Which game should I get?
These 2 have the best metacritic score. Since Rome is only 3-4GB I'll download it and try already.
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If rome feels too old (which if you haven't played it before it might) go for Medieval 2, it's scale is not only larger but it has a really diverse unit roster for each faction + tons of mods ranging from GoT & LOTR to full historical overhauls.
Then again, as long as you avoid Empire & Rome 2 you should be good with any title in the franchise.
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Rome II has been considerably improved.
I'd still recommend Rome TW, though.
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True, but imo it's nowhere near what any other total war game is in regards to depth, mechanics & unit diversity, I've easily poured 1000+ hours into each older title, yet somehow despite tons of patches + having all dlc still doesn't get me to stick around in a campaign once i've reached the midgame, and believe me I've tried.
I blame the lack of depth (family trees, generals dying too soon, random pool of completely unrelated family members)
For example, almost all factions roughly share the same unit roster which makes battles against A.I. factions really boring, especially factions that hold no unit producing building which is the bulk of the starting faction, you're fighting the same levies over and over again especially on higher difficulties where AI will just spam levy armies every couple of turns.
If someone does prefer the new, more fast paced arcade style battles of Rome 2 I highly advice them to skip it and go straight for attila despite my huge weakness for the roman times, it has conciderably more layers of content (think family tree, fleshed out diplomacy & diverse factions) and the day it came out i've started playing it and didn't stop untill I've completed 2 legendary campaign, which is something that surprised me A LOT to say the least.
I'd say Attila is what Rome 2 should have been honestly, and that's coming from someone who's most anticipated game of this decade was Rome 2.
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I never really got into the Total War games, but that's mostly because the text scaling sucks. Not really an issue for people on monitors, or sufficiently large TVs, but my old TV just wasn't big enough to make the text readable. There was a mod to help that a little, but then the text would overlap in weird places and it wasn't worth it. But I've since gotten a larger TV, so I should really try again!
From what I'd tried, Empire: TW was great, but people generally seem to prefer the pre-guns ones.
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I play on a monitor, so it shouldn't be a problem to me. :)
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Its really an issue for all of the TW games, but it impacts such a small number of people (PC on a small tv) that its never been addressed.
TW games are generally regarded as having the best combat of the empire-type games, if that's the type you're looking for.
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Shouldn't be an issue from Rome 2 and the titles that followed it, I'm using a 66 cm TV as my main screen myself and on 1920x1080 resolution i've had the same troubles in the past yet after a few patches they improved it in Rome 2 and in Attila afaik it has completely been fixed at least for my screensize & resolution.
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That's good to know, thanks! I had a 32" TV for so long that I'd kind of mentally written off playing the TW games anytime soon. I suppose maybe they realize that more and more people are playing PC on TVs, so its impacted progressively larger chunk of the userbase.
My current TV is still only 39" (or 40", don't remember which), but I sit fairly close so the difference is pretty dramatic.
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Same here I'm rather close to the screen and despite my screen being a bit larger it was unreadable for me as well in Empire/Napoleon, another fix if it's still too small in the latest title (let's just pretend Rome 2 doesn't exist) you could always go for the 1600x900 which was the workaround before they patched it, shouldn't downgrade the looks all that much but it increases readability of tooltips/loading screens a lot.
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I'll keep that in mind, too, thanks. :)
I really do need to give them another chance. I liked what I saw of it, but the text was just giving me a headache. Plus, since the last time I tried, I've upgraded my GPU, added RAM, and added a SSD, so its bound to look more purdysome.
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They are all good. I'm biased since I love 18th century warfare
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M2 has a fantastic mod called Third Age Total War set in middle earth. that is fantastic so m2has my vote.
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This seems nice, gives the game some replayability
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well I have all the tw games befor R" abd I think the best mods are for m2 because modders have more freedom here. Rome 1 has some great mods too but is a bit old and their mods are harder to install on the steam versions in my experience.
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Rome 1, I started with it my Total War love, for me, the best in series, looking at this game from today, this game so simple compared to new TW's but has something that makes it uniqe, DLC's wasn's something special just meh;d (good if you like to play as horde and burn everything; played some as Eastern Empire, pretty chalenging defense i liked it)
Medieval II good sequel, good medieval atmosphere but this town/castle system ;/ very powerfull heavy cavalry :D take your's lord guard and kil hundreds of poor footmans :> overall easier than Rome, fells like map it smaller, playing as muslims is so stupid when crusaade come and if you dont nuke whole army(leaders) their recoverd to 20/20 units -_-' + Mongols, muslims are so fucked in this TW
Empire II only one good thing are sea battles, thats it; terrible map, added colonies, Indies but they are "empty" no matter whuch country you play you just take it noone def it AI is so tottaly stupid fu&king moron + this map, whole France 1 province? and AI is so passive, did i wrote that AI is stupid? / didnt play Napoleon (just bought it for 2euro o.O )
Shogun II very very good, Med II had good atmosphere but this is awesome, so beautifull... eh :)
Only things that were bad was that Japan is thin xD so there were like 2 roads on map where you need to push&conquer but not really game's fault ;p and battles were to fast for me i wanted to watch samurai's fight for days but they fought so short (this animations!!! awesome) :(
Rome II is good but i dont know ;/ i was a little overwhelmed by it, It look like awesome game but for some reason i didnt play it 24/7 like other TW's, maybe to much in campaign map focus and for me battles go wrong way, in Shogun i loved it, to zoom in and watch soldiers even in all other older TW's but here this units are like this 80+ soldiers are one thing, like a brick and its so weird and not interesting to watch
Shogun II(if you like japan history/culture, who dont?)>> Rome1(only if you can stand old graphics and less features than new TW's have)>> Rome II (a lot of features , not so expensive, I get it in polish internet store for like 5 euro <evil laugh>)
Im terrified by this wall of text D: /sory for my english
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Thanks for sharing your opinion. Shogun II seems very beautifull, but I kinda prefer european history.
As for the DLCs and expantion, do they add enough to the game or it's better try to get Rome + Shogun II or Rome + Medieval 2 instead of a collection?
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If you prefer European arms than Japanese, pick Medieval
Medieval dlc add new campains each own new map i get this very late and dont play it ;d even if one of campaign is focused on Polish-Teutonic war and im Polish living 30 min away from largest castle in the world xDDD and this is one of my most interested points in history(<-avatar xD) so basicly expansion add new zoomed map with few new units each, its good when you watch for example Kingdom of Heaven and then you can play campain focused on holy land xD
Since Empire all dlc just add skins <lol> so i personally dont like DLC's , just few more units and sometimes possibility to play another faction, like in Shogun -_-' its so stupid, pay to play one more faction
Good old times when in Rome 1 you just edit 1 file in notebook to unlock everything :D
so you liked Kingdom of Heaven or Last Samurai more? xDD
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I would say TW Rome, unfortunately it just refuses to run on some computers for no apparent reason, but this isn't so much an issue now that steam has refunds.
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I've played all TW games (except for Shogun 1), some more some less tough...
-MTW II is the best title imo. Make sure you play Kingdoms expansion, there's a simple "barebones" mod that simply implements the new Kingdoms features on the vanilla campaign, I'd recommend this for a vanilla experience.
-Shogun 2 TW might be the 2nd best.
-RTW is by far the most "revolutionary" title and perhaps the most important one. The graphics are by now quite outdated and it may be the game may not run on modern systems straight away. It may be in 2nd with Shogun 2... I find MTW II better simply because it's a clear improvement over the RTW concept.
-In 3rd I might place MTW 1 alongside ETW. MTW1 can be a bit unstable and I didn't mange to get it to run on Win8. The global scale in ETW is a big plus. I'd say ETW is the most "revolutionary" after RTW.
-In 4th I'd place Napoleon total war due to its extremely small scope, alongside R2TW. Rome 2 is good, just not really as good as the above imo.
I haven't played enough Attila to know where to place it, but I'd personally wait a year for it to be "complete".
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Thanks for your opinion.
I'll download and try MTW II tonight. If I choose this, I'll get it with the expansion.
Sadly won't be able to download Shogun 2 to compare, I'll have to rely on videos and reviews.
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make sure to check out http://www.twcenter.net/forums/ at some point ;)
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My personal favourite is actually the first Shogun. The reason for this is that I find a complete game of it to be short enough as to not overstay its welcome. The battles tend to otherwise be so similar that I just get bored with most TW games halfway through. Had the AI been better, this would have been less of an issue, as that would mean that you would have to mix up your strategy a bit more.
Second place is Shogun 2. Too lengthy, and the AI is dumb as a rock, but it's not as bad as say Rome.
Rome: TW might have been a revolutionary game back in the days, but the AI is just downright terrible. This at least has prevented me from enjoying the game.
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As someone who's been a fan of the series since around the time Medieval TW came out and i'l list them in the order they came out:
I doubt you will want to try Medieval or Shogun TW, they've not aged well at all and, especially in Shogun's case, the strategic map part is nothing more than a glorified game of Risk. They were however great strategy games when they came out and i have played and enjoyed both back in the day :)
Rome TW will probably be the one people will recommend most, however, keep in mind that we're all doing it with a heavy dose of nostalgia and a large baggage of fond memories. Look at some gameplay on youtube and see if you can deal with the graphics(it's aged decently but i know some people have issues with such things) and the way it plays. It also has a nice selection of mods you can try out as well, tho, because of engine limitations and such don't expect too much of them in terms of textures and model quality.
Medieval 2 TW is probably the best one they've made so far imho. It has the best mechanics, the graphics have aged really well, the combat is great and it's has a literal fuckton of great mods that you can play with it(keep in mind that you will need the expansion for the mods) including some great total conversions like Third Age Total War and Wrath of the Dark Gods. There's a ton of variety between factions, a huge map to conquer and hundreds of hours of fun to be had with it.
Empire and Napoleon are my least favorite TWs but it's probably because i dislike the way war was waged in the age they portray. It's also when mechanics and especially the building of towns and such started to be dumbed down, these also started the trend of making the game hell to mod and locking stuff like the world map and factions, because with them started Sega/CAs joy of milking Total War with DLC. However if you're into muskets, cannons and huge formations you will love it. I will say tho i really liked the naval combat :)
Shogun 2 TW, for me personally, comes in at a close second, but that's probably because i love Japanese history and the Sengoku Jidai period :). The graphics are gorgeous, with mods and such imho it looks better than Rome 2. The battles are great. It does lack in variety between factions, i will admit that, but it's to be expected, we're talking about a civil war here, not a war between nations. You have great research trees and a nice and solid character development tree. And it's amazing expansion, Fall of the Samurai, takes it all to a whole new level. While these also have their share of DLC they're not really necessary to enjoy the game and you won't lose much by not buying them.
Rome 2 and Attila are a joke for me personally and i will never purchase either of them. From everything i'v seen they feel like coffee break Total War games. They dumbed down town/region management and buildings to an all time low. Battles are a joke, you can have all the formations in the world, the second 2 battalions clash they devolve into an idiotic mosh pit, yep, you heard right, armies like the Romans and the Greeks, famed for their discipline and formations, forget everything the second they clash and go full retard. The battles also end insanely quick, i'v seen field battles ending in 3-4 minutes at most. Not even gonna rant about naval battles since they're an even bigger joke. They also milked the ever living hell out of them with DLCs.
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I think you should wait and save some cash for Total War™: WARHAMMER®
You not include this game on your list, so maybe you do not know its existence. I think this game will be amazing, (but be in mind im a Super Fan of Warhammer Fantasy board game, so maybe my oppinion is not .... objetive)
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He's asking for something to buy now, on the sale, why would he include that one on the list?
But yeah, i too, as both a Warhammer and a Total War fan, hope CA don't fuck it up and drop the ball like they did with Rome 2, and hope that it will be amazing. I might even preorder, against my better judgement... xD
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Everyone expected to be a good game, but who knows.... I usually no buy preorder games, normally can wait until next sales (summer or winter), to buy more cheap but this one.... I will not be able to wait. The same thing will happen to me this other Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Another one that seems to be awesome.
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Exactly! The prices are good, I wanted to get one game right now.
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Rome 2 or shogun 2 are the best in my opinion empire is solid but if your buying only one then its up to you shogun has by far the best multiplayer but Rome is my favorite overall
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With all these comments I was able to narrow it to Shogun 2 and Medieval 2. I hope to píck one before the free-weekend ends.
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Hi guys, I'm a big fan of strategy/historical games. With this free weekend deal I decided to try and get one of these games. The problem is I'll not be able to test them all, so I want a little help to decide.
Right now, TW: Atilla and Rome 2 seems to expensive to me. Please, vote which game should I test/buy and comment why.
EDIT: Thanks for all the comments. Those who helped are whitelisted and will be able to join a little GA.
I'll keep adding you to whitelist untill tomorrow. Here's the link: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/YuhYa/skulls-of-the-shogun
TL,DR: Vote, comment and help me decide.
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