Should reliable/trustworthy SG Users able to add games and DLC's to the available Gameslist ?
I don't know,perhaps this could work ?
a) every SG User is able to add Games/DLC's via the Create Giveaway Page (enter the complete AppId or Steamshop URL for example)
b) the the support team will be significantly enlarged
c) reliable/trustworthy = registered since 6 months,No negative anomalies here on SG,User's >= Level 3 (for example)
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supports cannot add game to the list, only moderators and above, and 2 supports have been made mods very recently so it should go faster now
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Hi TempeteJoachim.I already know this but I think the wait time for a support ticket (of whatever type ) should generally be drastically reduced because SG is a well frequented Website.More and more visitors means more staff required.
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Staff have to know what they're doing though. It takes time. When it happens, it happens.
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Yeah,sure.Maybe this week,this month,this year or never ?
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That's true. I guess that since they made 2 supports into mods, they'll be adding new members to the support team anytime soon.
But it must not be that easy to find the right person for the job.
You have to find users that have been very active for a long time andcarefully background check them (even an user that seems like a nice and helpful person can hide things).
Then you have to make sure they are the right person for this, being active & nice doesn't necessarily make you a good potential support, you need people that are very patient and completely impartial.
And when you find someone that fits all of this, you still have to ask them if they are willing to use their free time for this, not eveyone has the time or want to be part of a support team.
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It is not just about speed but I miss important (new) titles and of course current titles should be completely ( examples are:Season Pass,Soundtrack,Complete Season etc) on this list
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You call it "boring" i call it "important" because i have already Games that i would like to give away but can't because these games are not available in this list (currently) and after a few weeks no reply/progress from SG moderator team.
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Are you sure the reason isn't that you are attempting to create giveaways for games that were free in the past?
Which games are you trying to give away?
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Please check my last Giveaways.I'm not interested in free or bundled crap.
for example:
1) Blues and Bullets Complete Season
2) The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Imperial Edition
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Ah, I see. I'm pretty sure you can still give them away as normal editions and it won't be a problem.
Of course, you would get slightly less contributor value.
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ok,but beside the smaller contributor value I'm wasting my money ^^
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I see too many ways how this could fuck up magisterially.
What defines a trustworthy user to begin with? Time spent on the website doesn't mean anything, neither does levels, amount of games given away, or comments count.
Basically, what you're saying is that more support/staff members should be recruited by cg, which unfortunately, isn't likely to happen.
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I know one who could be worthy. Long time member, level 9 or 10 so he's really generous and respects rules. He also runs "the biggest charity group" on steamgifts - since he don't need to divide his attention between giveaway sites, so he can pay all his attention to SG.
Yep, levels and giveaways won't make one a "trustworthy" person. :P quack"
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But again, what defines a trustworthy user? The words of other users? In that case, a community vote would be required, I assume.
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Please do not hijack this thread for an insignificant duck as the main actor :)
Thanks !
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I know,it's not a easy task to pick the right people for this job but I find the current situation much worse.
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Only four weeks? I have a support ticket from 5 months ago.
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Are we talking about the same kind of support ticket ? Anyway 5 months are simply unacceptable !
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I'm not sure if i the "right" person for this job but if it is only to technical things i can do in the background here on SG ,why not :)
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Check your ticket out - I think the system is not perfect, so the tickets are not linked together. ie if 100 person reports someone for something that worth permaban, most of the tickets will be left opened even though the user was permabanned. I've recently checked all of my open tickets, and almost all of them was solved, but still opened because of the thing I said happened. (And I don't care about one sharing a ref link - I can't check if he got his 2-3 day suspension half a year ago, so I rather dropped the ticket.)
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How do you make sure someone is trustworthy? Nothing can make sure someone would strictly do this following the guidelines. I smell intrigues and drama.
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I have already written this is not a easy task to find the right person for this job but how about the following proposal:
-Choose people who are very active in the forum and very often help other people with their knowledge and support ?
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I used to help run a really big forums and website. We would pick people now and then who we trusted. Then one day, one of the people who we trusted for a long time, stuck a knife in our backs and stroll our tools and give them out for everyone to use.
They had been a very active and helpful person, and after years of helping then did that to us.
So picking trusted people is far harder than you think it is, specially when only dealing with them over the internet.
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...which can of course also happen with the current Staff :) But there comes a time where you need new people because people from the current Staff leaving (for any reason) the boat and his captain.
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I'm not saying more people are not needed, I'm saying picking trusted people is hard to do and takes a while. They are already looking at more people no doubt, they are just not telling us about it.
Also not everyone who gets asked would take them up on it.
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My thoughts exactly. I mean I even wouldn't trust myself with this.
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.....and the technical implementation is not magic.
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I meant him
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Yes, I know, I just wanted to make a very stupid joke. I guess I achieved my goal :)
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Hello Steamgifters,
i know that the SG Support and moderators team is almost overloaded with daily work but i think a waiting period of 4 weeks and more without receiving any response is unbearable.I simply want to add only 3 (!) titles to the available Gameslist.
SG Users should have the possibility to add (new) Games and DLC's to the available Gameslist to speed up this task.Speaks something against it or is the technical implementation too complicate ?
*please excuse my terrible english skills/grammar !
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