Hello everyone!

I have a question about steam games' prices.
I have bought a game for 2,49€. Basic price is 9,99€.
If I create a giveaway, which prize will be added to my profile?

Thanks in advance.

11 years ago*

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Basic price.

11 years ago

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It's 2,49€ yet. If I create right now, basic price will be given to me?

11 years ago

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The price used is the base price for each game, not the sale price. However, titles listed with an in the giveaway creation drop down menu will receive limited contribution value, and you have already reached the cap for value you get for those titles. You will need to be certain that the title lacks the if you want your value to go up further.

11 years ago

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It's about Plants vs Zombies GOTY.

11 years ago

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Okay, that is confirmed to lack an *, so you will get the base price from it. You will also get additional value, based on missing Bundle game value, for an extra 20% of the price, until you earn all your bundle CV back.

Look forward to having $11.99 of CV added once it ends.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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What about price drops?
It will cost less in the future, the value of my profile will decrease?

11 years ago

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Yes. Once it drops in price (price on steam without sales) the new value will count so your CV will drop.

11 years ago

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Thanks for the answer.
It sounds really great. Sarcasm off.

11 years ago

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Sorry if you thought the idea was to buy a game for 75% off and be rewarded for its full value until the end of time.

11 years ago

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I don't think we should argue about the difference of the life, salary, standards of living etc.
And also sorry for the cheap contributing.

I had a thought about the system and it was wrong. End of story.

Anyway, thanks for the information for everyone.

11 years ago

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I wasn't arguing any of that, but simply that since an item's value depreciates over time, it only makes sense that CV would reflect it as such.

11 years ago

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Why? If someone spent $60 on a brand new AAA title, why should their CV drop to $5 five years from now when that title is in the discount bin? The person took their money, bought the game, the CV should be the CV at that point in time.

It would be like saying if you give away a game on SG and then two years later its in a bundle, you retroactively have your CV changed to reflect its a bundle game. It would be exactly the same.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by cse.