Do you prefer when half the Choice is leaked ahead of time, or do you enjoy the reveal being a surprise?
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition (WW)
packageID 736962
Apps : 1286680, 1621030, 1621031, 1621032, 1622260, 1769530, 1769531, 1769532, 1769533, (9 in total)
sub not indexed yet
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Tempted by this one, Tiny Tina is on my wishlist and while the DLC has awful reviews, it’s nice it’s included nonetheless. Forgotten City and Unclr Marcus seem up my alley. Wouldn’t mind just those and giving the rest away, especially for $8-9. Hard to say when I’d have the time or how I’d weigh against the rest of my backlog though.
At least I’ve got the month to decide.
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Yikes, 1 maybe 2 games i would want. Easiest skip this year.
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If I skip this month, will I be able to buy the choice if I change my mind ?
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Okay, because they only want to give me 2$ off and I would love to get at least 4$ off because I am not really fan of any of those games so I was just wondering in case I forget to cancel or skip so I don't get charged at the end of the month...
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I'm a huge roguelike/deckbuilder fan, but even the heavy lean towards that in this bundle isn't saving it. These look like more reskins of a dead-horse genre.
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From Ukraine got next SubIDs (with some gift link notifications):
652823, Aces and Adventures
848303, Deceive Inc. (RUSSIA)
709237, Foretales (RU + CIS)
830318, Patch Quest - Retail - [Digital] (WW)
564807, The Forgotten City (RU + CIS)
736957, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition (RU/CIS)
578041, Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
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Appreciate it being the fuller version of Tiny Tina's, but the multiplayer only games like Deceive Inc as part of the headliners is always a downer for me.
Forgotten City the only one I have wanted for a while.
Will pause and see what offers they send towards the end of the month.
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Not always one of the spotlight games though.
I should also clarify I mean competitive PvP type games.
Chivalry last month was first in a while that took one of the first 2 spots.
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"Autonauts vs Piratebots" has been in 7 Fanatical mystery bundles, and 3 regular Fanatical bundles. I guess the count in the op doesn't count the mystery and platinum bundles?
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Mouse-over the count for an explanation/more info. if you want more details.
But yes, bundles that are more like store sales than bundle pricing (and other expensive / exotic / lootbox stuff) are not counted.
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Prices of humble bundles has been increased recently, and Humble Choice still remains the same with occasionally coupons. They lowered the quality of the games and I don't doubt they'll make another Super Mega Premium Bundle to replace Humble Choice to increase its price. Don't be surprised if it happens before the end of the year.
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Yeah another pass for me. I'm not interested enough in Tiny Tina and I'll get The Forgotten City on sale instead. The rest is a collection of the most forgettable games I have ever seen.
No doubt the Knights of the Humble Table will find great things to say about this bundle but to me it's yet another step in the direction of the void.
Just the fact that they currently have a Wales Interactive bundle running and kept one for this miserable bunch of games says a lot about how much thought they put into the monthly now.
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I'm not sure I understand what you mean. The Forgotten City is a 25 bucks game. It's already been discounted down to 9 bucks (-65%) last month so it's a no brainer if I am only interested in this game from the bundle. I'll pay the same price, or less, and the devs will get a bigger share.
So, for me, it's a better choice by a mile.
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so i am glad for people who wanted it Tiny Tina it is the whole complete version but that and forgotten city is all the money and the rest are just not really what i want to see in a choices - two similar looking card games and two re bundles - easy trade pile list
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I'm guessing they had to cheaper on the rest because they went big on the 'Chaotic Great' edition of Tiny Tina. That said, a few wishlisted items and only one owned (even though it's usually none for these) so I'm happy, though I'm easy to please.
I usually aim for 90% off (for games I actually want of course, not random garbage) and even with the one owned this is well over that.
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Foretales is awesome and well worth playing. Happy to see The Forgotten City since I've been eyeing it for sometime :D.
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Tiny Tina is the only one of these I think I would play, and even then it's a really small chance. Easy skip for me .
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2 card games, 1 battle royale (almost dead), 1 "moviegame", 2 redundle games. (Only 3 have steam cards)
we all make choices but that was a choice
The Forgotten City is ok, but I suppose that many fans are nostalgic for the mod, hopefully it is much more optimized since at the beginning it had several bugs and poor performance (at least in my case).
Thankful that Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is the version: Chaotic Great Edition and not the base game.
I think it had been a long time since I saw a humble that didn't have discount coupons for excessively expensive DLC in his store.
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September 2023 Humble Choice
View this bundle on: ITAD -
📅 Important dates
💳 September 26th 2023: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)
📆 October 3rd 2023: Next Choice Bundle release date (first Tuesday of every month)
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
🔗 gift link notifications (ROW / US) = gift link notifications (Oceania)
🔗 gift link notifications (RU/CIS / Ukraine)
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition
Deceive Inc.
The Forgotten City
Everyone receives ROW keys for the following games (redeemable everywhere):
Autonauts VS Piratebots - Retail - [Digital] (WW) {sub/736899} - this is a different sub from what you get in Fanatical bundles (which is PRC-restricted); customers from CN can redeem this key.
Patch Quest - Retail - [Digital] (WW) {sub/830318} - this is a different sub from what you get in Fanatical bundles (which is PRC-restricted); customers from CN can redeem this key.
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? {sub/578041}
Aces and Adventures {sub/652823}
🔑 Full list of subs (Asia)
🔑 Full list of subs (EU / Finland)
🔑 Full list of subs (RU/CIS / Ukraine
🔑 Full list of subs (LATAM)
🔑 Full list of subs (Oceania / Australia)
🔑 Full list of subs (Mexico)
Free DLC to claim:
!addlicense ASF 850977
To PAUSE a month: go to this link -> Skip A Month
(or: Settings -> Manage Your Plan -> Skip A Month -> Continue -> Skip A Month)
Compared to the store sub {sub/736960}, the key for Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition from this bundle also includes Golden Hero Armor Pack (source).
Because of this extra DLC you will be able to redeem the key from this bundle even though you already have a store copy (or a copy bought from somewhere else). Make sure to not waste your key, unless you want to redeem it for the DLC.
🌟 2023-09-14: 9 USD for 1 month coupons available
🌟 2023-09-20: 8 USD for 1 month coupons available
🌟 2023-09-26: 7 USD for 1 month coupons available
🌟 2023-10-02: Deceive Inc. out of stock (NA) (source)
🌟 2023-10-14: Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? out of stock (NA) (source)
🌟 2023-10-19: Deceive Inc. back in stock (source)
🌟 2023-10-22: The Forgotten City out of stock (source)
🌟 2023-11-06: Deceive Inc., Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus out of stock. (source)
🌟 2023-11-11: The Forgotten City is back in stock. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Deceive, Inc. and Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus out of stock (source)
🌟 2023-11-13: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands and Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus back in stock. Deceive, Inc still out of stock (source)
🌟 2023-12-13: Deceive Inc restocked for a few hours, then out of stock again. (source)
🌟 2023-12-22: Deceive Inc back in stock (source)
🌟 2023-12-26: The Forgotten City out of stock (source)
🌟 2024-01-04: Patch Quest out of stock (source)
🌟 2024-01-07: Patch Quest back in stock. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition, The Forgotten City out of stock (source)
🌟 2024-01-09: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition back in stock (source)
🌟 2024-01-10: The Forgotten City back in stock (source)
🌟 2024-02-10: Autonauts vs Piratebots out of stock (source); still out of stock as of 2024-05-17
🌟 2024-10-15: Autonauts vs Piratebots back in stock (source)
🌟 2025-01-13: The Forgotten City and Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? are out of stock
🌟 2025-01-20: The Forgotten City back in stock
🌟 2025-01-21: Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? back in stock. ALL games back in stock now.
🌟 2025-01-31: Deceive Inc out of stock (ROW)
🌟 2025-03-07: Patch Quest, Autonauts vs Piratebots back in stock. Deceive Inc: no info
⏩ LEAKS for OCTOBER Choice ⏪
🎮 Games:
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition from this bundle contains all items included in the store sub with the same name, plus the extra DLC Golden Hero Armor Pack:
💸 Subscription + Bonuses
One plan for all
Starting Feb 01 2022, Humble Bundle offers only one plan, which will allow you to receive all the games included in that month’s lineup for the price of $11.99 (regional pricing may vary, see below):
Humble store discount:
The discount rate is based on how many consecutive months you had your subscription active, as seen below:
The stacking discount will reset back to 10% when skipping a month or canceling your Humble Choice membership.
Changes Coming to Humble Choice FAQ
USD regions: In some regions of USA, a sale tax is applied (example).
Non-USD regions: regional pricing is a fixed amount for each region set by Humble. More info here.
📝 Note about referrals
SteamGifts by default modifies all,, links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.
📖 Informative links
Humble Choice FAQ
Official HB FAQ
Master thread of ongoing bundles.
🐰 Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!
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