bit of a backlog, as I like to put a good amount of time into each game before I move on to a new one.
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1) I prefer a monthly setup much like the Private Contributors Events group
2) Non-bundled I think ensures a lesser degree of leeching but thats not to say everyone has said bundled game and won't find value in them.
3) This is a tough one, probably $5-$10 real money, I like to scoop deals on titles as much as possible so the software value can be much greater than that per month potentially.
4) I strongly prefer forums / discussion pages to do the social thang - i'd be pretty active in forums not so much in chat
5) I own around 390 games not including dlc and such - I definitely like to play a wide variety of games these days
Hopefully these answers help =)
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Currently I'm not part of any private group since I'm quite new and the major part of groups recruiting on here have too strict rules according to me.
1- I don't like to be forced on something. I like to make giveaways but I really don't want to be under pressure if for a month I can't afford making giveaways.
Moreover I would like make giveaways just when I feel like and give away only games that I find interesting (and sometimes I can't find any good deal, I'm not really a deal hunter).
2- As I said anything that interests me, mostly non bundle since I kinda buy games only on steam.
3- I'd say 1-5, but it really depends. Also since I would mostly buy games on sale the actual value would be higher.
4- Not very often I suppose. I'm not the most social person on Earth and I don't always have too much free time. Anyway if I like the group I suppose I would like to come now and then to chat but I would prefer the forum better. However I wouldn't accept any activity or chat requirement.
5- 60, I usually try to play nomore than 2 games at the same time. But sometimes I leave one game to play another one that interests me more in that moment.
6- I know that if there wouldn't be those strict rules everyone would be happily leeching in private groups but I would like members to be judged for their general behaviour.
I also understand that this is quite difficult to do since in the first period that a users joins a group you can't really tell if it's leeching or just can't afford a giveaway at that moment....and when you realize who he really is he could have already leeched way too much.
Anyway I don't really think forcing people to make one giveaway a week (or after they win, force them to make another giveaway in 72 hours or they're kicked out) is the best way to create a good group of people.
In conclusion I mainly would like to join a group to find nice and trustful people that respect each other where to share giveaways, puzzles and laughs.
Since it seems a group like that it's impossible to create (due to all those shitty people all around us that can't just wait to prove how much shitty they are...) and I don't desperately need to win something for the sake of winning, I think I'll just stay groupless. I like my freedom. ;D
Hope those answers helped you in some way.
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1) I don't mind if it's casual or ratio, If the members are interesting to chat with I will join the chat. If the giveaways are good, then I will chip in too
2) well if it's going to be a ratio giveaway, I'm more inclined to give non-bundled games. But if it's casual, I'm more inclined to drop bundled keys in chat
3) (Only appliicable if it's ratio group) I got 2 ratio groups atm, I think for a monthly basis, I'd say 5-10$ minimum if it's sucky. 30$ min if it's good
4) I'm social if I'm not busy or not entertaining/babysitting my cousins
5) Total: 551 Platforms: Steam,origin,desura,drm-free,android
I tend to stick to 1 game, but it's because I don't have a lot of time to give for games, but after this sem. I'll be clearing some of my backlog
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Regarding 4), to be honest, the whole group/community requirement annoys me a bit sometimes. I'm a professional with a full time job and a personal life. Mostly I am unable and uninterested in participating in online communities where I don't know anyone personally (i.e. face to face). And even if I were, I hardly have the time.
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1) What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc? (feel free to digress a little and explain)
Casual. I don't like groups that make it's members feel as though they have to give things away. I've always thought that true generosity must be found rather than pushed. There should always be more to a group than just giveaways.
2) What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away? (bundle games, less than $5s, anything)
I tend to avoid bundle games because if someone really wanted one, they would simply buy it for themselves rather than enter a giveaway and potentially miss the opportunity to get the game cheaply. But ultimately, I like to giveaway all sorts of games across a vast price range, just not bundle titles.
3) How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis? (eg. $1-5, $20, $15-35, etc)
Hmmm, that's a hard question. It really depends on how long I've been in the group and how well I know the people I'm giving to. For strangers, probably $10-15 in actual money spent. For people I know, probably $15-35 in actual money spent.
4) Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom? (never, once a week, few/most days per week, daily)
I do consider myself social and I try to join chatrooms everyday. Sometimes I have a shitty day so don't make it into chat. But I do sometimes spend a lot of time chatting, it's a nice alternative to gaming.
5) How many games do you own (feel free to round) and do you tend to stick to one game or play many different games? (ex: 200 games, I mainly play one game (CS:S)) The actual amount that I own on Steam is around 600. I like to play all sorts of games although lately I've been sticking to just a few. It all depends on the mood I'm in and how good or bad my day has been.
6) (Optional): Feel free to share more related to the subject.
I don't like groups that anally analyse every aspect of your activity within the group. My idea of an ideal giveaway group is about sharing games and conversation with a bunch of great people. Don't get me wrong, I like organised and dedicated groups. But sometimes I feel uncomfortable knowing that every giveaway I make and every giveaway I enter, is being recorded and stacked up against others. Rules (not entry fees) for entering group and private giveaways get me everytime. I don't see a reason in making a rule for entering if you're giving something to a group of people you should already know and trust. I hope this doesn't give me too much backlash, but it's just how I personally feel about it.
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I do not join groups which require mandatory giveaways as I prefer to gift what/when it suits me. Loose group structure (i.e. gentlemen's club) is the most pleasing. Downside is that there are already plenty of these clubs so new ones are not that useful. Out of all the themed giveaway groups, Greedy Gifters had the most interesting idea.
Those I want to gift. I try to pick something that is desired within group. I do not create giveaways for (indie) bundle games.
None. As stated in first answer, I gift when it suits me. There will be no budget allocation reserved for any group.
No as I rarely visit chats. I do not have time for it.
Somewhere above 200. I will complete all of them.
Only thing I am sharing with you lot is pain.
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I really don't mind any of them as long as group has active community.
I usually try to give a game that I would like to play (and something from bundle from time to time)
I try to buy games from sales with value in between 20-40$ total.
I join my groups chats daily, but sometimes I find it really difficult to talk about anything xD
About 150 I guess. For the last 3 years I was playing moba games (HoN+LoL), Supreme Commander and Minecraft so my collection didn't grow at all xD But recently I'm back to new titles :3
I'm a Panda.
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i'll answer in the same structure.
1.) I prefer a ratio of atleast 2:1 if not 1:1
2.) Bundle games should just be addition giveaways and shouldnt count towards ratio except if they are gift copies
3.) i guess for me it's around 1-10$
4.) I'm more or less always active on chat when i'm online.
5.) i try to complete the main story line of a game before moving on to other. except those casual games like beat hazard...
I think groups should be more about getting to know each other (yes i am proud to be part of some) rather then giveaways all the time. Ofc being in steamgifts everyone is here to enter giveaways and one and that's not wrong but still if u are part of a particular group atleast drop by and say hi every now and then. It's good to know ppl and talk to them about various subjects, really.
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1) What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc? (feel free to digress a little and explain)
I prefer casual because it encourages giving whenever works for you, along with keeping a decent ratio. I do think though that when you join a group or get invited you should at least make a giveaway to start out as opposed to just sitting back and seeing if the group lasts very long. You should be proactive in a group to keep it going for others as well as yourself.
2) What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away? (bundle games, less than $5s, anything)
I think you should be able to giveaway a good mix. I give away the occasional bundle game but I also try and giveaway some larger games as well.
3) How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis? (eg. $1-5, $20, $15-35, etc)
It all depends on what I have at the time. I dont usually spend a large amount of money on games. I just try to trade for good games to give away. I would say around $20-$50
4) Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom? (never, once a week, few/most days per week, daily)
I try to sit in the chatroom every once in awhile to have some good conversation. (maybe 2-3 times a week)
5) How many games do you own (feel free to round) and do you tend to stick to one game or play many different games? (ex: 200 games, I mainly play one game (CS:S))
I think steam says I have like 200 games but my library says 114.. O_o I am working my way through the games I have in my library. Finishing each and then moving on.
6) (Optional): Feel free to share more related to the subject.
I also try to not make CV giveaways within groups because I dont want to alienate the 1 or 2 members of the group who are not there yet especially if there is already a CV requirement for an invite (as most groups have.) I'm not trying to complain about CV I think it is very necessary in the public (and even private giveaway sphere,) but in groups it should be more about the small community you are working on and giving towards. Obviously I'm new to all this so my opinions should be taken with a grain of salt.
Also I'm not dissatisfied with my groups I gift in, just wanted to toss in my thoughts.
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So no this is NOT a group recruitment thread however I am considering starting a new initiative.
So, inb4 "invite me plz"
I'm merely curious as to what people, who are groupless or unsatisfied with their current private group(s), are interested in.
If you're interested in straight up leeching without giving anything back, you can forego taking this survey. Thanks!
1) What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc? (feel free to digress a little and explain)
2) What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away? (bundle games, less than $5s, anything)
3) How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis? (eg. $1-5, $20, $15-35, etc)
4) Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom? (never, once a week, few/most days per week, daily)
5) How many games do you own (feel free to round) and do you tend to stick to one game or play many different games? (ex: 200 games, I mainly play one game (CS:S))
6) (Optional): Feel free to share more related to the subject.
Please answer truthfully. Thank you!
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