That's something I've been doing since a longe time ago. Pardon me, my friend russian gamers.
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But how much did you spend? That is whats important.
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There is a Steam Community. Which they worked with their azz off. If you do not satisfy the loyal or any other customer which feels like Steam is the platform that I can buy orginal games and no need to worry about the rest with fun and lively community.
If last two factor eleminates, then there will be people who will be there for twice for only to buy cheap games.
And this years Sales were really DULL
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Buying 1 cent bundles 1000's at a time, creating dummy accounts, trading coal from said dummy account to their own permanent account. Then wiping out anything worth of value converting said coal 1 week into it. Sounds like abuse to me.
Ninja'ed by spardasieg.
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Are you really that ignorant? Wow...They created 100 accounts and farmed coal until they had so many free games that steam was only able to give out valve games for the last winter sale days because all other games from publishers were gone already due to this massive abuse.
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Not everyone payed attention to what went on, do you have to be so damn rude.
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$0.00 so far. I liked the other sales because they had me installing and really enjoying games I hadn't played in years. Even if there wasn't a reward system, I'd prefer that to the current award system, where you actually have to buy an item, and log into the store main page every single day, etc. to get your badge.
I think the sales this year were great, but there was no incentive to go back to previous enjoyment, or buy super cheap games to get a quick achievement, or participate in free-to-play games, or games with very small active communities, and I think that is a shame.
During the (winter?) sale playing L4D2 multiplayer was incredibly fun, there were tons of people who had never touched the multiplayer feeling it out for the first time and really appreciating having goal-orientation in the game.
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I think the sale is just fine and well done. It pales in comparison to the other sales, sure, but I spend more time looking at things to buy than I do getting achievements so they sucked more out of me and I don't get 6 free games this time (like I did on the holiday sale). I think they were smart.
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Well I kinda miss the archievments for games like last summer event. At least there are these badges with some steam challenges.
But I have to agree it's not as good as the winter sale or the last summer one.
I'm a bit disappointed though too. Just a bit.
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yeah, it was fun playing games for achivements and getting free stuf for it ,i would never even try to do some of the things those achivements required and thats what made it fun, i mean who would try to color the track as a candy bar in audiosurf?
i dnot know what those badges mean but for now i only got binding os isac dlc and killing floor achivements for mr foster :)
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Yup, it's because of the abusers that we have a dull Summer Sale this year T_T
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Don't delete them yet. At the beginning of the sale, Summer Camp announced "Fun events planned". We can just assume that Valve is saving the event, (like last years tickets), for after the sale. Makes sense, this way if people want to make multiple alt-accounts to farm tickets for whatever prizes, they'd be paying full price for each game. Don't lose faith, Valve will pull through and give us some kind of event :)
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Maybe that's because they weren't planning to and were kinda pressured into doing on? But then again, they then should have alerted the Internet months before.
The repeats..just disgusting. Saints Row 3 I think was like 4 times on the front page.
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If you're not as overwhelmed with the excitement of the sales this time as you were with previous sales, that will come out in Valve's numbers. They'll see they didn't do as good a job as they have previously, and next time they'll come up with something better.
I will say: we still don't know what use badges have. Some people think they're for show. I think Valve is holding out until a day after the sale ends to present us with something special so no one can possibly manipulate or exploit the system.
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This was my favorite sale in the 2 years I've been on Steam, and do you know why? At some point or another, almost every notable game on Steam got a big sale. Furthermore, things were on sale multiple times, so I had a chance to get things I missed. The community choice thing is clearly a test for Greenlight, which gets me excited for the future of indie games on Steam.
Oh, and for the people saying "WE NEED SOMETHING FUN LIKE SELLING COAL OR ACHIEVEMENT HUNTING", the fun this year didn't come from the gimmicky Steam treasure hunting coal nabbing stuff, it came from playing all the games you got. I've had more fun playing Far Cry and Fallout and Saints Row than I did trading coal, that's for sure.
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Your argument doesn't make much sense. It's not like you can't play the games you buy if there is somekind of a treasure hunt going on. Sure you can ignore the treasurehunt and enjoy the games you bought - but people who are interested in the treasure hunt will go for it, have fun with it, and THEN, when its over they'll have fun with the games they bought. Guess what, they had fun for an extended amount of time...
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No, but there were more sales in general, so there are more deals to be had, therefor more games to get, therefor more games to play both during and after the sale, therefor more fun to be had.
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Not yet, they still have to release the final versions of Dota 2 and CS:GO.
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And the full Linux ports of Steam (and every other Valve game), and that thing they're working on with the Payday guys, and updates to Source Filmmaker, and continuing work on Gmod 13, and Ricochet 2...
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I think I read recently somewhere an interview with Gabe and he said there, they would not release a new Half-Life game unless they can outperform themselves or it would be some kind of revolutionary.
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It was my favorite of the sales. My first was last year's summer, it was fun I guess, but I bought some games just so I could get achievements. I only bought Skyrim during the Winter Sale and there was a lot of coal farming, so I don't blame them. I've had more fun this year actually playing my games, not for achievements or coal, but for fun :D.
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It'll never happen. I keep telling myself tomorrow they'll give away free stuff. It never came.
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Many people seem to be upset because they wernt given the chance for free games, well boo freaking hoo. I think the sale was just that, a large sale ment to draw more attention to games sold on steam. Many many games went on deep discount and I had to struggle deeply with what I would or would not buy just like every year. Was it as expansive, acheivment riddled, or free stuff giving as the last two sales? No, but it was still a good sale.
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While it was nice to win free games, I would have been content with completing game-related achievements that allowed us to earn a new badge. I was looking forward to some kind of multiple game challenge that would have tested my wits, bandwith, and wallet. Also, it is a bit disheartening to see flash deals become daily deals, which end up becoming community choice deals. Ah well, I still snagged a few games for cheap prices.
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While this sale was somewhat disappointing compared to the others, it kind of makes sense, what with this year being pretty busy for them. They have the CS:GO Beta, Dota 2 Beta, the Meet The Pyro ARG/update, Linux support, Source Filmmaker, Greenlight announcement, the big-screen thing that they were talking about, and the Summer Sale (as well as the Winter sale, but that's an end-of-the-year-every-year-thing so I guess it doesn't really count). Overall though I think this sale was pretty good, though it did have some disappointing points.
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This sales saved me a ton of money. So many recycled sales and bad games on sale that I barely bought anything. Spent a ton more during winter sales.
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780 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by AceBerg42
Remember last year with the potatoes? That sale was insane. And then you had coal and stuff for christmas and objectives to complete and basically Valve turned their own sales into a metagame through Steam. It made the sales FUN!
But this year seems like a mess. It seems like it was slapped together in a very short space of time almost as an afterthought. The timing and implementation of the flash and community deals seem both cheap and sloppy too.
Valve Quality is something you usually see across all Valve mediums but this time I've got to say I haven't been as overwhelmed with the excitement of the sales as I was for christmas and last summer. It's a shame really.
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