Help here. For non-english users, is it worth it? I understand english perfectly. But maybe most of those jokes will go over my head (from the slide, "worst theme for a pinball machine, the 1909-2014 chicago cubs..." I don't get it)
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Can't speak from any personal experience, but apparently they did make a multilingual version later.
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I'm a non-native english player as well, and I usually play with my american friends. There are for sure some jokes that are harder to understand, but I would say majority of them are easy enough.
The more modern versions of this specific game (the ones included in the Party Packs, or at least the one in pack 7) have a filter added in the settings that is supposed to disable things that are more US specific. I found that it's easier with this filter, though there were still a few weird things that were harder to understand.
This free version is the first version of the game which is pretty old, I believe it does not have the filter setting, however it is also completely free, so you lose nothing by trying!
Even with the jokes that are hard to understand, majority of the game is still very funny.
As for jackbox games in general other than Quiplash - I would say majority of them are pretty easy to understand even if you are not native to the language, the only ones that are really hard are the trivia games, and especially Trivia Murder Party is almost not playable at all if you are not native (the second version of it has the non-US references filter option, but even with that filter, it is completely unplayable for me). But the non trivia games are usually easy and very fun.
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They won the 1908 World Series of Baseball and never won another until 2015. It was considered a joke that they were cursed.
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It certainly has some "American culture" themes in the sentences and questions. So some of those from other countries wouldn't really get them.
I play with my friends who almost all have worst English then I have. But understanding the question or sentence is only part of it - the best answer wins. So my friends and I being sarcastic, usually drunk and offensive turn those questions into some kind of inside jokes or just some nonsense in our native language... If it makes others laugh then it will probably get the most votes despite it not making any sense with the actual sentence/question ..
So it's really up to the company. If you need the context to make it fun, trying to find meaning in several cultural questions, it will probably make the game boring. But if you can find something to laugh about nothing, this is a great ice breaker.
We played 20+ hours, started hitting repeat questions but still made it fun.
For example the pinball question - if your company don't know such references you can even write in your own language some stupid themes or again - some inside joke or whatever. As long as it makes others laugh it's great. I mean anyone who has an inner child within and laughs at every penis joke ever will appreciate this very humorus and totally original answer to that question "penis themed pinball machine" ... Want to be sophisticated ? "genital party pinball machine". I would give disapproving look at the one who wrote it, call them childish and still vote for this answer
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Absolutely works, it's one of the better Jackbox games I played with. It's just finish the sentence with something funny, and get the most votes. The Chicago Cubs answer is made by a "player", could have been "reasons to get blacklisted" or "SG memes" if someone would give an SG-related answer.
I don't remember if we ever had a prompt that we couldn't understand, so couldn't come up with a "proper" answer. But as it's a game about silly answers and getting votes from people, it's mostly up for the audience/gang, what kind of answer will win, or get points.
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If the host streams it on basically any online medium,. Mixer, Discord, Youtube, Twitch, Steam, or just screenshare though Teams, Zoom, Skype, anything works. (Host can just join through mobile to hide answers in case of screen sharing) has French, Italian, German, and Spanish besides English, maybe that helps, at least with Quiplash.
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For 3-8 Players and an Audience of thousands!
The team behind the hit party games YOU DONβT KNOW JACK, Fibbage, and Drawful presents Quiplash, the laugh-a-minute battle of wits and wittiness!
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