I just had the same problem, searched to see if anyone else did. There are also people on their Facebook page complaining about not getting their keys. I'm guess they screwed up the implementation of the Ninja Packs. But going under "Ninja Packs", and clicking on "Claim" worked for me also.
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Yeah, the Ninja Pack stuff is useless anyway. Most waste their NKs for nothing. The Bid stuff is good enough, get good Games if you have enough NKs and if see interested Game.
Got 2 Games so far, few Weeks ago i got Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition for 800 NKs and now few Hours ago i got Batman Arkham Asylum GoTY for 900. Always used all NKs. But im happy. ^^
But it was my second try with Batman, so lost 50 for Unlocking and i tried it with Need for Speed Shift, that means lost 25 there too, gave 725 or 750, dont know. But didnt worked. Somone was giving few Minutes or seconds before the End, 800 and little bit higher. ^^
And hope they will fix it with the Inventory thing, its really confusing. The People Win a Game and then big Shock, nothing there. :D
Wish that Unlocking would be refund too, for those where didnt got anything or at least, stays open in next Round, if had no luck with it.
Also would be maybe good that sometimes they make so a Quiz, where can get few NKs, if answer it right. Make a List with Questions, what is open for few Hours, from that to that Time. Where can answer and then they close it and check, and who got some answers right, can get then few NKs. Not much of course, maybe so between 5 and 25 NKs.
Depends on the Question, how hard it is or so. Something like that. Just an Idea. Of course can make it better, but still an Idea. ;-)
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Assassin’s Creed: Unity
Bioshock Trilogy
Blitzkrieg 3
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Company of Heroes Complete Edition
Dark Souls III Deluxe Edition
Darksiders Warmastered Edition
Dead Island Definitive Collection
Dishonored Death of the Outsider
Endless Space Collection
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
Final Fantasy IX
For Honor Starter Edition
Heroes of Might and Magic V
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
Lego Indiana Jones The Original Adventures
Life is Strange: Before The Storm
Mount & Blade Warband
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Steam CD Key
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Steam CD Key
Shenmue I & II Steam CD Key
Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion
Sniper Ghost Warrior Gold Edition
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords
The Evil Within
Titan Quest Ragnarök
Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition
Victor Vran
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War Game of the Year Edition
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition
Mortal Kombat 11
Rage 2
Final Fantasy X/X2 Remastered
Sims 4 Island Living
Dying Light
A plague tale: innocence
Battlefield 1 Revolution Edition
Darksiders 3
Just Cause 4
The Sinking City
Age of wonders: planetfall
Wolfenstein: Youngblood
Dark souls: remastered
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
.... 2825 points so far and nothing to spend them on. 😶
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Hi, i know it already from other Post, but thanks and me, i just have 250 Krowns and there are many Games i have on my Wishlist.
Last Week lost all my 900 cause of Batman Arkham Asylum. Had normally few more Krowns, but some lost trough the Unlock stuff, cause many trys. ^^
For me means this Time, wait and save till next Week or few Weeks later. ;-)
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Oh, what do i must read here, a bad Word from a Lady, shame on you. ;-)
Its ok, many places are good, so reach more People maybe and since in other Thread also already many Comments, can be overseen so fast. ^^
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I will not tell anyone, it will be a Secret. ;-)
Besides that, if its you on the Profile Pic, i must say or i hope it is ok to say, that you are very beautiful, very sexy, very hot. Dont know if its ok, these days need to be careful, what to say to a Woman, even if just want to be nice and want to make a compliment. ;-)
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Ich fasse es nicht, wie geil ist das denn jetzt? :D
Ich wäre jetzt fast vom Stuhl gefallen, wenn ich auf einem sitzen würde. :P
Und was meinst du mit benehmen? Jeder hat da so seine eigene Regeln, bevor man jemanden in den Arsch tritt, weil er zu weit geht. Ich bin relativ nett und habe immer Angst zu weit zu gehen, wobei ich es nur nett meine. Wenn man so heute schon liest mit dem ganzen Mist, wegen belästigung etc.
Selbst wenn man jemanden nur anguckt, dann wird man vielleicht als Perversen Arsch abgestempelt. ^^
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Wir hatten das Thema hier auf SG schonmal (was geht und was nicht geht): thread
Ich will da jetzt nicht weiter drauf eingehen 😬
Ich fasse es nicht, wie geil ist das denn jetzt? :D
... weil ich auf deutsch antworte? Ich hatte bei dir deutsche Kommentare entdeckt, deswegen. 😏
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Oh, wusste ich nicht. Bin auch noch nicht so lange hier. Du müsstest schon etliche Jahre mit dabei sein, nehme ich mal an. :D
Hatte mal reingeguckt und gelesen, ja, wie man was sagt macht die Musik. Aber so ein, Hey oder Wow du bist sehr hübsch oder du bist so wunderschön, sexy, heiss. Sollte noch machbar sein.
Darüber sollte man noch hinwegsehen und es als Kompliment ansehen und lächeln können.
Aber sowas wie, hey, bock zu, na du weißt schon und so Bitch etc. Und das mit süßem Arsch, ich würde eher sagen, wow, du hast einen schönen Po.
Sollte auch noch im Rahmen sein. Anonsten ist das meiste wirklich widerlich, wie die Leute da abgehen und sachen rufen/brüllen.
Und ja, man trifft hier nicht all zu viele , die deutsch können. Als du dann unten Anfingst, schon mal kurzer Schock. ;-)
Und später gibt es wieder Crazy Weekend. Mal sehen ob du jetzt was findest für dich. Ich wieder nichts, schon, aber zuwenig Ninja Krowns. Gerade mal so um die 400, unten wieder mal Lottery/Tombola, da sind 2 Spiele die ich probieren könnte und mit etwas Glück, gewinnen könnte. Hoffe ich. :D
Sind schon einige Spiele dabei, die ich gerne haben, wollen, würde. Aber mit bieten ist da nichts, da die immer über 1000 bis über 2000 gehen werden.
Übrigends, viel Glück. ^^
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Und, schon was abgestaubt dieses Wochenende? Ich leider nichts, wollte ja Crash Bandicoot und Life is Strange 2 von Tombola, Aber hab gesehen Crash Bandicoot ist EU und ich würde es leider nicht spielen können. Scheisse man. :D
Da ich in Asien lebe seit vielen Jahren, ist dieses Spiel hier Unerreichbar für mich. Life is Strange 2 habe ich verpasst oder eher, doch gelassen. Habe zwar versucht mit Battlefield 1 Revolution Edition, war nichts.
Fürs bieten war wie gesagt zu wenig Kronen da. Dachte so mit Life is Strange noch, da hin und wieder billig erschien, aber dennoch am Ende sehr schnell hoch ging. Gut das ich es nicht probiert hatte. ^^
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Mich hat nicht wirklich etwas interessiert, außer LIS2, aber die Tombola ist irgendwie zu unsicher. Bei der Menge an Kronen die ich jetzt habe kann ich sicher mal direkt ein gutes Spiel ergattern (falls eins erscheinen sollte 🤭) - evtl. nächstes Wochenende.
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Bei deinen fast 3000, da kann man neidisch werden, fast. :D
Ich werde auch wieder bis nächste Woche so um die 800 haben. Und dann sehen was es so gibt, damals hatte ich 900 Kronen gehabt oder eher mehr als 900, da noch Unlocken für 50 glaube ich und habe für den ganzen rest, also meine ganzen 900 Kronen dann Resident Evil 5 Gold ergattert.
Vor kurzem dann knappe 900 wieder gehabt und habe ich erstmal 1x Batman Arkham Asylum probiert, nicht bekommen und dann mal so Need for Speed Shift probiert, auch nichts. Also 100 Kronen vergeudet fürs Unlocken.
Dann nochmal Batman Arkham Asylum probiert und für meine ganzen 800 Kronen dann doch bekommen. Da noch Zeit war wieder mit abholen neuer Kronen, noch schnell wieder 50+ mehr eingesackt. ;-)
Schon recht glücklich, 2x mal gutes abgestaubt. Ich habe immer so bis Ende gewartet knapp und dann aufs ganze. Dauert halt ewig bis weder viel und wenn dauernd doch gute Spiele auftauchen, zumindest habe ich sehr viele auf Wunschliste, muss ich abwegen und manchmal leider passen. ^^
Aber irgendwann, irgendwann werde ich die alle haben. (Diabolisches lachen). :D
Damals vor dem bieten hatten die kurz mit schnelligkeit auf Button klicken, da waren die Keys sehr schnell weg, verdammt schnell. Das war mies, doch einmal hatte ich, da dachte ich Sims 3 oder war es 4 , keine Ahnung, dachte sei eben ein Sims Spiel und hatte mich schon gefreut, das hatte damals auch 900 gekostet, alle meine damals gesammelten Kronen. Und was war, nur ein Coupon um es billiger zu kriegen. Scheisse. ^^
So kanns gehen, schnell sein und noch lesen können, schwr. Aber mit dem bieten haben die es schon etwas verbessert. Kann man nichts dagegen sagen.
Aber besser wäre es mit der Tombolanicht einfach nur 1 sondern 2 und dann verschiedene Spiele und nicht einfach der Reihe nach. Bis dann dein gewünschtes erscheint, musst du die Nacht um die Ohren hauen um es ja nicht zu verpassen, da nur 1x erscheint. Und da auch nicht jede Stunde, schon schwer.
Am besten sollen die es doch abwechseln, nicht nur unten die Spiele ab und an als Tombola, sondern auch die, die zum bieten oben sind. Mal so und mal so. ^^
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"They screw it more and more. ^^"
Well, tbh this whole crazy weekend thing is pretty cool and they even took care of the bot-problem with the new system...
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where is the differende between free gams list and lottery game list?
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I dont know, this is New. Its for the First Time this Weekend. Sorry, they just posted it in their Blog. So i dont know what this Lottery is. We will see it then later.
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How many people normally bid each hour? That would be good to know
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Better should make so 4 Games for Bidding and 4 Games for Lottery. Every now and then, so random Lottery Games always. Dont need always be every hour with the Lottery, but if, then 4 at the same Time. ^^
Or so, then if no Lottery, 8 Games again and then if Lottery, 4, 4. :D
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Yes, exactly, always click everyday at the same Time the green Button or also later. Now you see the Button above in the Top in Kinguin. I dont know how to add pics/screenshots here. If someone knows how, can make one and post it here, its Welcome for those, where dont know where and how. ;-)
For Example, if you got your 50 Ninja Krowns at 9 am in the Morning, can click next day at 9 am again to get your 50 Ninja Crowns. Or even later, if didnt had time at 9 am in next day. So dont must be always everyday exactly at same time. Just if next day then 3 pm, then next day also again Unlocked at 3 pm. ;-) You see the Timer always, so dont worry. ^^
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Oh, i just copied it from them and didnt saw it. That will be very long Week. :D
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Yeah, i dont know what they always take while writing the blogs. :D
I wouldnt say no to it, but have not that much Krowns to hold till May 1. With my 400 or so, i will not coming that far, i guess. But since i get everyday 50+ Krowns, we will see. ^^
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Here is the list of games for the weekend:
Lottery Game List
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Thanks, but no need anymore. Its already Updated above, i added the List already above few hours ago. ;-)
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Tried for Aragami Friday, but of course got outbid, since I don't have that many crowns and can't seem to remember to log in every day.
For the people who were successful with their biddings, would you say it's better to bet your max number of crowns right from the start or to start bidding in the last few minutes of the auction?
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I watch until the last few minutes, just so I don't waste 25 krowns opening the bid. If bids are low and If I've got enough, I'll watch until 30 seconds. If I have enough to win, I'll open bidding at 15 seconds and bid all I've gotten or at least 100 or 200 above the highest bid. I've still been outbid a couple of times. My two wins have both been 3rd place. If I had a lot of crowns, like more than 1500, then I might take a chance without watching depending on the game. I guess I've won 2 out of 5 games I've bid on?
It's your time vs krowns. Spend more time, you might save on krowns, spend more krowns you'll save on time and may win no matter what.
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I really dont know, i just copy always the stuff, what they wrote. But i guess, if it would be special or Legendary or whatever, then it would stand behind it. Like with the other Games, if something special, then they would have mentioned it for sure. :D
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Clean all the cookies and stuff. It worked for me.
Edit: Or login on a private browser page if you don't want to delete cookies.
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Do you mean me? Im sorry, but i dont know what exactly you mean.
But if you mean that, why i know what Versions the Games are, its cause i copied it directly from them. Means they said it, look in the Source Link below the List. ^^
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Someone bought elder scrolls iv to confirm the deluxe edition? :D
I already have the game so I don't know about their specific version, but a few hours ago I noticed they listed it as The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Edition Steam CD Key in the winners list. So it's uncertain if it contains the Deluxe content or not. Most likely it doesn't.
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Yeah, i have no Problems at all. Just need to click sometimes many times on the Button, but i get them always in the End. ;-)
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I dont know about Tombola, didnt won one yet. But mostly below are Winner List and if you click on the Game and you see beside a YOU, then you should have Won it. And where the Winner Lists are, is a orange Invventory Button and brings you right there, to that place. ;-)
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Well, I just found Tekken 7 in my inventory and well: https://i.imgur.com/Wau0KCk.png
Nowhere does there stand "YOU". Nor does the first letter of censored emails have the same first letter as my email.
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Conratz, i tried it too, but didnt Won it.
And since i Won in bidding few Times, there was always YOU behind it, so i thought, its same here. Well seems not so, its just luck if check your inventory. ^^
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after winning Metal gear V Phantom Pain yesterday i start again by 0 points :)
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Hey Guys and Girls, here is something new, since they stopped the normal Crazy Weekend, now something called Cyber Monday.
Welcome to the first of our Special Editions of Crazy Free Weekends! On Crazy Free Cyber Monday (December 2), you will be able to bid Ninja Krowns and claim FREE triple-A games. Keep reading for the giveaway rules and the full list of games.
How to claim games?
How to get Ninja Krowns?
Ninja Krowns are a digital gaming currency you can claim every day for free on Kinguin.net. If you haven’t claimed any yet, you can still join the fun.
This Saturday and Sunday (Oct 30-Dec1), and also on Cyber Monday, we’ll have a Cyber Monday sale, where you’ll be able to not only get games cheaper, but with a significant Ninja Krowns boost.
You will be also able to use a Ninja Boost–by playing a selection of Free-2-Play games. All it takes is to create a new account in any of these games. More information https://ninja.kinguin.net/crazyweekends
Crazy Free Cyber Monday Game List
The games below will be available to claim for free using Ninja Krowns. Every game will be featured multiple times during the day, in a random order.
Don’t forget to visit Kinguin.net over the weekend and on Monday. We wish you happy game hunting!
Source - https://kinguin.ly/crazy-free-cyber-monday/
Crazy Weekend - https://crazyweekends.kinguin.net/
And for People who are New on Kinguin, also some informations, like, where the Game is from your Winning in bidding and where to pick up your 50+ Ninja Krowns.
The Ninja Krowns Button is now in the Top, good Work from Kinguin. Easy to reach, always fast to see.
Now to the Games, where you can find them, after you had luck in bidding and new thing, the Tombola. ^^
Inventory - https://www.kinguin.net/inventory/njp
Anyway, hope i could help you all, where got confused, where your New Game is. ;-)
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