Wow..That's a lot to read and sorry to hear!
Everything sounds like an accident to me.. so just relex.. I am sure good people on SG will forgive you. Maybe take a bit time
I already own skyrim but because you sounds nice and have a great ratio.. you are going to get a blue heart from me...
Maybe try not to use bot Script next time and read the description carefully.
I only use the SGtool side bar script
To check each winners
this one only have
• AutoJoin (join everything you see on the page) (a Button I have to click to Join)
• Infinite scroll (giveaways load dinamically as you scroll) (super useful)
• Button to Join or Leave giveaway on the main page (super useful).
Gota read every fine print and avoid the Bot Script ;b
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Thank you for your considerate response. I loved the infinite scrolling and the ability to tag user profiles, and there was also a feature to join every eligible giveaway on the page. I didn't plan on using that feature, but since I had to click a button to auto-join the giveaways on the page, I really didn't expect there to be an auto-join feature that would be automatically enabled in the background.
I've already uninstalled the problematic browser extension, and I will try to find an alternative that will allow me to tag user profiles, but I definitely want to avoid one that includes any scripts or macros that auto-join giveaways without my express approval. Thank you for your suggestions. I prefer using Chrome, but perhaps the extensions you listed have analogues from the same author available in the Chrome store. If not, I might consider starting to use Firefox for all of my SteamGifts interactions.
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Well, you made this thread to explain what happened and I assume you did so to reach the ones that you wronged by using that extension, so I hope for you that they will read this thread and might reconsider adding you to their blacklist and/or removing you from their group. Let's hope this will at the very least let others know that they should be very careful to use any kind of automatism or script on SG and not run into the same issues that you did.
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From the looks of it i think its just a bit of confusion, and yeah it sucks, but the same way you got in that group in the first place you can do that again (this time being a bit more careful :P)
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SG++ allows you to tag users and does not join GAs automaticly. However it does have a "Comment and Enter" feature which allows you to enter and comment on GAs without opening the GA page which is frowned upon since (as far as I understand) you can't read the GA-description. So I recommend to not activate this feature as it is off by default.
It also has quite a few other useful features such as Endless Scrolls, marking new replies in topics you have previously visited or displaying user stats by hovering over the username.
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Thank you for the recommendation. I saw that as an option, but I didn't see tagging users as an option when I was quickly glancing over the available options. If anything, though, this is a lesson about reading the fine print carefully and not just glancing over the available options. Thanks again for the information, and I'll try this tool once I get a chance to read over all of the fine print.
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Hope things turn out fine for you :)
We all make mistakes after all
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That's an example of rules and stuff backfiring at the user. It was unintentional, so you will be fine I guess, we are all human after all :)
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You seem like a nice reasonable person, im sure that you'll be forgiven :)
Hell, everyone makes mistakes! So here's your bump!
Not entering the GA since I im not one of those it's intended for, but since you, as previously said, seem like a nice and reasonable person, I'll whitelist you ^^
Oh and hope that you're recovering well from the hospital visit!
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If the apology wasn't meant for you, then the giveaway definitely was. It's my way of apologizing for taking up your time if you took the time to read an apology that wasn't necessarily aimed directly at you. If you think you might enjoy the game and you are level 4+, please feel free to enter the giveaway, because you absolutely are one of those for whom it's intended.
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I was in the hospital for most of last week. The reason isn't a secret, but this is probably not the best venue for discussing it at this time. Instead, I'm making this post to try to make a public apology for those I might have offended or wronged in the past week while I was away. I made a pretty big mistake before I was unexpectedly admitted to the hospital as an inpatient, and I did not have access to my computer for almost a week, and so I was unable to address the issue before it got terribly out of hand. Now I find myself blocked on Steam by people with whom I had previously had an amicable relationship, I was removed from several whitelists, added to some blacklists, and dropped from some SteamGifts-themed Steam groups to which I was rather fond of belonging. Since I don't know how else to reach out to the people that feel I have wronged them, I am going to try to make a public apology, and hope that they might see it here.
I suppose I should first acknowledge and own up to my mistake. My whitelist was becoming a bit unwieldy, and whenever someone commented on a whitelist giveaway I had made with something like, "I don't know why I'm on your whitelist," or, "I don't know what I did to get here," I like to reply with a link to the specific comment that put them on my whitelist. In the first few months of making giveaways, this was easy enough to do, since I could usually remember why I had whitelisted someone when the list was short, but as time went on, it became impossible to know exactly what insightful comment or considerate exchange caused me to decide to whitelist someone. I was looking for a way to tag users on their profile page with a link to the exact comment that put them on my whitelist, and when I said something of the sort here on SteamGifts, someone mentioned that there were browser extensions made for SteamGifts that would allow me to do just that.
I searched Google Chrome's extension library for an add-on that would allow me to tag users on SteamGift, and installed one that indicated that it would let me do so. I was pleased to have the ability to tag users' profile pages with comments and URLs, and there were some other features that I found useful, like infinite scrolling. Unfortunately, I did not carefully look at all of the features that came with the browser extension, and there was a feature that might have been useful in certain circumstances, but ended up causing me more trouble than I had expected possible. If my available points on SteamGifts hit 300, the browser extension would automatically enter me into the next available wishlist giveaway. I can understand why the author of the extension would add this feature, since it helps avoid "wasting" points that would otherwise go unused, but I personally found this feature to be quite undesirable.
First of all, I prefer entering giveaways manually, and I don't mind "wasting" points if I hit 300P and don't have any giveaways I want to enter or think I might not have time to enjoy. Furthermore, I greatly dislike the idea of people using scripts, bots, or macros to automatically enter giveaways, since I think that reading a giveaway's description and manually entering any giveaways you hope to win is the only fair way of using the site, and using a tool to automatically enter giveaways give that user an unfair advantage over people who are using the site as intended. So I unintentionally made myself into a hypocrite by not looking into all of the features of the browser extension before installing it.
Secondly, I was a guest in a Steam group (one of the aforementioned groups to which I was fond of [partially] belonging), and I was making giveaways for the group with the understanding that I would not be entering any of their giveaways before I met their group requirements. Unfortunately, some of the giveaways that were created for the group were in my wishlist, and the browser extension feature I mentioned above obviously did not know about the agreement I had made with the group's leaders. Because I left my computer running before leaving the house and unexpectedly finding myself admitted to the hospital, my points on SteamGifts maxed out at 300P quite regularly over the next few days, and I was automatically entered into a few giveaways that I should not have joined. And for that, I publicly and profusely apologize. I had no intention of joining giveaways for the group before I was eligible to do so, and I sincerely apologize for having allowed it to happen. It was not intentional, but it was my fault for not being more careful in researching all of the features of the browser extension that I had installed. I've uninstalled the browser extension from my computer now, but the damage has been done, and I can only hope that this apology might help mitigate that damage in some small way.
I hope this apology is seen by its intended recipients, and I apologize for wasting your time if you are not its intended recipient. As a small consolation for wasting your time, please accept this giveaway of a game with a 94% positive rating on Metacritic. I had intended to use it as a prize in a puzzle I wanted to make, but I don't know if or when I will have the time to make that puzzle, and I don't want the game to be wasted in my inventory when it could be played and enjoyed by some generous giver who takes the time to read the forum posts here. Thank you very much for your time and patience and consideration, and any small bump to the thread you might be able to offer would be greatly appreciated.
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