I don't see the point in spending your precious time watching someone's stream which you have no interest in, purely to win stuff. I mean aren't videos/streams meant to be for entertainment?
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People like you are exactly why if we ever have stuff to give away on our stream, we only do it for regular viewers or people who actually get involved in the chat. I know a lot of people who work the same way.
What you're doing is kind of dickish.
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Ugh, the fact that you seriously don't understand why you sound like an asshole makes this all the more laughable and pathetic.
With my stream and a lot of streamers I know, we'd be much more content to give something to someone deserving who actually cares about the stream and talks to us in the chat, not some random dick who's only there to get something from it in some way.
Not all streamers who make giveaways make money of streaming either. I certainly don't and most my friends who stream (and I'm talking decent sized streams with hundreds to thousands of followers) don't. A lot of those people make giveaways of games/whatever that they bought with money out of their own pocket. Leaving the stream open does not necessarily do anything for anyone so don't act like you're doing some great service to them by opening the stream and leaving it on.
A huge portion of my games on Steam are actually gifts from viewers because they like us and appreciate that we provide entertainment from them. They don't owe us anything but they do it because they enjoy what they view.
Then there are people like you, who don't even watch the streams and just view them as a way to get stuff. You wouldn't give a crap otherwise. It's kind of selfish and kind of a dick move.
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Thank you for explaining this. Now i don't need to explain to the OP the reason i wrote "Seriously?"
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you should really message manapot and ask to join his network, as long as you have an average of 20 streamers he may let you in, so you can have the manapot controls on your twitch, i can put in a good word for you if you want, mostly all the manapot users get money from their streams
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So you can come watch me and not give a shit and try to win stuff from me while feeling a little better about yourself since I'll get paid from you leaving my stream open that way?
I wouldn't want to join the network of someone I've never even heard of before anyhow. I value my integrity and the streamers I'm friends with far more than making money off my stream.
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you get what you sow. if you advertise your stream as having a giveaway to get more viewers then the viewers you get will be interested in it just for free shit. if you wan to do giveaways to regular viewers then they should be unannounced and infrequent and never included in advertisements.
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I don't know if you're making a generic statement or referring to me personally but our giveaways are unannounced, unadvertised, infrequent, and just for regulars. Generally they're a pretty spontaneous "who wants [X game or bundle that's on sale]?" when we have a little bit of spare money and we're just hanging out with our friends or regulars.
If you're just making a generic statement then yes, I agree, but in the event that you are referring to me personally - well I just explained that you're wrong. Don't form assumptions, they usually just make you look foolish.
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Where the hell did I assume that you, or anyone here, has seen my stream, exactly? That would be a stupid assumption to make because I know most people likely haven't. Don't put words in my mouth.
I'm just saying your statement doesn't apply to me.
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This is a disrespectful begging post you're the kind of person we blacklist from our Stream giveaways.
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Because you're only there for giveaways which means you honestly don't give a shit about the people who are doing said giveaways and all you care about is how you can get their games.
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im not understanding why your getting so butt hurt on what other people are doing with their giveaways.... if they dont like idle'ers they are more then capable of banning them from their stream, its as simple as that. heck a few of the twitch giveaway people im a mod in their streams, so you would be surprised at how much they want idlers , they get like a penny per person who is idling in their chat per ad, it ads up even tho its jsut a penny
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Well it is a little hard with 100,000+ viewers (for some) to go through the viewer list and ban like 1,000-2,000 of those viewers for idling isn't it?
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You do know that not everyone who does streams make money off those ads right? Some people don't have that sort of thing enabled some people do it just for fun.
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I say like 98% or twitch streamers are just your average joe streamers. They make no money what so ever unless they have a donate button on their page for you to do it. As an ex streamer, It was all about providing entertainment for the people who would come watch my streams then it would be about trying to fill my pockets. As what is said above, it is disrespectful and tasteless to sit there and only worry about a giveaway and do nothing with chat or at least enjoy the stream you are watching.
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I agree with you. Seeing in this same thread things like "I can't imagine I would ever, in any situation in my life, spend a single moment watching some sort of streams for any other reason than to win something" and " they get money off me leaving my stream open for them to play ad's", I feel really sad for the people who buy games from their own pocket to give away and then get infested with this kind of leecher scumbags.
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People would need a compelling reason to allow you into the pool of potential winners. If I knew of a private giveaway, then I might share that info with my friends because they are my friends, and it would also make me happy if they won something. However I have no emotional connection to you. If I shared that giveaway with you, I would only be hurting my own chance at winning in order to give someone I don't care about a chance to win.
Long story short: Why do you deserve to know?
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Self promote: I recently started streaming and am doing giveaways. I think it might be against the rule to post my Twitch, so just message me if you are interested.
But I actually want people to nitpick my stream and tell me how to improve... So if you're only there for giveaways, then you should probably not send the message. :P
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As of right now, I've been mainly streaming Cube World. I'm extremely fascinated with it, right now. Other than that, I stream pretty much anything. From League of Legends to Killing Floor, from Minecraft to Amnesia. I try to accommodate for everyone's tastes. Besides, I enjoy playing different video games, so I don't really regret streaming so many different games.
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https://picroma.com/cubeworld ?
I was wondering wether i would try that game, so i'm really interested now...
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Yes! If you want, you can watch my stream about it sometime. Or just buy it! It's a great game. I'm loving every minute of it. Also, if the Dev is true to his word, then there will be plenty of updates to come. I think he's doing something like Minecraft, where there will be large updates every month or two. With small updates in between.
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you should watch manapot stream one of these days and ask if he can let you in his network so you get your own owner controls and virtual currency i really only watch manapot network streamers cu zi love th efeatures he has given to twitch streamers lol
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I can understand giveaways for viewers, but leechers annoy the hell out of me. I myself enjoy watching streams, and I've donated to them to put towards giveaways, But it fills me with rage to watch their viewer count triple/quadruple when a giveaway is coming up. A person in particular who I wont name, has gained about 5k followers, giving many games away (and a console) but his average viewer count hasn't budged, but when a giveaway is coming up everyone wants to know. I can assure you they wont make up the price of a game in the 30 mins people are in there for the giveaway, you aren't helping anyone.
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dont worry im not a leech in any way lol, ive donated the moneyz to the streamers i watch cuz it buys me their currency in order for me to get more raffle entries into their giveaways and im even a mod in a few of the giveaway peoples stream chats
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This post bothers me.
I'm a Twitch streamer, fairly new. But needing to "bribe" people to be in my channel is pointless. When I do any giveaways, they are unannounced and un-publicized. Why? The people in my stream that follow me deserve that game: Not you, the leech.
Publically announcing a give away only attracts the people that are interested in free stuff. They aren't there for the long haul, and once the giveaway is done, viewer count plummets. Us Twitch streamers cannot survive off of leeches. We survive off of a dedicated fan base that want to be there for us, not our wallet.
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dont worry ive never leeched, ive donated to all the streams i watch and im a mod in a few of them, i do farm their stream currencies for raffle entries though but im a big !dueler as well so i like to have points in order to duel other people, and im just curious if their are any other streams out their that have giveaways
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Your original post doesn't say anything about your donations. You simply mention that you love give aways and want more. How else did you expect us to react??
Besides, to answer your actual question, you cannot search stream titles on Twitch. You can only browse (Through clicking Games or Channels on the left) or going directly to a channel you know about. Personally I hate the way to search on Twitch, because new people don't get the audience they may deserve.
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Reading through your posts... Are you seriously implying that people stream for money? An even better question... Do you seriously think anyone will tell you any streams when all you really are is a grab-n-go person? You'd go there for the give-away, then leave. Yes, that's leeching and it's pathetic. Hell, there's this website, where no one gives a crap if you leech.
Also, what the hell does being a mod have to do with being trustworthy? I've known MANY bad mods.
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huh? i never said i leech or grab and go, im a huge donater and watcher....maybe you should get your facts straight before you type next time...
and twitch streamer Brobben123 makes 300 bucks a week and Mephan makes about 150 a week just from streaming, people make their savings out of this.... im not sure what your talking about and they are just 2 of the manapot streamers
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...REALLY? You don't need to say it for it to be true. It's quite obvious that you're asking for the give-away, not the stream. What're you going to do? Go there for the give-away, expecting to get in even though you're a stranger? Fake your way into trust?
And I know that people do indeed get money out of streaming, I meant that it's not the only reason people stream.
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Most of your giveaways are private or contributor-only, too. How can you say yo're a 'huge donater'?
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"Are you seriously implying that people stream for money?"
Erm, there are people living off it, actually.
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It's still the major/only source of income of many famous streamers. So, to a extent, yes, they stream for money. Not saying that it is the only reason though.
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I seem to always agree with you on so much Bernado. lol
The funny sad truth is, is a lot of streamer would quit streaming if for some reason they would no longer make money off of it. Streamers(LPers, youtubers, and other "famous" internet people) turn into entitled shits after they make it their day job. And a lot of them will say(or have written on their channel) "OHHH IT'S SOOO HARD TO STREAMMM! MAKE SURE TO DONATE MONEY TO KEEP MY CHANNEL AND ME GOING!"
LPing is already a piss easy job.(Unless it's like a SA member or Chugga who actually put quite a big of work into their videos, which is never the case)
Streaming is even easier because you literally press like 2 buttons and you are done. No need for any kind of editing or uploading, you are good to go with just a few clicks.
I seemed to have gone on a rant.
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Yes, I know that, but exactly what DoJu said. It's not about the money. A lot of streamers, or even youtubers go into it for fun, not money.
I know a kind-of popular stream where it's several streamers, and they play all kind of games, even bad ones, for fun. Not for money.
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Again, I'm not saying that its only for the money. You can do something you like because you like it and you earn money too. I know many streamers and youtubers that have streams/youtube as the only source of income. Many quit their day job and start streaming more often. Money is a influence on this, and many would not be streaming as often if they didn't earn money with it.
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I disagree, though... Because the stream in question that I was referencing? The streamers all have normal lives, jobs etc. Of course, I'll admit that there's about 8 streamers or something, but they find enough time to stream daily.
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He's had some tablet giveaways recently, but he usually gives away a few things every time he streams. He usually gives away mousepads or Razer mice and ships them to you if you live in the U.S. but for those who don't live there he gives you Steam games or RP (since it is a League of Legends stream). Most of his giveaways are from donators so whatever he gets, he gives away. (:
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nothings wrong with that, they were my first giveaways on this site when i started the site, how many ppl do you know that join the site then instantly donate?
not to mention bundled games still give you full CV when you donate non bundled games,
thanks to bad rats and zeno clash, i have like 100 bundle game funds in storage and when i donate more non bundle games it will unlock more, which in turn benifits me
i regret not keeping a zeno clash for myself vv i want vv
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There's a difference between donating something, and dumping your trash in hopes that it increases your CV. But I'm sure giving 4 copies of Bad Rats followed by 4 copies of Zeno Clash in a row, was done with selfless intentions. This thread has shown what a decent guy you are.
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Zeno Clash is awesome and everyone should play it, though.
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im pretty sure 70% of SG users donate to get some CV, and if it means donating their left overs and things they dont need then obviously thats what they will donate
when someone has a game they cant use or dont want.... do they throw them away? or do they donate to people who DO need and want them! your being too biased in the whole situation
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Athene, he also has a steam key shop, some1 won 7 mil points which is like 4000$ in games :p
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So someone makes a joke (albeit a stupid one considering Athene is a complete tosser) and your idea of a rational response is to check out their Steam profile and then tell them you're disgusted by them solely based on their personal taste?
You realise that now you look like a complete twat, right? So someone likes stuff you don't, oh well (and sometimes people have different opinions too - shocking!). To be disgusted by that and to throw it at people simply because you don't like a joke they made is a bit ridiculous.
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im looking for more twitch streamers that have giveaways for viewing them, i know of a few but i need more lol,.
i know manapot does 500k gold diablo 3 giveaways every week,
and sattelizergames has $25 steam games of your choice giveaways every sunday.
but im curious if there are others i should be watching? i want more chances to win things lol... v__v and i dont really know how to use or search twitch so how do you find streamers with giveaways?
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