This is a $15 dollar version that is sold from today until the 19th. The only difference is it is more of a grind to get different characters. (It's 12,500 credits for the other original operators as opposed to 500-2,000 credits). You begin with 2/20 operators that are randomly chosen and then you are also given enough in game currency to purchase 2 more of the original operators of your choice. The other 16 original operators must be unlocked by griding or in game purchases.

Will the site be able to tell the difference or will there be a bunch of GAs for this labeled as the full version?

More info: Steam page New Version FAQ

8 years ago*

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Oh wow, thanks for bringing this to my attention. My friend wants our group to play this, but I was hesitant at 50 bucks. Whoo.

As for the question of giveaways, I have no idea. Bump for visibility :D

8 years ago

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It's somehow refreshing that they use the word "grinding" instead of some marketing Newspeak in the official FAQ.

8 years ago

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I saw this today but didn't look into it too much due to lack of time. So basically if you have patience, buying the Starter Edition and Season Pass is essentially the same as the Gold Edition if I'm understanding it correctly. It just takes significantly longer to unlock the other operators with the Starter Pack. Is that really correct?

8 years ago

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You are kind of correct. If you get the starter pack you get 2 operators plus the funds to buy 2 more. The rest of the beginning ones take a larger grind than usual to get. The season pass only unlocks the season pass/future operators so you are still stuck grinding for the others. The gold edition you get everything without the grind. The grind is pretty big though. As opposed to 500-2000 credits it's 12500 credits per operator

8 years ago*

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Thanks for elaborating on the differences. It's still hard to believe this Starter Pack is the full game for the uber patient. :) Another user posted a comment below about grinding the points for the other operators over night but I haven't looked into that. When Activision released a Starter Edition for Call of Duty Black Ops III it certainly wasn't the full game, but then again Rainbow Six doesn't have any campaign or single player mode/zombies (other than some training type maps it seems) so they really can't be compared I suppose. :)

8 years ago

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My complaint is that you could buy this version and then spend about the same as the difference between the price of the "full" base game and pay to unlock all the operators instantly. Essentially, if you paid $50 (like I did for the base game) you could have waited and spent $15 for the starter edition and $35 in micro-transactions to unlock the other characters; meanwhile, I'd still have to spend on micro-transactions to instantly complete my roster without grinding (which isn't an issue, because I enjoy the game and there aren't any operators I particularly feel the need to buy, but still...)

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I definitely understand what you mean. But on the other hand the game is what, 7 months old? Plus there are other big games out now. I think this is a pretty sly move to get more people join at the low price point and have get annoyed at the grinding so they pay the extra amount. It works like a price drop to get sales but you still entice people to spend more. Smart move by them

8 years ago

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Oh, yes, it's very smart. It just makes me a bit salty.

8 years ago

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it really shouldn't. this is a timed offer. so it's like a big discount in a sale. that happens all the time. people buy for full price, and then 6 or 12 months later other people get a pretty discount. yet no one really complains about having spent too much money on release. your situation is basically the same. see it like this: the starter edition buyers are 7 months of fun behind. ;)

8 years ago

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I'm guessing you're correct that the site will not be able to discern between editions.
On the SteamDB, all three current Steam Store editions have the same appid for the base game...
Starter / standard / Gold

8 years ago

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I have already seen ones for the base version drop to 15 points here so it will be interesting

8 years ago

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how bad is the grind? 2x as bad? or what? because the grind wasn't bad at all when I tried it...

8 years ago

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As opposed to 500-2,000 credits per operator, it's approx 12,500 credits

8 years ago

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ouch! idk If I should buy it...

8 years ago

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Well you have until 6/19 to choose. I have seen rumors that they may do this pricing later on again but nothing confirmed. I think it is pretty solid for $15 but the base version could also go on sale in a few weeks for the summer sale so who knows

8 years ago

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Abit tempted to get it. But if there was 50% discount during the sale I would be gutted

8 years ago

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Thanks for heads up. I think it's a pretty good offer for someone like me who do not care much about different classes.

Well, i do care if i have to choose between sniper or assault but not between support or assault in BF3.

Hopefully, this game doesn't have sniper/recon class, yeah ?

8 years ago

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To my knowledge it is split up more as attacker and defender classes. I'm not too sure about sniper but I believe some rely more heavily on tech to work somewhat as a recon

8 years ago

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Basically the operators determine what gadgets you get to use (each operator has a unique gadget).

The game does have a "sniper" guy and he's called Glaz: He can toggle his long range scope on or off, so he's not useless in close range combat.

8 years ago

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"- Slower unlocking of the remaining 16 Original Operators (GIGN, SAS, GSG9, SPETSNAZ, FBI):
12,500 Renown or 300 R6 Credits to unlock 1 Operator
Approx. 15 hours to unlock 1 operator using in-game Renown

  • Access to all Post-Launch Operators (JTF2, Navy SEALs and upcoming CTUs):
    25,000 Renown or 600 R6 Credits to unlock 1 Operator
    Season Pass unlocks all Post-Launch Operators"

25000 Renown for DLC Operators, unless you buy the season pass.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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It's nothing compared to, say, League of Legends.

8 years ago

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But in League, some champions cost less than the others and are easier to get. Here, all the Operators (Champions) costs the same, which is 12,500 Renown that takes 15 hours to get

8 years ago

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but in Siege they are less important, so to speak. they all have different gadgets and so on, but the combat is not that different. so if you don't have all unlocked yet, it doesn't really prevent you as much from having the complete experience as it is in LoL. also, there are way more champions in LoL than operators in Siege, right? way, way more. so if we do the math and compare <time for operator> * <operator count> to <time for champion> to <champion count>, i am sure Siege will win easily.

i don't understand all that criticism anyway. all this is is a new option for the game. either just buy it for full price, or save some money, and instead invest more time into unlocking content. sounds fair to me. the only thing i don't like about it is that it's a timed deal. it should be a permanent option. but i personally would go for the full price option anyway. :)

8 years ago

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Sonds grindy which sucks, but after this exist, people will hardly buy the more expensive version.

8 years ago

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This is a limited two weeks-ish offer.

8 years ago

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Note 1: By AFKing in, well, single player, you can grind up a couple thousand points per night you leave the game running. Let's say 7k to 10k; I don't know how long you people sleep. There's a Steam Guide for it; Google leads the way.

Note 2: If you desperately want this game on Steam rather than just U-Dont-Play (which is still needed to play), this is the cheapest way to get your foot in before the summer sale discount.

Note 3: The game might, you know, be part of the Steam Summer Seal. Seal clubbing rules, except it doesn't.

Note 4: There of course are way cheaper but not necessarily TOS-permitted ways to acquire this game / obtain the means to play this.

Note 5: From what I heard, Ranked mode is full of cheaters. I haven't played that.

Note 6: It's a blast to play.

8 years ago

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2-3: even on Steam, the game requires Uplay to run the game. However you can configure Uplay to start and stop automatically when you launch/exit the game.

5: Ranked has a problem with cheaters on the highest ranks (gold 4 and up). However a new additional, third-party anti-cheat is coming soon so hopefully that will improve the situation. That said, lower ranks and casual games are completely fine.

8 years ago

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Do you agree with #6? :D

8 years ago

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At standard version you start with 2 operators and you get enough in game currency for 2 more.
There are 4 ops for every country. For to get every op in a country you need credits as ;

1st 500
2nd 1000
3rd 1500
4th 2000

so 12500 credits for one operator is too much grinding.

Does different operators actually important?
In a way. At start of every match you choose your operator. If it is already taken by other player in your team you cant choose it. Instead you get a random operator without special abilities. If you have a couple of operators you will have other options.
In gameplay wise operators do make difference regarding to map you are playing. For example if you choose your op as sniper when you are in small,house type map you will have difficulties. Other than that it doesn't makes so much effect. Special abilities works well in some situations but the chance doesn't always come to use them in time..
I have about 10 operators (4 from season pass) and lots of credits but dont need to unlock new ones. rather spend them on weapons.. So if you like team based fps grab it while you can..

8 years ago

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What do you guys think? Is it worth it? I'm not much for playing multiplayer modes anymore, i just want to know people's thoughts

8 years ago

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At It's 12,500 credits you might as well just spend 25k on the newer DLC people right?

Tempted but idk. I don't have any friends who play it either I think.

8 years ago

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Does anyone have any input?

8 years ago

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I would say, this starter pack ends before summer sale (For a reason~~)

8 years ago

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So, I have a few questions. Really interested in this game. I live in india, so the base game is 15 usd without any sale( yay). The starter is around 4.5 usd( more yay). But I am guessing ingame microtransactions are not region priced :( So it makes sense for me to go for the complete game. Assuming it (complete game not starter) goes on summer sale for 33% or 50% would bring the complete game cost to 10 usd or 5 usd respectively. Now I will definitely buy it at that time. So my question is, does the season pass have any real benefit? From what I read, I can buy the dlc operators with ingame currency right? The only visible benefits with the season pass is dlc operators are insta unlock and the safari bundle. Am I correct?

8 years ago

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And you also get some other benefits like getting more credits/renown for your actions and stuff. But I don't see a need for the season pass unless you are super in ti the game

8 years ago

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You get new operators 7 days early for free a 5% renown boost and 600 credits, and you can't get anything decent for 600 renown so not really worth it unless you can get it cheap.

8 years ago

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The season pass is horrible IMO. But what is the India price? If it's cheap enough...

I got it basically free, so for me it's nice. But I pity my friends who bought full USD price.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by AbvAvgJoe.