"Windows 10's support lifecycle will end on October 14, 2025. Users have just one year left of free support and security updates for Windows 10.
Microsoft recommends that all Windows 10 users upgrade to Windows 11, or they will have to pay for security updates on Windows 10 beyond its end-of-support date.

The death of Windows 10 is now fast approaching. We have just one year left of free support and security updates before Microsoft pulls the plug, meaning everyone still running Windows 10 should now be thinking about an exit strategy ahead of October 14, 2025. Whether you're a business managing hundreds of Windows PCs or a home user with just one computer, it's time to consider your options for what's next.

But why is Microsoft ending support for Windows 10, and is there anything you can do to stay on it beyond its end-of-support date? This article will explain everything you need to know about the end of the support life cycle for Windows 10 and the many options you have as an end user to remain secure and supported beyond October 14, 2025.

Windows 10 is now a legacy operating system in Microsoft's eyes. It was originally released in July 2015, making it over a decade old when support will finally end. While it's true that Microsoft kept Windows 10's core platform up to date for many years post-2015, it actually stopped with Windows 10's May 2020 Update, which was the last to deliver core platform updates before Windows 11.

That means even if you're running the latest version of Windows 10, you're running a core Windows platform release that's coming up to half a decade old. Microsoft has released three new versions of the Windows platform since then, all based on Windows 11. That means there are security and performance improvements under the hood that Windows 10 users are not benefitting from today.

If you simply don't like Windows 11 and want to stay on Windows 10 for as long as possible, there is a third option for you: Pay for support. Microsoft has announced that it will allow both commercial and consumer users to pay for continued support on Windows 10 for the first time ever.

For consumers, Microsoft will charge $30 for a single year of additional security updates. These updates will keep your Windows 10 PC secure until October 14, 2026. Consumers can only pay for extended support for one extra year. After October 2026, you will no longer be supported."


"Microsoft reiterates that it will not lower Windows 11 requirements — A TPM 2.0 compatible CPU remains "non-negotiable" for all future Windows versions."


1 month ago*

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One year left to learn how to use Linux, got it

1 month ago

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From my recent experience Mint Cinnamon is quite easy to learn and use. It was really frustrating though during installation and the first week or so until I grasped the basics.

Still running it side-by-side with Win 10 on the old laptop, but no any serious compatibility problems with Steam games so far. Unfortunately, newer versions of MS Office don't run on them and no other office program is fully (macros) compatible with the Office, so I did install Win 11 alongside the Linux... and now I know, that I will newer use it, unless it's absolutely necessary.

Win 7 was really nice (actually the best, IMO, though I did not have big issues with Win 2000 and XP), Win 10 was bad and Win 11 is simply terrible.

1 month ago

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i changed Windows only when Steam stop support previous version 🙂

1 month ago

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I'm worried that the Windows series will be subscription based in the future .....
Thirty dollars is the same as a year's subscription to Windows 10.

1 month ago

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That kind of extra support isn't really new. It's only the first time that Microsoft also offers it to private users.
I guess the idea behind it is to give users more time for an upgrade, in case that their current hardware is insufficient. See TPM2 further below.

1 month ago

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The upgrade to 11 is free and doesn't require a cutting edge machine to run. I see it as a non issue for most people. For other people I am sure they will just pirate anyway.

1 month ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

1 month ago

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TPM 2.0- and an even more intrusive/spyware edition of windows.
My machine didnt pass for win11 (so windows itself told me) and im not buying a tpm chip anytime soon... and idk if it got better but for some years i followed win11 and their spyware bloat was worse then win 10

1 month ago

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The TPM2.0 requirement can easily be circumvented. Either with a console command, or preferably with Rufus which makes the process extremely easy (and also allows for other things like disabling telemetry and skipping the almost-mandatory MS account).

1 month ago

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Thanks for the useful tip and HAPPY CAKE DAY! 🎂

1 month ago

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Happy cakeday!

1 month ago

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From what I've read, this way you will need not get any feature updates. So you will need to manually install (and bypass again) the feature updates every year.

1 month ago

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Oh, interesting. I didn't know about that.

1 month ago

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Happy cakeday

1 month ago

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For some of us that might be considered a plus.
I don't want Microsoft adding anything to my system that isn't a security patch, ever.

1 month ago

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Why do I care? Do you honestly think a very small percentage of users refusing to update will change what Microsoft does in any way? It hasn't so far and there have been people like you since windows 95 came out. Know what the definition of insanity is? As for spyware, do you use a cell phone made in the past 10 years? Well I got some news for you. Use the internet at all? Have a bank card or credit card? Go to any place with stoplights or major roadways? Uncle is watching you all day every day, get used to it. A few vegans who don't shower and smoke marijuana peacefully protesting and signing petitions that nobody actually reads aren't going to change anything, they been around for decades.
Start a new nation under the ocean. Start your own tech company and make all your own electronics. Start a programming company and make all your own apps and software. Never connect to the world wide web. Use materials so nobody can see or hear anything inside your little underwater kingdom. Never leave your little underwater kingdom and never let anyone in. Then you will not have to worry about anyone watching what you do. I'll just follow the ignorant masses who don't care about being watched because nobody is doing anything about it and I am certainly not in any position to do anything.
Maybe some day people will wake up to everything that is going on but I doubt it. There are people who still think smoking doesn't cause cancer. People who don't think drinks with 30+ grams of sugar in their favorite beverage causes diabetes. People who think the world is flat. We live in a world where information is so easily attainable and yet most people are still backwards.
However if not updating your OS gives you some sort of peace of mind then pursue that. Just like if being ignorant and backwards keeps the typical person happy then who am I to rain on their parade? After all I'm just another brick in the wall. Fight the good fight comrade!

1 month ago

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how dare you speak sense and reason

1 month ago

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I try to keep it all bottled up, honestly I do. Sometimes I just have to vent. :o

1 month ago

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"Why do i care"
Were making conversation here.
At least i tought so - "I see it as non issue for most people"- so i mentioned my issues with it. Heck you posted so i tought you cared, makes sense? Thats what conversations and foruns are like, sounds very weird(and bad) reacting like 'who asked, why are you talking?' you know?

Wasnt expecting a wall of text- nor the feeling, quite offensive- 'insane, backwards'.
Jesus man, chill out.

What i think its insane is how rilled up people get online, over all sorts of nonsense like in politics- doing so over what someone elses adoption or not of a product... what? And youre talking insanity?

Im getting old. I was an enthusiast even with microsoft. I installed betas, upgraded first thing. It was only in windows ME and 8 when i downgraded- for windows 2000 server and with 8 back to 7- but even then i downgraded after i had jumped ship.
Same thing happened with windows 10. It released, i jumped right in.
I had a ton of issues, and when it released before patches and community removing bloatware it was kinda of a mess. So i went back to win 7 for awhile... to wait. Wait i did, and when i finally jumped into win10 it was almost like another OS. Much much better.

Im doing the same with win11. Waiting at least. Ffs months after it released a bug deleted peoples file from their hard drives and for a good while amd setups(like MINE) were sucking in games. When i think the worst has passed they were talking about AI taking screenshots every few seconds, by default via a new update.

And guess what? They went back. Why? Because of backlash- turns out people complaining or avoiding their product forces some sense up the chain. Remember when they were putting ads in the start menu? And they were trying again with win11...
The only reason its better to wait and it ends up being better is because microsoft for decades now do the same thing over and over- they try to push things, testing waters and limits- see how it perform and only then they stepback
And it will happen again
win11 losing market share after it went slight up

"Start a new nation under the ocean."
This is such a straw (and nonsensical). I know theres fringe pirvacy in tech folk out there, probably using linux, browsing via Tor and vpns and whatnow- but that small minority aside i think every adult is well well aware of how disempowered we are. Everything really, politics to economy to privacy, no wonder stress and depression only keep rising worldwide- we all aware of the little power we have. Yet theres a big difference in being aware- while exercising what little choice we have- and the defeating attitude of willing submission. Theres backlash from lobbyst whenever some law forces then to add 'opt-out' settings regarding privacy and they see a lot of numbers go down- a majority to clueless to opt-out become like open books, but even when its a minority opting out it hurst their numbers, and when better alternatives popup people do migrate.

Its ironic ignoring the impact of those things when were talking Microsoft- of all companies its like their tradition pushing to far then pulling back. Theyve done so with windows and its options, office 365, their cloud service, heck even their xbox/gamepass segment.

If everyone did like you say they never would- and we would have more exploitative and more intrusive products now. And heck not even like they tried- if everyone accepted and it was a sound sucess you think they would stop? Like every company the strategy is to always push, until they find 'the line'. They do so with privacy but also pricing- like gaming recently, people in the industry were talking 80 dollars being a new norm before 70 before 'sometimes 70'.

You want a realist world view? If you always bend you will just end up getting more #$%& (because we all collective already are, in many senses). Theres an old saying here in Brazil - "If you give your ring next they want your finger next your hand"... it applies to the government, companies the mafia... It once was common sense in a country very very intimate with exploitation, wich is the norm in power dynamics.
I think richer countries missed that for awhile, having the privilege of being excused of too much exploitation because for centuries it was much easier to exploit labor and markets elsewhere - but that reached a limit, so now the only way to keep squeezing that quarterly growth is exploiting everyone... Work precarization, 'shitification' and all that all come from the same place

But somehow eating up whatever is pushed even when big tech keeps making services worse over time is what, the 'smart' and 'sane' thing?

Look man, i dont want to argue and fight over trivial things. Ive already been avoiding that over more relevant subjects, fighting over someones use or not of a product you have nothing to gain from is... Not really rational, emotional? Doesnt matter, nothing to be gained to anyone involved... Only reason im answering is because i like the community here and i like trying to be helpful. You may disagree but there are arguments to the other side, when you simplify things and go for calling people backwards it looks bad for you, in multiple ways- heck just for a start that argument is equating technilogical progress with customer abuse and those arent the same thing. The internet, mobile phones, you name it they arent more advanced because companies are spying on us more... Only AI can make some argument towards that (more data being fed) wich isnt even the subject here.

And heck im still a tech enthusiast. Im still an early adopter. Reason why me and many others are well aware of the many issues going on wich can actually be fought against, but that only happens via regulation, policies. And when theres better alternatives we use then even if theyre more obscure. If anything i care more about the subject (to still be waiting before jumping to win 11) because im on top of everything thats coming up, fgs i read notes on patches before they release- heck im technically still a windows insider, its tied to my account, my win 10 is technically the beta branch... and i wish to go back to that, depending on how things shape up in the future

But idk, maybe steamOS will finally make me jump to linux... only future will tell. I will probably jump into win11 at the last minute, give it a try, and if i cant unbloat it enought maybe i will ditch windows for good. I debloated win 10 most i could still every now and then some update revert back changes i made... So i will still test win11 on those regards.
Oh and btw debloating makes a difference in performance, including in games - another argument against just accepting whatever they want to shove down our throats

Anyway, i can disagree with people without assuming the worst of them. Its nothing special, everyone can do that. I could just assume youre just a normie, non tech savvy, or any number of things i wont mention. You dont have to assume people who didnt make the jump to win 11 as backwards in all things or whatever you were implying... And imo this 'being realist' self-defeating argument is just that, self-defeating. I was like that in the past. 'It is what is, world is effed up' etc. I have no delusions of big changes, or like gen-z thinking hashtags and posting enougth will somehow fix everything in a generation. I can see how litte privacy we have, how little options- dont mean i have to agree or be happy with it. Thats just it. Nowhere did i said i was 'fighting the system' or whatever in some anti-wifi cave or anything.

The product is worse in many regards,for me my preferences, so i didnt made the jump yet.
I had no idea that would be such a triggering issue for someone else.
Maybe youre being over sensitive and giving too much weight to things that dont matter that much. Were talking products here, i havent bought in the next model yet. Nothing 'absurd' or backwards to that- heck like you said, otherwise id be using win7 or something like that.

Try to be more chill. Not everything needs to be a heated debate. Theres no competition here, no team wining or losing.

1 month ago*

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I didn't bother reading that but I did scan it. If you want a straw argument or whatever try putting your money where your mouth is. Go actually do something about it. Yelling at the monitor or typing out things on the internet leads to nothing. I don't like people in my business but there is almost nothing I can do about it, certainly not going to cry about it. I use a VPN, Malwarebytes, go around unticking little boxes about data sharing. Useful things, not straw rambling about evil microsoft invading mah privacy.
Do something useful. Boycott things. Make a group of other people who boycott things. Recruit a lot of people who like to boycott things and make a political entity. Make change, not paper thin arguments on an obscure web board that almost nobody will read.
One thing that really puzzles me is that so many people are so worried about what other people have going on(being nosy and invading privacy). Yet these same people are so up in arms about their own privacy. It seems like if everyone just minded their own damned business the problem would largely correct itself.
Be pro-active. Fight the good fight comrade!

1 month ago

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But my mouth is where its always been, wich isnt 'advocating' anything. I just said why i didnt switched to a product, you got very inspired with a wall of text with no breaks, i tried to breakdown... but i havent been advocating for anything.
Not everything needs to be a debate, every opnion some flag to rally or fight over.

'Hey you got the new iphone? I dont get why some people dislike it'
(mentions why briefly)
'But thats why we dont go foward! Backwards mentality, inane hope before the era of the Big Brother! Go found a underwater nation if you disagree!!'
I tried to breakdown and given the wall of text of your reply i wasnt brief.
But tl;dr- i just didnt like the new product, havent switched yet. Hence the iphone example above, same thing.

Im no advocate, this wasnt some post on Twitter calling arms against evil Microsoft. I just said why and called it spyware- because it is, so is win 10(wich im using)... and... thats it?

My theory is youre triggered by people talking of spyware and somehow tought i was advocating or anything. Im not 'boycotting' nor trying to enlist people to boycott or whatever. I just said why i didnt switched yet.

1 month ago

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...did you somehow get offended by them saying they don't like the bloat, or something?
Because that's a whole lot of weird character assassination stuff out of absolutely nowhere.

1 month ago

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That's funny coming from you. But to put your mind at ease I'm not offended by anything they posted and I hope they feel the same way. As I said they should do what they think is the right course of action. I was mostly just talking out my ass because as I said I hate all the privacy invasion but I'm rather helpless to do much about it.

1 month ago*

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Yeah, it was quite evident you were talking out of your ass. Like your first line in this reply to me as another example of that.
I'm just confused as to why you'd make such asspulls to such a length specifically at them. :P

I get the frustration. It sucks ass that the true ownership over our machines and data is being eroded in a whole "crabs being slowly boiled" manner. It was more why you decided Vincer got to be the target of your frustration when if anything their criticism of bloat from unnecessary tracking / metrics seem to be in agreement with your distaste, y'know?

1 month ago*

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I'm not mad at vincer, I never said anything negative to them. I just vented on some things. It was vented, I moved on. I honestly don't care what the outcome was. It's a social interaction. Mass profit. Much great success. Maybe I just like to spend time writing a few thoughts here and there without any desired outcome? Ever think of that? I don't lose my cool any more, I'm just not that invested. I do think people should take more action in doing what they feel is right though. I mean if everyone actually stood up for what they believe is right and actually make use of all the available material out there to enlighten themselves, the world would be a very different place. So with that said I am again moving on. Things were said, words were exchanged. Glorious Nirvana attained.

1 month ago

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Some of us are still shambling on with Windows 7.

1 month ago

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Did they ever relax the W11 requirement that required your BIOS allow you to enable some setting? My old PC was ineligible at release as it didn't have that setting, and while I no longer use it myself, my younger brother now has it for his gaming as his laptop is several years old and doesn't run all that well anymore. If the end of support date is getting close, best I sort out something for him before it hits.

1 month ago

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Microsoft reiterates that it will not lower Windows 11 requirements — A TPM 2.0 compatible CPU remains "non-negotiable" for all future Windows versions.


1 month ago

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Damn, that is a pity. Not paying for updates. Hopefully the Windows store continues to work, he plays a lot of Minecraft, so can't just move it over to Linux even if I thought he could learn it.

1 month ago

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The TPM2.0 requirement can easily be circumvented. Either with a console command, or preferably with Rufus which makes the process extremely easy (and also allows for other things like disabling telemetry and skipping the almost-mandatory MS account).

1 month ago

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he plays a lot of Minecraft, so can't just move it over to Linux even if I thought he could learn it.

I don't play Minecraft so I can't really vouch for the methods to do it, but it looks like there are ways to play Minecraft on Linux natively: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Minecraft https://polymc.org/download/linux/ If all else fails, Proton should still be an option.

1 month ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

1 month ago

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I don't see what the big deal is. Support for XP ended in 2009 and I was still using it 8 years later in 2017. Just because support ends doesn't mean you have to immediately move to something else.

1 month ago

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This. If you don't visit suspicious websites and download random files, you should be fine. Programs like browsers and antivirus will still get updated as well, as long as they can run on the OS.

1 month ago

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You don't need to visit websites to get your OS infected. There are plenty of videos on Youtube showing Windows XP gets infected within minutes of connecting to the internet.

View attached image.
1 month ago

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To be fair, even according to one of the video creators, this won't happen when using a router due to NAT which is typically enabled by default.

Nonetheless I recommend using an OS which still receives security updates, and has apps which are still updated for this OS.

1 month ago

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Welp, I guess we'll have to hope that Windows 12 doesn't suck as badly as 11 and comes out by then... or I'll have to learn Linux.

1 month ago

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nope, microsoft is done releasing a new window OS every year. it failed on CEO's eyes. turns out consumers hate installing a new OS every year, WHO KNEW

1 month ago

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You don't need to install "new OS" since Win10. Technically installing Windows 11 is not much different from a Win10 release update.

1 month ago

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I read that Windows 12 will be probably released in October.

1 month ago*

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I just installed Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 which has extended support until 2029 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/products/windows-10-enterprise-ltsc-2021

1 month ago

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Where'd you get a key for that?

1 month ago

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I just open Power Shell as administrator, paste this

irm https://get.activated.win | iex
press enter

and thats it, windows activated

do at your own risk, it will run a script written by unknown people.

1 month ago

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using the same script you can switch to iot ltsc, which has support until 2032

1 month ago

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thanks! I am hoping SteamOS is really good and stable for desktop in a few years

1 month ago

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2032? But we should have the LCARS OS by then. It's so unnecessary.

1 month ago

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Ooof thanks, I was hoping for a legit OEM key reseller or something but this is something.

1 month ago

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I think only an actual corporation can get a legit key for this windows version

LTSC version is a corporate product so one need to sign a corporate contract with at least 5 licenses. Please note, one need to have Windows 10 Professional license to install LTSC license so it is expensive enough.
Please contact Microsoft partner near you for purchase.

And please note, Microsoft warns at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/howtotell/Shop....
Beware of Product Keys Sold Separately
With the exception of Product Key Cards (PKC’s) distributed with COA’s, Microsoft does not distribute products keys as standalone products. If you see a listing on an auction site, online classified ad, or other online page advertising product keys for sale, it’s a good indication that the keys are likely stolen or counterfeit.

1 month ago

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It's MAS

1 month ago

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Illegal ways, microsoft has never been difficult with that.

1 month ago

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Windows 11 is goddamn trash. microsoft should've stopped at 7 and go hiatus like windows XP but no that stupid CEO wanted call of duty money by yearly releases, ridiculous

1 month ago

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i agree, 11 is trash, but 10 is nice, also lots of new drivers don't support windows 10 or older so you are forced to do some tricks or upgrade to windows 11 for those who don't care or don't know how

1 month ago

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Microsoft moved to the subscription model awhile ago. 11 has it, and now they want 10 users to pay for updates. Ironically, Winblows 10 was supposed to be their last OS -- until biometrics, cryptocurrency and A.I. became popular. Now we're seeing more and more websites integrating digital wallets and crypto as Web 3.0/4.0 becomes more widely used and accepted. I don't know why but after doing some research into Web 5, the Cyberpunk 2077 dystopia suddenly came to mind... lol

1 month ago

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better than programmed obsolescence.

1 month ago

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That kinda is programmed obsolescence tho. There's nothing wrong with win 10, in general people want o stay on it and avoid win 11, since it's considered a worse os. This is kinda like ransom. "You want win 10 to stay, then pay us extra on top of what you already paid, otherwise deal with the shitty win 11 we made. If you don't pay we'll take it down and you'll be forced to use the worse OS! Bhahahaha (corpo evil laugh here)".

It's not like MS doesn't acknowledge that win 10 is better, they know, they still want to kill it tho unless you pay extra. Yet, they got no plans for win 12, but plan to stop releasing multiple OS versions. So why not just kill win 11, and keep win 10 instead? Win 11 was a mistake.

1 month ago

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I'm still procrastinating updating my desktop PC from W7 to W10, and I also have little to no interest to ever make the jump to W11. I'll just move to W10 before Dropbox stops working on my PC, they gave me an ultimatum, and when 3rd party software starts dropping support for W10, which I assume is gonna take a few more years, I'll just go back to Linux as I should have done long ago.

1 month ago

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It's Linux time!

1 month ago

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October? So much time for activities.

1 month ago

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When i bought my pc a few years ago i was also very anti windows 10, but a coffee lake cpu forced me into using windows 10.
With Classic Shell just looks very much like windows 7, and i am still dreading the upgrade to 11 (it even bothered me a few times through windows update) i hope with classic shell it can still look more like windows 7.

But anyway it was the same story i believe i could have used windows 10 i just couldn't receive updates unless i bought atleast a coffee lake or higher.

And running something while not being supported and running great are two different things, i dunno, And it hasn't happen recently that i know off but when microsoft does have a big security breach i wouldn't want to keep a pc running without being able to have a fix for it nor if you aren't sure you meet the requirements to upgrade directly from 10 to 11 without a backup.

1 month ago

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Could SteamOS be an alternative, if Valve wanted to develop it more in that direction? I have not tried it and would like to hear from people who use its "Desktop mode". Is it already something that you can use to do anything you would do with your Windows PC?

1 month ago

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I don't think nvidia is very good supported on it and not adviced to use it as an alternative.

1 month ago

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Currently work flawless but only on supported hardware AMD CPU and GPU.
With expectation to online games with Anti Cheat.

1 month ago

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SteamOS has very limited hardware support. For the SteamOS experience on generic hardware, look into Bazzite.

1 month ago

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but if i do nothing (i cant unless i buy a whole new pc) can i still use it tho?

1 month ago

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Sure you can, my mom still uses win 7 on her old laptop

1 month ago

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Yes, but some functions or software you use might drop support, and you lose securrity updates (someone can always discover a big leak and abuse it) you can catch some of it with your anti virus or malwarebytes until they drop their support for windows 10.

1 month ago

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Yeah, thats a problem but its very old laptop anyway and used only for internet surfing. Considering that newest browser versions eat more memory its not that bad. As for viruses as long there is a number of pc with older systems there going to be antiviruses for them, market dictates and all that. For win 10 i guess i move to different antivirus after October. Bit shame because i liked Win Security

1 month ago

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Yes surfing, but that includes paying and exchanging personal information? Ifso then offcourse you want to protect that, if only for games or looking up information not so much.

For a few years now, i yearly buy a kaspersky license for about 20-23 euro through some in between shop, it's not some illegal code, guessing OEM versions so it doesn't have to be expensive plus kaspersky plus now even includes VPN.

1 month ago

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Nah, that laptop specifically doesnt have even youtube account to handle, zero personal info there because it catched couple of viruses before but antivirus handled it. yeah, i am buying same, its even cheaper were i live, around 15 euros for 2 pc license.

1 month ago

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What about streaming sites like max, prime etc ? Does it still work ?
They dont on my win7 or i must be doing sth wrong. Maybe i need to change the browser.

Nice money grab, forcing ppl to buy new gear.
Its so eco...need to throw away perfectly working stuff...

1 month ago

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That i dont know, probably they lock it under "you need new browser update" or something that conveniently not having win 7 support.

1 month ago

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One company I work at has strict Win10 policy, the other one said fuck it and is using Win11 already ..

The one with Win10 is cybersecurity company though, so I am interested to see how they approach the switch. Overall I could care two shits for the OS I have. My personal laptop though was a bit of a hit and miss with Win11 - it did get a bit more sluggish I think, but it is 5 or 6 years old. But maybe I am just being demanding a bit too much from laptops with 8 GB RAM (work laptop as well - the one with Win11). The work laptop seems to work perfectly fine. I mean windows and the whole microsoft ecosystem is glitchy and annoying to use, but for everyday use and gaming why would anyone care?

Daily I am switching between 3 laptops and one PC. Two have Win10, Two have Win11..... Absolutely feel no difference or problems whatsoever between the two.. As usual, this just seems "Everything new is shit" hate wagon.

1 month ago

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Well it's kinda forcing people to meet requirements, their pc doesn't fit (like some are posting here), which was less radical with 7>10.
Although when i got my new pc i was a windows 7 user and it also said back then to atleast get a coffee lake processor if you wanted future windows 10 updates.

1 month ago*

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I mean my laptop was not meeting requirements as well.. according to them. And then suddenly it worked anyway.
If some are still locked away from Win11 and will be forcibly left on OS that is not supported, that does suck. No doubt.

I mean sure, I am not saying it is perfect or that I support their subscription/monetization practices or whatever they are pushing. But on my personal laptop I have not paid anything for OS, same as on my PC.. work laptopts couldnt care less either. Let the company deal with it. Games work, email works, steamgifts work.

On my PC I will most likely stay with Win10 as well. But IMO 10 years seems good enough period when to switch off support. How good is the Win11 is of course up to the user to decide. I just don't see the horrible issue everyone claims to have with it.

1 month ago

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My processor doesnt meet requirements and i honestly have zero desire for upgrade.

1 month ago

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Bad time for Microsoft, Steam OS will get full release for desktop PC this year that will lead for user migration outside windows space.

1 month ago

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The end for Win10 would be the perfect time for Valve to do that. :)

1 month ago

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SteamOS also has better compatibility with old games

1 month ago

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I wonder by which magick that would be. SteamOS is nothing else as a distro of Linux so all shortcomings and incompatibilities of those OSes apply to it also.
This myth would be more credible if it could run games which run only on e.g. Win XP.

1 month ago

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I mean steam on Linux of course. It could be achieved using different proton versions and other compatibility tools.

1 month ago

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I have never known TPM 2.0 to NOT cause stuttering.
You think MS would have engineered something to work correctly before they make it a requirement.

1 month ago

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still on win 7. 8 was ass made for touchscreen laptops/tablets and 10 was bloatware that collects and sells your data. if a product is free, you are the product. also win 10 was the most unsafe launch ever. you could fake any program for YEARS on it. this means any product could appear to be any other product

1 month ago*

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I got creative x-fi sound blaster card from 2010s... that will not work with win11. nooooooooooo

1 month ago

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I got an Audigy 1 card from 02 lol xD
better to get rid of creative crap, really the worst hw manufacturer ever

1 month ago

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Dang, same here :( Have you tried compatibility mode? I remember the same thing when 10 came out. Ppl were saying that many HW won't work, etc. But I had zero probs with old stuff actually, and all drivers that were made for W8 worked ok in W10.

1 month ago

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According to microsoft I can't upgrade because my CPU is old so what do I do now? I stay with a dead version of the OS or install linux?

1 month ago

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