• Note 1: If the above link is broken, try THIS LINK.

  • Note 2: If you live in France, try THIS LINK

  • Note 3: IF ALL LINKS FAIL TO WORK FOR YOU (error 404) .... SEARCH UP "NOX" IN THE SEARCH BAR ON ORIGIN ... as shown here


  • Retail price: $4.99
  • Standard Edition – PC Download
  • Genre: Action, Strategy, Role-playing - Action - Fantasy


Also on GOG <--- check this out for pictures and reviews of the game.

Nox™ is fast faced action, set in a land filled with discovery and deceit.

An excellent action/RPG hybrid with very unique gameplay. Your name is Jack Mower, a 20th century dude who just happened to be sucked into the world of Nox via his TV set. The world is in danger and you have to save it! But before you embark on your epic journey you must choose your path: warrior, wizard, or conjurer.

Choose the path of a warrior, and you will be able to equip and use all manner of swords, battle-axes, war hammers, and chakrams - though you’ll leave the magical mumbo-jumbo up to the Conjurer and Wizard classes. An enchanted weapon is the closest a Warrior gets to magic but that’s OK, because magic is for sissies.

As a Wizard you will explore the mystical art of spell casting, ranging from enemy-confounding illusions to devastating displays of metaphysical force. You’ll also learn to set magical traps containing deadly spell combinations to thwart the unsuspecting foe. Although you’ll have to renounce the use of ungainly swords and armor in the name of your art, you will still be able to wield a staff as a last-ditch physical defense.

If you choose a Conjurer you will be able to magically charm and summon creatures to do your bidding. You can even create a magical creature called a bomber which can wreak sorcerous havoc on your enemies. You’ll also get plenty of experience wielding staves and bows to fend off the few enemies who manage to slip past your minions.

Multiplayer notice: The game's official multiplayer servers have been taken offline and the only multiplayer option available is LAN.

P.S. - Want to know what other bundles are going on? Check out the MASTER LIST of ONGOING BUNDLES - w/ RaCharts™ (updated daily!) ❤

About EA Origin

Games from EA Origin do not come with Steam keys, unless explicitly stated. Origin games will require the download and use of the Origin client. If you wish to add a game shortcut to your Steam library, you can do so by adding it as a Non-Steam Game from the Games menu of the Steam client.

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8 years ago*

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Will you pick up this FREE game?

View Results
YEAH! !(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
Nah ... not interested
i dunno ... maybe
Well .. I mean ... it's free ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But ... origin .... .zzzzz
Fact: In just ONE second, Apple makes $1,997.

Well.. that was unexpected

8 years ago

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EA has been quite good at using their back catalog to promote Origin. I'm personally really not complaining, in particular not when they give away games as good as NOX.

8 years ago

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Well I already have the game on NOX and notice that trend from them + yet to have any major issues with Origin .

8 years ago

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I was just sending you a message about this. What an unexpected and most welcomed surprise! ^_^

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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it's not dead. you live in a different country than i do, so you have a different web link. Mine is EN-US, your's is EN-FR

but thanks for the alt link

8 years ago

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Use this link:, it's always the one that I use in France to have Origin on the house games when there are not available here.

8 years ago

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That worked for me. Thanks for sharing.

8 years ago

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Free is my favorite price. :) Thanks

8 years ago

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So, where is the bundle?

8 years ago

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No bundle here, just an old, and very good, free game.

8 years ago

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Very nice game, played 2x long time ago.

8 years ago

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Can we expect Failmid to offer this as well?

8 years ago

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Thanks Rachel chan, this game is incredible

8 years ago

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Classic game, thanks for the heads up! [=

8 years ago

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thanks for the warning

8 years ago

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Loved this game when it was new. Great competitor for Diablo 2, and this is coming from a huge D2 fan. Does anyone know how this plays on current machines? I would love to play in full HD, but I doubt that is possible.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Thank you! That fan patch makes the game run great in full widescreen. The resolution is to be expected for a 16 year old game, but it plays on Win10 Pro 64bit flawlessly.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Whoa, how cool! They don't do a lot of those, but when they do they're great! (^w^)

8 years ago

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Already own in on GOG :)

8 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up.
Nox is an oldie but a goodie. :)

8 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up! :)

8 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up. Always wanted to try this one.

8 years ago

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Thank you Rachel, game looks nice, too bad Origin doesn't support offline mode

8 years ago*

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It does for me, click Origin then scroll down to Go Offline

8 years ago

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I am and idiot, in offline mode client doesn't autorun, one need to type the password, I thought that login screen means bye-bye. Thank you for correcting me, and sorry for confusion.

8 years ago

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Thats ok, we all make mistakes here and there, as long as we help each other its all good :)

8 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up, I had just checked for a new OTH this moring too :) lol

8 years ago

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Classic, awesome.

8 years ago

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I don't see Nox but Theme Hospital for Origin free game.... Oo'

8 years ago

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does anyone have it working on windows 7 64bit?

8 years ago

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Great game, hard to pass up. I still own a physical copy.

8 years ago

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Great game!

8 years ago

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Thank you for the information :D

8 years ago

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