My thoughts exactly. :)
I will say that there is probably a wider variety of new games on the Xbox. But what I love about my PC is that I don't have to worry as much about compatibility. When the new Xbox comes out, there will end up being more than a few games in your library gathering dust because you cannot play them on the new system.
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Don't forget about Indie games. Especially compared to an Xbox, whose indie game arcade suuuuuuuuucks, PC probably actually has a better variety of games if you like indie games at all. And not to mention that if you buy enough games, you end up saving more money on the PC in the long run since PC games are usually cheaper than the console version, which can offset the difference in starting price.
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personaly i see that most core PC gamers are more mature then their console counterparts. normally a PC gamer gives arguments for both sides and then gives his opinion. while their console counterparts normally rush with their opinion then defend it.
Anotehr important thing is that most PC gamers are older and more experienced. i bet that most console gamers haven't ever played x-com UFO defense...
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Oh, you you are undecided on what to purchase at this point? Well, you can't really get much of an answer otherwise. Some games are better off on PC, others are better on consoles. When you make up your mind on what you want, ask then.
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You can also use wireless XBOX360 Controller on PC. Anyway, my opinion is this: Soon enough, the XBOX won't have the required hardware to get to MAXIMUM settings on new games that come out. So it depends what are you looking for - if you are mainly interested in one game only like COD or BF, then you should get an XBOX. However, if you are interested in a lot of games, in variety of genres, I'd recommend the PC - You can upgrade it whenever you want and play almost any game on it.
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I'm more of a console gamer. I must have about 700 - 800 games over the last two gens of console and handheld gaming. The only system from those two gens that I'm missing is the Dreamcast. :(
My PC gaming collection is pretty much either old stuff from over a decade ago, or games I was gifted by friends on Steam.
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I know I do. And I could play Half-Life: Blue Shift on consoles. :D
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You don't have th money for both? It's not like they're the same price. You better buy an Xbox than a bad PC tbh
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You actually need less than €500 to make a decent PC. Anything above that is just for higher graphics settings.
For comparison, I got my current PC 4 years ago for ~€450 and it meets the minimum requirements for pretty much every game I've ever encountered.
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For most games I'd say PC. Some are better in their console versions due to ports being terrible, or because the game is designed to be played with a controller, but the pros don't outweight the cons in my opinion.
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Xbox= cheaper alternative to a PC, no need to mantain an OS, easy UI,etc
the only thing you mention is a fee that when bought at full price is 5 dollars per month. it's like saying that steam is a bad store because its games are much more expensive that retail.
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As far as gaming is concerned, you can play any game from any console up to the 360/ps3 era on a PC. The only worthwhile game you can not play on a pc which you can play on the Xbox is red dead redemption.
I think that the decision is a no-brainer now that you know all of this.
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fuck the multiplayer. the exclusives for PS3 are worth enough to buy the console... well, i'm not a mmultiplayer kinda person... i prefer singleplayer, at least for consoles games. i always play multiplayer gameson PC... so fuck the multiplayer on consoles.
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you misunderstood my post. multiplat means multiplatform not multiplayer games. i meant that games like oblivion, skyrim, bayonetta, etc work better on xbox then the PS3. Finding a game which works better on the PS3 then the XBOX is a challenge.
The exclusives argument is also flawed because i bet you can't number 5 must buy exclusives which xbox owners can't get better, but i can name those 5!
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oh.. what the heck i read then?... sorry for that.
uncharted saga
God of War 3
infamous (is not that great)
and i'm not sure, but some HD remasterd version of PS2 games are exclusive, i think (Zone of the enders HD, Okami [is this lauched yet?])
and the only one that really fucking matters
that game is worth wnough to buy the whole console...
what Xbox have? gears of war? LAME, halo games? meh, alan awake? now is on PC
and with the hardware thing. no one develop straigth for PS3. if i not undertend things wrong, devs make the game for Xbox, because is "easy", and "port" it to PS3...
grab the best looking game on xbox, and compare it to the bet looking one of PS3
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heavy rain is very poor when compared to farenheit so lets drop that one. LBP is only interesting if you enjoy creating stuff, from a core gamer i don't think it's better then sonic or mario. killzone as excelent gameplay but it's universe is very "small" when compared with halo. Last of us looks like uncharted with survival mechanics, more info is needed to bash or praise the game. beyond the two souls seems to be astep in the right direction.
50 euro/year, you should buy PS+ when it's on sale and you don't get the games, you rent them.which means when PS4 is launched you either will lose them or won't have access to them anymore.
people think which console is better because people have diferent tastes. for me PS3 should have been far superior, it didnt even copy the best of xbox. no party chat, you have to install stuff, clunky UI, etc. for some those reason xbox is much easier to use and does it's purpose best. an easy to use device that allows me to play games without a hassle.
another issue i have with the PS3 is space. i have like 20 games and i have 100GB used. really? no compression?
in case of doubt here is my playfire profile
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1)uncharted series (which number one has clunky gameplay, but i'll give it a pass but for me it has much less content then gears)
2)god of war 3
3) infamous
4) metal gear solid 4
zone of enders is not out yet and as i said a jap game which is the only strengh of the PS3.
what does xbox have:
2)gears of war (best third person shooter)
3)halo (best console FPS)
4)alan wake (interesting franchise)
5)Arcade games that span all genres, from bastion to iron brigade.
xbox is easy because it's like a computer while sony made a clunky way to code their games.
put the best games side by side and they will look very similarly because let's face it hardware wise their equal, the only diference is the blu-ray and PS3 games rarely use the extra space.
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as i say... Gears of War is LAME, Halo isn't the best game ever, good games, but meh... and alan awake is now on PC
those exclusives are not worth enough to buy the console...
but, i give you the point of "easy to use", Xbox is simplier, and more compatible with multiplayer things...
and yes, is personal things... i would never buy an Xbox... the only exclusive that i may interest me is halo, and just the first 3... (and i play the first one in my old PC)
so, having a PC, the only choice for me is PS3, and maybe a wii, or the controllers... Dolphin runs pretty great now.
PS: Gears of War SUCKS :P
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i fail to see how you like uncharted then don't like gears. Gameplaywise gears is far more intuitive then uncharted.
you said youa re interested in only the first 3 halo(s) yet you would skip the best one? halo reach has some of the best campaign moments in the halo series...
you said exclusives are enough to buy xbox, i agree i wouldn't buy an xbox just for the exclusives, the thing is xbox handles almost everything better then the PS3 and it has excelent exclusives.
The fact you even bought the wii in means you take little interest in gaming. If you ask any core gamer, i higly doubt they would recommend a WII for the following reason - it has very few games. if we count all above average games for wii it would be at around 50 (i'm obviously not adding gamecubes games, those DO expand the library a lot.
Personally your argument seems extremely biased. you prefer a PS3 because you don't like xbox. For me that's not much of an argument. xbox is the embodiment of the definition of a home console- easy to use,intuitive and rarely gives problems- while the PS3 has great JAP games but fails misarably at most other things. i love disgaea, gundam, SMT, etc and because of those i will always buy a PSX console but i would have like for them to step their game and at the very least be comparable with xbox.
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youa re joking?... you are not going to buy a wii because it does not have many games? again, they had exclusives, enough to but the console. Metroid Prime 3, Mad World, Zelda games (Basically, nintendo and some Jap games), etc,etc,etc... of course, is not a console to have alone, is an accesory console, but if you have a PC, what do you care? you would buy any other console if you like to play games that are not on PC, and for that reason, the best choice is PS3, jap games + exclusives... Xbox has nothing to do with me if i have a PC, and if i hadn0t a PC, i probably bougth a PS3 anyway (or a PC)
and you cant compare uncharted to Gears of war... they are not even the same genre, is like comparing Tomb raider with quake, just htat in that case, both game are awesome.
and the gameplay of gears of war is boring AND lame.
i preffer PS3 because any of the "pros" xbox atract me... so why in the world i'm going to buy a console that i never gonna use?
really. the cannons of the consoles are different.
and what the hell is a "core gamer"?
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I will buy the PC or Xbox 360 But I don't have the money to buy both.
So PC vs Xbox360 Which is better to game play?
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