It´s been a while since I post something here, but today this really gave me a reason to.

I must admit I had the A.I. fever for a couple of months and also started to use Bing for a bit, but nothing compared to some amazing prompts I´ve seen on Facebook groups. I´m always surprised on how people can create stunning images helped by A.I. And while this topic still is something that can cause some controversy I´m not interested in that and I wish we could stay out of It here. I´m just here to share this one which is one of my favorites already.

The prompter and his profile are inside this giveaway which videogame reviewers claim that has one of best A.I. enemies around.

Have you played with some A.I. image generators? Let me know and share something if you can.

So without further ado I give you "The Jonesy Chronicles"

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2 weeks ago*

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Grok is pretty good. A lot of the restrictions on other AI image generators don't exist on it (It still has some though!).

2 weeks ago

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Bing is getting more and more limited which It sucks. Thanks for the suggestion.

2 weeks ago

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@AIForHumansShow on YouTube are a great channel to keep up-to-date with the most recent changes and developments on all sorts of user friendly AI suites. Worth a sub if you use YouTube and have an interest in AI for graphics or music or just about anything else :)

2 weeks ago

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Awesome, thanks again for sharing.

2 weeks ago

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as a nature lover, I am fed up with manipulations intended to modify landscapes, animals or plants pretending to be real. Nature is (still) beautiful enough to amaze without resorting to AI. It should be obligatory to point out that it's generated by AI, when I see all the people who are being fooled. But the worst is to make people believe that it is real by giving a name or an indication accompanied by a fake image. Where is it? What animal? What plant? Dude, all this sh... is rigged! ...

2 weeks ago

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I'm just gonna say I agree with you.

2 weeks ago

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reviewers claim that has one of best A.I. enemies around


F.E.A.R. from 2005

There's a pretty big difference between generative AI and video-game-branching-attack-patterns AI, though (and it's also important to point out that neither are true Artificial Intelligence).

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Yup, couldn't agree more. Generative AI is predictive text on steroids and video game AI is basically just very sophisticated (sometimes) decision trees. True AI is what some now refer to as AGI and it's still very much uncertain if it's even possible to achieve regardless of how much processing power and data they throw at the problem.
The whole thing is a nightmarishly convoluted series of misnomers piling on top of each other; tech jargon and commercially motivated buzzwords melting away into language soup.

2 weeks ago

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As a game dev, this gets beyond annoying. I can no longer just say "AI" when I talk about original AI and not machine learning, but rather I have to explain what I'm talking about, and then get into an argument of "well that's not real AI that's just you programming it to make it seem intelligent." :')

Also trying to google things if I don't know how to do something can be obnoxious.

2 weeks ago

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We really need to come up with, and popularize, new names for the different types of "AI". At this point there's some companies that are labeling what traditionally was called an "Auto" mode as "AI" just because it sounds futuristic, this is reaching new levels of corporate BS. I've even seen newer indie games that have to clarify that their in-game AI isn't generative AI to avoid the ire of those who are anti generative AI, or even clarify that the AI in question is purely in the context of literary AI as a concept because it was part of the plot. This nonsense is causing the drama to bleed into the realm of storytelling.

I hate to think that if "Analogue: a Hate Story" (my favorite visual novel) had come out today people would be throwing accusations at the author just because the game simulates chatting with AI characters through clever use of limited input and a very robust conversation tree.

2 weeks ago

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I'm confused what you mean by an "auto" mode. Also, we already have different types of names for different types of AI, but everyone just calls them all AI anyways. The thing people think of when they hear AI is machine learning. The real issue, for both points you brought up, is that people really should be given a basic/general education on technology. Or at least better education on critical thinking/research. At least then people wouldn't be assuming they know what AI is and how it works, and seeing it as some evil monster.

2 weeks ago

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I'm talking about watching a review for a personal AC unit (the channel usually covers vintage audio and video equipment, it's not like I have much of an interest in tiny AC thingies) where the button that was usually called auto in most AC's was called AI just because the term is in vogue, totally ridiculous. It's just temperature control based on a predetermined table of values, no AI of any type needed.

So at this point I'm starting to wish that the name "AI" itself gets retired in favor of only using more accurate terminology because I'm getting annoyed by it being thrown around willy-nilly by people that clearly have no clue of what they're talking about (aka so called businessmen).

2 weeks ago

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Ah, yeah, that's ridiculous lol and one hell of a stretch. But I doubt people will bother with more specific terminology if they can't even handle "AI" and "machine learning"

2 weeks ago

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Artificial Intelligence is, in fact artificial - whether we think it's good or amazing, or blows our mind - it's still not "true"... is it?

2 weeks ago

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I suppose what they meant by "true" Artificial Intelligence would be an artificial sentient mind like we see in movies, and neither in-game AI ("bots") or generative AI (GPT and friends, AI "art") are sentient, while being intelligent enough to understand their interactions and are indeed artificial.

2 weeks ago

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Still wouldn't really call it intelligence. Just a really big bot.

If you were to put one billion buttons on your toaster, each of which makes it burn the toast in a slightly different way when active, you wouldn't exactly be saying that that toaster is "intelligent" or that it "understands" anything, would you?

2 weeks ago

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If you were to put one billion buttons on your toaster, each of which makes it burn the toast in a slightly different way when active, you wouldn't exactly be saying that that toaster is "intelligent" or that it "understands" anything, would you?

Made me lol.

Still looking for the I in AI...

2 weeks ago

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Yes, it's a bot.
Your toaster is just a toaster that has a lot of customization settings.
What I'd call an "intelligent" toaster, or "smart" toaster, as appliances are being marketed -think smart fridges- would be a toaster that will be able to identify the type of bread you just put in (is it sliced toast bread, is it a baguette, is it whatever), and then put the right amount of time and heat by itself so that the bread gets toasted just right, not less (lukewarm), not more (burnt).
Of course, it doesn't "understand" what bread is, but it has an algorithm complex enough to at least give some sort of illusion of it and not just do one action per interaction/button (which is what your version of the toaster is, with its billion of buttons).

You know what I mean? 🤔 Either way I think we more or less agree on the same thing, just different wordings, lol.

2 weeks ago

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The point of AI is that you don't have to press a bunch of different buttons. Of course, I wouldn't call a toaster with no buttons intelligent, either, since it can really only do one thing, and can't learn. I think you're viewing the "artificial" and "intelligence" as separate. The artificial part doesn't refer to it being code, but rather describes the intelligence.

2 weeks ago

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It's not true in the sense that it's not even close to what people envisioned as AI back when that term was coined, it at most pretends to be an actual AI by simulating the outward characteristics expected from it and exploiting deficiencies on tests thought out back when even a chatbot was theoretical at best and straight up sci-fi at worst. Passing the Turing test is impressive but not all that useful te determine the AI-ness of a program when you realize that google translator can probably pass it with a bit of tweaking and that an actual human being might fail it.

Now about the semantics of if an artificial thing is real or not, it depends on who you ask. The best example of how that dilemma can go in circles is how some people discuss at length if artificial diamonds are actually diamonds or not despite the fact that they definitively pass the "if it quacks like a duck" criteria.

2 weeks ago

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Those pics look awesome! Fave one is the homeless robot playing guitar for money.
My only experience with image generators has been with Bing chat and Meta AI (very basic). I used the meta one to Woo some senior citizens since they love their whatsapp, They lost their mind when I generate a cat flying a plane over a beach :)

AI is a great tool to engage older folks, I would encourage everyone to give some time to their loved ones, sit with them, be patient and see them be amazed by AI!

Edit: LMAO thats beautiful!!

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2 weeks ago*

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Cool, yeah his prompst are good and I couldnt agree with you more about A.I. on your last paragraph. I've shown my mother and sister some of them, sometimes they smile, sometimes they get grossed.
Btw, looks like that cat did his last heist and flew to the Bahamas.

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2 weeks ago*

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Speaking of AI the alien in Alien: Isolation has a very sophisticated AI.

2 weeks ago*

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AI - Alien Isolation

2 weeks ago

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Now you know ;)

2 weeks ago

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We did it. We cracked the code.

2 weeks ago

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I'm guessing you know Tommy Thompson from A.I. and Games on YouTube or somewhere else.

2 weeks ago

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Closed 1 week ago by JonathanDoe.