Alright well I've been on here for a while and given away games here enough to reach level 4, but I've noticed myself constantly thinking that when it comes to public giveaways there really is no point if there is no level requirement due to all the people that will enter right when they see it even if they don't want the game and just want to own it.

Also sorry for no giveaways on here. I gave out my last key to a friend and I'm too broke to buy a game to giveaway.

Edit: I've been watching the results and it seems a lot of people still enter with hope which in turn fills me with a bit of hope myself.

9 years ago*

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So I wonder how do you (the people of SG) feel about entering giveaways that have no level requirement?

View Results
It's a waste of time/points
I still enter for the hope that I will be the one who wins.
Potato (for all of you that know you would only view this topic for the hopes of this being here)

I would never enter a private giveaway

9 years ago

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Really? Why not?

9 years ago

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It was a joke :p

9 years ago

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Ah okay Sarcasm is hard for me to read through Text.

9 years ago

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Most of my wins are from public GA so i dont think is a waste of time/points I joined cause of the free games fo course, I dont have access to a lost of dolars to buy games so if someone kindly gives me one I'm happy, so if I win nothing dont have an issue, im trying to play all the games that I win. And if I see a game that I dont want I just dont enter, I guess alot of people is doing the same as I do.

Also If I get a key of a game I dont want I make a GA or leave it on the forums, and I will continue doing this.

9 years ago

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I enter any giveaway for a game Im interested in as long as I meet its requirements. Since I filtered all the stuff I dont want, I quite often have entries in every visible (to me) giveaway. For example right now I have 110 points and nothing to enter. I will likely seek something on the forums (invite GA), but its likely I wont find enough interesting stuff anyway,

9 years ago

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i take the level into account only when there is a lot of the same giveaway at the same time, and i don't have much point to spend.
Generally i don't look at the level, i only join giveaway of games i want to play and don't feel like buying myself. Then i join based on the number of entry, as simple as that. the giveaway i join with more than 3 hours (or the time i won't be able to check until) are generally great games that i don't see many giveaway due to the price + a high number of entries.
These games are some id love so much to play that i don't care of the level etc as they are not too many of them so i still enter to ge ta chance. (since you will hardly win it if you don't enter.....)
Besides, i am not in groups with "small number" of people and i don't have so many time to waste with needlessly hard puzzle to find more private giveaway so... i still have enough point to join the public giveaway for the games i want whatever level is required^^ (though sometimes i am in need of point, like now with all those space marine giveaway :D)

9 years ago

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Since there aren't too many giveaways for games I'm interested in I usually join all the public ones I can find for it. Most time the private giveaways have games I'm not interested in. And all my wins on Steamgifts are from public giveaways. So I don't know why I should stop entering them.

9 years ago

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My second win was on a no lvl with 2k entries, super rare but it happens.

9 years ago

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Nice. My first win was in a public giveaway with 30K entries, but then again there were 15k keys so chances of winning was 50/50

9 years ago

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true, one of my wins was the dwarf one where something like 40k people entered but there were 100k keys so it was kinda like oprah. YOU GET A KEY, YOU GET A KEY, EVERYONE GETS A KEY!!!!

9 years ago

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Oh yeah I saw that giveaway. . . Funny enough not everyone who entered that giveaway won a key. I think there were like a 100 users that didn't win a key. Probably due to issues or other reasons.

9 years ago

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well 100 out of 40k not that bad of a hiccup, sucks for the 100 though. mine worked ok

9 years ago

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It depends for me on the game.

I typically will only create a giveaway with a Level 1+, I believe that it's easy enough to get to Level 1 that anyone here for the good of the site should be to that level, but it doesn't deter me to enter them. When you win a huge GA like that it sure makes you feel good too I bet haha.

9 years ago

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Yeah if you enter a giveaway with 10k people and win it's a great feeling though if you enter a GA with only 6 other people and lose it's a bit disenheartening at least it is to me.

9 years ago

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Especially when it's a wishlist game lol. 100%

9 years ago

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Well for me I only enter Wishlist giveaways like when you had the 2 Shadowrun DF giveaways I entered both.

9 years ago

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Same here, but there are games I miss on my Wishlist or totally space out. Some of the older games that have been added to steam like Nights, totally didn't know until I saw a public GA for it. Most of the bundled stuff, if I want it I'll get the bundle.

Not like the first week when you join and you enter everything just wanting to know if it's possible to win haha. At least MY first week.

9 years ago

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Yeah I mostly enter games from bundles if I can't get the bundle or if I can't find someone willing to trade me for it.

I don't really remember my first week I think I did what I do now and just enter Giveaways with games that I really wanted.

9 years ago

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if it's on my wishlist i'm joining public or private. Joy of winning some game you have been wanting for months is greater than winning random game.

9 years ago

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Hands down man that's why I only enter for wishlist games. I hope and pray for The Escapists Giveaway or Kerbal Space Program, but more then likely will just pick them up this upcoming sale.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Kind of hoping it's not that soon as I don't have any cash saved up for it since I just paid off all my bills and the like, but hopefully I can put aside enough to get it if they both become Daily Deals/Flash Sales/ Community Choices (which I know if the option is there KSP will DEFINITELY be community choice.)

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by D9sinc.