Awareness needs to include the toasters that have to live with the guilt of burning toast...
Definitely worth watching... makes a statement...
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Burning toast is engraved in our DNA. Cavemen burned toast. And so it goes, forever and ever and ever.
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If you see a high dial. Be brave and turn that dial down. Bread lives matter.
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As someone who really likes bitter flavors I don't mind slightly burned toast once in a while
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The scientist in me has to think...
"well, isn't all toast really burnt, just to varying degrees?".. similarly to how darkness is the absence of light and cold is the absence of heat? so normal bread is the absence of "burnt toastness"... so we're just missing SI units for the degree of burntness one's toast has, the level at which it crosses over from "good toast" to "bad toast", and whether that level is the same for all or if it is more of a spectrum and it depends on how perceptive one's sense of taste is as to where in the spectrum we detect it.
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I get what you're doing, but it's not really clever. The only part of the FAQ that actually deserves criticism is:
2: I toast as I please. It's my toast, not someone else's.
Because it's unfair to dress in a way that attracts attention and then complain that you get attention. But that's it. The rest is fine and does not deserve mockery.
Note that I only skimmed that thread and don't know if anything was said in the comments that justifies this thread.
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I can only infer your meaning by what you say. I was offering you a chance to show the SG community you aren't an ass as your thread would lead any reasonable person to believe. If you choose to decline, that's your prerogative, but if you aren't interested in engaging in conversation I'll have to conclude that my first impression was correct.
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As much as humor is appreciated when things get heated, surely you can appreciate how this thread appears as a direct mockery as opposed to an attempt at aimless humor. Even if the intention was harmless, it still ends up being made at the expense of being incredibly reductive of the thing it parodies. You have every chance to lighten the mood with this thread, but you're instead choosing to take an expected negative reaction and just keep baiting. Like the famous emergency services TV show "When japes go wrong" often reminds us, the onus isn't solely on the audience to laugh it off, sometimes the performer has to own up to their part of the fumble so shit doesn't go sour.
It's hard to give you the benefit of the doubt when you act like this instead of trying to reconcile them with your actual intent. Humor doesn't need to be at the expense of others.
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This is related to Point4, but really at the heart for your problem.
Your post reminds me of a game wherein one person takes the wrist of another person and hits the other person.
The first person then asks, "why are you punching yourself?"
The solution here is you beginning to take more responsibility for your actions, rather than falsely claiming to be a victim.
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I will try to be as clear as I can about this. If someone is being annoying or picking a fight with you, everyone else reading the forum is well aware of it. You do not need to point it out. You do not need to rebut it. Nobody cares whose mother was insulted first, nor is it anyone's job to "handle it" aside from Support Staff. If you cannot summon up the dignity to ignore such childish displays, reply with a singular "Shine on" or the equivalent and skip to the next author. If you are leaving more than one reply to such nonsense, you are contributing to the problem.
For context. And he's right. Some people just aren't worth it.
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People like you are the reason this community fell apart.
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You might be right. I'm a little too honest for this community and refuse to kiss ass to win a few games.
We'll call it a character flaw.
EDIT: I think it's fair to say that the community also contributed a bit to the way I am. So perhaps 50% character flaw, and 50% jaded? A bit ironic, too, that you're saying that in a thread mocking another serious thread by a user who was suspended in the past for doing the same thing. I mean, if people are going to be petty, should I call them anything but?
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Your character flaw isn't being honest, it's being super cringy.
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Dude, if you opened your eyes you would see how embarrassing this is. I felt embarrassed myself for reading the wall of text above.
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To be fair though, both you and the OP were equally embarrassing. I really can't decide which one is worse. However, I saw you posting even worse stuff on multiple occasions in this forum and that's why you got a reply instead of OP. I don't visit this forum that often, but from what I've gathered, you seem like a well regarded member of this community and honestly, I'm confused why. Don't know what's your deal and agenda, but bear in mind that you are posting on Steam games giveaway forum.
It's a shame, really. This used to be a cool and FUN place. All of the good people left and all that's left is a snoozefest of a site, filled with unfunny and cringeworthy memes and the bullshit even Tumblr is envious of. Now I only come for free games and giving away games I don't need that some people might appreciate (or milk them for cards, the hell if I care anymore).
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Who the fuck cares about what you two dumbos do? I don't and I think neither does the 99% of the community. I don't even know who or what Mully is, let alone the rest of the "victims in the past" . Sort that shit out between you two in private, not on a gaming giveaway forum.
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You literally made a parody of a thread talking about a harassment issue. Even if you intentions were innocent, are you saying that you can't appreciate how it's easy to see the thread as a direct and open mockery? It doesn't any mental acrobatics to come to that conclusion, less so when you have history with someone close to the subject at hand.
It's a common antagonising tactic to dress up pointed attacks as 'just innocent things they're blowing out of proportion!'.
Are you really going to try claiming innocence with this huge red flag of an thread floating overhead right now? :P
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Personally, I'd say that you're overreacting. It's a joke. A relatively tasteless one, but a joke.
This joke's done relatively well as well, considering that he puts emphasis on not that the issue is unimportant, but instead that it's arguably overblown.
This isn't a personal attack, this isn't an attack on the issue. It's a parody.
And while yes, " I'm a little too honest for this community" is a true statement, it doesn't actually apply here.
This isn't honesty. This is you choosing to shout out "I unfriended you a while ago and I don't like you. You're immature as shit and I utterly dislike you.". Yeah, I mean sure, go on ahead and do it, but don't pretend this isn't anything else than you holding a grudge. You might think you're fighting a battle, but instead you're just popping out of the woods and shooting a few shots at someone.
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There's nothing about holding a grudge here, because I don't. I've seen his repeated immaturity over the months, his snide sideways attacks at Mully (and anyone who disagrees with him about anything), and decided to say something. He does the same thing in her own thread (and has in others). I'm apparently not the only one who noticed.
The only reason I mentioned unfriending him is because when I did it, he couldn't understand why I did it (and asked).. He knows why now. I'd be embarrassed if a friend of mine did something like this., and I certainly wouldn't find it "funny". And yes, I'm the first person to jump Mully's ass when I think she's doing something out of line. I've even told her straight up in the past (for certain things) "I'd have suspended you, too."
And no, I don't expect the topic of Mully's thread is serious to everyone. But it's serious to her. Same as another user's thread about helping people achieve level one on SG by giving them games to give away was serious to him, and I treated his decision with respect and even defended it in the face of those who disagreed (and so did Mully ...). And, knowing myself as I do, I'd do it again, regardless of this current thread or any other.
That person is now mocking someone else's "serious" thread. So yeah, perhaps I overreacted a bit, but it's still something with which I take issue, especially given the past.
EDIT: Realized I missed one thing you said, with which I strongly disagree. I don't even dislike Nico. I just dislike some of the things he does.
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