Why not but then what of those that have a dual nationality or those that prefer a regional flag instead of a national flag? ^^
Have a nice day too!
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Or you can choose not to add any if you don't want people to know. The site knows a users region for giveaways but apart from that its neither relevant or anyone elses business
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A tiny bit of stupidy is normal. happens everywhere, but that's not in my case.
I have a short story for example. I am fed of adults, so I at least encourage young ones to do something good. there are these kids looking for money, they ask me if they can clean my front yard for money. I was impressed but I have to sleep that afternoon(I'm nocturnal and I work at night) so I told them maybe next time, then they persuade me for.. let's say 5g(don't want to mention my currency) that's really small amount. I'd feel bad for not giving them a chance, so I just said yes please, and I placed payment 4x as much of what they had asked, 20g hidden. I told them to get their payment in the pot when they are done. I had to place the payment somewhere because as I said, I need to sleep, I know it's a bad idea to pay early but I trusted them anyway, they are kids and I shouldn't hire them for labor, but I also want to encourage them to be responsible at early age and get rewarded. I went to the kitchen to serve them something to eat and I went back to ask them which snack they want. and they're gone with the money in the pot.
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I can only see incoming hate by bigots, but anyway, it would be an ok feature. :P
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Yep, every country has a "rival" country, so I can see incoming verbal fights. :P
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Everyone will be telling me: "You filthy Greek, why don't you pay your debts?"! Hehehehe. xD
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Here's an example where this would be useful, whenever I see your nickname I always think you are Irish :D
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Hmmm, because of the shamrock, right? xD True that, but maybe I can add a flag in my picture. :O
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I remembered an old thread about it. It also has a poll: here
Well I don't like it actually. We are a multinational community of gamers. We are mostly gamers. Yes we have a nationality, but who cares? Why not display our favourite food, our spririt animal or our hairstyle, too?
To me it is unimprtant which nationality someone has and adding a mandatory* flag to a profile, just gives the whole thing more meaning than it deserves in my opinion.
If one wants to find out from where someone is, they can go easily go to the steamprofile and check it out. If the nationality is not displayed, then maybe that user doesn't want everyone to know?
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To me, a flag feels like it seperate me from others. It just shows in which country we are currently in, it doesn't actually show what a person we are or what "makes us what we are". A flag somehow reduces me and my profile to my nationality
That's of course just my personal view and I also don't mind telling people that I'm german. I just feel that a mandatory flag seperates people more than it actually helps to connect with each other.
If you meet someone and like to chat with them, then I think people will just start talking about their country, their lives and how they see their country themself. I think that makes it far more interesting to get to know others.
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I just feel that a mandatory flag seperates people more than it actually helps to connect with each other.
So much this. We're supposed to be one big community, not finding ways to segregate even more.
I wouldn't mind a pizza on my profile, though.
Even having it optional would lead to random toxicity and racism. You can already post it on Steam, there's no need for it here.
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There's an easy way to bypass this Sappy so that most can live with it. If flags were available on SG then make it another option under the options. Those that don't want or care for it have the option to not use it while those that want it or care for it have the option to use it.
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Uhm... asdad suggested mandatory flags on everyone's profile based on the IP we are logged in. That's what I'm against.
I can not decide for people, if they want to tell others which nationality they have nor if they want to show it, but I think that this community doesn't need a feature like this at all. So, if cg actually would look at this suggestion, I hope he'd decide, that this community can live well without flags on SG profiles.
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Hum I think a couple of people didn't read that it's optional!
But jeah, that's not important to me. I just don't think that this feature is actually too helpful, as stated in my initial post.
If your suggestion was about mandatory flags, then I would just be strongly against it! :D
Still, never stop speaking your ideas!
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If cg would ever look into this and I guess it would be low priority to do so I would be good with flags if it were an individual user controlled option so all users would have the choice to use it or not.
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There are a couple of practical reasons to show from where one is and I think it's not a completely bad thing that Steam has that option.
I mean not everbody speaks multiple languages (I hardly do), and maybe this helps people that want to connect with fellow countrymen/-women,that are more likely to speak their language, on a platform like steam.
I just don't feel it is needed in this partifcular community, that evolves around this forum and gifting games to each other.
It doesn't feel necessary to show one's nationality and with that promote national bias.
Bias like this exists and no one can completely avoid being biased. Trying to establish an environment, where nationality is of less importance is always a good thing to me.
I do however get that it can be helpful, but, well, Steam already provides the option to show the nationality, so if someone strives for meeting people from a certain country or show where they are from*, they have the ability.
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I've never had a problem admitting where I'm from, even though my country isn't big or popular or rich, so why the hell not I guess :) Wouldn't mind that feature.
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The one to set your country on Steam is like the +rep on Steam, useless because one can put anything up there and it's so easy to change.
I had over about a week 4 Steam friend requests from the same user and each time he or her changed his country.
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You would be surprised how many Steam friend invites I have had coming from people that according to their Steam profile come from Belgium or Israel and when I check them on SteamRep they light up like a Christmas tree.
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we run a very small online shop and need to check search results from different countrys - to see what google analytics is up to with search strings in their results - and it is amazing how google alters the things it is showing you based on where you are searching from - very very biased results overall - so vpn allows us to get info from other regions (oh and the other thing you mentioned as well of course - but mainly the shop thing :)
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I think it would be nice and me too often have the curiosity to understand where people are from :), but I agree with the suggestion that it should be optional, just like on steam itself.
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Even having it optional would lead to toxicity toward some of those who choose to innocently use the option.
I'm against the idea, plain and simple. I'm all for a singular, united community, not a community segregated or fragmented (more than we already are) by region, race, or country of origin. Steam has already done an amazing (sarcasm) job of segregating us.
I've already had several racist remarks directed at me for my SG name alone, and my name has nothing to do with any country, race, or ethnicity. It's random letters from mashing my keyboard.
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I'd prefer a planet flag.
Then I can announce to this world that I'm actually a Zorblaxian.
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If anything it could help identify region locked GAs more.
Don't see how it could cause any harm. besides obvious trolls who would just search your steam anyways.
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I can see the utility of this idea in checking if GA winner is in the appropriate region, but there will be numerous problems with false identification due to proxies and all sorts of VPNs. I don't think SG support is willing to deal with yet another type of requests.
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Why not. But VPN power is big so count only first IP used during registration. It would be good but not "must have"..
Btw there isnt some limitation on register on new SteamTrades? I can see lot of guys registred in last days.... shady profiles, almost 0 games, offer AAA games (in keys form sure) for cs skins... o.O
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Yes! Wanna show how we Scots have the best haggis and Irn Bru :3
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No, because say for example in the future many users win a giveaway that isn't (somehow) legit, then people from that country might get a banhammer.
BUT all in all, nationalism is very important against the globalists (with the new world order plan), culture and tribalism (people in groups rather as a whole) are very important AGAINST slavery and tyranny on a global scale.
Also wanna add: nothing is stopping people from putting a flag as their pic, however it's nice to see a lot of individuality.
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