Lesson number 1: Don't send money to people via Paypal.

Let this scammer piece of shizzle remain unnamed since Steamgifts rules say so. This guy sold me Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and GTA V for 40€ on Paypal. Deal seemed good (although suspicious). I got his two gifts and I paid him on Paypal. I even know his name (Виталий Жук) and yes - he is Russian. And no, I don't live in Russia.

So, I activate those games and play them happily for about a month and today I just learned that both of them have been revoked due to some transaction problem (stolen credit card, no money on bank account - whatever the reason is) and I lost my two games. Well, I knew the dangers so I am fine with losing 40€ by being scammed.

Now, my only request is that this guy get either banned or at least some sort of punishment. I contact Steam and Paypal and write a report on him Steamrep. I go to University on my lectures and come back during the mid-day just to see response from Paypal:
Dear #myname,

Thank you for contacting PayPal regarding your steam purchase.

I can understand that you have received the wrong items you bought.

Unfortunately, we only cover non received items, when it is a virtual item. We will therefore not be able to assist you, in getting your funds back.

Instead I recommend, that you contact Steam or your local police. They might be able to do something.

I hope you find a solution, and I wish you a wonderful day.

Yours sincerely,

(in other words: GTFO noob)

Guess what? Scammers not going to get any punishment by Paypal! Yaaay! Good for them.

Then I check Steamrep: I provided 7 printscreens of our conversations that took place about a month ago, obviously he has changed his nicknames already, I was stupid not to printscreen his Steam id page at that time, so I get marked as "possible case" and admin asks me to provide more information on that case - which I don't have! So yaay for that, he has "possible fraud" mark on his profile now. -_-

I am still waiting for response from Steam, but knowing how they responded last time I had an issue with Assassin's Creed Syndicate not working properly (took them over a month to respond some automatic message) I know they will do abso-effing-lutely NOTHING about it.

All in all, I got rekt for 40€ and dude got away from it like nothing happened.
Next step, will file an online police report of scam/fraud online, but guess what - no one really cares about 40€ so he won't get anything - also he lives outside EU so screw that.

Update on 24th September:

Today I received a message from Steam saying following:
Hello #myname,

Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

A gift sent to your account was refunded due to fraud or a payment dispute and has been removed from Steam.

Unfortunately, we will be unable to restore the game to your account.

Please refer to the following article for more information:

Title: Revoked Gifts
URL: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=5854-QWLN-2621

You all were right: Steam and Paypal being large corporations can't be taking any actions against their clients on their own and a person needs to be too big of a scammer in order for Steam to even ban him from their service or give him a trade ban. Not cool!

What I learned from this? Don't use Paypal to send money to any individual and Gaben is a fat f#ck!
My trust-o-meter dropped so low after this case that I will never go first again on trades.

F#ck my life!
rekt person

8 years ago*

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Have you ever been scammed?

View Results
I am a scammer. Hohoho!

Yeah, it wasn't just a suspicious deal, but an unbelievable deal. :/ Don't feel angry and/or sad though. Steam helps with these matters sometimes. And are you sure you can't find his steam id? You added him in the past, right? If you tell me when exactly you added him and when he deleted you, I MAY be able to help (not 100% sure though).

8 years ago

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Screw it, if I get suspended so be it. I dont want others get scammed by this guy. Here are his IDs:

And yeah, I stayed positive until I got an answer from Paypal. Definitely not going to use it anymore - at least for a while. I spent 2300€ over the year 2015 through Paypal, so good way to treat their clients.

8 years ago

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It is a good way and it is abiding what is stated in their ToS. Your frustration is understandable, but Paypal is not the bad guy here...

8 years ago

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True, but all the evidence I provided I'd expect them at least ban him from their service or at least question his doings instead of doing absolutely nothing!

8 years ago

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except that you're now asking them to take on the role of a court, in finding the other person guilty, based merely on your say-so. (or on incomplete "evidence" that they would need to spend resources on to evaluate).

The alure of the grey market is cheaper prices, but the downside is that it comes with no guarantee. Hell, if it were physical goods, you're talking about contraband, counterfeit items, or stolen goods. You'll get no protection under the law for knowingly obtaining any of those.

8 years ago

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I have one rule which I encourage you to folow - Never trust in good deals while dealing with invidiuals.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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You can delete them now to avoid getting suspended. I've seen them. Still, I can't really understand what steamrep is asking you to provide. o.O

8 years ago

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Too late! :/

8 years ago

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I warned him right on time though. :/

8 years ago

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It looks like he actually dealt with the alt account of the user, but it is not exactly obvious that the two accounts belong to the same person. Sadly, a chat conversation stating to speak with another account is not indisputable proof, in which SteamRep is right. It would have been probably better to accuse the alt account and supply proof that the alt is actually belonging to the main.

8 years ago

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You should tell them that you didn't get the code. That when you got it it said there was a problem with the payment for the items and send them a screenshot.
But I've never had really good support aside from amazon. so no idea if it'd work.

8 years ago*

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Paypal responded with "Unfortunately, we only cover non received items, when it is a virtual item. "

Doesn't it mean they should actually help you since items were revoked? He did not deliver in the end.

8 years ago

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Plus, you can see his previous name here and that you had him as a friend: PICTURE DELETED!
I will delete this, so please inform me when you have see it.
I still can't understand what steamrep wants though.

8 years ago*

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You used PayPal to send money to an individual for supposedly getting some digital items in return. I am surprised they even answered you, because any normal service would start with: "Okay, then please show us the official proof of purchase this seller sent you after you bought said items."
Sorry, but if you deal outside the system to save money, then you need to accept that the system also won't help you if you lose your money. I am sorry for your loss, but you dealt in essentially the gaming black/grey market, and there no laws have any effect. StemRep may eventually accept the proof sent, but looking through your report, they are justly confused, because you are accusing a user by providing evidence against a completely different Steam account.

8 years ago

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I was surprised that they responded aswell.

I don't wanna sound harsh, but in my opinion trading/buying outside any "safe" system, especially with potential scammers, is just unnecessary if you can't live with the possible consequences.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Would you say he was a flipping garbage boy?

Just checking

8 years ago

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It seems they misunderstood you. Since you didn't receive your items aka items got revoked. This is different to "wrong items". Therefore paypal have to transfer your money back. I would just do a second report on paypal, sometimes you get another person which can help you. Trust me, I speak of experience.... -.-

8 years ago

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It seems they misunderstood you.

No, they understood him, he just sent the wrong type of report. If you submit a "wrong items" or "items not as described" report, that is how the report is handled and answered as. Since the items were revoked, he didn't receive the items, or no longer has them, and therefore, he needs to submit an "item not received" report as you said.

8 years ago

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Thank you-- blocked them both. I'd do the same thing (call out and be suspended) if I knew it was really a scam.

8 years ago

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trentjaspar scammed me, everybody block trentjaspar

Note: not actually true, not calling out, just showing why calling out is against the rules

8 years ago

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and any sane person would say "wheres the proof?"

8 years ago

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On the internet, the place where lynch mobs form for anything?

8 years ago

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and those are what we call brainwashed can't think for themselves dumbasses ^^ there are a lot of them

8 years ago

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I understand why it's against the rules-- it's a good rule. I'm just saying that if it happened to me, and I was virtually certain I was scammed, then I'd accept the suspension to warn fellow SGers. :)

8 years ago

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At least I could block both profiles. Thanks for that. Sorry you got suspended.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Juu, itekki mietin et ei varmaan tuu tekemään yhtään mitään. Multa on kerran pöllitty soitin yksissä bileissä yliopistopiirin sisällä ja oli arvoltaan 150€ ja siitäkin tehtiin vaan semmonen tavallinen ilmoitus. Vähän siihen tyyliin että "jos löytyy, niin löytyy - sitten saat, jos ei, ni ei"

On kyllä perseestä tulla kusetetuks.

Sorry for Finnish. Translation: Sucks to be scammed.

8 years ago

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Eihän ne tee yhtään mitään jos rahat on mennyt ulkomaille. Korkeintaan pysäyttävät siirron jos on kymppitonneja menossa Nigeriaan. Itänaapurista ei ole varmasti tulossa oikeutta tai rahaa takaisin teki Suomen poliisi mitä vaan, korkeintaan vittuilua.

Not sorry. TL notes: Still sucks and nothing gets done.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Ens kerralla sit ostaa pöllityllä PayPalilla niin molemmat on onnellisia. :P No ei vaan, mut kyllähän yksityisiltäkin voi ostaa kunhan on satoja/tuhansia palautteita täällä tms saiteilla eikä vaan profiilissa kusetusta.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Höh, no ehkä tekee hyvää hetki hengähtää ja rauhottua. Itse en juurikaan edes osta pelejä rahalla, työttömän kätevämpi kuluttaa aikaa korttien treidaamiseen ja ostaa sit ihan Steamista pelit aina kesällä ja talvella. Just äskettäin tuli tarjous 60€ pelistä reilun 10€ korttikasaa vastaan, näytti sinänsä ihan legitiltä kun täällä sekä antanut ilmaiseksi että treidannut jo useamman kopion, mutta mistä sitä ikinä tietää lähteekö peli alta muutaman kuukauden päästä vai ei.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Why did you even think in the first place that a shady too-good-to-be-true deal with a Russian (you probably didn't check his steamrep/profile too) was a good idea? :V

8 years ago

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Actually I checked it and it was clean. I dealt with other similar kinda shady Russian guy before and his product is still not revoked (already for over two months... hopefully never will be).

One bad experience to ruin all the good experiences. :/

8 years ago

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well... his trade feedback was "clean" too (as in zero feedback), that was a huge alarm sign you totally ignored :/

8 years ago

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It costs much less than 40€ to make new accounts for future scams.

8 years ago

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Did you use funds from paypal or you paid with a credit card through paypal? If it's the latter, you could try a chargeback with Visa or with your bank.

8 years ago

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Credit card through Paypal, but it has been nearly a month, I don't know if they will look at it as a possible way. Will give them a call tomorrow just to see what happens. :p

8 years ago

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Good luck. In many countries, a credit card chargeback is pretty easy to action, and little if any proof is required that you did not receive what you paid for...

8 years ago

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Unfortunately, we only cover non received items, when it is a virtual item

Ahem, a digital game is a virtual item, right? If they disagree, I want to see them touch it. ;)
Or is there simply a "not" missing and they meant that they only cover physical items?

8 years ago

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you failed :D

8 years ago

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what they mean is no refunds for defective products for virtual items. if it's a virtual item, they'll only refund if you never received the item (which is separate from receiving it and then having it revoked)

8 years ago

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GG WP, only trust people you know something about

8 years ago

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Your case with PayPal isn't necessarily final. Give them a phone call, a real person can re-open your case. Inform them that since the items were revoked, they're considered non-delivered, legally.

8 years ago

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under what law?

8 years ago

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It varies area to area, and I've not researched it myself, but I've had things revoked before, and that's the conclusion PayPal came to on my case: That under laws, an item that has been revoked is considered undelivered.

I mean, it makes sense. When you buy something from someone, you're making an agreement that for X price you get to keep the license indefinitely. If the license has been revoked, then it's breach of contract, and not considered delivered.

8 years ago

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oh, I didn't mean it that way, I was legit curious which law.
Because, the translation to physical goods is that the item is delivered, and subsequently stolen.
But, if the item was stolen property, which gets returned to the original/rightful owner, then you're shit out of luck

8 years ago

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Ah, sorry! I interpreted it more harshly. :c I'm not sure specifically, I just know my previous cases were approved on that basis! =^_^=

8 years ago

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...and in some places, you yourself may even face legal action yourself for handling stolen goods, if the authorities are sufficiently zealous/boneheaded :)

8 years ago

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generally, if you couldn't have known it was stolen, you're fine.
On the flip side, if you definitely knew it was stolen, you'll be trouble
And if you should have known, well, then it depends on the authorities whether or not to go after you

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Sometimes you need to take risks to receive good deals. Obviously this was not a good example of that :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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In Russia we have old saying: "Скупой платит дважды" ("Miser pays double price"). I think, closest analogue is "Penny wise and pound foolish".

You can cry about the loss of a long time, but it's better to just take the loss and move on. The next time you'll be more careful.

8 years ago

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If you had transferred money through other means (bank, Western Union,post) they wouldn't be able to help you either.
So, I don't see why pp is a bad guy here.
Apart from that, the offer was too good to be true. Did you at least play through them?

8 years ago

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Doesn't sound like he did.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I did. To be honest Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was a bit overshooting and for me it wasn't that good. I'd say "Good that I got rid of it" but I would be lying. I'm not happy about it. :P

8 years ago

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Paypal support from what I've experienced, sucks.

8 years ago

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Its not that bad when you know what you need to do ,they sometimes write things in confusing :(

8 years ago

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From my experience, if you keep trying and don't get discouraged by the hurdles upon hurdles and repetitive stock answers while attempting to contact them, you might get lucky and get someone who can actually help.

8 years ago

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Probably. Mine was an eBay issue before and so I was calling on Paypal protection. After a month of waiting for a response, I got a generic reply that didn't help at all.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Like Valve/Steam support then.

8 years ago

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Rule nº1: too good to be true=scam

Check any grey market first, you can't get a GTA V Steam gift for less than $35-38. How did you expect to get that game and a recently released one for 40€?

Sorry for your loss.

8 years ago

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So how can we take Steam id page properly in your case? take screenshot his information on SteamDB?.And overall all information need to prove you're right and someone is a scammer?
Sorry for noob question but I think this will be a valuable lession for me.

8 years ago

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user appears to have 2steamrep banned friends and well over a dozen VAC banned friends.. sounds like someone i would of avoided trading with in general. but sorry this happened to ya..

feels bad
8 years ago

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Rule No1, never deal with people from CIS region. They are not all scammers of course, but if you wanna avoid these kind of issues just don't.

8 years ago

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I'd just say don't deal with them unless it is a bundle game. But then again, it is not like as if Russia is the only place where many (wannabe) scammer hails from…

8 years ago

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Of course Russia is not the only place with scammers, that would be a ridiculous thing to state. However, there tend to be a lot of scammers from that particular place, so avoid them is not that unreasonable.

8 years ago

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Scammers have no nationality, escpecially since you can set any country in you steam profile page. I suppose yor statistical sample was too narrow to make conclusions.

Speaking theoretically, there are not so many Russians who speak English enough to be able to scam. There sholud be more scammers from equally poor or poorer countries that speak English language. Former British and US colonies like Philippines, India, many African countries whose economies were destroyed by foreign masters.

8 years ago

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  • Rule No. 1 : Never deal with people!
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, that's an option as well :D

8 years ago

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Oh yeah, that's why the whole world dealt with people from CIS region without any issues until Valve introduced the global lock.

8 years ago

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Well, keep in mind that when you say "people", it actually means "a few groups specialised on trading games bought in the Russian region". There were plenty of scammers then as well.

8 years ago

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They dealt with them and with many issues, it's just that it was the cheapest way.

8 years ago

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same could be say from any other countries or areas, there are scammers everywhere.
besides, you don't know with who you are trading because steam doesn't detect where people are, users set whatever flag they want in their profiles.

8 years ago

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We could yet we don't.

8 years ago

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damn man..i never got scammed but i can only imagine going through this.

the lesson i get from all scams is that i should never trade highly priced items #noregrets

i've WL-ed you in hope that it will make your day better

8 years ago

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You can trade highly priced items, as long as you trade them through the steam trade window. Otherwise, you must trust the seller and be really careful. :/

8 years ago

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Reading your conversation with SteamRep admin, he simply needs the SteamRep account summary of the scammer's 2nd account added to your report. Just find his 2nd profile on SteamRep and copy the profile summary to your original post similarly as you did to his 1st.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Same happened to me, steam revoked me a gift of arma 2 because someone bought it with a stolen credit card. And traded with me.

8 years ago

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MKD+GTA5 for 40 Euros? If it is too good to be true then it obviously is m8.

8 years ago

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Steam ain't gonna help ya with this. Gift copies are not protected and even if they were, you are not allowed to buy gift copies of games.

Best of luck to ya in the future but you are out of 40€ being a bit too greedy/naive.

8 years ago

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Here, in spain, you can open a dispute with your paypal account to receive a refund. You have 180 days from your purchase to do it. After 20 days from the dispute if you don't reach an agreement with the seller you can elevate it and paypal will solve according to the proves.

Seems autor is suspended.

8 years ago

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La tonteria es usar Paypal con gente que no conozes de nada. Era demasiado bueno para ser verdad. Se aprende con fallos.

8 years ago

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Tan solo trataba de ayudarle.

Está claro que no hay mayor protección que el sentido común.

8 years ago

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you live and you learn, just made a trade i felt was pretty good for me with a guy who has 0 rep and his account looks like an alt but we will see if anything happens in the future, and if it does im prepared, i video record every trade, log steam ids/steamgift profiles, logged the keys i traded purchase receipts so if needed i can file a dispute and have them revoked, etc etc. its over the top but its my method, if i get screwed by anyone i will be coming for them, lol, that and ive already accepted that whatever i traded could potentially be a loss and im ok with that, plus you just know one day those people will realize what a piece of shit they are

edit: id be interested to know how you did the purchase, did he send an invoice or did you send it "family and friends"

8 years ago

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You can see his former nicknames on steam. Don't know if this help, but I can't provide you more help.

8 years ago

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Not sure why you're criticizing Paypal, Steamrep, and Steam for your mistake. Paypal and Steam can't do anything and you said so yourself that didn't get the scammers Steam ID page.

If it's too good to be true, it is.

8 years ago

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I would advise you two things:
1) for the beginning to communicate with this seller and to ask to it questions
2) to buy from the checked up suppliers with reputation
Strongly be not upset, these are trifles of a life. That us does not kill that, does us more strongly!

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by pavepode.