Does it make sense for this game to have "No value" marking?
Normal limit are 1k keys. Calculated together if it gave/give multiple sources for the same game.
Below this they don't add real games (not the fake price and trash ones etc.) to the no cv list.
Off course could a mod made a error, each human make errors from time to time, and not seen that Intel gave only 10 keys away. If this was the only source and the reason for the no cv listing (i don't invest lifetime to check this).
You can't do more as to create a ticket and wait till a mod handle it.
[Edit: The comment below mine show that it gave additional sources on top to the 10 copies. So, most likely no error from the mods with the 0 cv listing]
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It wasn't just a random drawing. They had an event where you downloaded the Intel app and if you played/idled certain games you would gain points and then you could redeem the points for games. It was pretty easy to do.
Remnant isn't listed in the game list but they added that later as a substitute for Cuphead when they ran out of keys.
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Valid point, but it still was regionally locked event and VPN did not work after some point. I also don't see any influx of the game giveaways on SG at around this time, so the point of limited stock still stands
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Idk how many keys have to be given away before it's marked No Value, the comment above says over 1K? But even if it's only U.S., that's still a lot of people + VPN. That could easily be over 1K keys. The other games in the Level 1 bundle like Cuphead and Dirt 4 were marked as No CV also so it makes sense that Remnant was too.
As for not having many giveaways on SG, that is understandable because the game was still unbundled so people are not going to be as generous.
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The region something is in doesn't factor into whether or not a game gets reduced CV.
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It was also in this bundle, but I don't think that should have reduced it's value because it was in the $15 tier which should not be cheap enough to make it around 95% off. Maybe one of the foreign currencies for that bundle after being converted to US dollars made it around 95% off.
Edit: Oh, nevermind. I forgot that you are talking about it being dropped to 0 CV. Ignore what I wrote above :)
Yeah, I feel like this one maybe doesn't need to be 0 CV anymore. It made sense when the free promotion existed to prevent people from abusing it, but it looks like very few giveaways were created at that time. It was apparently made available in July 2021 for free to replace Cuphead, but it looks like there was only 3 giveaways created for the rest of 2021 and only 4 more for the next year, so it doesn't look like many people created GAs with the free keys. Then it was in a Humble Choice in June 2023.
It's up to support since it technically was available for free and there probably was at least a few GAs that were made with the free keys or some users that could possibly still be holding on to keys. I feel like it would be fine to set it to reduced CV as of the Humble Choice on June 6 2023, but I also don't mind if they leave it as 0 CV.
Edit 2: Actually, if it ends up being brought back to reduced CV, it wouldn't make much sense to set that date to June 6th for the Humble Choice because that would allow the 7 giveaways created after the free promotion to get full CV. It would make more sense to push the reduced date back to July 2021 when the free promotion was available.
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The problem with the anymore part, is that people would simply hold onto their keys until it was no longer needed. That's the concern of people that want to gatekeep CV.
I don't see the connection between price and value. Something can cost a lot but be worthless, or be free, but valuable.
I even saw one person that said they didn't have enough time to give more things away, making their CV:RV ratio fall, because they were busy compiling lists of games they wanted to remove CV for. They were then surprised that they got kicked from a group that required that ratio.
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I understand that people will farm free keys and store them if they think the games will eventually be removed from the 0 CV list and that is why free games never give value again, but I could understand if an exception was made for this specific situation since it seems like very few people got keys and there is little chance for abuse.
I think it is a good thing to protect the CV system. There are some people that give games just for the sake of giving and don't care about CV, but I think the main driving force that encourages the vast majority of users here to create giveaways and keeps the site functioning is the desire to increase your CV to gain levels. If people are able to abuse the CV system with fake overpriced games that they get almost for free, that completely destroys the entire point of having the CV system and I think it will hurt the site a lot.
It sucks that games are stuck in reduced or 0 CV forever once they get put on one of those lists, but I don't know of a better way to make the site work.
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I agree that games with price tags in the hundreds of dollars are not worth even close to that. Maybe something like +1, cards, or reviews could be used to boost a game's value beyond zero. Not that I expect anything like that to happen. Many great games are on zero CV and some complete trash continue to give CV, some of which even have their price go up over time.
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Apparently wasn't a mass giveaway anyway, cause there was no Remnant spam 3 years ago.
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Remnant: From the Ashes in the giveaways list is marked as "No value" giveaway, and the reason for it is most baffling - Intel gave the game away almost 3 years ago, in July 2021.
What's so baffling about that, it seems legit, right? My problem with it is that the giveaway was for the WHOLE LOT of 10 keys:
Not only that, but the giveaway was only available, and I quote, "to legal residents of the United States or Canada (excluding Quebec)".
So, not only stock for the giveaway was very limited, the giveaway was also not available to the most of the world. I also find the chances of someone winning the aforementioned giveaway knowing what SteamGifts is and, in addition, wanting to give the game away to be extremely slim. Yes, the game was included in HB Choice since then and should receive Reduced value mark, but before that, for someone who's not legal resident of US or Canada (excluding Quebec, mind you) it did not not make any sense to not receive any value out of giveaway because Intel has decided to give a handful of keys away in specific territories.
Someone might argue that it is just one game, and yes, it is, but I have another example, which admittedly would sound kinda whiny, so I'm not going to include it. Overall, it's just another example of Reduced and No value markings misuse and being in need of some kind of sanity check before being used. Or a short description with the reason, at the very least.
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