What is your favorite gaming genre?
Grandia was a really awesome game.
Have you ever played the Suikoden Series? Those were some of the greatest games I ever played.. Especially the first and second.
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RPG is where I started gaming (board games with dices and all) and that's the way I started gaming (LOTR text based RPG waaaay way back) and that's where I'll keep gaming.
Love me a racing game when I need to blow off steam (pun intended?) but otherwise RPG all the way
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D&D FTW! I remember late late nights (early mornings!) spent over boards and books with fellow nerds. Good times. We also had fake swords with us and even got stopped by the cops once when going back to the subway lol. I guess they'd never seen that many nerds in capes and plastic swords and shields and decided to check us for drugs.
Never played Pool or Radiance! But it's on my long list of abandonware.
What kind of racing games are you into?
I'll try anything! With racing games a lot comes down to how you feel about the handling so I never really know in advance if I'm going to like one or not. Lately I've spent way too much time on Gas Guzzlers Extreme which I won on SG. I wasn't sure about this one because I like my racers racing and not trying to blow up each other with weaponry in general but this is a really fun one and it does have straight racing modes.
I've been trying to get into Project Cars but sadly I really can't. I think I haven't found the right settings yet but I don't know if I want to spend MORE hours trying to find them.
My go-to will always be Need for Speed Most Wanted and Grid Autosport though. So so so many hours I've spent on those. And still playing them.
What are your favorites?
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I only got into the pen and paper games in college and particularly after college. Before that, I always thought of D&D as computer games. :) Definitely had some fun getting together with friends once a week for a pen and paper session, though. :)
I have no idea if playing Pool of Radiance would be fun at this point, but it was one of the first RPGs I played on PC, and I loved it at the time. Never got into the sequels to it nearly as much, but the Dragonlance onces were also great, particularly Death Knights of Krynn and The Dark Queen of Krynn. The jump in graphics quality from Pool of Radiance to the latter Dragonlance games was huge.
For racers, on the arcade side I really like Burnout Paradise, Split Second, and futuristic racers like Wipeout.
On the sim side, I love Assetto Corsa and F1 2017/2018. I like Project Cars, but the handling and force feedback never felt quite right to me, where as Assetto Corsa felt perfect from the start and F1 felt great once I dialed it in.
And on the sim-cade side, I love Forza Horizon - spent a ton of time playing 3, and 4 seems just as good of what I've played so far. Forza Horizon is probably the most fun I've had with a racing game since Burnout Paradise, and I like that you can customize it from pure arcade to a sim-cade game.
I also really like Euro Truck Sim / American Truck Sim, for when I just want a chill experience. :)
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Before that, I always thought of D&D as computer games. :) Definitely had some fun getting together with friends once a week for a pen and paper session, though. :)
All my pen and paper gaming friends are scattered to the wind now so we only ever meet online nowadays. I miss those days.
For racers, on the arcade side I really like Burnout Paradise, Split Second, and futuristic racers like Wipeout.
Burnout Paradise was so much fun!! I'm bitterly disappointed that I just can't get the Steam version to work. I tried all the "fixes" I found online but no help and apparently the remastered version has the same problem. I'm so bummed. I need to get cracking on Split Second. I tried it before I had my wheel but it wasn't as fun with a controller so I set it aside and well, I guess I had other games to try first.
I love Assetto Corsa. Forza, I only ever tried on a friend's console but I'm looking into getting it on PC. I just need to get a dual boot on my gaming laptop because I don't want to have to run Windows 10 all the time.
I also really like Euro Truck Sim / American Truck Sim, for when I just want a chill experience. :)
Those look so so chill! I've got them in my library and I even started looking at mods but I've been putting it off because it looks like a game I would actually disappear into once I start playing. I just love driving and I don't have a car here so it's something I miss a lot.
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I never tried Split Second with a wheel, I think it actually works better with a controller. It's very much a "What if Michael Bay was in charge of making an arcade racing game" sort of thing.
Sorry to hear about your issues with Burnout Paradise. I haven't tried it in a while, but it worked the last time I did (though there were some server issues). I haven't tried the Remastered version yet, but I have that on Origin.
I absolutely love Forza Horizon with a wheel, it's just so much fun. It really is the most fun I've had with a racing game since Burnout Paradise. The main Forza line is more sim-like, while not being as sim-like as Assetto Corsa, but the Horizon line toes the sim-cade line perfectly.
ETS and ATS are really fun with a wheel - I don't know if I would enjoy them as much without - but they're also games that you can easily lose hours to without even realizing it. If you just love driving, you'll probably love both. They're a little slow to start, but then you buy your own truck and then the "one more delivery" thing clicks in and before you know it you're driving all over Europe / California and you you'll stop as soon as you finish this delivery, but now that you dropped it off you'll just take a look at what jobs are available, and ooh, there's one to a city you haven't been to before... :)
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P&P RPG, I would go for D&D but I've also spent a lot of nights playing Ars Magica and Call of Cthulu so they're close to my heart.
PC gaming-wise, it's a lot harder to pick favorites. I've spent a massive amount of time on Diablo II lol but the ones that stick in my mind and that i've played over and over... probably Dragon Age Origins and SWKotOR. Fallout 3 would be on that list too.
I know it's only one of your two favorite genres ;) but what about you? Any fave RPG you've played way more than was reasonable?
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Turn-based/active pause strategy with RPG/production planning elements (or the other way around). So it covers the range approximately from monstrous Garry Grisby's War in the Pacific/War in the East, through Civilization/Heart of Iron/EU Universalis and Jagged Alliance/UFO like games, all the way to stuff like Baldur's Gate.
However, I never got into Total War franchise; not really sure why, but it doesn't do the trick for me. The old Nobunaga's Ambition is still better for me TW: Shogun 2.
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Big civ fan as well, but haven't gotten to HoI or Universalis. You may like Romance of the 3 Kingdoms games. Though I heard the steam ports weren't all that good for some reason. I last played RoTK 11 on ps2 and it is at least 100+ hrs of fun
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I chose RPG as my favourite genre.
I also like HOGs, VNs, Adventure games, P&C games, turn-based strategy games, and various Solitaire games. :)
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favorite would be a game i can jump into anytime get few minutes of fun, and get back to life. or sink my day into and and wakeup the next day!
so strategy,, and surprisingly its doing well in the poll
RPG deserve this as well
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Here is the 2nd promised train of the week. 3 train + 3 rocket
Barely had time to make these with the busy day so nothing fancy.
https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/FWPqU/car-mechanic-simulator-2014 ends 8/21
Post your favorite gaming genre instead of bump ;)
other train
https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/Sddus/lvl-1-freebie-mini-tiny-teeny-train ends 8/18
note - 2nd giveaway now live, rocket = group ga
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