Thanks for the giveaways. I really really want to be good/better at RTS, grand strategy and 4x games. I think the initial learning curve is high which keeps me away. Also, I didn't grow up playing them so it is difficult now jumping in for the first time
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Thanks for the giveaways! I'd never heard of either of them, but they both looked interesting, especially Clockwork.
I am horrible at RTS games like Age of Empires--I much prefer games where I can pause and think before issuing orders to large groups of units, or the units act automatically at the end of their orders, rather than just standing around. It is a pity, because there are many good games in that genre (like the Age of Empires series) which I would like to play but know that, if I do, I will end up incredibly frustrated and give up.
So, in a nutshell, I wish I was better at RTS games.
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I got the CD for AoE 2 for $0.50 a few years back--the game works, but I cannot beat the final level of the tutorial. O.O
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If AoE2, you must mean be the William Wallace campaign; if AoE1, I think that's Egypt, but not sure.
The last scenario in the William Wallace campaign is actually ridiculously easy to beat if you simply wall off the shallow area of the river, because that scenario's AI isn't smart enough to send men over in boats. Make 2-3 layers of stone walls, a couple of towers or a castle, and boom your economy until you're good to attack. Actually, I think Wallace comes when you make the castle, so you might want to save that for last, so that you can go over the pop cap. The game tells you what triggers his arrival.
If it's the AoE1 one, then I'd need to play the scenario again, because I sure as hell can't remember.
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It was the William Wallace one. I could never get castle walls built around the town in time to survive, or else the defenders died extremely quickly. Thank you for the help!
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That comment definitely made me chuckle for quite a while.
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I'd love to be better at Rocket League but there are too many great video game stories to get to know that I only play during limited item events.
Basically, I'd love to be better at any genre which may put me off with its difficulty. I've just heard from a colleague that he fought the last Cuphead boss for 5h. Not a good recommendation for me although I'd love to play the game.
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Having gone outside of my comfort zone with Cuphead, I thought it was a blast for the first 5 hours, and then I hit a wall with the 2nd boss of the 2nd zone. Now, I could lower the difficulty to Easy, and I think I'd be able to defeat him that way, but I'm really loathe to do so as it cuts out 2/5 phases, and the different and varied phases are what make the fights fun.
I really wish Easy gave you double the health instead of half the content.
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Thanks for the giveaways!
And to answer your question: I wish I was better at fighting games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. They look like they could be super fun if I knew what I was doing. But there's just too many different buttons and button combinations for me to keep track of.
The only fighting game I can properly understand is Super Smash Bros and I love that game. There's only two buttons you need to press to attack, and two other buttons for jumping and shielding. Very simple to get into and understand - but difficult to master. They're the types of games I enjoy.
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Um, does every genre count? I mean, I wish I was better at everything from FPS to RTS to racing sims.
But if I had to pick one, I'd pick action games with combo-based combat inspired by fighting games - Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, Nioh. I watch trailers and videos of other players, and it's like a graceful ballet of death and destruction - smoothly flowing from one attack to the next, destroying opponents without a scratch. And then I look at my playing, getting hit left and right, and it just looks clumsy and inept by comparison. I'm sure I could get better at them with time and dedication, but I don't have the time (or, honestly, will) to dedicate myself to mastering their combat.
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Have a bump, Ezzoh and I could do a lot better at platformers. ^^
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Thank you for the giveaways.:)
Like you, I am pretty bad a platformers, but I still enjoy them. I don't think I'd do very well in multiplayer FPS games either.
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hmm It would be nice to be better at rts, shooters etc, so i could play with friends.
On the other hand i probably suck at those games so badly because i'm not really interested in playing them.
Its hard to be sociable gamer, when all you like is SP.
But hey, some games are still fun even if you suck at them.
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I feel like i haven't done a giveaway in ages, but it's not the best of times to buy stuff... so have these cute small games!
Clockwork (Level 3)
Talewind (Level 3)
Honestly, i've played neither of them... I think they both look nice but i'm terrible at platformers. So many games i want to love that only make me feel frustrated... (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Do you guys also have a genre you wish you were better at?
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