Hey everyone. I have an old laptop with 960m inside and as you can guess, it is not suited for recent games.

I am not sure which one will be better visually to get at least 30 FPS. What do you think?

Specs: i7-5700HQ 2.70GHz - 2GB 960M - 16GB Ram - Empty HDD for games

5 years ago*

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Which one?

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1080p with everything low or off if possible
720p with some things medium or on

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5 years ago

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Currently 5 years old but it was a good laptop back then. I edit the topic with specs.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I think you will struggle to get 30fps even at 720p on some games.

My old computer, when it was still just running a 560 Ti - which is similar specs to your 960m - could only do 15-18fps when playing RYSE: Son of Rome. If you want to test your performance, that seems to be a good one to really push the system, if you own it or something similar.

(I suspect I was still running in 1080p for RYSE)

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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I know that's a low fps, but it was still very much playable. I have yet to retry it on my 760 for a comparison.

The comment was made to indicate the sort of issues JFMugen would likely have with these games he wants to play.

5 years ago

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Well, i played it pirated long time ago (before i discovered SG, bundles etc.) and i managed to play it until end with mostly 30+ FPS. If i remember correctly it was 1080p all low (or maybe some settings medium? I can't remember)

5 years ago

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You can check any game on Can You Run It which is a nice tool for this job. You can play lots of indie games on that laptop but cannot say the same thing for newer games.

5 years ago

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Thank you for the answer but it is not about running actually.

For example Chernoblyte. I just start to play it and i can get near 30 fps with 1080p-Almost everything low. I just wondering if you would prefer 720p-medium settings.

5 years ago

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In that case I'd prefer to play on my screen resolution if possible. Depends on the game but this is the first thing I would try. Also I don't recommend to play early access games on that laptop because they're unstable most likely. Can be broken with one update.
I have a 9 year old laptop with an Intel integrated card and I play mostly 2D games on it, when I'm not able to play on my desktop.

If you still want to play Chernoblyte, I think 720p is more suited for your situation.

5 years ago

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Well, it runs better than i expected, especially if we consider it is an EA game. But yeah, EA is risky.

5 years ago

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You said an "old laptop" i was like mine is similiar i just bought how is this old and realized that it's been almost 4 years since i bought it. :o

And for your question, i always go for 720p with medium or high settings.

5 years ago

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Yeah, i felt the same while writing here :D Kinda feel sad while writing "old"

5 years ago

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I'm in the minority on this one. Usually I appreciate the better resolution. I also like to multi-task, so being able to play in windowed mode at native resolution is a bonus for me.

5 years ago

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Well, i hate window borders because i keep clicking on them but it is ok if borderless i guess :)

5 years ago

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Oh yea. I’d go full screen over borders in almost all games

5 years ago

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