In honor of the many engrish posts (and puzzles) showing up on SG (oh and also to celebrate not lagging like crazy), here's a puzzle. Each question is a pretty well known quote from a video game put through bad translator. Just answer the video game the quote is from and you're good to go! I tried not to pick translations that were too hard, but this puzzle might still be pretty difficult.

5: Drop the "The" in your answer. Format is xxxxxx xxxxx
8: A prophet is not a character class.
10: Add II onto the answer if you haven't. Forgot that the quoted character was also in the first game.
I didn't realize there were different names for the games in other countries. All answers here are American titles.



  1. Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle! -Super Mario Bros.
  2. It's dangerous to go alone. Take this! -The Legend of Zelda
  3. It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum...and I'm all out of gum. -Duke Nukem
  4. All your base are belong to us -Zero Wing
  5. You have died of dysentery. -Oregon Trail
  6. Do a barrel roll! -Star Fox 64
  7. Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game -The Secret of Monkey Island
  8. You spoony bard! -Final Fantasy IV
  9. War. War never changes. -Fallout
  10. Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!! -Baldur's Gate II

12 years ago*

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can't decipher 8. damn

12 years ago

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me neither :/

12 years ago

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Any hints for Question 8 ? Pretty please?

12 years ago

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Hints added. 37 solvers, 16 entries.

12 years ago

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stuck on #2 D:

12 years ago

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wow, solved #2 now :D

12 years ago

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Solved them all! Must of them are pretty hard, so use the internet!

12 years ago

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Stuck on 8 for the time being... all the others came to me pretty quickly! :)

12 years ago

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Puzzle ended, solutions posted. Thanks for playing!

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by jatan11t.