Never played PS2, so no suggestions.
Thanks for the gibs :)
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Drakengard was the first game I played when I got my PS2, along with NFS. :D
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It is a very fun game that I replayed several times to get the alternate endings. Unfortunately, I never got to play Drakengard 2, 3 or Nier. But I am looking forward to Automata. Only managed to find 1 disc for Drakengard 2 and it didn't work. T.T
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.Hack games are.. love/hate [with most people not being favorable toward them]. Don't jump all-in into the series without maybe looking at reviews and a bit of gameplay video first, or at least only buy a single game of the series and try it before buying more.
See also:
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Project Zero Three cost a lot . 1 and 2 can still get them at a ok price + side ps2 not region lock so can look for the game on ebay or amazon . amazon uk got them for £12.86 . maybe a friend will have them if you just want to play them
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I spent weeks and weeks playing that game with a friend of mine when I was a young kid, oh the feels ç_ç
to bad the pc version has a bad local versus :C (I'm still waiting for a decent discount :)
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Titles that have not been remastered:
Suikoden V, Suikoden IV, Magna Carta, Star Ocean Till the end of time, Phantasy Star Universe, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (or Lucifer's Call depending your region), Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, ... If i remember others i will post them later.
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Dark Cloud 2?
Ape Escape 2?
Persona 3 + FES?
Yakuza 1 + 2?
Everblue 2?
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If you're ok with the less appealing visuals the first 2 are great. Otherwise 3 & 4 both have recap movies for the previous games
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I second Disaster Report. It has a very unique premise. I think there was a sequel as well.
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"Persona 4. The happiest game about murder you'll ever play." That one is a good choice and can occupy you for 50-80 hours depending on how much you do.
As for recommendations: Hm I haven't used my PS2 for playing for 4 years. But I still have some games for it. I always found the Tony Hawk games rather enjoyable on the PS2. But they are not for everyone. Other than that maybe La Pucelle or even Disgaea. If you like Survial Horror Resident Evil 2 and Code Veronica X can be pretty interesting. Just checked, have also Summoner 2 and Valkyrie Profile 2 here. I don't know which of those have been remastered for the PS3.
But at least Disgaea is available i on Steam an has more content as well there. Obscure you can get on Steam as well.
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The RPGs really do look interesting. Thank you! :D I actually bought Resi 1,2,3 recently, but I haven't gotten much around it sadly.
Yeah I know, but honestly, when I have the choice between throwing my money at a local gaming store I like and Steam, I'd rather choose the former.
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On a side note, I always found the GC to be the cutest console ever, but I honestly think that the newest addition my PS family is quite adorable.
Dreamcast is the prettiest, imo, though I do adore my PS2 Slim. I prefer the Wii to the GC in every respect, however. :X
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Probably getting:
Also, I'd skip out on Bully- the PS2 version was the original, later console rereleases had more polish and gameplay elements added.
Being that you can get the full version on Steam, there's really no reason to get the original game.
Speaking as someone that has played both versions, I definitely recommend the updated version over the original.
Bully: Scholarship Edition is an updated and graphically enhanced version of Bully, released on Xbox 360, Wii, PC, and PS4. The game adds several new features, and fixes many bugs found in the PS2 version.
The Scholarship Edition features improved graphics and exclusive content which was unavailable in the PlayStation 2 version, including eight new missions, additional characters, four new school classes (Biology, Music, Math and Geography) and new unlockable items and clothing. In addition, single system 2-player competitive multiplayer minigames have also been added.
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I always wanted a black dreamcast, but they're very rare in Ireland
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All the ones I linked are rare versions, actually. That black one is the D-Direct Black console, which was exclusive to Japan.
As far as I know, they never released a similar black console anywhere else, though they did release some special edition branded black consoles in North America (attached). In short, black consoles were rare in general, especially outside of North America. However, the straight black console I linked above was especially rare, as I believe that on top of being Japan-exclusive, only 2000 were made.
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Yeah thought it was Japan only. Have seen a couple non branded black ones in shops over here and the UK going for crazy prices. Just looks so good though, even the controller looks better
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iirc, Sega released some aftermarket shells you could replace the top of your console with, so the non-branded ones may be those [given how there's only so very few of the Japanese ones around]. (If the buttons are grey, than this'd certainly be the case.) Then again, I can't find any listings for unbranded black controllers other than for the D-Direct console, so perhaps they're legit. Though, it may be that D-Direct sold controllers individually, as well, in excess of their console caps, and that it's still a mix & match game.
Given that the D-Direct consoles are Japan-region-locked, and Ireland would be using PAL-region-locking, a "fake" console may actually be preferable to the limited edition D-Direct console. [Though you can trick Dreamcast systems into breaking region-locking for most games with a boot disc designed to do such, but that's an altogether unnecessary muddle to mess with.]
Either way, whether it's the risk of being scammed or of getting a console of complicated functionality, if you ever go for buying one of those consoles, you should do so with careful consideration.
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I think I've seen both before. One of them had a note next to it saying it wasn't pal enabled as a warning. But yeah I think the controllers got sold separately at some point, cause I've seen more of them around
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Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria, Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, Rule of Rose, Fahrenheit, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2,
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II, Haunting Ground, Michigan: Report from Hell.
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The Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance games were good. They get a lot of flack from diehard Baldur's Gate fans because of leaving the D&D formula, but I still think they were enjoyable. SOCOM: U.S Navy Seals, Conflict Desert Storm, Gran Turismo 3 were some others I invested a lot of time in before I ditched the PS brand.
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I highly recommend the Dark Alliance games. To a lesser degree, I also can recommend The Champions of Norrath games, which have more gameplay complexity (and up to 4 player co-op, versus 2), but less story and design depth. The oft-maligned Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel utilizes the same engine, as does one or two other games.
The DA games were definitely the most polished, and are a true delight in co-op [especially as co-op can actually be harder than single player (due to how xp is split between you and your teammate, requiring you to emphasize teamwork over powering through), a rarity for co-op games].
Their flavor is definitely unique and worth a try, though at their heart they're still isometric RPGs. Still, if gameplay is the factor that throws you off, the DA games are distinct enough they may still appeal.
But, still one of my favorite co-op game serieses, and probably my favorite one that's console-exclusive.
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If you like horror, there were a few interesting horror games. I am a scaredy cat, so while I researched this topic back when the ps2 was going out of style and collected a bunch of games, I haven't played most of them.
Rule of Rose (probably impossible to find)
Haunting Ground
Clocktower 3
Kuon (a horror game set in Heian era Japan if i remember correctly--a very unique setting, but probably very rare)
The Obscure games (you mentioned), they were just on sale on Steam last week. I would check again during the Halloween sale if you can't find ps2 copies
Not horror:
I second Bully (you can get it on ps3 though)
The Shadow Hearts games (I've heard good things, but didn't get very far)
The Simpsons Hit and Run
Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit
Shadow of Destiny
EDIT: adding games
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
Timesplitters 1 and 2 (I don't play FPS's, but my brother played them)
The Operative: No One Lives Forever (a first person female spy game)
XIII (I believe was released on ps2--a cel shaded FPS)
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The thing with me and horror is that I don't cope well with being constantly chased, so I don't know if I could handle Haunting Ground or Clocktower. I know that they are quite goofy, but it's still highly stress inducing for me.
Siren... I've played Blood Curse. I have entomophobia. I nearly got a heart attack when I saw fly shibitos for the first time... IiviI So, yeah.
Thanks for all the great suggestions! I^v^I
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I think there was a part in RE 6 when Leon is attacked by a moth-like creature. I can't think of any other bug attacks besides all the giant spiders in rpgs. I can't handle games where you have to run and hide constantly. I love horror movies and wish I could play more horror games, but I can only really manage to play ones where you can fight back.
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Why would you buy PS2 instead of just using the emulator?
I think it's more fun playing on PC, plus with the emulator you'd get better graphics, you can use various shaders to further tweak graphics and you can save whenever you want among other useful features that make emulator absolutely superior to the actual console.
I am asking out of curiosity, not trying to be a jerk.
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You sure about that? I stopped emulating years back, but it never seemed especially high-demand unless you were trying to emulate a current console.
The primary PS2 emulator out there certainly doesn't list high-end requirements:
Windows Vista / Windows 7 (32bit or 64bit) with the latest DirectX.
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 3.2 GHz or better OR i3/i5/i7 @ 2,8 GHz or better OR AMD Phenom II @ 3,2 GHz or better.
GPU: 8800gt or better (for Direct3D10 support)
RAM: 1GB on Linux/Windows XP, 2GB or more on Vista / Windows 7.
Either way, there's a good case to be made for emulating [basically exactly as Chibi mentioned].
Honestly, I preferred emulation for SNES and Gameboy games [the first allowing you to address certain poor design concepts that were common in older games (eg, rare save spots or button-mashing minigames), the latter allowing you to easily fake gameboy linking for multiplayer play], but I never saw the appeal for later consoles, other than for being able to easily import international games (which is quite compelling in its own right, given some of the rather unique Japan-exclusive console games out there).
I view it more as a way of addressing flaws in individual games or getting access to games you can't access otherwise, but from a logical perspective, there's definitely plenty of reason to use it as your primary approach to retro-gaming. The hot-saving especially is appealing the more you find yourself limited to brief spurts of free time for gaming.
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I borrowed a stack of PS2 games from a friend (including FF X & Snake Eater), and they were playable for sure, but the framerate was still not great. It felt like trying to play a PC game at min-specs.
Also, FFX has an issue where your characters will face the wrong direction in battle...
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As Fnord mentioned, specs are a problem.
Other than that, I'm a semi-collector and really do like to have a nice stack of physical games.
It's great that you enjoy gaming on PC, but I on the other hand am mostly switching to consoles (especially since I have 3 of them now) and I use my PC mostly for indie titles leaving the AAA ones for my PS4/PS3.
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monster hunter. ive achieved 800 hour of playtime in it through the years. its the very first chapter of the series. compared to the more recent chapters it lacks of many many many stuff but its just awesome. its difficulty level is also much higher, and killing wivern is much more satisfying. even a kut ku can be deadly. still remember the very first rathalos ive killed, like after DOZENS of attempts. the killing upper blow was led with a velociprey greatsword, hitting him right in the tail. this while i had only 1 potion left, less then 5 minnutes remaining for completing the mission and the sword sharpness to yellow (=useless). fkn awesome. one of the most epic gaming moments of my entire life.
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The Warriors has some of the murkiest, dullest, frustrating graphics, but despite that, it's a fun and compelling (co-op!!) brawler. As absurd as the story and themes are, it's got more story and depth than most brawlers, and it shifts up gameplay often and offers enough challenges that it's pretty engaging all the way through. The real draw is definitely the fact that it does all this with interestingly designed co-op, however- otherwise you'd likely be better off looking at more modern brawlers.
That said, I'd go for the xbox version or the remastered version on the PS4, just so you can actually see what the hell is going on as you play [though if you don't plan on utilizing the split-screen multiplayer, that may be more of a self-satisfaction consideration than the "can notably hinder ease of gameplay" consideration that it is in that circumstance].
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Also, on the topic of platformers, the Ratchet & Clank games on the PS2 were reasonably fun, as I recall. At least one had co-op, as well.
Sly is pretty well known and has a strong fanbase, so it's definitely worth a look.
Though, ah.. worth noting:
The first three games were remastered into high-definition for the PlayStation 3 on one disc by the new developer Sanzaru Games, titled The Sly Collection.
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Oh, speaking of platforming: The Prince of Persia: Sands of Time series is excellent, and I don't think the Steam rereleases added anything new.
Ditto for the Soul Reaver games, which were basically (old school) Tomb Raider with a whole lot more depth in gameplay, setting, story, characterizations, etc. (Though you'll need to grab the first game on PlaystationOne- thank goodness for the PS2's backward compatibility, eh?)
Both series are definitely worth checking out [though the graphics on the early SR games probably haven't held up very well.].
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Choose which ever series interest you. As for the series installments, I'd got in order of release.
God Hand might be a good start like MushroomScarab said but I don't think it's remastered on PS3 so go for whichever is cheaper or if you prefer physical copies.
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God hand is a great shout, though is probably easier to just got on sale on ps3 for ps3
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If you look around, there was a 3-pack collector's box for the special edition versions of the PS2 MGS games [Which I own :3], so that's a fun option for your "semi-collector" impulses. Don't think it included anything special, other than the box, but it can be tricky getting the special edition versions on their own, as I recall, so that may end up being easier to hunt down than each game individually.
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I know, it was actually the first thing I bought on PS3. :D Thing is MGS3 on PS2 has this neat easter egg, that's sadly been cut from the HD remaster. And I need it! :p
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Think that's a bit different than what I was talking about. ~.^
Though I'd forgotten about this, and it bears mentioning:
However, the second and third disk of Subsistence (Persistence and Existence, respectively), are not included in the collection.
The second disc is likely useless since MGO got taken down, but the full-cinematics disc may be of value to you.
Being that you're in Europe, as I understand it any copy of the game you find ought include it- pretty sure all European versions of the Subsistance have the extra discs (while in NA, only preorders had them).
(Worth noting the HD collection also doesn't include the content of the extra discs.)
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I don't mean to be picky, but quite a few of the games you mention have been remastered, including FF X and Snake Eater (and some of them are on PC, as you yourself mentioned). So my suggestion is going to be a game which has also been remastered: Shadow of the Colossus. It's not for everyone, but it has a bunch of die-hard lovers out there.
Enjoy your new purchase. :)
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I know, it was just a little sugestion that would make my shopping list at least somewhat organized. :p I do have some problems with SotC, like I didn't enjoy the battles with 2 smallest colossi at all and I found the final boss to be a bit underwhelming, but overall, it's truly a majestic game.
Thanks. :)
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You should play Persona 3 FES first. Many people have trouble going from P4 to P3 because you can't control your party in P3.
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So I bought a PS2 Slim. xD It was kind of an impulse purchase, but I'm certainly not regretting it. On a side note, I always found the GC to be the cutest console ever, but I honestly think that the newest addition my PS family is quite adorable. I^v^I
Game-wise, I currently only have Manhunt, Drakengard and Persona 4 because if there's one type of games I should be playing in my last year at sr secondary school it's definitely long-ass, engaging Japanese RPGs... I'm dumb + also waiting for Killer 7 to be delivered.
Also will be definitely getting the following:
Red Dead Revolver
Max Payne 1,2 (rebuy, cause I lost my PC copy)
Snake Eater (rebuy, cause I need that nightmare sequence)
Probably getting:
Vice City
The Thing
Dirge of Cerberus
some Bond games
Would get, if they weren't so obscure/expensive here:
Obscure Heh, so fitting
Fatal Frame/Project Zero
Katamari Damachi
So yah, any suggestions? I^v^I Preferably not titles, that have been remastered on PS3.
Oh, and gibs (too lazy to make a train)
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