3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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Nice idea but i pass.

Too many events in december. As every year ... :o( (at least for people with a reallife)

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Tried "I'll try spinning, that's a good trick" for question 4 - nope....

3 years ago

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I also tried different variations of the name of the movie the quote comes from (Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace), but didn't seem to get any results either.

Not sure if maybe a parody quote of this quote exists in a different movie or game possibly.

Also tried "Star Fox" and "Star Fox 64" in case this was meant to lead us to think of other media where spinning ships is a main focus.

3 years ago

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Looks like it just needed caps haha

3 years ago

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Huh, I always thought HLTB answers were case-insensitive so I didn't really take that into account. Either I was mistaken or something changed. Good to know regardless.

3 years ago

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Not caps, different kind of apostrophe

3 years ago

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Oh, that makes more sense.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Bump. I'm stuck

3 years ago

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Surprised no one had tried ball for the let's play question, thought it was going to be something else since it was unanswered.
The numbers one seem to be from the show Lost but I'm not familiar with the show and from the websites I've found there doesn't seem to be a specific order, tried arranging the names by alphabet but that didn't work.Any one more familiar with Lost know if maybe the names are mentioned in a certain order? Or could the show Lost be a misdirection for that question?

3 years ago

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The numbers are clearly from Lost. But the order I thought was from the first to the last. But didn't work

3 years ago

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It's been solved. I had put the answer in but it seems someone else beat me to it. c;

Just needed an "and" added.

Stumped with Q9.

3 years ago

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Sorry, I got that first. XD

3 years ago

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No idea what question 9 is asking for. Nice event. Thanks.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Need hints. Q9 difficult.

3 years ago

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I would guess it might be a room in a museum(real or virtual[game]) with such paintings on the walls. Still the descriptions are too vague for me to find a matching exhibition

3 years ago

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I was wondering if the paintings and people in there are referring to the shape of letters


  • a man "I" a woman "A" and a kid "i" are enjoying the sunset "o"
  • a single man staring a white wall "I"
  • A single man eating Dinner "G"
  • two man playing chess "M"
  • duo dancing Tango "ff"

but that's probably also not it 😂

3 years ago

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Ok, had a quick look at #9, I'll share my very simplistic attempt at understanding it:

I went with the number of people mentioned, the most obvious thing, that gives: 3 1 5 1 2 3 2
I then turned that into 2 sequences of 4, that share the middle 1: 3151 and 1232
Why? Because that gave me a pattern to follow.
In the first sequence the 1 repeats and the 3 and 5 is a step of +2
In the second sequence the 2 repeats, and the 1 and 3 is a step of +2
If I follow that same logic the next sequence should start with 2, because that is how I split the first 2 sequences, I grabbed the 4th digit so should now use the 7th digit.
From repeating 1s and 2s you'd expect the next step to be repeating 3s, so I get 23?3.
To get the missing digit I repeat the +2 from the previous steps to get 2343...
Combine the lot again to get 3151232343

Yeah, I like to overcomplicate things :P

3 years ago

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In painting 4 there's a "-" between "man" and "eating". Not sure if it implies we have to subtract something. But it's most likely to be intentional because the "-" is way above the space bar.

3 years ago

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Is it a dinner that eats a man?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Is the lowercase p in "painting 5" a mistake as well?

3 years ago

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And starring = staring

3 years ago

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3 years ago*

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3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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Good luck in your finals!

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Okay, so I've been trying to crack the code to question 9 for a while now, here are some ideas that I tried but maybe need some refinement or are just wrong:

  1. I thought that maybe the paintings might be referring to some of the other questions, like how the 2 people playing chess is connected to question 1 and 5 kids playing in the park may have some relation to question 6. This idea is most likely to be the incorrect direction to take the question in, as I can't really find a connection for all the paintings, and referring to other questions for clues seems really unintuitive unless when being directly asked to, as in question 2.

  2. I figured that some of the typos in the question might be intentional and that we need to spell out whatever letters or symbols are incorrect (such as writing "starring" with 2 r's or not using a capital letter for painting 5), but that's probably overthinking it too.

  3. This is the idea I'm most confident is correct, and I see in the comments that m3rc also had a similar thought process:
    Every painting mentions a certain number of people (a SINGLE man, a DUO, etc.). Converting these statements into numbers, we get 3151232.
    As m3rc mentioned, there seems to be a pattern here: 3, 1, (3+2), 1 are the first 4 numbers. This led me to believe that the last 3 numbers (2,3,2) are an incomplete pattern which needs to be finished in the same fashion as the first one (so that would be 2,3,2,5, as 3+2=5). That didn't work, of course, but it made me feel like I'm missing something.
    I haven't seen anyone discuss the first sentence of question 9 yet. It starts with "Imagine YOURSELF", so I thought I should add it to the sequence of numbers. So we get 13151232. It feels nicer this way IMO, having 8 numbers instead of 7. I decided to use the same process of splitting it in two. That way we get the first sequence, 13151, and the second, incomplete one, 232. So completing the second sequence using the first as an example, we would get 23252, basically the same as the first but with 2's instead of 1's. I tried putting the entire sequence 1315123252 as the answer, but to no avail.

Hopefully we all manage to crack it without the use of hints, but at this point I think we need them :D

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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An idea: since the numbers are small.... maybe they are letter positions? Like, we are supposed to get the 3rd letter from this word, then the 1st from that one, etc.?

I tried with the words there (sunset, chess, etc..), but could not think of anything that made sense.

3 years ago

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I'm starting to think that it has to do something with chess - Sadlerd66 said that the lowercase p in "painting 5" is intentional, which is the one with people playing chess. He also made questions 1 and 2 chess related, so it wouldn't surprise me if this was the third one. At this point I'm starting to think that Sadlerd is an undercover chess grandmaster :D

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Same my friend, but at least now we all know that giving difficult riddles is what you're really good at.

3 years ago

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There happen to be 8 spaces on a chess board going in each direction.
Perhaps these numbers correspond to pieces and/or board position, and that could be some commonly known chess strategy?

So far confirmed hints...

  1. Numbers are a step in the right direction
  2. The lower case p is the only intentional typo. (dunno why it's a typo though, as it's a common noun, and comes at the end of the sentence)
3 years ago

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I play a bit of chess myself, not that I'm any good though, but as far as I'm aware, for a chess strategy, or opening as it's most commonly known, you need to know:
-what piece moves (as in whether it's a pawn, knight, bishop etc.);
-where it moves (for example the d4 square, where you can move a pawn on your first turn if you're white);
-and sometimes even the opponent's response to your move and the order in which the moves are played.

A typical example of an opening would be the move d4 for white, d5 for black, followed by c4 for white, which is called the "queen's gambit" opening.

Needless to say, that's a lot of information we need to extract from the riddle in order to transform it into an opening or a position. Either we are missing something or this is just not the correct path to the answer.

3 years ago

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Yes, there would be lots of missing data in that scenario, but I was thinking about seeing how things lined up just with numbers and a grid, then looking to see if any other data revealed itself when referencing the other questions, and other unknown hints.

I think we need to find where those numbers have relations in the other questions, and maybe the painting imagery is a hint.

3 years ago

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Bump with recognition that those of you commenting on question 9 are incredible. My mind just doesn't work that way.

3 years ago

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Hint for Q9 coming soon!

View attached image.
3 years ago

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Now that the hint is out, let me share my findings:

  1. We know that we indeed need to look for the numbers in the paintings. We also know that there is a misleading painting which we shouldn't be looking at. That painting is most likely the fifth one, as we know that the typo, writing the p in lowercase, is intentional. So the numbers we have are: 3, 1, 5, 1, 3, 2.
  2. The hint states that the answer consists of 6 letters. If we change the numbers above to letters, we get: c, a, e, a, c, b.
  3. The hint also states that the answer is "from a "game" played weekly by Matt Mercer and his friends". I didn't know who Matthew Mercer is, or what this "game" might be, so I did some research. As it turns out, he is a quite well-known voice actor (some of his work includes voicing Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan and Jotaro Kujo from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, for anyone curious). Also, he turns out to be part of a YouTube and Twitch series called "Critical Role", which is basically a bunch of friends gathering to play Dungeons and Dragons, with Matt Mercer being their dungeon master. This must be the "game" mentioned in the hint.

TL;DR: The info we need from the paintings are the numbers: 3, 1, 5, 1, 3, 2, which correspond to the letters: c, a, e, a, c, b. These letters somehow relate to the show on youtube called "Critical Role". If anyone is into that series and has some insight into what the answer might be, I encourage them to try to answer!

3 years ago

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Well, you figured out everything, so I went ahead and searched for a word with those letters and the only one was "baccae", which was correct. Nice work! :D

BTW if anyone is interested in what a Baccae is: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/fey/baccae/

3 years ago

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Great job dude! I honestly would have never gotten that. Thanks to you and the hint I now know what a baccae is and I have a pleasant 4 hour YouTube video to watch :D

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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lol question 9 is nigh impossible without that hint. Cool puzzle bro.

3 years ago

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View attached image.
3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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ok "We need to go back to the source" but what's next?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I would have NEVER guessed 9

3 years ago

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bump ^-^

3 years ago

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