they won't know, but it had to of been either stacked with something else, or second offense really.. or they got a mod/support memb who really took it to heart. at any rate it's not a laughing matter though and i think it should be that or more in most cases, however it's typically not that long.
@darky28 glad to see you realize your mistake at least =) the same thing just happened yesterday and that user just kept going on and on about how it was a joke and felt like they were in no wrong. so at least there is that going for ya ^^
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There is no context where it is acceptable to tell someone to kill themselves.
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I'm not saying it's acceptable and that people should say it in any way. I stay out of this kind of stuff.
But the internet and hence the world would be better off without some people [no one in particular, as I don't care or give any attention to them]. We have too much hate. If they fell on a hole and never got out it would still be too soon.
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I'm pretty sure someone skilled with black humor could make "kill yourself" joke actually work.
Like "you're so sexy you should kill yourself so rest of us could get their chance to woo someone".
But even then you probably could say it in other way that would still keep the joke (like "you're so sexy even your rotten body will get more game than most of us gets now").
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I guess so, though it would be needlessly complicated and dependent one's character when to make an exception to the rule.
If threatening someone is punishable , it should be so for all cases despite context.
Though some people thrive on condemnation and should not be given attention
Just today i was trying to figure out why blacklist a specific group for having a senseless name.
Both hard topics, but told in a senseless, meaningless way
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If threatening someone is punishable , it should be so for all cases despite context.
100% agree. in what way is it not already though?
Just today i was trying to figure out why blacklist a specific group for having a senseless name.
Both hard topics, but told in a senseless, meaningless way
i understand where you're coming from but i feel like all blacklists are senseless, but that's just an opinion and no matter anybody's opinion, somebody will have the opposite.
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Its not the blacklist itself, its more when they make it public..."i'm offended by that name, so welcome to my blacklist".
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Sometimes, people die because of "a joke." Mods have to take it seriously.
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Looking at context, language, it was so obviously not serious that it's almost ludicrous that the staff need to get involved in something like this. I understand there have been cases of people reaching out to others on steam and over here, and being met with trolling/bullying, but this was so far from anything like that... maybe it should, as others have written here, be explicitly stated on the guidelines/FAQ, because I don't see how "death wishes" break the rules. cg's stance on this would also be appreciated.
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You seem to be missing the point. It is precisely because of SG's rules and the seriousness of the issue that the Mods are required to take action. The rules contained within the Guidelines are sufficient to cover death threats, and common sense dictates that such a posting was sure to elicit Mod intervention. Everyone else who posted in response to that posting recognized the fact and said so. People have the right to do dumb things, but they should not be surprised when consequences follow. Just look at how many times someone on an airplane has joked about a bomb and what the result has been. It doesn't matter how "obviously not serious" the person may be, appropriate action will be taken by the authorities because it is necessary.
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they only compared that for the "swift action" comparison, not the actual "severity" comparison.. (or at least that's how i read it)
idk on second part whether it would be considered a "death threat" however it is a felony in most countries even on the internet. freedom of speech does not apply in such circumstances, even comedians have been convicted arrested for crimes from simple "jokes".
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A threat may be a felony in the US, but telling someone to commit suicide? If I told you to drop dead, an expression so widely used, would that make me a felon? I hardly think so...
Name one case in which a comedian was convicted for a non-abusive/offensive joke... if all the people wishing for Mr Trump's death were to even be charged, the courts would be in for some trouble.
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i'm no lawyer, but a few google searches say hell yea it is. i think in the actual cases of law though context is going to be taken into consideration before judgment though of-course. but here on a privately operated forum the support team and moderators are not psychologists with knowledge in the law, therefore they must take each and every relate-able comment of this type as serious as if it were a direct threat.
notice the strikeout across "convicted" and exchanged for "arrested", simply google "arrested comedian" and you'll find several for yourself ;)
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simply google "arrested comedian" and you'll find several for yourself ;)
maybe it's down to a regional setting, but about 95% of the results until page 10 are about this Katt Williams, arrested on different charges, a couple referring to french muslim comedians making fun of the Paris attacks, one about Bill Cosby (in relation to those sexual harassment allegations) and one about Jan Böhmermann, that German satirist that read a poem basically stating that the turkish president engaged in intercourse with goats (he wasn't convicted or arrested after all).
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no you're right, i'm having a hard time finding anything besides that as well. i may even be wrong about it being directly related to this, my best google results were actually googling your line above 'Telling someone to kill themselves is not, nor will ever be, a death threat.' the top reddit result along with a few other results with that search string.. but yeah, i think they mean a general nobody being a "comedian/jokester" not a true professional comedian i suppose.
but there are certainly cases where regular civilans have been charged, i just don't know if any of them were truly convicted of it. it may not even be a direct law, however cyber-bullying is illegal in i believe 34 of 50 of the states here in U.S., and i'm sure they would just lump it in as that tbh.
im not saying this is something that is actively sought out and people get charged for, hell piracy is illegal and it doesn't stop hardly anybody and there aren't all that many arrests for that either, but it's still illegal.
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oh i have no doubt this scenario wouldn't hold up in a court of law. but like i said, our support and mods are not lawyers, they must act as if every case was a direct threat even if they know full well its a joke. (or was meant as one or whatever)
this is probably the one and only thing i can think of they can't really just shrug off. they'll likely overlook piracy chatter and other things, but even a joke like this they have to take serious.. or i suppose terrorist-type chatter, the only other thing they have to take swift action on & take serious..
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Considering that we have already had one person follow through on "go kill yourself" and actually kill themselves, I fail to see how the Mods cannot do anything other than take the phrase seriously.
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As far as I know, only CG has the ability to edit or remove comments, and I don't recall him ever doing that. As for Mods, the most I've ever seen them do is close a thread, which is more than I can do.
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Haven't seen your comment before! :O
Just like you said, I can assure you that your current explanation doesn't justify your actions at all. The ends don't justify the means (hope I wrote it correctly). But don't worry, I understand your need to explain that you're not actually the person you seemed to be because of that comment. Anyway, don't feel bad. It was just a bad moment which you should forget now.
By the way, a Greek steamgifts user told me in Greek to do the same thing in the past, but I didn't really care. :P
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Me no parlare Englando, that's why I asked. :'( Thanks for the answer. ;)
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That's problem with public forums in general. I know Zer0, you know Zer0. And I had read it as simple "kindness exchange", even when it was quite mean. Bc it was rather "mean talk exchange" as in our SB, so it's like running joke for us. But it doesn't translate outside of site chat nicely.
Like if Armin would start to spam topics here with his "standard" comments he'd also go onto a lot of BLs. Or I'd start to "argue" with some people I talk with on steam. It's ironic and we'd know that we're just joking, but "outside" would think that it's mean and I'm this shitty someone who answers with shitty post to nice post.
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I've started PhD and I'm sitting at uni for 8 - 10h / day and then have to go back and proceed data I gathered during day.... So I don't have much time to sit on site SB. I just browse quicky through SG forum, make few comments in new threads from ŁG, check disqus posts from front page and go to sleep, unless I have some spare time, but then I play my gamez or read some science news.
Plus when I see Armin posts or Adadid (why I'm not getting moar reputation) I'm loosing need to join discussion xD
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it was nice and cosy when OP, Armin and co. had recently ban on SB, now they are back lmao
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Thou shalt not judge a book by it's cover.
Thou shalt not judge Lethal Weapon by Danny Glover
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Now the song. But it's contradicting itself... "Thou shall not take the name of Johnny Cash [....] in vain" (so a God reference) and later "The beatles - just a band" (and earlier "Thou shall not worship pop idols").
Apart from that a great tune with great lyrics :)
Though the end line may not be that appropriate for this discussion ;)
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or you're not old enough and the only black on screen you know is samuel l. jackson.
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...but the cover is put there by the publisher! They want to be judged by it!
Sorry, I didn't read your post, just the title, but felft like sharing my wisdom.
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can confirm: Published author who also works for another publisher. please judge my book by its cover, its freaking awesome.
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Unless it's a technical book. Editors manage to find the worst covers for those.
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hey... it is you... your middle photo is causing security issues :P
Security Error
it's clearly a bad trigger, just a photo, but you may wanna change where its hosted ;)
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I don't have time to find an alternate site, right now. It will have to wait. Until then, I'll just delete it.
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ok, i just wanted to let you know. it's not really a big deal, just made me worry someone was trying to slip in something malicious at first, but its just a bad security trigger conflict of some kind. the delete of that photo did stop the trigger though, thanks! xD
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yeah sometimes i just pretend non-fiction doesnt exist
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kill yourself ---> it's a joke ok? pls don't suspend me :(
TBH I don't get it... We have NO RULES right? So why suspend people for anything thay say?
Suicide suggestions? Homophobia? Who cares? There are no rules, right?
We should either implement some "social rules" or stop suspending people for what they write :)
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quite possible.. I just would like to see how support will explain that :) They will tell me to read faq or guidelines? Or are there some hidden rules? If yes, then why not make them visible?
Lest call that experiment :)
I need a break from SG anyway xD
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Theres no hidden rules, they just follow it to the letter( to a retard point )
An exemple would be how i was banned from the SG steam chat for getting in there and saying "sup niggas" as a greeting to the chat
Thats not racism in any country...
PS. i made an appeal ticket 1 year ago, and its still open!
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Now you made me believe that I actually will be suspended for that xD
W/e - I'm not going to delete anything that I wrote :)
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that's a good laugh right there.
some people get offended by just about everything you could possibly do because they want to be offended.
so it would be a crime not to offend them every chance you get. not to mention the insane amounts of fun & hilarity you get out of it while you're at it.
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Actually, that is considered racist in most places.
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I think if you say niggas it isn't, especially with the double standards of "it's not racist if you're black".
Not to mention that the speaker's intent often isn't considered before the race card is played by offended people of a different ethnicity (i.e. not black people).
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I've seen this being deemed racist many times.
I guess it's all in the intent behind the words and, unfortunately, on a public web forum the intent gets a little lost. It's not a problem if you're saying it in your private, like to a group of friends, but in the public space I think it's something better avoided.
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EsE could tell you an interesting story about how he got banned from SG steam chat, if he finds this comment, he'll tell you :D It's both ridiculous and I think he's even a little proud about it.... got banned for something he likes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Social rules wouldn't be coherent, so they won't be implemented.
You can't distinguish between "you're so terrible, go fuck yourself with sun-hot spikey cactus" said by friend, who wanted to put in the thread joke they shared recently in private chat, and "you're so terrible, go fuck yourself with sun-hot spikey cactus"said by someone unknown who wanted to attack someone directly :P
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You have a point.
We had similar situation on forums not long ago - for some people what was said was just a joke and of other it was bullying.
Still - if we can be banned for "bad/hostile" behawior I would like to see something in guide/faq about it...
Or just change this forum in second /B/ - everybody will be happy (exept those who would run away).
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If you check the bottom of the "Roles" page of Steamgifts, you will find "Inappropriate behavior" as a justifiable reason to get a two days cooldown, maybe more depending on the infraction/amount of infractions.
I agree that the rules are very "loose" and lacks in details though. I've been saying it for years.
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So another problem - new user have to search for rules in:
small button in the bottom, which everybody would ignore for years xD
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Like I said, it mostly depends on if the user was reported for other rules infractions, perhaps other "inappropriate behavior" stuff. If a person posts something worth getting banned over, chances are they posted similar comments in the past as well.
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Actually the only part that is obligatory is the ToS - Terms of Service. The Guidlines and FAQ are "only" clarifications of the ToS to make them better understandable.
The ToS however clearly state
- the Content is not pornographic, does not contain threats or incite violence, and does not violate the privacy or publicity rights of any third party;
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People are good at making assumptions about things without really knowing whats going on, which is kind of the point of this thread.
Without getting into the same debate again, you don't know anything about what you are talking about. I stood up for various people quite openly that I hadn't even spoken to before or very little. One of my first "blacklists" came years ago because I told someone to lay off another user, I was accused of being that user, I just told him I thought he was wrong. One of the major problems certain users have with me is because I stood up for a user I barely knew who was getting openly mistreated and racially abused.
You are entitled to think what you want of course. I won't reply about this matter again, i like occassionally posting when I see threads trying to change perceptions, I don't want them to turn into an argument best left dead.
Edit: lol, I even found the old discussion here a year ago where I said the same things then as I do now. It doesn't matter who it is, why they are doing it, if I see it and I think its wrong i'll speak out.
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But within the space of one reply you've gone from me "ignoring" things to "saying something once in a while". This is what I mean about assumptions and getting involved when they don't really know whats going on/gone on. The longer I talk to you, the more I could show and explain things.
Thing is, I don't think I should or that I need to. I wanted people to notice bad behaviour, people noticed it, my job was done regardless of what happened to me in the process.
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I post tickets weeks ago, they get closed without reply to the point
No user, including staff members, can reply to user reports.
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rule #1
don't give a fark about anyone who says anything on the interwebz.
unless it's me, of course.
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I'm going to have to strongly disagree with you on this one. While you don't need to tip-toe around every issue, there are also limits to the kind of things you can say to people who you're not familiar with, when you don't know their mental state. There's a difference between a crude joke, or telling someone to kill themselves.
And there's also a difference in general with how you can talk to close friends, and with strangers. It should be no different online than offline.
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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you've never experienced depression. The idea that someone should stay off the internet (and in this case a site where people share and gift items!) because they may be suffering self-esteem/mental health issues is one of the most idiotic and ignorant things I've read on this site. You sir, are an ass.
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At the same time, why would you even say for anyone to drink bleach? People who just run around saying stuff like that also should just keep away from people and the internet because they are only good to ruin one's mood with that attitude. Could we just remove the useless offensive attitude before we want to remove the people who's only "faul"t in this situation is to be sensitive?
And to enforce Fnord's statement: while the meaning is same (I don't want to see someone ever again) it's really not the same to say please uninstall or go kill yourself, in online gaming for example.
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Considering the fact that Darky, as well as other people, have got suspended for such comments, I don't think your opinion is shared by the moderators. They want to create a forum where people who do suffer from depressions, chronically low self-esteem and other mental issues actually can visit. Where you don't have to deal with antisocial behavior.
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There's a big difference between forcing everyone to be polite to each other, and not accepting that people acts as jerks. Yes, there will always be things that can end up upsetting others, or which certain people might find offense, but you can at least avoid having people intentionally trying to make each other feel bad.
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So, if someone gets bullied and beaten up in rl you're saying "just avoid going outside"?
It's our responsibility as humans to watch out for each other, especially weaker ones.
You were able to grow up because other people looked out for you.
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I feel like the post would have been more heartfelt without the obligatory jab about not winning games because of being blacklisted: "and I don't really care, especially since I haven't been that active on SG for a few months now. I can live without winning games from you"
Was this post more motivated by blacklists or the fact you were suspended for what you did?
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the part about blacklist was to point that people are really fast to judge. it really doesn't matter for me that I cannot enter some giveaways, but to be honest I kinda feel bad that they've put me on their blacklists. I don't know if I'm able to explain it... even if someone who doesn't create any GAs blacklisted me, it still wouldn't be pleasant. do you get what I mean?
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"Actions speak louder than words" is a nice way to put it, perhaps.
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I'm one of those who blacklisted you (mainly because of the 2w suspension, hintsed other problems... or just an overzealous admin), but I'm reconsidering it. But a question for you: do you think anyone should feel bad for "judging someone too fast" who's first comment I can remember to was "kill yourself"? You can control what impression you make about yourself, you should pay attention to that instead of wanting to change people's belief that's mostly based on your own behaviour.
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I must've failed miserably to say what I meant, then. I know what I did was wrong and stupid but the background story puts it in somehow different light, it wasn't edgy humour or being an arse to a total stranger. Nonetheless, I'm not innocent and the situation isn't that serious. There are serious situations and people who seem guilty but aren't. I'm not trying to make you think better about me, I just want to stress out that sometimes it's better to see a bigger picture before judging.
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It is not a nice comment, for sure, but it is not a big deal as well. The internet is full even worse things. That sentence doesn't mean anything. I read similar posts everyday on Facebook. I got used to it. The 2 weeks suspension is ridiculous according to the fact how short are the suspensions for the other violations.
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Thats another reason that i think he/she deserves her punishment :)
I didnt get suspended there , cause the support decided to either suspend us both or spare us both ... they went with the later .
As for the language i just flat out flamed the guy ... wishing someone to kill himself is abit to much ... i dont flame that way even in my DOTA Games >.<
Especially after reading that topic on reddit
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wishing someone to kill himself is a bit too much
I agree; but ,I understand the caveat that people could be joking with someone they know and as such know that they can take the banter.
For example: If I make a giveaway for the Heretical Giveaways group + other groups I get a shit ton of insults that people not in the group don't know is an inside joke and then they get insulted on my behalf.
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Yeah i know what you mean ... the way i talk with my friends would get me in some serious trouble if someone overheard us and tough we are serious D:
But yeah i get your point , gotta always keep in mind that the stuff said may not be meant serious and its just casual talk between friends .
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It's only there because it's allowed. We really shouldn't accept something as a standard because it's okay at other places, and it's really not just the usual omfg gtfo. But the rules should be clearer on it, because either there was some other (repeated) rulebreaking to get suspended for 2 weeks, or someone overreacted from the support or it was a mistake... and two out of the three wouldn't really be the best.
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We really shouldn't accept something as a standard because it's okay at other places
You are right! However we also should start to accept freedom of speech. To be more tolerant to other people opinions and mistakes. To punish people for their opinion or a stupid post is like fascism.
There is no need to lynch people for their stupid posts as far as it doesn't hurt anyone. If someone writes "you are fat and ugly" or "your mom is whore" - it can hurt and it should not be tolerate, but shitposts cannot hurt anyone.
I have attended many Internet forums in my life, but this one is the only one where people are punished for writing any posts (I don't mean just the post of the girl but about blacklists for writing any posts generally). This Internet forum should be in the guinness book of records because it is really bizarre.
If someone doesn't like a shitpost, they should just ignore it. Of someone thinks the other is not right, they should prove it - to show a proof, and not blacklist them or make a ticket. It is more like in a kindergarten here than in an internet forum.
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Freedom of speech doesn't apply on private sites, because someone can restrict access if they want to, and that's normal. Similarly as I can send away somebody from my house if I don't like their style. Even more the problem - I think - is not even with freedom of choice, or anything, just some mob mentality here. Like the don't talk about blacklists. People blacklisting for the sake of blacklisting, people getting upset about BL'd while not loosing anything... I feel like what's going on is what would happen if facebook would give a dislike button.
I think the problem here has various roots. For one, the leisure moderator system of the past (sorry admins, explaining it) in which while the written rule was there, there wasn't enough staff to enforce it, so people didn't really care about it (some rules are still swept aside, even today, and people mostly treat them as not important). Furthermore, while the good support works in the background, but when suddenly support starts to actually work, things getting done fast, they need to be visible and send the message that rules are important, keep them. Someone silently disappearing for 2 days, and only people know about that who check that person's profile a little lacks the punishment and visibility to take the system seriously. And why is no visibility? because said mob mentality and blacklists, and the urge here to judge people and that's why we have the no callout rule. And the whole thing just ends up as a big mess...
And I think the whole paragraph started from the idea of - let's say - you insult my mother. I don't give a damn because you're just a random user here who doesn't really know me, not to mention my family. But from the site's rules, and admin aspect it would be still inappropiate behaviour (and I also think it's right to call it that) but it would be the support's part to solve, and deal with the situation. (tbh I'm starting to lose what I wanted to say, I really hope you can get something out of this)
Oh, and
To be more tolerant to other people opinions and mistakes.
YES. Arguing over petty things that doesn't matter to us, or even there's no correct answer (religion, pro and contra) just makes the forums a worse place to be, so in those matters I really think freedom of speech should be applied in a manner of " I don't agree with you, but yay for you and your opinion" :P also if someone is willing to learn from mistakes like *really* that's superb. But again, admitting mistakes, accepting other's opinion, or even clarification that would force me to change my (obviously wrong) opinion about something is usually hard to come across because people are "entitled to their opinions", or rather identify with them, and they feel attacked personally if someone disagrees. But that's not SG's, but the society's job to change.
(Sorry for the wall of text, just a really interesting and complex question, and I love to discuss/think out loud about these ^_^ I actually learnt so much through my mistakes on this site, from responses and self-reflections, both facts and way of thinking)
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I'm kinda sympathetic. I'm often surprised I've never been suspended (or at least I haven't ever noticed being suspended, I don't always visit this place very regular). I've lost my temper a few times or just been drunk and said things I shouldn't on occasion. And mostly those incidents were due to things that happened with people outside this site that other folks wouldn't understand.
But if I had had been suspended for a valid reason I'd have taken it on the chin and learned from it - and I hope you personally can take this as an educational experience. There are good reasons places like this shouldn't be a free-for-all, and if you or I have a problem with somebody it probably isn't the place to publicly escalate it...
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context: lighthearted-shit-posting-thread = 90% of sg forum discussions
reply: unserious joking suggestions also permanent fix lol
oh i'd be sorta slightly aggravated too, if i were you :-D
(forums have plenty of users who probably read you for the 1st
time, before checking, i thought you were a new user)
sure there's very few serious threads where you better not suggest them
to kill themselves ... but idk that and this looks plenty like joking to me
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Don't take everything to heart, darky hugs
Everything is fine now ^^
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I've had a discussion (possibly argument) with a user who posted something very similar a few days ago. They said that it was as a "joke" when I mentioned that it was inappropriate. The user eventually deleted their comments, so I assumed they understood how this may be inappropriate. However, as I've been seeing this happen repeatedly now, I'm inclined to believe that some people don't see this kind of behavior as inappropriate on a forum, for a reason or another. Not everyone is the same, hence why I do not hold a grudge against the user I had a conversation with, nor you.
Generally, unjustified (or otherwise) insults or disrespectful comments, joke or not, isn't appreciated on Steamgifts. I can understand how on some other communities such as 4chan, 9gag or whatever (I don't visit these websites so I don't know about the etiquette), it may be common to make these jokes or comments. Steamgifts is more of a "friendly" community in general, and although lots of negative posts are ignored (although in my opinion, don't belong on SG), most of the time a "bad post" will get both the community's and the support's attention... in a negative way.
Either way, I don't support your actions or how you handled a personal issue with a user on a public forum. I, however, approve of your attitude towards the issue. It's better to see it as learning a valuable lesson rather than receiving a punishment.
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It would have been only 2 days if it was for that comment alone.
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lol przyszłości narodu przybywaj.
yeah, they did not know (and nothing in the post implied that) that you knew each other.
There was case here of a guy who made thread about killing himself, many inappropriate comments (which probably did not matter) but he went through with it... so those comments are not taken lightly now days. And probably not your first strike here knowing behaviour from SB.
I love those threads 'i don't care ¯_(ツ)_/¯ ' but.... :trollface:
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heh - I remember that.
One user wanted to be added by him on steam so they could talk. Some some directed him to some anti suicide sites... And of there were people who didn't treat this seriously and told him to kill himself...
After all I think that he made his decision before posting here and neither of them could change it...
But who knows?
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I'm finally back after two weeks suspensions. I got suspended because of this comment. And while I'm well aware that I deserved the punishment, I've also noticed many of you have put me on their blacklists. Which is fine, you can do what you want and I don't really care, especially since I haven't been that active on SG for a few months now. I can live without winning games from you, but I wanted to let you know that things are not always what they seem to be.
You see, the guy whom I replied to, used to offend me. We're both users of one of the internet forums. It started off normal, we had some fights but in friendly manner (or so I thought). His comments gradually became really mean, though. I've been called stupid, ugly and so on. He also told me to kill myself when I asked for advice, although I'm pretty sure he didn't mean it (I didn't mean it, too).
and I actually have been depressed for a few years now, to the point of attempting suicide so I know how it is. I would never say something like that to a person who might take it seriously
I'm not writing this to justify my actions. What I did was not right. And I'm not trying to paint him black. He's backed away some time ago and it was me who behaved childishly this time. This whole situation may not be important but it's an example and I hope it will give you some food for thought. I'm just some nobody but there surely are people you know, who've been suffering because someone judged them too quickly. Be careful and try not to jump to conclusions, especially when it concerns your loved ones.
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