UK is 10% cheaper than US and Canada.
Russia is (usually) 50% cheaper than UK.
Europe is 33% more expensive than UK.
(could you guess i'm from the UK)
But yes, prices are screwed all over
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Its exchange, go to your back website and see what an australian dollar is worth in other counties, might clear it up. Im in canada, I pay US price, but I get charged the exchange on it though paypal.
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EA games in Australia is probability the most expensive retail for games in Australia. It weird, a company that sells only games, charges people the most for them. They have a policy where if you find a cheaper copy of a game they'll match the price. When you tell them you've seen it cheaper, the sale assistances there don't even bother challenging you on it. cause they know their prices are highest in the market. But with that said they're the only store to offer the pre purchase bonus.
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Usually a triple A title goes for $50 average? That works out to around £32. Whereas we pay £30 usually. I know it's a small amount, but we are cheaper.
As for the tax thing below. We pay 20% tax, i'm not sure if that adds to your theory?
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In canada we pay the exchange, I pay in canadian but my paypal gets charged what ever the american exchange is, usually a few cents more on the dollar
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Might have something to do with GST (tax). UK has low tax rates. Sweden for example taxes 25% on goods and services, so their prices would naturally be higher. Australia has a low 10% GST but the wages are extremely high so AU prices are usually the biggest in comparison to the rest, because the average Joe can afford to pay a bit more. Hope that answers your question.
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Are you sure you are looking only at the base game price? Dishonored is U$20 for the base but around ~U$30 with all DLC, at least in my country (Brazil).
PS: BTW, most of the games in Brazil are about 10% cheaper than US.
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Because Australian customers are used to paying more, so even though they are the same income as the US, companies can charge more. Aus. (and Europe) are used to paying more for things than Americans because in the US, economies of scale, massive higway/commercial railway network, cheap fuel and a large industrial base make the cost of physical goods incredibly cheap (especially in a developed country).
So as a result, digital good prices have to reflect retail prices or people will not buy them.
And then there's the situation where poorer countries have lower prices simply because nobody could afford the same price as developed nations pay. However, those lower priced countries alone could not actually fund game development so publishers have to sell at a higher price where possible to maintain profitability. This is also why most games you buy are heavily American/western European in their outlook and appeal -- those customers are the most lucrative.
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-_- ... He was talking about the price of digital goods in the US, and explaining why their price (or rather valuation) must match retail prices - because otherwise Americans' expectations (formed by what they're used to) wouldn't be met and far less sales would be made. Learn2read.
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I'm guessing he meant Americans wouldn't buy digital games if they were more expensive than in retail. Same goes for Russia, CIS and Brazil - the other regions that get lower prices. In comparison Europe and Australia have expensive/nonexistent retail markets, so digital distributors can get away with charging more than in the US.
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It's not just steam games, it's everything. We pay more than the US for most things. I was having a conversation with someone about it the other day and he reckoned that we pay more here because we get better quality stuff, where the US pays less and gets not-as-good quality things, but I don't completely agree. You can buy the exact same products here a lot of the time at triple the cost.
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It's simply because publishers have found Australians will pay more. If you know about the price gouging, you can just buy games imported or digitally at some online stores for more reasonable prices.
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The difference between all the different prices in each reason is because taxes, licensing, and the value of the currency.
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Why in the fucking hell are you blaming Steam, eh?
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Why "the fucking hell" do you think this has nothing to do with steam? Valve has total control over their store/distribution system, and nothing happens on it without their say so. The buck, 100 "fucking" percent, stops with valve/ steam. All pricing that happens on the store is completely down to valve, and this 1 dollar = 1 euro shit is completely supported by valve, as is price gouging.
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Hello sir do you have a minute to talk about GMG, our wallet savior?
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I don't know, tell me why in NYC(Expensive as hell to live here might I add) I am getting paid 7.25 minimum wage an hour when in Australia its like 16 an hour? I would gladly trade you my lower game prices for your minimum wage in a heart beat.
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3 dollars for a drink isn't odd in NYC also but we get paid 7.25 for minimum, you get paid 16 about for minimum wage, my point was you probably should not complain about games costing a bit more when unemployment and pay isn't so bad in your area from what I gather.
Thats all, nothing is perfect also, every place has disadvantages, Money value here doesn't = Money value somewhere else, etc...etc...
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Its not much here, I can't even save enough to move yeah.
Where do you live btw?
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You are clueless, you have no idea how good you live compared to others. In Serbia you get 1.5 USD per hour, and prices of goods are even higher than american, with of course worse quality. And we pay liter of gas 1.88 USD. So you should enjoy Hilary.
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Whoa, did I say anywhere that other places were not worse? Hell I know other places are much worse, problem is people are still starving on the wages here and yeah your right much worse in other places, worlds an unfair place, the point to my post was if your getting paid more in one area, stop complaining about a price hike on unessential things like games....
I asked where he lived out of curiosity, you took my posts way out of context and made them into something they were not, stop reading between the lines to the point that things start to form that aren't even there.
Btw gas is like 3-4 dollars a gallon here...but whatever. I don't think you know how much stuff cost here so you are also clueless. :-)
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3-4 dollars for gallon. Gallon is 3.78541 liter. So you pay liter of gas 1 dollar.
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Read that as gallon, my mistake, my point still remains, you are nitpicking and making something out of nothing still, thanks for ignoring the rest of my post. I do have an idea, a very good one actually since I studied other countries and cultures....never said I didn't have it better then others(Thats obvious I think to anyone that has a second to think about it), you just like to assume things.
Since you can't read paragraphs properly here is this to sum it up.
"Hell I know other places are much worse"
"point to my post was if your getting paid more in one area, stop complaining about a price hike on unessential things like games...."
"I asked where he lived out of curiosity"
"stop reading between the lines to the point that things start to form that aren't even there. "
Have a nice day.
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I'm surprised by the lack of sweeping statements and stereotypes about Australia, so here's a template to help you.
+Because [insert comment about good weather, bbq, cute girls here]
-Because [history of convicts, stealing, balancing things out]
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Prices in Russia and Brazil are lower because of high piracy rates.
Prices in Australia are higher because the populace is too busy fighting off feral huntsman spiders and rabid eucalyptus leaves to realize how badly they're getting screwed over.
Is that better?
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dark souls US=$40, dark souls AU/NZ=$70... or even worse... Lord of the Rings:war in the north US=$20, in AU/NZ=$74...
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they have a deal with gamestop (which is ebgames in australia). to keep in good with the US branch they had to do something
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Let's look at it in different way. I have to work circa 23 hours for a premiere game at full Steam price, with a salary typical for a low level public servant, half the average salary in my country and 1,3 of minimal wage.
How many working hours AAA class game costs you?
Oh, BTW, 16-18 out of 20 working days in month goes to paying the bills, which explains why I rarely buy games more expensive than a gallon of gas/90 minutes of work :P.
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Don't get me wrong, I know how unfair the prices seem. I'm in the Europe, so I have to pay more than Americans do. But I'd still trade your salaries and prices for mine. Everything is overpriced here. I have quite decent pay for my country. Many people here can't pay all the bills having full-time job. Most live with their parents like I do, cause they can't afford their own place. Some have a second, illegal job to pay their rent.
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All steam is unfair.
Why countires like POLAND, CZECH REPUBLIK, HUNGARY must pay in EURO?, when they have own currency (PLN,CZK,HUF) they should pay in own currency or in dollars.
Why prizing in PL,CZ,HU Steam Shop is 4x highest than in local gameshops?.
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I know this pain...
Call of Duty Black Ops 2
Steam (EU1 ALL Countries + EU2 ALL C.)region : 60 euro
Localshop ( POLAND): 100130 PLN (26 euro)
localshop (GERMANY): 5070 EURO
Mothly sallary starts :
at GERMANY: from <1000 EURO
at POLAND: from 540 PLN (130 EURO) (when minimal is 1700PLN = 400 EURO, but many poles work less than minimal, and this is normal)
Where is cheapest?, at steam, or in localgameshop for german/polish?
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Gabe is racist. I heard he got dumped by an Australian before.
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it been bothering me for a while now. Ever since for borderlands 2, I've notice a slight difference in prices. For example dishonored is on sale for $20 ish for US but still $33 on steam for Australians. WHY!?!?!?!?!
Why are the prices so unfair?
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