depends what you're trying to accomplish - there aren't many equal trades as games, demand, bundled xx-times differ > for good pricing check as its a good mirror for "grey market" steam prices if that is no good relate to obvious info such as ratings and people who'd want a certain game if there's none > and always the lowest price of a game during sale - great add-on to save time looking that up >
you can not - but the more "authentic" rep the less likely its "risky", trading keys is based on trust and the keys are best tested at once unless you know the trader and even then ... humble gift links are another thing though
either you take the plunge with someone who has considerably more rep (low - very low risk) or you engage in some low risk trades to gain rep - or your trade offer is good enough that someone else will (reluctantly maybe, but you insist on it beforehand * in your offer)
steam trading commodity + value when btfo'd for opening boxes - basically gambling for minors (csgo)
game will take "forever" or a while until someone will offer something worth trading want it, but it doesn't mean it has no value ...
don't get scammed by people adding you at random claiming to be someone their not -
if their steamgift/trade profile doesn't link back to their steam account their trying to screw you
(the add-on mentioned above also adds links to users steamgifts/steamtrades & steamrep profiles)
in a nutshell - steam games are never more worth than their lowest regular sale price (when you're buying at least)
also steamgifts are valued more because their safer and valve is a big enough bumhole not letting you turn keys into gifts or hell, let alone check if keys aren't used (as 1 account owning them and trying to use them will only display the name of the game - but not if its been used or not)
rocket league is a bit more worth than FF 13 LR ... in demand higher too, but chances are good you get it by trading sometime
by someone who doesn't care you're offering a key and they likely a gift (been a while since RL was bundled)
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Thanks for your recommendations. I already use enhanced steam, so this will speed up things a little bit.
I know steamdb and g2a too, and I think you have a very good point in using them to get an idea of the prices.
I also thought that steam gifts will be more valuable since the key is within Valve's community. Unfortunatelly, I just have some leftovers at bundlestars, humblebundle and DIG. In some of them I never clicked on "redeem key" but don't know if this will convince my counterpart...
Thanks for your patience in reading my long post. I really appreciated your help!
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Just a short one since you got answered pretty much on everything.
the BASE game price has literally nothing to do with the Actual value of the game in a trade .
A game can be worth 50$ on steam , but to be part of the 1$ Tier in a bundle .
I suggest checking historical lowest price for the game , was it in a bundle ... and if it was when was it / when was the lowest price recored .
And what was the most recent lowest price for the game .
Little example ... lets say if Bad Rats was a 50$ game part of the 1$ tier on humble bundle along with 2 other games ...
The most you can ask for it is 50ish cent if that bundle was really recent .
No one will look @ the base price and say hey bad rats is 50$ ,.here have my witcher 3 For it which is 40 ,,, ( with 20$ historycal lowest )
It takes some time , but basically you gotta do some reasearch for stuff , and keep in mind that almost everyone tries to resell stuff for profit :)
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You put Lighning returns as example ... its a weird one , since it was part of that Square enix box thing ... which was selling for like 6euros in europe ...
Thing is out of that pack it was literelly the only game worth anything for most people , so you can see ppl selling ONLY it for more then that 6euro .
In the end it comes down to how much the guy you are trying to trade with wants for the game , and is that really worth it as a trade for you ;)
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After reading the previous answer, I'll started to make an idea that the point here is considering the historical lowest price of the game.
I see there are many things to take account in a trade. It's like in real life with other stuff like a bike or a chair. At the end, it will depends on what you got, the number of people that wants the game, price drops, bundled or not, trading cards (I also read that people want games with TC, assuming they want the games for the coins they get as reward), if it was given for free, the desire of the other part in owning the game quickly, etc.
Thank you so much for taking some minutes in answering me!! I'm taking your recommendations too for my future trade.
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Hi guys,
First of all, I'm new with this trading stuff, so don't hate me for the stupid questions I may ask ;)
I want to trade some games from the Square Enix bundle and others, and I have some doubts I didn't found answered on the forum. Here's the questions:
1) Does SteamTrades has a forum? I was looking for rules like on SG but no luck
2) Do I have to consider steam base price for an equal trade? Or maybe the price according to discounts (past or actual)? What about bundled games? I can't find information about that and I think it's the most important thing to take into account for a trade. Ideas, recommendations?
3) How can I be sure that the received key will work on my account? What happens if I give a good key and I receive a bad one? Think I got p0wned, right? I read posts saying that some users increased their rep by cheating.... so the rep system seems not to be good.
4) Being new (0 rep), how someone will trust me? Is there anything I can show to the other trader as a proof that I'm a trusty guy?
5) Why people trade games for CS:GO or TF2 keys? Are they using CS:GO keys as a commodity? Just to know
6) What about a game like Dirt Showdown that was given for free? It's price is 14.99 usd and HB giveaway is over. I think no one will consider it's base price for trading, am I right?
As an example, I have FF XIII Lightning Returns (19.99 usd). Is it fair to trade ir for rocket league (19.99 usd)?
Thanks in advance!
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