Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee CATS
Thank you, my day has been made!
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OMG, that peek a boo kitten one had me rolling. Absolutely hilarious. Thank you!
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This was awesome. I totally forgot what this thread was about.
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we also have that in germany, it's called "Beischlaf mit 60 kilogramm Hackfleisch" and became "popular" after this
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I had to laugh at the point of "it wouldn't sell well at all"! Even Duke Nukem Forever sold tons of copies from the hype.
HL2 Ep2 ended on a cliffhanger; chances are the devs at Valve want to finish the story. Half Life put Valve on the map, I don't see them ever cancelling it (even if it takes them another 10 years to make it).
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Yeah, but Duke Nukem's reputation (what it had to begin with) is forever tainted by the hate from DNF. Valve care too much about HL to let that happen. They know how gamers are.
There's just no point after, I dunno, a few years after HL2E2 came out, where it's not just a cash-in.
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Your comparison to DNF is ridiculous. Since HL2, Valve has released two other successful IPs with sequels (Portal and L4D), CS:GO plus E1 & E2. It's not like they've been sitting around doing nothing since 2004. Did 3DR release anything after DNF was first announced?
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Half-Life is a highly profitable IP and has millions of fans, so what you just said not only makes no sense from a business point of view, it's also plain bullshit.
From the Valve employees handbook we know, that people are not being assigned to certain projects to meet deadlines or reach milestones but rather assign themselves to projects they fit. They could've been working on the next HL since a half decade and we would know nothing about it if they think this info is not for the public.
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Do you fault me for looking for intelligent gamers here, or your own reading comprehension?
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3D Realms wasn't the only studio that handled DNF, and it ended up being done by Gearbox. Anything wrong with them? They made Borderlands, so they're okay in my book, knowing nothing else about them.
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And they made one of the best WWII serie ever...
No sarcasm.
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That was Gearbox Software, not 3D Realms. They both did work together with half-a-dozen other devs to complete Duke Nukem Forever.
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Exactly. While DNF changed hands several times, Valve is the only studio that has been working on Half-Life 3.
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Hype multiplies, year after year. It's like pressure. It's the same with any big announcement, for a console, or a game, or a consumer electronics device like a phone.
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Well considering it is one of the greatest game series of all time....well, that might have something to do with it.
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It probably won't be. DNF wasn't a bad game. It's in pretty high demand here. But it can't possibly live up to the hype and expectations.
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DNF was bounced between several teams for twelve years.
DNF was a shitty game from the start.
Comparing it to any potential half life three is mental
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HL3 keeps getting bounced around at Valve. It's been a thing since HL2 came out. You can't say it's not. Like someone else said, HL2E2 left the door wide open and there are devs there who want to continue it.
DNF can't be that bad, someone makes a giveaway there are no fewer than 500 people who want to win it.
Comparing a real game that actually shipped and was pretty good to a game that doesn't exist may not be justifiable logically, but we do it all the time.
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"DNF can't be that bad, someone makes a giveaway there are no fewer than 500 people who want to win it."
implying leechers actually care about the game when they participate in a giveaway.
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No, I legitimately thought DNF was a good game. It's juvenile, but that's what Duke Nukem was. You can't play Madden and then fault it because you don't like American Football. You played an American Football game. You got what you asked for. Same with Duke. Duke is like 4chan in that the inside joke is, it was never good. Duke 3D was a technological marvel over Doom: not only could you JUMP (big deal back then), but you could shoot things like bottles, and they would break. The setting was trashy but as a game, it was incredible. It was all about the potential.
DNF impressed me a few times. The RC car part—both driving it, while shrunk down, and also controlling one, to get you a battery. The gunplay was quite fun, too. I only played up to the first boss fight, on the Xbox, and I was at a friend's. I'll buy it if it goes on sale low enough, and I'll play through the whole thing, and most likely enjoy the rest of it. We're just now at a point, I think, where we can have "high brow gaming," perhaps, but to look down on a low-brow game? Nah. I mean like I said, it is what it is.
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How do you know Half-Life 3 keeps getting bounced around? It's been confirmed that it's quite the opposite of that.
If you look up "Ricochet 2" news from Valve, Gabe Newell himself has said that, "Everyone who was working on Ricochet 2 continues to work on Ricochet 2." Ricochet 2 of course being the codename for Half-Life 3.
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Actually it doesnt, they have confirmed several times they arent even working on it yet, DNF was in actual development for more than a decade.
And yes it can be that bad, number of entries here doesnt determine the quality of a game.
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Your right, its the quality of the developer that determines the quality of the games, for the most part. Considering Valve's track record....well, even mentioning DNF is nothing short of laughable.
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Did you really just rate a game based on 500 people vying for a free copy?
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Actually, every time it was shown off, DNF was actually one of the most advanced and innovative FPSes out there. They just didn't know when to stop talking and finish it.
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Do you have an iPhone? You seem to subscribe to the "one size fits all" mentality. I just can't understand it, myself.
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That's cool, I didn't take it (or anything on an anonymous forum) seriously. What makes Gabe so interesting to me is, this guy used to work for Microsoft, which pretty much left PC gaming for dead when they put out the first Xbox, and now he's, way outside his bounds as a game developer and publisher, saving PC gaming by implementing a form of DRM that most publishers can get behind. It was rough in the early days but now it's pretty good. Steam not only gets out of your way and lets you play your game, but it can also help you, with the Steam overlay. And now Valve is trying to move gaming away from Windows, and that's interesting. Hype about HL3, HL2E3, Portal 3, L4D3, or whatever future games, doesn't enter into it. Honestly they could get out of development, they're doing fine with Steam. I am glad for the games they make, because they are not just good, but innovative, like Portal, or the physics puzzles in HL2.
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It's so funny how you take for examples :
Half-Life 2 itself which followed an already successful Half-Life.
Basically you say any game which had some success should not get a follow-up in case it doesn't live up to the hype but they should make something like a mix of all those great FOLLOW-UPS... :O
Wow.. you got a great point of view. Keep telling us your great ideas.
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Yes, all three of my examples were sequels. The difference between them and HL3 is that they came out within a reasonable time after their predecessor. They all surpassed any hype that was built. Fallout 3 may or may not have — it depends on who you ask. People who like turn-based RPG/strategy like the first two say it didn't. Action/RPG fans love it. But New Vegas came out just 2 years after FO3.
Hype is multiplied over time. I'm saying after a while they should give it up and move on. This applies to other media as well. Robocop remake? Who even wants that? Same thing.
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HL2 was released 6 years after HL 1,
Skyrim was released 5 years after Oblivion.
Please tell me more about how they came out within a reasonable time.
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8 years and a half between Fallout Tactics and Fallout 3... so you're saying they shouldn't have made Fallout 3 (because without Fallout 3 we have to think there wouldn't have been Fallout: New Vegas). Then you go and make a comparison with movie remakes which Hollywood are so fund of lately..
I guess it means Prometheus which came out at least 12 years after the latest Alien movie was a bad idea. Between 6 to 12 years between Terminator movies, Tron had 28 years between original and sequel, 16 years between the Godfather Part 2 and Part 3. If we listened to you they should have ended the Batman movies with "Batman and Robin"..
The years and the hype have nothing to do with what you're talking about, if the point is to make a great game why shouldn't they. Duke Nukem's new game was mostly based on the idea of milking over an old success and yes it happens too often but there's no reason for companies not to try and bring back out great IPs with new life because of these failures.
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If I were Valve/Gabe, I would give a free SteamBox to every one with a Steam account 5 years or older and worth 500$ or more.
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Sounds good to me. Not sure how they could justify the expense, though. Everyone who receives one already has a (probably) capable gaming computer already, so it probably wouldn't encourage enough new sales to justify the cost... but hey, free computer. Bump it up to $1000 though, it's easy to hit $500 with bundles. I was amazed to see what my account is worth, vs. what I've spent. (It's something like $1300. I've spent under $200. Bundles and seasonal sales.)
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Yeah, tens to hundreds of thousands of SteamBoxes forked out for free to people that have either moved beyond gaming (it's been 5 years!) or are dedicated, long-term customers that would've happily bought it is a swell idea! Not only would they be burning a huge amount of $$$ in one-go, but potentially losing lots more potential profits in the foreseeable future! Sounds good to me too!
Pretty much sums up the intelligence behind your posts. My sides are in orbit.
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"there are always hundreds of people who want it, so it can't be that bad"
This just in! People sometimes want to play bad games because they're bad!
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Interesting. I guess if someone had that much time, why not. Between my job and my responsibilities at home (growing up sucks, haha) I don't get that much time to game, so I try to stick to good stuff.
So it's like bad movies, but a lot more time sunk into it?
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Pretty much. Have to see what the big deal is. I enter for War Z giveaways because I'm not paying for that crap but I want to see what it's like for my own eyes.
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It's always possible that Half-Life 3 could go open world. There's no reason why they have to stick to the format of the first two.
A man can dream...
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Have you played Dishonored? It takes a lot of visual cues from Half-Life 2. It isn't open world, but it's a little more open than HL2. Multiple paths, it's kind of built like Deus Ex. The kind of collapsed, dystopian future HL2 represents, you don't see a lot of openness. Though there could be a few tightly locked down cities, but once you get out, you could find settlements. Maybe something like Fallout 3, but change DC into such a city, and Rivet City, Megaton, Tenpenny Tower, Raven Rock, and some of the other places into Combine fortifications. Something like that.
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I said Valve should take three of the greatest games of the past decade and build upon them. If that's not good enough for you, then surely you understand the conundrum. The perfect game can't match the hype. Logically, the game will fall short of perfection somewhere. Ergo, a lot of people will say it sucks — or that it's "boring."
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Building upon something successful is usually a bad idea, look at Medal of Honor for example. What you are proposing is a game with "a little bit of everything" in order to appear to wider audience. That logic has dominated the gaming industry for the last few years and as a result most games coming out today are unoriginal and boring cash-grabs that no one is going to remember 10 years from now.
Yes there is a lot of hype but Valve has always delivered by producing innovative, industry leading titles and I don't think they will fail now. Remember that Half Life 2, Portal 2 even Dota 2 either met or surpassed our expectations.
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Fair point. I meant to build upon the ideas, but I get what you're saying. I don't want them to copy what has worked for others, but rather to take that and apply it to their own work. Gaming has evolved, and while HL2 is still a great game, it feels dated. There are great examples today of how great a new Half-Life game can be.
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I think should just release an image on steam , thats it... saying Half Life 3 Confirmed
Valve would troll everyone.
And also i dont understand the hate on DNF, its still playable. and it was my first DN game i played so... yeah, i own the first now ..just gotta get to it xD
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A lot of people are asking for Half-Life 3 and I don't get it. Look at Duke Nukem before and after Duke Nukem Forever came out. Before, it was just like it is with HL3. After, even though DNF is, by all rights, a good game (as far as Duke Nukem games go), it's widely hated (yet not enough that I can win it, there are always hundreds of people who want it, so it can't be that bad).
Valve doesn't want people to hate Half-Life, and they would because no matter what Valve does at this point, it's just not gonna live up to the hype. The best of HL1 and HL2, Oculus Rift support, smartphone integration, keyboard/mouse and gamepad support, no matter how many bells and whistles it has, it's just going to disappoint enough vocal members of the gaming community that it doesn't sell well at all.
Instead, what they need to do is just make a new IP altogether. If it were me, I'd draw a triangle with Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, and Half-Life 2 at each point, and throw darts. Gameplay of Skyrim: Open world, lots of places to explore. New Vegas: Great story, a lot of conversation, a plot you can really sink your teeth into. HL2: Fluid gameplay with physics puzzles. I'd rather the setting not be a dystopian future, though. But one feature I really haven't seen in a game yet. A world that fully reacts to you, and by the end is ugly and hateful if you make bad decisions, but beautiful and welcoming if you make good ones. Help one faction and some areas improve while others are neglected. Help everybody and things mostly stay the same. And death meaning more than respawning. When you die, the world goes on without you and you can see some of the things that happen. (You can still reload, but there's a cost and consequence.)
Point is, a lot of games raised the bar of our standards and added something worthwhile to the ongoing "conversation" of gaming. I don't think HL3 will add anything important. I think Valve should instead set a new standard...
edit: Closing this after an edit to make the giveaway more obvious (it only has 5 entries now). Didn't intend to troll the board, just figured I'd find some more intelligent conversation than I did, and unload a game on someone at the same time. Never mind its description, I fouled that one up, just enter if you're interested. Anyway, I think the idea of HL3 is overrated and Valve should focus on other stuff. That's all. Mostly due to all the hype, people can't stop talking about it. Kind of silly. Anyway, cheers, catch you on the next go round or whatever.
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