yes i read an article it is incredible
and there are also case of murdered people by the police
My only argument is to tell that a system is one the best (or the less worst ) if you want :-)
i think the justice in USA depends also of the states
Some states are "special"
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you are totally right
But this time in New york state ;-) justice has been given
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well, there is a good one in France, no one seems to care about though
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he is in switzerland.
But he gets french 'cesar' rewards ....
a shame in my opinion
because he has fled the justice and dont want to justify himself in court
There was a huge scandal for the cesar trust me. In France newspapers are still talking about that even with the covid-19 spreading ;-)
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churches had tons of pedophiles that they knew about and hid the information, boyscouts had tons of pedophiles, and fucking hollywood! what is wrong with people???
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Nah he probably won't. They can't keep him safe in jail and he's a celebrity. They don't want headlines like "Harvey Weinstein shanked in Rikers"
Beside when you get too old and you start costing too much money to maintain, they send you on your merry way.
Still, it's a deserved sentence so let's see how he actually serves.
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I dunno. It said that he won't be able to get parole for 20 years. He'd be 87 then.
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That's to make the sentence harsher but it can probably be overturned by a judge for reasons.
Don't get me wrong, I really do hope he gets the time of his life, and learns what it is to be powerless in the general population at Rikers and that he gets the full 23 years to think about what he did.
Even 5 years would feel like a lifetime for a guy like him so anyway it's a win.
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True that. But I do hope he serves enough time that'll take him down a few steps since he still didn't seem to believe that he did anything wrong.
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it might have been a ploy idk, but he looks physically and mentally broken, from the moment the facts came out to today, he just got worse and worse. Which makes me far happier than any ammount of years he will spend on that jail. By the looks of it, i wouldn't bet many
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i had a perfect line to conclude this segment, but i'm afraid it would be inappropriate to share
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They say that he was in a car wreck, injured his back and suffers from significant pain after a failed surgery. Leaning forward eases that pain, which is why he had the walker. After reading what an independent doctor had to say on it, I'd imagine that it's genuine, but I don't feel sorry for him. Karma does have a way of coming back to bite one in the ass. Karma hit that mofo hard it seems.
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I try to ignore public Russian internet spaces today, and not only because of consistently fun local news: numerous local misogynists are enraged about an "innocent" man getting incarcerated because of "these whores". Frankly, that's disgusting. I, for one, am glad that the world is finally changing, even if it doesn't and likely won't happen in my country.
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uggggh! I read an article today about Kate Beckinsale being bullied by the ugly, fat sweaty pig. He didn't do anything illegal to her, but he behaved like an absolute monster boss. The comments were just dreadful. There were men posting stuff like "why is she smiling in that award photo with him then?" Are they really that dim? I mean, if I didn't like someone and was expected to pose with them for a photo, I'd smile too. You wouldn't have much of a choice.
I've had a lecherous boss before. He didn't sexually assault anyone, but was a bit slimy. I kept him at a distance, but I could also be found in the odd work party photo smiling at the camera. It's not like you're going to put on a big scowl and make it obvious that you can't stand the person standing next to you. Of course, I left that job as soon as I got another one, but he was all the time telling me how he was a millionaire x times over and how he could take care of a woman. Not so subtle, but I chose to ignore it and keep the peace. >.>
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I'm struggling to believe Weinstein was the one bad apple in the industry - it will be interesting to see if this goes any further or if this is a token sacrifice.
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we know he wasnt - Polanski, Asia Argento, Spacey, Woody Allen. We also have a list of actors that openly defended these people.
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I think Spacey got a unguilty after the court stuff ? ... so he should be seen unguilty or did you believe a court result is not ok for each one ? (bad wording but i hope you understand it anyway)
Polanskis victim is "ok" with it and she said that many times (if it gave only one).
I don't know something about the other 2 cases.
For me are rumours/go to the court and guilty a different thing and i don't believe all such cases because people make VERY MUCH money with it.
Prove that they lie... it's at least difficult, special if you have a lot of contacts or they come 20 years later with that stories. That is nearly impossible and if a woman would come around now, 20 years later, and say i touched her upper backside in a Inappropiate way i would not know from which moment she speaks and not able to "defend myself". It would be "which one say the truth" and far from "clear".
If it is a clear thing like the weinstein one it is a other level and good that there are hard punishments.
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Polanskis victim is "ok"
Polanski had sex with an underage girl, I don't think the law or any other citizen will look the other way if she enjoyed it or not.
Asia protected Polanski, she even signed some petition, turns out she liked some underage sex aswell, she even paid some hush hush money to keep it under the rug.
in any case money and power corrupts the best of us. I wouldn't be surprised to hear more and more cases, some might be fake of course, i haven't been following on Spacey so i apologize for throwing his name to the pile
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I will read about Asia at a day when i have no pain and more time. Thanks for the tip.
A short look into it brought up that she is one of the loudest speakers against Weinstein and in the #MeToo movement.
And had sex with a underage actor.
Looks strange and i will read more about it a other day.
Don't get me wrong, from the law had he sex with a underage girl and that is illegal.
I can't remember her age but i think she was 16 or 17.
18 is in a lot of countries the legal age.
For me it make a big difference if the "child" is 3, 6, 11 or 16 and if the child/woman say 20 years ago that she was ok with the sex and that they should not punish him.
That doesn't sound for me as she had damages, mentaly and physically, from that "encounter" (i don't know if it was more then one time). It sounds as it was not the type of "to wrench into the bushes" (to say it with a exaggerated sentence).
And how far as i know where that, mostly encountered (encountering?), damages and to have a normal growth/development the reason for such laws. Or?
And yes, in general, money and power corrupts people ... we are all little frodos ;o).
My english isn't good enough to say all exactly how i wanted to, and because of that it sounds a bit more rational then emotional, but i hope you understand anyway the important points at it.
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Why can we start to physically procreate at 12+? We as a society made it 16-18 for some reason, over the centuries, when in the sixties with all the love and peace it wasn't even weird that children of 14-16 were included, it was all so loose back then and even such things date back to greek history.
And even in some cultures today they let 12 year olds get kids of their own, not saying at all i think it's right, but It's also partly what we made it, but as you said the age difference should also play a factor.
Kinda like setting a drinking age, we went from 16 to 21, it's still in the end what we make it.
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It's not right. My Dad used to be a farmer, and I remember a yearling heifer accidentally getting pregnant when a bull broke into our field. The vet was angry and asked how she got pregnant so young. It stunted her growth and she remained really small compared to the others.
Just because an animal can procreate doesn't mean it should, and the same goes for humans. Some kids reach puberty at 9 years old even. Their bodies are still not ready for bearing children, and as beings with a higher level of intelligence, we have the ability to make rules to protect our young, unlike animals who act purely on instinct. Years ago, women died all the time in childbirth, and much of it was probably related to the mother being too young/small to safely deliver a baby. It's definitely not at all what we make it. We just make it what it should be based on both physical and mental maturity and our own ability to think rationally.
FYI it's always been 16+ for the last several hundred years. At least since people in the western world became civilised. It varies from country to country, but the age of consent is still 16-18 depending on where you live.
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The justice can't be given between individuals. It is not an argument. And there is others cases that were discovered with him.
I can't believe that in your case you have multiple women. 😉😅
I mean one complain it can be considered a rumor but after multiples complains it can't
Expecially if the person is keeping himself in a country that does not do extradition...
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Bisous du Puy-de-Dôme, les gars !
J'ai bien peur que la peine de Fillon se résume à aller faire un barbecue dans la villa corse de Cahuzac, avec DJ Balkany aux platines,mais je voudrais pas plomber l'ambiance :-)
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It's a vindicating sentence, especially for the victims, considering he was not convicted of all charges brought against him in NY.
However, what would really change the industry (and not just the movie industry) will never happen.
If all the a-holes board members of Miramax and Weinstein Co. who covered for his actions, enable him to keep raping and victimizing women over the years, and paid off victims because they didn't care what he did as long as he was winning Oscars and making them money, would just share a jail cell with him. Now that would change things.
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Definitely. Learning the brazenness with which he did this and the ridiculous pressure he put on everyone around him to play his game has been really messing with me. Currently 70% of the way through Ronan Farrow's book about this investigation and I would highly recommend
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in my mother language
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