There are a few games I would love to play for $1+ half the new price for maybe two months so alright, not sure which ones are hour-limited though. There are many better games now compared to the last promo I threw the dollar in.
Gonna get some time in Outer Worlds, Flight Sim, Ori Wisps, Wasteland 3, Gears Tactics, try out Spiritfarer, see about AoE III Definitive when it comes out, Crusader Kings III is there but not really for me on a subscription service since it's such a time hog. Some people love Dead Cells so I might fiddle around with it for a while. Some games not in game pass too bad, but a good deal to try out some games.
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I agree such subscription services is great to try out games, especially Gamepass includes new game titles. For those who can make out the time to try out the games then its most worthwhile for them imo. For me though its a great deal but I dont think i am able to spend that much time on the games in catalogue, i enjoy games like AoE, interested in looking into CK 3 too. However, that huge backlog and the ability to call on a game i like to play whenever i like from my library is holding me back.
I probably will try out the deal when i go down my backlog, if that ever happens hahaha or I am in the mood to try the games present in the catalogue at that time. ^^
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Maybe this increase is to absorb the inclusion of the EA tingy
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No, this increase was always going to happen. They said from the beginning that the price we were getting was an introductory price during beta.
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I don't get why 4€/$5 is converted to 10€/$10, which is a 150% increase for Europeans, but it is what it is. I may subscribe from time to time whenever I want to try a few games out, but shelling out 10€ every month is too much for me when I have too many games on Steam already. It's not that bad of a price, but it's just not for me.
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Yeah, the 10€/$10 is way too common and don't make sense. Also, 10€ in Spain is not the same as 10€ in Germany I think.
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As much as possible never ever subscribe to anything.
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Why do people act like this would be a surprise? Or even EA's fault?
It was always known that 5$ was the price during the beta stage and that it would increase to $10. The very same happened with Game Pass for the Xbox, few years earlier. Without Electronic Arts.
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Because people either like to bitch or just don't pay attention.
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Why are people hating on this? Sure the convertion rate is a topic to disuss but the price is still a bargain.
You get to play so many games and they constantly add them to the libary, even brand new released games (Wasteland 3, Crusader Kings 3).
For the 15€ option you get almost all EA games ontop of it...
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That's a little too much for me. A fantastic deal is now an ok deal. A little better if there's a new release that you want to play included there. But it's expected they would want to cash in as much as possible on the Xbox Series S, which also went from a pretty decent deal to not really.
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Pass for 10 euro a month. Rather buy my games than go down the netflix for gaming route. At the end of the day all you are doing is renting games and the microsoft store leaves a lot to be desired. Pain in the butt downloading a game and then having to transfer it to my brothers machine - got to go through appdata folder in windows and give permissions. Rather the steam/epic way of transferring a game to external hard drive to install elsewhere. And also EA isn't worth the extra cash as I already have most of their games. Microsoft are going to lose a lot of people with this price rise.
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It seems the promotional beta pricing will be no longer available starting from 17 September
Did people expect promotional beta pricing permanent?
They were very clear about pricing from start. $4.99 beta price. Once it is out of beta it will be $9.99.
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Eh idk about 10 bucks.
5 bucks I can literally forget about it, but double that up and I probably will end up canceling.
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For people who doesn't have xbox and only plays on PC it sucks...
EA play is only on the xbox game pass ultimate that's not interesting at all for people who don't own an xbox... So at the end PC players pays 10 eur to get not even the half of the content xbox players gets with the game pass ultimate at 13eur...
It doesn't scale well for PC only players... Ah yeah and if the beta is over why the xbox app still have so many bugs, looks more like a fake beta to promote it and people paying it full price will still have bugs thanks to UWP...
Well we'll see... if it stays like that i won't pay 10eur a month, if ther's more games and less problems why not it would be one of the best offers we could get for video games...
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Game Pass for PC will include EA Play later in the year, just like Game Pass Ultimate.
When will EA Play come to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate & Xbox Game Pass for PC?
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate & Xbox Game Pass for PC members will receive EA Play at no additional cost starting holiday 2020.
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How dare they end the discount and ask the full price like they said they would in June 2019? Only 1 year and 3 months warning, how inconsiderate!
I'm already paying for Netflix, Prime, my fancy phone that can make toast and scan my retina to tell me my horoscope, a Monthly bundle, two other bundles, random games to add to my backlog, a dating app for my dog, 12 coffees a week, Friday drinks, 50$ hair cuts because who can millimeter their own hair with a fade?, my tattoo addiction, my strawberry vaping cartridges, that secret p*rnhub account, my petrol to drive to the gym to run on a treadmill, the gym! aaaaaand takeaway Monday...Wednesday....Friday...Saturday....
Ten dollars, my god!
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You must have more money than sense then! Ea isn't worth $1 and it's library is long past it's glory days. Pc owners get little value at this price so I'm delighted to see a lot of people not willing to pay the price.
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New prices has been announced
i don't open another thread because there is already this old thread talk about it.
Looks like to me that for new account pc xgp base only (without cloud\gwg games) cheaper price it's thailand around 3€
Or for XGP Ultimate 6€ Argentina (VS 15€ most of EU countries..)
then india,colombia,turkey,south africa around 8€
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It seems the promotional beta pricing will be no longer available starting from 17 September, and the fee of Game Pass gaming subscription for PC will be doubled in most regions:
Current subscribers of Xbox Game Pass for PC will be able to pay the next billing cycle at the same (promotional) price.
A shame, 4€ per month was a really good deal :( This price increase is probably related to this:
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