So no this is NOT a group recruitment thread however I am considering starting a new initiative.

So, inb4 "invite me plz"

I'm merely curious as to what people, who are groupless or unsatisfied with their current private group(s), are interested in.

If you're interested in straight up leeching without giving anything back, you can forego taking this survey. Thanks!

1) What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc? (feel free to digress a little and explain)

2) What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away? (bundle games, less than $5s, anything)

3) How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis? (eg. $1-5, $20, $15-35, etc)

4) Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom? (never, once a week, few/most days per week, daily)

5) How many games do you own (feel free to round) and do you tend to stick to one game or play many different games? (ex: 200 games, I mainly play one game (CS:S))

6) (Optional): Feel free to share more related to the subject.

Please answer truthfully. Thank you!

11 years ago*

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Looking for more comments :(

11 years ago

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You and that new private group. You still have The No you know.

11 years ago

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What new private group? ._. I haven't made this group yet...

11 years ago

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And I was just helping out with a bump. Interpret the words there however you like.

11 years ago

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D: wai u call mah butt phat?!?

11 years ago

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Troll much?

11 years ago

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1) What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc? (feel free to digress a little and explain) Casual >>> monthly >>>>>>>>> 1:1
For awhile I thought 1:1 was a great idea, but the problem with 1:1 is that people become very cautious in what they enter and doing this leads to a lot of giveaways getting 0 entries and people get scared to enter giveaways. Casual giveaways makes group live the longest from what I've seen really.

2) What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away? (bundle games, less than $5s, anything)
Depends on the group you want, but I say any.

3) How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis? (eg. $1-5, $20, $15-35, etc)
5-10/15$ a month. I don't know really, every month is different, but not a super lot because no job and no money. ;_;

4) Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom? (never, once a week, few/most days per week, daily)
Daily really, but some days I am not on much just because life.

5) How many games do you own (feel free to round) and do you tend to stick to one game or play many different games? (ex: 200 games, I mainly play one game (CS:S))
400ish. I used to be a Garry's Mod TTT addict, but I'm starting to lose interest in it finally been playing through games on my backlog a lot lately. :3**

6) (Optional): Feel free to share more related to the subject.
I can't think of anything atm except if you want a social group go with the casual giveaways, if you want a giveaway group go for monthly.
For the most part that's how it works.

11 years ago

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1) What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc?
Casual. It all depends on the people in it. I try to give away games that interest me, or I see on the wishlist of others. Since I have a great deal of games that I haven't even played, I find it hard to pay full price for a game. So I have to wait for some good deals to make giveaways. The ratios or monthly stuff would make me more inclined to give away crappy stuff, and I try not to...

Also I feel that you should give back if you've won (karma and all that jazz). So to me the 1:1 ratio comes naturally, and I think it should be common on all the members of the group, but should not be measured precisely...

2) What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away?
Good games: game I like or games others like. If it's in a bundle then fine, but usually it isn't. I've bought a bundle once for one game. Had to give the others away. I didn't get any enjoyment out of that, giving away crappy games...

3) How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis?
It all depends on the group. If you get some really good giveaways, you're more inclined to give more back. And the feedback on the giveaways, I take into account too. If everyone only enters giveaways they want to play, great. If they enter just because they can, not so great. But I don't think I'll go over $20 (actually payed) per month. And if that's deals, you're looking at 60-80 bucks "worth" of games...

4) Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom?
Not really that social. I like forums, but chatrooms, not so much... I don't have to talk to people to like them. But I understand that some people need the chatroom thing. If they make a nice giveaway with a good description, and they reply wittily on your comments, that's enough for me. I hate people entering a group giveaway without a comment though, since that is the communication I rely on to get to know my group members. :)

5) How many games do you own (feel free to round) and do you tend to stick to one game or play many different games?
Steam says 384, and who am I to argue with Steam? I'm trying to finish some games, so the backlog reduces. Shame I am a completionist though, so it's going a lot slower than I would like. =P

11 years ago

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1) What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc? (feel free to digress a little and explain)


2) What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away? (bundle games, less than $5s, anything)

Less then $10

3) How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis? (eg. $1-5, $20, $15-35, etc)

10-15, depends on group

4) Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom? (never, once a week, few/most days per week, daily)

Once in a blue moon

5) How many games do you own (feel free to round) and do you tend to stick to one game or play many different games? (ex: 200 games, I mainly play one game (CS:S))

I try to complete what i won but mainly dota 2

6) (Optional): Feel free to share more related to the subject.

Been quite awhile since i am in any giveaway group after enlisting but my vocation allows me to go home daily so i am looking for a group to commit myself again

11 years ago

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1) Casual, I realy think you should be in a group because of its people and not its giveaways.
2) Games I like and I want people to know. Games people want.
3) Up to $20, depending on my income.
4) I don't consider myself social but I join the chatroom almost every day.
5) 383, I play many different games when I have time.
6) (optional) I think someday someone should do a group based on the Thunderdome. 2 man in, 1 man out.
Hope I can help you D

invite me plz
11 years ago

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Be advised, Capeta attracts spawns of Satan.

11 years ago

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The ugly demons or the sexy demons?

11 years ago

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Doesn't matter, he simply enjoys horny things.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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  1. Monthly/casual.
  2. AA/AAA games or even some litte, older games or even indie games but NO bundle games whatsoever. Also no exploited games/keys and no DLC's.
  3. 10-15$. More if I'd really like the group and people in it (like with Private Contributor Events. I'd make 7-10 giveaways per one event there.).
  4. I am very social. In real life and in the Internet. I could join chat pretty much everyday if time would let me. There'd be days when I wouldn't do that because I'd be busy. Same goes for exams time so around 2 months per year I wouldn't be able to join chat at all.
  5. I have a lot of games. Over 1000 on Steam alone, over 100 on GOG, over 25 on Origin and I have like 300 retail games plus a lot of full version games from various PC magazines I've collected over the year so it's like additional 500-700 games from there. I have more or less 2000 games. I play a lot of them. I've beaten around 200 games in my lifetime (I have a list) and I'm not really into multiplayer games and I don't play one game for a very long time. But every time I play a game I try to make the most of it. So for example I was playing Gothic 3 for like two months cause I wanted to look under every rock and collect every flower. Kind of OCD but I like that. I know I got my money worth. I don't understand people who just race through the game to beat it as fast as possible. When I beat a game I just move on. I come back to it when I want to collect 100% achievements or when I really liked it and want to beat it again.
  6. A group like that would be awesome if you have something in mind. I would gladly contribute.
11 years ago

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1) I prefer the Win 1 give 1 (group wise ratio) within a month of winning.

2) Non indie bundle games.

3) $20+

4) Usually don't do chat rooms, but will chat if people pm me.

5) 332 I play all types but a lot of LoL

11 years ago

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1) What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc? (feel free to digress a little and explain)
I prefer social groups, it helps if I know the type of people I am giving my game to.

2) What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away? (bundle games, less than $5s, anything)
Game I know people will like.

3) How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis? (eg. $1-5, $20, $15-35, etc)
Depends on the group, if I like the group I contribute more.

4) Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom? (never, once a week, few/most days per week, daily)

5) How many games do you own (feel free to round) and do you tend to stick to one game or play many different games? (ex: 200 games, I mainly play one game (CS:S))
129 (including minecraft :D) I tend to skip from game to game, I get bored playing one consistently.

(edited because I missed a few questions out xD)

11 years ago

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Less than $5.
Meh depends on the group.
Not really. Never I play with controller exclusive chat is not happening.

11 years ago

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1) Anyone except monthly. It just like a "job" much more than a "giveaway"

2) Anything, just depend how much I have.

3) Depends on what group.

4) I will idle on the chatroom as long as Steam has launched. But it's kinda hard to chat with other because of the time zone and TOO MANY WORKS to do.

5) Quite many. And I will play any game, I enjoy playing them but not finish them. xD

6) Finish this servery because I can't sleep well. :P

And I nearly forget, May I have an invitation?

11 years ago

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1) I like casual groups although also could consider 1:1 ratio. I always like to meet ppl so when I share, I feel like giving to friends and not just strangers.
2) Games I know ppl could enjoy or games that I like and consider other should give it a try.
3) It depends of the group and also how much money I have available.
4) I like social groups. Every day I joined several chats and talk about anything.
5) Like 150 games and always try different games. I like to finish and try to achieve 100% of them.

11 years ago

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1) What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc? (feel free to digress a little and explain)
Casual. Compulsory co-op/chatting and various rules that make members feel like they should socialize or else they are out feel quite odd. Also, such rules deter me from actually participating in such stuff more than helping socialize. About compulsory giveaways, though I don't mind them since some groups want to maintain a constant stream of giveaways, I wouldn't say I prefer it. I like groups due to the people in them and not due to what those people gift.

2) What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away? (bundle games, less than $5s, anything)
I don't have any restrictions on that really, except that I don't create giveaways for bundle keys.

3) How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis? (eg. $1-5, $20, $15-35, etc)
Can't answer that. I make giveaways if I want to and I don't really check that.

4) Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom? (never, once a week, few/most days per week, daily)
It depends on the chatroom. I join a few daily.

5) How many games do you own (feel free to round) and do you tend to stick to one game or play many different games? (ex: 200 games, I mainly play one game (CS:S))
About 500something. Last week it was about 100 less though. I play various games, a lot of different genres. Depends on the mood, how much time I have and how tired I am when I come home from work.

6) (Optional): Feel free to share more related to the subject.
Jonex has summed this up really well.

11 years ago

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Thank you <3

11 years ago

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  1. Haven't been in a group where they make you do monthly giveaways, but I imagine something along the lines of "if you won a game, you give a game". Making 1 per month seems a little too crude.
  2. I genereally don't create "key" giveaways, just give away whatever you want.
  3. I tend to make giveaways spontaneously, never gave one in a group before. Probably because I wasn't really in a dedicated one.
  4. Always in the chatroom, at least for the groups I enjoy. If they don't talk too much then I usually just don't enter unless they invite me in.
  5. I think I own 150? Maybe 170. I've been playing DW7 for awhile, but moving onto different things.
  6. I like Lina's formatting.
11 years ago

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I'm not giving any extensive answers. I don't even fit the demographic you described. I will make a few brief notes, however.

  • 1:1 ratio structure is terrible. You wind up with no one wanting to enter anything and it stagnates.

  • More generally, compulsory gifting groups are a bad idea. You shouldn't have to force people to give. Because,

  • The strength of a group is in the quality of its members, and nothing else. If you have good people in your group, you don't need rules to get them to make giveaways or otherwise be decent. If you don't, then no rules will stop them from being nasty, greedy people as much as they can get away with.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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knowing glance

11 years ago

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subtle wink

11 years ago

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I agree and have undoubtedably heard these statements countless times; however, the question for me comes down to how many quality members are there in the desired demographic, how does one find quality in these members, and how does one successfully create a group for them while imposing as few rules as possible. Though the survey does not answer any of these three points directly, it attempts to gauge the mindset of these users and the potential for a successful group in this demographic.

11 years ago

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I think a great example is I Care A Lot group. I wasn't in it but I've been on chat a few times and I see they make a lot of quality giveaways and it doesn't seem forced. They don't even have rules about creating them if I remember correctly. So it's about people. Their attitudes. I kind of understand that, if I like certain community or group of people I have bigger "need" to create giveaways for them. And just contributing in various ways in general. It's the people.

11 years ago

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There is no one way that's the best and everything else is rubbish. Notice how many people here say compulsory gifting is bad idea, yet they are in groups where that rule is in place.

11 years ago

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I agree yet disagree. It all really depends on the people and how rules affect their behavior.

11 years ago

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While I agree that the strength of a group comes from its members, I disagree with 1:1 ratio structure being terrible. This group here is doing pretty well with its "get one give one" rule. Depending on a group's members, any kind of rule may be well executed.

11 years ago

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Yeah, except i barely manage to close my giveaways in that group with even one entry. I can't tell how many times people declined entering them just because "they dont have anything to give back atm". Every giveaway i make there is a gamble. So yeah, i would also agree that 1:1 ratio rule is terrible

11 years ago

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Sorry love, but I agree with Xarabas.

And it's hardly a community as well, no one is ever in the chat ever.

1:1 is a great idea on paper(it's why I use to love the idea.) But it just makes people not enter giveaways pretty often.

Maybe it'd be better with a larger group of people.(100-200?)

11 years ago

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Unfortunately Cross, I can't agree with you. I struggle to get any entries for my giveaways in that group, and the quality of giveaways isn't great either. You're essentially trading one game for another game.

11 years ago

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Yeah, it's more like trading than giving away. And if you give away something worse than you won you feel bad. That system is not good IMO.

11 years ago

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Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I haven't faced that issue, except once, and considering the last few of my wins were from that group, I'd say that it is better compared to other groups that I'm in.

Yours, Elbows and xarabas' comments are all about the same issue, which is the difficulty of getting users to join and contribute. I'd say that that issue has less to do with the rule and more to do with the quality of the group members, but then again, I'm not saying that it is better or not. I'm just saying that it works for me.

And of course, if it was taken that way, I mean no offense to anyone in that group.

11 years ago

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I wasn't gonna answer this at first, since I'm already leechin in one of your groups, but I'm interested in even more leechin, so here it goes.

1) What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc?
I'd say casual is the best. If I like a group, I'll do giveaways for that group eventually anyway. 1:1 ratio is also fine with me, as I try to (at least used to) maintain that regarding all my wins. I can't say that I'd like Monthly, or Weekly, or any other similar periodic rule that forces you to make giveaways, as there's not much that I can gain from the group in that case.

2) What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away?
Random, but mostly on sale games. I don't do group giveaways with bundle keys. I may just give them in chat or something if I see people being interested in a certain game.

3) How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis?
If I commit myself, there'll probably be 1:1 giveaways at least. Otherwise, it may heavily vary, and may or may not depend on what I get in return. This does not have to be something of monetary value.

4) Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom? (never, once a week, few/most days per week, daily)
Right now, very rarely, and it's possible that it'll stay that way. I will join depending on occasions / events though.

5) How many games do you own (feel free to round) and do you tend to stick to one game or play many different games?
I have just passed 1000 games (not 1000 items, mind you). I will play each and every game on my library eventually. I don't like to stick to only one game, and will play anything multiplayer as long as there're people willing to play it.

6) (Optional): Feel free to share more related to the subject.
So, when can I start leeching?

11 years ago

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Lol silly Cross :P
notices 3 staff responses together
.__. I feel like I'm being spied on...

11 years ago

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Groupless and unsatisfied with my current private groups. This survey is soooo me.

  1. Casual. I've been in both 1:1 ratio groups and monthly giveaway groups. I found that with the former, the group would go quiet after a while as people would get zero entries for excellent games, simply because other members didn't want to risk being in the red unless they'd get BioShock Infinite out of it or something. With the latter, the group mainly revolved around creating giveaways on time and according to guidelines, and that took the fun out of it. I've only ever found a true sense of community in casual groups.
  2. Anything really, though I tend to stick with non-bundle games in groups.
  3. Depends on how involved I am with each group and the amount other members give away. Usually more than $15 though.
  4. Most days a week.
  5. Just over 1000. My problem is I keep trying new games when they come out and not continuing even if I love them. Short attention span.
11 years ago

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Have a couple of groups but heres my choices for a group if I want a new one:
1) 1 giveaway made per win from group, group giveaway upon joining
2) probably non bundle games that are ~$10
3) prob $10 since I'll buy stuff on sale
4) daily, currently my sg groups don't participate in chat much
5) Apparently I own 72 games on steam, though a few are the f2p ones

11 years ago

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1) What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc? (feel free to digress a little and explain)

Casual. 1:1 ratio seems to have problems with getting entries for games that aren't super popular. Monthly can be good if the group has good members, otherwise they seem to just crash and burn eventually. I've noticed that casual groups that track ratios start to have problems getting entries much like a 1:1 even though maintaining a 1:1 ratio is not a requirement.

2) What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away? (bundle games, less than $5s, anything)

I like to do giveaways that come from someone's wishlist. I typically pick something from someone that I have won from recently or use the group wishlist checker and pick from that. I don't really concern myself with cost or cv although I usually try to pick something that is < $20. I'm not made of money after all.

3) How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis? (eg. $1-5, $20, $15-35, etc)

Depends on finances and how lucky I have been. How involved I am within the group also has an impact on giveaways.

4) Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom? (never, once a week, few/most days per week, daily)

I try to be as social as I can be. If I'm not busy I'll join in on conversations within a chat room and socialize. Lately, however, I have been pretty busy with work stuff on the computer and thus haven't been able to be as chatty as I would want. I still keep the chats open and I try to join in when I lose focus or need a break.

5) How many games do you own (feel free to round) and do you tend to stick to one game or play many different games? (ex: 200 games, I mainly play one game (CS:S))

Just under 200. I tend to play multiple games at the same time. Usually one or two require a large chunk of time and a couple that I can play real quick for a few minutes. Right now there is a lot of Bioshock in my future.

6) (Optional): Feel free to share more related to the subject.

I've been pretty fortunate with the groups that I'm apart of and haven't joined any that are complete disasters yet.

11 years ago

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1) What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc? (feel free to digress a little and explain)
I prefer 1:1
2) What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away? (bundle games, less than $5s, anything)
I give away every game on which Im not interested and Im sure I will never be
3) How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis? (eg. $1-5, $20, $15-35, etc)
Depends, mostly $1-5
4) Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom? (never, once a week, few/most days per week, daily)
Never, I dont see the point on those group chats
5) How many games do you own (feel free to round) and do you tend to stick to one game or play many different games?
About 120-140 I think

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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1.) 1:1

2.) anything as long as it isn't dota 2 (keys could count, but it might work differently)

3.) $1-10

4.) once a week

5.) 60-ish; love me my CS1.6

11 years ago

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  • What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc? (feel free to digress a little and explain)
    I prefer casual groups. I'll give away something when I can and when I feel like doing it. I don't like groups where you are forced to give away something on a regular basis. Most of those forced giveaway groups die pretty quickly IMO. Plus, there's usually absolutely nothing going on in those groups. No chat activity, no MP sessions. None whatsoever.

  • What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away? (bundle games, less than $5s, anything)
    If I could afford it, I'd pick the most wishlisted game in the group.

  • How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis? (eg. $1-5, $20, $15-35, etc)
    Depends on my financial situation. If I'm in a bit of a slump, I probably won't be giving away a lot. Right now, I'm currently saving most of the money I earn to build a new gaming rig for myself. So, I have to cut down the amount of money I spend on giveaways and focus more on saving them instead to buy the hardware I need.

  • Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom? (never, once a week, few/most days per week, daily)
    I think I'm... sort of social. I try to join group chats every day, although I don't necessary talk in all of 'em. Sometimes I just sit in a group chat without saying anything, but actually chat with people in another one. However, sometimes I don't even say anything when I'm too busy clearing my backlog or just too distracted by the game.

  • How many games do you own (feel free to round) and do you tend to stick to one game or play many different games? (ex: 200 games, I mainly play one game (CS:S))
    I own about ~530 games. I'm trying my best to clear my backlog, so I try to stick to one game and one game only. Though, I might take a break and play something else for a change.

  • (Optional): Feel free to share more related to the subject.
    When can I get my candy, mister?

11 years ago

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When can I get my candy, mister?

When you get in his van.

11 years ago

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Hi Sol...

1) I've been in everything. I dislike 1:1 ratio groups. I always feel like if im gonna win a game to give a game, i could just buy the game i wanted to win in the 1st place. I dont quite understand the logic of 1:1 ratio, besides not leeching. And it might work for some groups, but it makes people be EXTREMELY picky about what they enter, and sometimes some games are great and you will never find out cause you didnt enter cause you didnt have money to give or you just didnt feel it was worth it. And after some time in the SG community, you know who is a leecher or not, so i just dont care anymore because im positive that whoever wins my game (in groups at least) is not a leecher even though he might have a 2:1 ratio.
Im ok with Time Based groups (the only im in its the No which is bi-monthly) and i have been in others too. What i like of this structure is that the leeching is luck based :P but it has its flaws.
Nowadays im more active in groups that dont have strict rules. I have 1 year in SG and as my library increases i want less and less games, so groups in which i can set my own rules of leeching are the ones i like the most (if you know what i mean)

2) I have given away bundle games before they were bundled, bundle games after they were bundles, $10 bucks games, $20 bucks games, $40 bucks games and one skyrim. I just give what i have to give and if i find a good sale for it. And i try to give away games that i consider to be good too.

3) i think that im in the $15 bucks per month FOR every group im in. Some months is more, some months is less, if there is something special i might spend more. But normally i would spend $15 per month in games to giveaway (for the 2 or 3 groups im in) so its like 3-4-5 games

4) i join every chatrooms that requires to join or that i enjoy joining. Almost daily. And i chat a lot too.

5) According to my library: 279. According to my profile: 429. So... i have no idea. I dont stick to games too much, I play MOSTLY (almost exclusively) single player games, since im from Argentina and that makes my ping extremely high to try 95% of the games out there. I try to finish most the games i play though

6) i want an invite.

11 years ago

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since im from Argentina and that makes my ping extremely high to try 95% of the games out there


11 years ago

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1) What kind of group structure do you prefer, monthly, 1:1 ratio, casual, etc? (feel free to digress a little and explain)

I prefer a somewhat casual. When I started the group I was kind of thinking giveaways but quickly decided I'd rather build a community of friends. We do do giveaways quite a bit and it's not really mandatory to make them except when you join the group you have to do one. If you want to start entering a lot and winning though you must give back because it's the respectful thing to do. I really stress on activity in our group because that's really where the fun is at. Coming into chat is a great thing cause you meet new friends from all over the world. Plus it's so much easier to join each other in a fun game or get a few together.

2) What kind of giveaways are you interested in giving away? (bundle games, less than $5s, anything)

Anything and everything. I don't care if it's bundle or AAA cause someone always wants it and it's fun to give them away. As you can see by my profile I give a big variety of stuff away. Yes majority of my giveaways are in groups but those are the people have really earned them in my opinion. These are people I have become friends with and enjoy talking with, playing with, and doing giveaways for.

3) How much do you see yourself committing to a private group on a monthly basis? (eg. $1-5, $20, $15-35, etc)

Ummm a lot I guess. I've averaged about $572 in the 7 months I've been on SG which have all mostly been for the few groups I'm in so I think that says I'm pretty committed.

4) Do you consider yourself social and how often would you join a chatroom? (never, once a week, few/most days per week, daily)

Yes I am very social. Hell in person I can become a talking machine. I just love shooting the shit with people. I'm in chat almost every single day.

5) How many games do you own (feel free to round) and do you tend to stick to one game or play many different games? (ex: 200 games, I mainly play one game (CS:S))

I have about 2,000 games for PC now which is pretty insane and somewhat to much but I just love buying them on sale. I usually try to focus on one game mainly to completion with smaller games to not burn me out of the one game.

6) (Optional): Feel free to share more related to the subject.

I have really loved joining SG cause I have met and made many friends. If you really want to enjoy this site for what it is and has then start showing it by being active and giving back if you haven't yet. Don't be a leech or and asshole and show respect to other members.

11 years ago

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1) pretty casual, if I think someone should be invited he gets an invite no matter how his ratio,CV or whatever is. No one has to be in chat,no one has to make giveaways. With all the private groups out there people are really busy enough with the other groups, I don't want to force more on them. The structure itself is pretty much despotism. I call all the shots,who gets in,who gets out,what rules are there. So far I didn't have to kick out someone though. I have 2 admins who have limited rights (edit forums,make announcements) and mods to keep the chat clean,although it's not really necessary most of the time. It's more like a batch of trust to handle everything right and "initial 3 people".

2) No bundle games,no freebies. If someone wants to give a freebie he better tells where to get them,if someone wants to give a bundle games then he should either drop the key or do it for public/another group. Most people in the group buy the bundles anyway and I think if you really want a bundle then just buy it. If you cant buy it: enough keydrops and giveaways on various sites. I like indie game giveaways,although I dont enter many. However if someone gives away a new title,a indie game or an old cheap game doesnt matter since no one has to give. I myself give away what I can afford,usually deals or lower price segment. Often the games I am giving away are games I like,games I want or games that are wanted by the group.

3) Phew..hard to say. Definately too much.

4) I'm most of the time in my own chat and sometimes in other chats. I don't like those "be active in chat" groups,usually there are 30 people and all are silent.

5) not sure...Steam says 810,not sure how steam calculates that. I usually have 3-5 games that I play.

6) Since everyone loves Jonex,when do we get the nude pics?

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Solnaga.