Do you prefer when half the Choice is leaked ahead of time, or do you enjoy the reveal being a surprise?
What if....they included Stray, A Plague Tale: Requiem, Gotham Knights, and Terminator Resistance? Would that be a solid month?
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Weird no leak today and the release is tomorrow. Godo sign or bad?
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Probably means that the leaker couldn't know the games because the breach is closed or he is away and couldn't get those leaks.
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looks like it's the old wait and find out approach for this month.
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These have been going around for a few days already, but since they're not official / billbil-kun leaks, they should probably not be trusted. It's more likely that they're the speculations of one user, which were then forwarded by everyone else because of the lack of other trustworthy leaks plus they do look believable enough. I've seen them mentioned several times, but never with a real source (such as a website link or screenshot).
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The billbil-kun leak is Plague Tale Requiem, Stray, Gotham Knights. From what I've read. No idea as to its validity though.
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"The famous writer Bill bil-Kun, who is popular for his accurate leaks on the humble choice bundle, Prediction of Humble Choice October 2023 leaks a lineup in which three games will be added. The games are Stray, A Plague Tale: Requiem, and Gotham Knights; these three game may come in the next line-up."
A lot of articles are publishing this same quote. YMMV. The site is popup ad hell though, so maybe just take the quote and google that.
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That is so clearly an AI written article, i would not be surprised if some random person made that up and all the AI driven sites just yoinked it.
EDIT: Oh, i think i see where they got it from... your comment at the top of the page lol
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Nice, was looking forward on seeing The Quarry here :)
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This may be the selection. The interesting thing about that leak is people are citing this SG thread as the source of the leak. Kudos to Wok if it ends up being true.
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I hope it's fake because that is an instant skip for me :D
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I liked Metal: Hellsinger when tried from Gamepass, but I have no interest in SCP and Rebel Inc is really not a game I'd like to play. Tried it on phone and it felt like a sisyphean struggle. Either it's bad, or I'm stupid, but it wasn't fun for me :D
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Region locks affect where you can purchase the game, run locks affect where you play play the game
In years past, you could (for example) use a VPN to buy or activate a key from another region, but play it anywhere once it was registered to your account. Run locked games close that loophole.
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No, depends on the package configuration. Check SteamDB for that, but keep in mind that it might now know rare or newest packages yet.
While it's not great, having to wait for 90 days is not as bad as not being able to activate some games at all.
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stop spreading fake info. run lock means you can launch game only in region u bought it. So if game is RU and u are from RU, you can only launch it from RU
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I can confirm this from personal experience. There's a few games with run locks for Germany on Steam. Some because they're actually banned and some because they're not allowed to be sold to people under 18 and Steam wouldn't bother implementing the age checks requested by law. Changing the shop region for example to Austria, buying or activating those games from there and then "moving" back to Germany and waiting for 90 days allowed me to install and play those games.
Two examples are Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition and Kane and Lynch 2 - Dog Days. Other examples were the Wolfenstein games but those got unbanned in the meantime and the uncut International versions can now officially be bought and played here anyways.
If you understand German, you can read about how the Steam group for UNCUT! investigated that back in 2015 and narrowed it down to 90 days:
And here's a general FAQ in English:
And: yes, it doesn't matter if the run lock is inclusive or exclusive (like "only in XYZ" / "onlyallowrunincountries" or "everywhere but not in XYZ" / "prohibitrunincountries"). 90 days after buying / activating in a country where it is allowed and "moving" (back) to the country where it isn't allowed, it will secretly become unlocked.
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I think that there are more 1 type of RUN LOCK.
For example, I boughted and activated Spiderman KEY on a Turkish Account. The key had region activation but it had some RUN LOCK else.
Using turkish account i can play being everywhere (with and without VPN)
Sharing with steam family RUN LOCK was ON...,if i placed location to Turkey (VPN) the game was showed in shared library, if i turn off VPN or place other location, the game dissapear from sharing.
This RUN LOCK didnt dissappear 3 months. Ill test in a future if it is yet on.
I have a 2-3 games subkeys with this RUN LOCK for SHARING.
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Disabled family sharing has absolutely nothing to do with run locks. For example GTA V has family sharing disabled but there is no run locks on any GTA V sub. And if you're talking about "Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered", family sharing is not disabled for that game and there's no run locks for any sub including the TR only one.
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It is disabled for "family" out of Turkey...
dbsteam can say anything. i have account with ""Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered"· and account shared with steam family and you can play (shared) only if you are in turkey or turn on a VPN
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What time does a new Humble Choice usually release?
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At 17:00 UTC / 19:00 CET in the first Tuesday of every month, in 7h10 min from my post.
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These promotional graphics (if they're real) seem to confirm The Quarry, Metal: Hellsinger, SCP: Secret Files and Rebel Inc.
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It's always worth it price wise, but fun wise I don't think that many people will like this choice, I think it's gonna end up like the september choice.
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Humble Bundle October 2023 - 4 Games Leaked
Leaked by billbil-kun
Source :
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Wok, you little pig, you knew all the time and didn’t say)
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bleah, metal in library, scp not my kind, rebel not my kind, quarry ignored
waiting for gotham knights/stray/plague tale xD
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I have been interested in Stray for some time, if Stray was there I would buy it instantly and I probably wouldn't even care for other games lol
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I mean... by looking at the Hellsinger, it looks exactly like DOOM, but it's a rhythm game ? I guess ?
I was actually interested in the Hellsinger by looking at the steam store screenshots, but after seeing the video that it's literally like DOOM, I am not even interested in that anymore lol
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You shoot / hack up demons, but for the rhythm of the music. Good music. There is an easy mode that turns off the need to hit the notes, but then it's really not that different from Doom. It's like... Doomish gameplay for people who like rhythm games. There's some story too, but most people by this time can handle their FPS even without a story :)
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I have no problem playing rhythm games, I have spent maybe even 2k+ hours playing rhythm games, but this game isn't really that interesting to me.
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Nice guess, but if you mean November, for October we already know billbil_kun leak : The Quarry Deluxe, Metal Hellsinger, SCP: Secret Files and Rebel Inc.
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I could've swear they'd include Thymesia or Martha is Dead, but there's always the next month.
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question was The Quarry or at least part of it free as it says i own it and this is a game i would never be intrested in so did part of it come for free at some point?
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that is more than likely my son and i do from time to time add a bunch of free games and that must of been added thanks
edit; meant to say my son and i do add free games a bunch at a time sometimes - but not for a while have either of us done so
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oh sorry i was looking at barter and it said i owned it but my son is the only one who uses it - forgot to mention it was my sons account and not my own
edit: to be honest he doesn't really use Steam much these days anyway - don't even know if he even still has it installed (my machine is Windows 7 so i don't know what i will do after the support ends)
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which part? the part where he doesn't use Steam anymore to play games or the part where i forgot to mention he is the only one out of us two who uses barter?
edit: the only reason he still has choices is he bought a year before his Laptop broke and he replaced it with a spare older machine he had but didn't really see the point of installing Steam as he didn't really use it that much anyway
He only uses barter for trading choices mainly and some older stuff he has for getting things for my giveaways like what was given in the community train last month - i never really understood how the whole trading worked and to be honest he games i have either were free (like free for a time like threads are made about them or free all the time) or games he has given me - i don't buy or trade at all myself
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Since your edit came afterwards: mainly the first part. But does it really matter anyways? ^^
edit: the only reason he still has choices is he bought a year before his Laptop broke and he replaced it with a spare older machine he had but didn't really see the point of installing Steam as he didn't really use it that much anyway
So you're saying he doesn't even have Steam installed and can't access it currently? That's strange...
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i guess not - i don't really understand tech that much and most of what i do here is with help from him - like how to set up the train carts was done with him explaining it to me and giving me the games
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oh i thought you were being one of the mean ones again - i would have been sad since you seem like a nice person :)
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like i said he uses the website for completing trades and by not having Steam i mean the download version
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if you have the "black day" year promotion, is this one the last month? is it necessary after take the keys, stop the suscription? im afraid humble auto renew 1 year the suscription to the price that they like it....
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Mine says 3 more months. You can see how long here under "Manage Your Plan"
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Well they won't give you games you didn't play. It's all about agreements and I can only assume they wanted to do Quarry because it's in more demand. I love the Anthology series, especially the last one, but the truth is that Quarry is more appealing to a lot of people. I recommend you get House of Ashes anyway, it's cheap if you know where to find it.
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I have the entire Anthology series, any idea when the fifth one arrives? Or they are taking a break this year and the new one is in 2024? Looking forward, these games are really fun for me, for some reason. Do you guys have any recommendations of similar games to those? I have Quarry.
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Maybe the "Obscure" series of games, if you're looking for co-op survival horror.
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Yeah, kind of surprised they skipped House of Ashes, unless it turns out to be in this bundle too.
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You have skipped October 2023 Humble Choice. Your membership will resume November 7, 2023, and your next autobill date will be November 28, 2023. You can resume at any time.
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September 2023 Humble Choice
View this bundle on: ITAD -
📅 Important dates
💳 September 26th 2023: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)
📆 October 3rd 2023: Next Choice Bundle release date (first Tuesday of every month)
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
🔗 gift link notifications (ROW / US) = gift link notifications (Oceania)
🔗 gift link notifications (RU/CIS / Ukraine)
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition
Deceive Inc.
The Forgotten City
Everyone receives ROW keys for the following games (redeemable everywhere):
Autonauts VS Piratebots - Retail - [Digital] (WW) {sub/736899} - this is a different sub from what you get in Fanatical bundles (which is PRC-restricted); customers from CN can redeem this key.
Patch Quest - Retail - [Digital] (WW) {sub/830318} - this is a different sub from what you get in Fanatical bundles (which is PRC-restricted); customers from CN can redeem this key.
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? {sub/578041}
Aces and Adventures {sub/652823}
🔑 Full list of subs (Asia)
🔑 Full list of subs (EU / Finland)
🔑 Full list of subs (RU/CIS / Ukraine
🔑 Full list of subs (LATAM)
🔑 Full list of subs (Oceania / Australia)
🔑 Full list of subs (Mexico)
Free DLC to claim:
!addlicense ASF 850977
To PAUSE a month: go to this link -> Skip A Month
(or: Settings -> Manage Your Plan -> Skip A Month -> Continue -> Skip A Month)
Compared to the store sub {sub/736960}, the key for Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition from this bundle also includes Golden Hero Armor Pack (source).
Because of this extra DLC you will be able to redeem the key from this bundle even though you already have a store copy (or a copy bought from somewhere else). Make sure to not waste your key, unless you want to redeem it for the DLC.
🌟 2023-09-14: 9 USD for 1 month coupons available
🌟 2023-09-20: 8 USD for 1 month coupons available
🌟 2023-09-26: 7 USD for 1 month coupons available
🌟 2023-10-02: Deceive Inc. out of stock (NA) (source)
🌟 2023-10-14: Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? out of stock (NA) (source)
🌟 2023-10-19: Deceive Inc. back in stock (source)
🌟 2023-10-22: The Forgotten City out of stock (source)
🌟 2023-11-06: Deceive Inc., Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus out of stock. (source)
🌟 2023-11-11: The Forgotten City is back in stock. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Deceive, Inc. and Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus out of stock (source)
🌟 2023-11-13: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands and Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus back in stock. Deceive, Inc still out of stock (source)
🌟 2023-12-13: Deceive Inc restocked for a few hours, then out of stock again. (source)
🌟 2023-12-22: Deceive Inc back in stock (source)
🌟 2023-12-26: The Forgotten City out of stock (source)
🌟 2024-01-04: Patch Quest out of stock (source)
🌟 2024-01-07: Patch Quest back in stock. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition, The Forgotten City out of stock (source)
🌟 2024-01-09: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition back in stock (source)
🌟 2024-01-10: The Forgotten City back in stock (source)
🌟 2024-02-10: Autonauts vs Piratebots out of stock (source); still out of stock as of 2024-05-17
🌟 2024-10-15: Autonauts vs Piratebots back in stock (source)
🌟 2025-01-13: The Forgotten City and Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? are out of stock
🌟 2025-01-20: The Forgotten City back in stock
🌟 2025-01-21: Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? back in stock. ALL games back in stock now.
🌟 2025-01-31: Deceive Inc out of stock (ROW)
🌟 2025-03-07: Patch Quest, Autonauts vs Piratebots back in stock. Deceive Inc: no info
⏩ LEAKS for OCTOBER Choice ⏪
🎮 Games:
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition from this bundle contains all items included in the store sub with the same name, plus the extra DLC Golden Hero Armor Pack:
💸 Subscription + Bonuses
One plan for all
Starting Feb 01 2022, Humble Bundle offers only one plan, which will allow you to receive all the games included in that month’s lineup for the price of $11.99 (regional pricing may vary, see below):
Humble store discount:
The discount rate is based on how many consecutive months you had your subscription active, as seen below:
The stacking discount will reset back to 10% when skipping a month or canceling your Humble Choice membership.
Changes Coming to Humble Choice FAQ
USD regions: In some regions of USA, a sale tax is applied (example).
Non-USD regions: regional pricing is a fixed amount for each region set by Humble. More info here.
📝 Note about referrals
SteamGifts by default modifies all,, links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.
📖 Informative links
Humble Choice FAQ
Official HB FAQ
Master thread of ongoing bundles.
🐰 Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!
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