I've recently got an e-mail with subject "Slap City - Alpha Key" from Ludosity but it was in my spam folder so I didn't see it immediately (received on 17th january). So, if you're subscribed to their newsletter, you may want to check your spam and see if you've got any.

Alternatively, you can go to http://slapcity.se/ and sign-up for the alpha (found it while looking for ludosity's website that I linked above; source) ..don't know if they'll deliver the key right away though.

Gave it a quick try (like, 5-10') and it reminded me of that volleyball mode included in Tekken 3 =P Disclaimer: that was the only game mode I've tried, the others may differ.

Oh, I think a controller is recommended.. didn't have mine at hands-reach when I played and with keyboard was quite a mess not that I had time to learn what all the keys do.. was just randomly pressing them, in true Tekken-syle XD

7 years ago

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