Hi guys and gals,

I've missed doing giveaways/events and I was planing on doing a new one last X-Mas, unfortunately due to some events I had no time for it.

I do have an idea for a new event tho. Actually, it is not that new, I had it for months now...

So what's this all about?

Basically I'm thinking of creating a digital magazine in which any member of the community can write game reviews and give them a final rating based on a points system. This will be a completely NON-PROFIT thing, it won't be monetized in any way or form. It will be a 1-2 page review for each game, stitched together with a few in game screenshots and uploaded in PDF format on here so everyone can read it. It is purely made for fun.

How is it going to work?

Well things are still left to be decided. I haven't even thought of a name yet, but if you guys like the idea, we can poll together a few name suggestions and have a vote in an upcoming post.

What I have in mind so far:

  1. It will be a monthly issue, being released at the end of each month.
  2. The games we'll review will be private GIVEAWAYS (only members of the Group will be able to participate)..
  3. Thinking of doing around 10-12 games per issue. But we can add on to that.
  4. Members will enter the giveaway only if they agree to play and write a review of the game.
  5. Participants will have 3 weeks to play and review the game (from 1st of the month till 21st of the month)
  6. People that enter giveaways just for the +1 game and ignore the whole concept entirely, will be blacklisted.
  7. This won't be monetized in any way, so if you're willing to do this, you'll do it for the game itself and for the fun aspect of it.
  8. At the end of each issue, we'll vote for "best review" and the winner will gain automatic entry into the next issue (will win a game + the chance to write a review for it if they want).
  9. More ideas and suggestions on the way if we decide to do this!

Suggestions are welcomed! Please share your thoughts if you find this project interesting.

Edit: Glad to see there is interest in this! I wasn't so confident you guys will like the idea at first, but we've got some positive reactions so far. That's awesome :). Feel free to comment your thoughts and maybe even name suggestions for the Group/Magazine. Next post (which I'll make tomorrow) will consist on a voting poll to decide on the name and then I'll create it in Steam in order to start recruiting members!

Edit2: Added a voting poll in order to decide the name of the Magazine! Make sure to vote if you haven't!

2 years ago*

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Would you be interested in this? (Please read the description first)

View Results

I like this. A little suggestion though. I understand the 3 weeks limit since this will be monthly however some games have long playtime and 3 weeks is kinda short for that. So I think, for long games (we can decide on the HLTB time) the time limit could be 7 weeks and they could be reviewed in total 2 months. One last thing. PDF could be easy to use but we can think about making it more mobile friendly, something like EPUB perhaps. Though this could depends on the platform, if it will be downloadable PDF is good enough.

2 years ago

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Hello and thank you for the interest!

About your suggestions:

  1. I should have mentioned that I don't plan on giving away 10-12 big new AAA titles each month. I'd simply run out of keys and money fast if that was the case. Buuut, I do see your point. Some bigger games will require more time in order to be finished and fully experienced. So 7 weeks sounds more reasonable for that. Read point 8. of my initial suggestions. We could give a bigger tittle to the winner of the first issue, since they proved they can write a solid review and give them more time for it. In time (after 3-4 issues), we'll have some good reviewers on some good games, with their new game reviews making it on the "cover" of the magazine.

  2. I like the PDF format and I'm afraid I am not familiar with EPUB, but I am willing to do some research on it and learn how to use it. At a quick glance it looks perfect for this project. I do agree that being mobile friendly would be good.

Thank you for the suggestions. They were well received!

2 years ago*

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You're welcome!

I agree that it would be better with indie titles for more of their recognition, almost everyone knows about AAA titles in the end.

Also a program suggestion: I worked on a local Linux magazine in the past and we were using Scribus for this job. Just checked, it can also export to EPUB. Though this was more than 10 years ago and haven't used it since, but it's not hard to learn.

2 years ago

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That's actually perfect for what I have in mind. I am going to try it out if this is going to happen.

So far mixed feelings in the poll.. I am thinking that with 15-20 starting members, it's doable

2 years ago

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Glad to help.
This is a group recruitment so not everyone will like the idea and that's normal, I believe you will find enough members, much more than 15-20. If the fruit becomes something nice, there will be more members for you to recruit I think.

Good luck!

2 years ago

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Hello again!

I am a bit confused about the EPUB format.
I decided to play around for a bit and tbh I can't figure it out how exactly it works.

So I got these 2 pages and I want to create my "book" right? I've saved them as PDF. I found an online file conversion program which can convert PDF to EPUB. Now I have an EPUB file, great! But I can't figure it out what to do with it lol. How can I open it? Where can I upload it for everyone to be able to read the content? And when I'll eventually manage to open it, will the pages be in "book order"? As in [][]? Sorry if what I'm trying to explain doesn't make much sense.

Maybe I am too tired and with a bit of research I should be able to figure it out, but for the moment I'll leave it as that. Gotta sleep :D

Thanks in advance!

2 years ago

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No problem, I'll try to explain. Also conversion is not the best practice to make EPUB files. :) If you have an export option for EPUB it would be the best. Anyway, EPUB is an ebook format which adjusts the font size according to the device it's on, so the reading experience is better than PDF for most of the devices. If you're using Windows, Microsoft Edge should open it out of the box, or for a dedicated experience I suggest SumatraPDF, it can also open EPUB and various formats. EPUB is lighter than PDF and also weighs much less so it's better for file sharing too. And it will definitely keep the book order while adjusting.

By the way, Scribus could feel more advanced than necessary if you focus only on EPUB, there is also an EPUB-focused program called Sigil, though it requires HTML knowledge, nothing hardcore I would say, but you'll decide that. Still, try both. If you exactly want old-shcool gaming magazine design PDF is the easier way. However EPUB is more accessible for reading. Biggest con EPUB has against PDF is probably printability.

For uploading, could be a wild idea but a Git service like Github could be better than normal file sharing. Well, at least I use Git for almost everything. :)

If you have more questions, I'd be happy to help.

2 years ago

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Very informative post! Thank you!

I just got home form work and I've already read it on my phone, but now I'll be able to asimilate information much easier. I haven't decided on what format to approach yet, but I do have some ideas in mind. I'll have enough time to work it out tho..

2 years ago

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You're welcome!

2 years ago

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Well, I like writing reviews and old magazine reviews are sort of my jam. You can count me in if you want to count me in. I think it would be cool to have some sort of standard, such as egm had (give a score to defined aspects such as fun, graphics, music, etc), to make it resemble more of a magazine rather than a compilation of reviews.

2 years ago*

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I'd be happy to have you in!

I do agree. A point system shall be decided.
That used to be my favourite part of any review magazine I've read. Score + conclusion.

We'll have to decide on that. So far I am thinking these 4 are vitals:

  • Story
  • Graphics
  • Sound
  • Gameplay
2 years ago

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I like the idea. Sounds like fun.

I agree with Mitsukunu that 3 weeks may be a little too short depending on the games

2 years ago

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Glad you like the idea!

I've made this post precisely for this reason. To find out if there is interest in something like this, and read suggestions in order to make it a better experience for everyone.

2 years ago

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I really like this idea, makes me wanna play and review one of my previous SG wins right now :O
How would you choose the games for the monthly issue? 🤔

And agree with previous comments, there could be some 1/2-week issue with turbo small games and 5-6 week issue with heavier slower games, 4-week being the usual mid format!

2 years ago

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I'm down to find some interesting game I can afford and make one of the first group giveaways

2 years ago

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Hello and thanks for liking the idea!

I thought of giving away most games myself (at least for the first issue), but of course I'd gladly accept if others want to contribute to the games list.

I am thinking of separating them into categories like:

  • 1 retro game
  • a few indies
  • 1 racing/sports game
  • 1 action/adventure
  • 1 horror
  • 1 shooter
  • 1 strategy/RTS
  • 1 big title (the cover one)

Something like that..

And yes! Exactly. Stuff like this makes me want to play games as well. It offers extra motivation on playing and finishing games we've won.

2 years ago

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Ohh, I thought the members would give the games away to other members to review!
The category system totally makes sense, everybody can find smth that's interesting to them in every issue!

I'm thinking TES 3: Morrowind for the RPG category? Or is it too old and famous? :D

2 years ago

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We can definitely have 2 member roles in the Group. Such as "reviewer" and "contributor", or both.

It's too early to tell if the magazine/group will even happen, but sure Morrorwind is a solid game. A bit harder to digest since it shows it's age and it's quite long, but we'll see.

We'll have to decide on the Magazine/Group name first so I can create it on Steam and start inviting people that are interested.

2 years ago*

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Cool, cool /o

A couple random suggestions then:
SteamRoll Reviews, cause it rolls out every couple of weeks with Steam games reviews xD
Atomic Reviews Magazine or ARM, cause you're Atomic and it sounds explosive!
Gifted Reviews, the games were gifted but the review writers are also gifted! :D
Genre Jump, cause many genres in each issue and cause Shonen Jump :D

2 years ago

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Those are actually awesome name ideas!

Not a fan of Atomic one, since I don't want it to be "my" magazine. I want it to be "ours", but I do admit I like the word "Atomic".

I like them all and will surely add them in the voting poll.

2 years ago

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Yeah, I figured you wouldn't like Atomic but it sounds good :D
Great, intrigued to see some amazing name for this new project!

2 years ago

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I am interested in this, although I am really selective about the games I enter GAs for, so I'd probably not enter every giveaway. Do you have to beat the game in 3 weeks or just play enough to form an opinion about it? Great idea, by the way

2 years ago

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Hello and thank you!

I think for bigger titles, it would be highly recommended to beat the game in order to form a honest and accurate review. For smaller titles, indies or simulators/racing etc.. it'd be acceptable if it isn't fully beaten/completed.

I do repeat myself, we won't monetize or gain anything out of it. I want to do this out of passion for old game magazines, for fun and in order to offer extra motivation for people to play the games they've won.

I am not strict on getting the best reviews (I am aware not everyone is capable of good writting, even myself). The only thing I'd be strict on are the deadlines. I want it to be a monthly thing and I need time for myself in order to create the magazine each month. So from 21st of the month till the end I need to read & correct spelling mistakes, create or find background graphics/images for the cover and each page and basically put it all together. By the time the month ends, the new wave of games/giveaways should be in effect, so we keep it rolling.

2 years ago*

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to be honest, I like the idea so much that I'd like to be part of the group and make a few giveaways at some point, been looking for more "play your wins" groups. Would there be a set number of games given away per month, you have a number in mind?

2 years ago

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I am thinking of starting with at least 10-12 games for the first issue. At least that's what I am going to be able to offer. But as I said in a previous post, the Group can consist of two categories of members. Those who want to participate and review games, and those who want to offer them to be reviewed. I'd gladly accept both members. I for one, want to contribute and participate as well (with a review per month).

Edit: Probably would limit it to around 18 reviews per issue.

2 years ago

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unlucky 7 is similar in that sense, having people who won fewer than 7 gifts and gifters who want to give games away, sometimes the game is open to both sometimes just to the "unlucky" ones. You could do the same if you wish, there's a suggestion :)

2 years ago

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I know, I am aware of the mentioned group and others.

I wanted to go for something different, involving the whole community. Anyone will be able to read the reviews, so that's also a fun aspect for me.

2 years ago

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Im interested. Lately I have been writing short reviews of the games I play. Seems like a excuse to step up my game and trie writing better reviews.

2 years ago

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Awesome! Would love to have you :)

2 years ago

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are those will be private GAs accessed through GA link, or group giveaways? If they are private then this thread does not meet the requirement for group recruitment category. It would need to go to puzzles / events. You could send people a link to the group to organize an event, but not advertise the thread as group recruitment.

2 years ago

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They'll be Group giveaways, not private through link.

2 years ago

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Ok, thanks!

I like this event-group idea though don't have time to play games in time frames myself.

2 years ago

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Hello again!

Regarding my post here.

Rosebonbon raised an interesting concern..

" Uh, maybe it'd be a good idea to ask cg for permission and input first... you know, like whether using the name of the site would be legally okay, or whether to include Fanatical ads on every page or only at the end of the magazine, etc."

Would it be an issue if we name it "SteamGifts Magazine"? Who should I address this question?

Thank you in advance!

2 years ago

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I'm not sure if I'll participate because you're asking for very complete reviews and it's something that takes a lot of time in the end (especially for me who is not good at it naturally). Moreover English is not my native language and it would take me even more time than some people.
In the end I'm afraid it's very time consuming, between the game time + the reviews it seems complicated to me.
On the other hand I wanted to encourage you because I think the idea is good ツ

2 years ago

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I am not sure I understand the "complete review" thing you mentioned. I guess we all have a different opinion on what an complete review is or should be.

I am looking for light hearted reviews. Indie or smaller titles, no longer than 1-2 pages, while the bigger titles I expect a minimum of 2 pages and a maximum of 6. I'd like to imagine these type of reviews as you (the reviewer) speaking to your best friend and describing aspects of the game that you like or dislike. Making sure to check on important aspects such as the story, the graphics, sound/music and gameplay mechanics. And finally, an overall conclusion and recommandation (if it's the case) of the game. Jokes, memes, personal stories, rants are all accepted, but the core elements must be there :)

As for not being a native english speaker, that's totally fine. I am not either. And I won't expect perfect grammar or description of the game. That's why I am going to check each review personally and make sure I tidy it up as best as possible.

I'd say it's time consuming if it is your first time writing a review on something. Otherwise I think it comes pretty easy to you when you start layin down your thoughts on "paper". If you know the game, you'll find it easy to talk about it.

But of course, this is something that I encourage only the people that are truly passionate about old style game reviews. I don't want to inflict stress or discomfort on anyone :)

2 years ago

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I am looking for light hearted reviews. Indie or smaller titles, no longer than 1-2 pages, while the bigger titles I expect a minimum of 2 pages and a maximum of 6.

I was writing reviews on BLAEO for past 5 years and it takes a lot of time. Though some of it was spent on fixing post formatting. Longest one was for Witcher 3 and I checked now - it would be 5,5 page as a word document of text. Majority of reviews would fit into 0,5 page though. Some people are good at waffling, but some have problem to write more than most basic facts.

2 years ago

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I wrote some myself, in my native language as a hobby when I was younger. It's a fun way to "waste time".

I know some people like extremely detailed reviews (I am one of them), but as I said, I want this to be a fun thing. I don't want anyone to stress about making the perfect review. The only "audience" we'll have are going to be the members of the group and the people of SG curious enough to find new games that they might like or have something "light" to read.

I don't want it to be a part time job. But on the other hand I don't want people to copy/paste reviews just in order to get free games. I am sure there must be a balance. And I really believe that 3 weeks is enough time to finish most games, even if you play only during the weekend. And the review shouldn't take more than a couple of hours to write. For most titles, more than 2 hours is overkill IMO. For something as the Witcher 3, I can see how it can take longer than that, but still, I'd be happy with a 2-3 page review made in an hour.

2 years ago*

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By complete review I mean that it is necessary to detail it and not just give its global opinion.
I'll see how it goes over the first few months and maybe it will motivate me to participate later ;)

2 years ago

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I love the idea! I'm not super good at writing nice reviews, but I really like writing them nevertheless. I have a big problem with having enough free time to even play games these days, and I'm super selective about what giveaways I enter. If that's alright, then I'd love to be part of this, and only join a giveaway if I think I'll have the time to beat it within the deadline.

Edit: Just saw the requirement for reviews to be 1-2 pages long. That seems like a lot! May I know how that converts in words count? As a "page" is subjective to the application/font size etc.

2 years ago

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Hello and thanks for the interest!

1-2 pages shouldn't be an issue. Think of it this way, if you write a few paragraphs on the story, a couple on gameplay, another couple on graphics and sound.. and finish it with an overall conclusion paragraph of around 100 words or so. It is more than enough to have a full review.

And words can be made bigger or stretched :)

What I am trying to say is that I don't want those types of reviews you see on steam pages, in which they use a template and comment in each category "Graphics - Good, could be better"; "Sound - Meh, I don't like the voice acting" etc..

There must be some "personality" to it, that's all.

2 years ago

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Ah, that makes sense! I was never a fan of the super short bullet point format, but I also don't like reading (or writing) super long-winded novels for a review. I guess I'll see if my style fits the requirements if I get accepted in.

2 years ago

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As I said before. Don't stress yourself over it. I don't want to give you guys homeworks. Just do your best and who knows, you might even enjoy it more than you think!

2 years ago

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As a "page" is subjective to the application/font size etc.

That reminded me of creative ways people at uni were using to have reports that are "long enough". Bigger margins, font 13 instead of 12, big paragraph gaps, images that are unnecessary big or verse distance of 1,5 instead of 1,15. The horror of biochemistry department that was requiring all to be submitted as docs in standard format.

2 years ago

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Haha, exactly! Plus the screenshots of the game will take quite a chunk of the page itself!

2 years ago

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Heard about people inserting white/invisible characters to pad character counts in digital documents. Not sure if that would get past whoever reviews the submitted file. :D

2 years ago

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It won't. Lol :)

2 years ago

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I like this idea and would be happy to join in on this project! I already thoroughly review most games I fully complete anyways, so this should add some additional fun to that :)

As for the page limit, will there be a particular font or something of the sort that we would need to use as a standard?

2 years ago*

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Hello and thank you!

Would love to have you :)

I haven't thought of a particular font, but I am considering using different fonts for each game. Or at least have 4-5 variations. But if that's something you guys are against, I'll stick to one font only. Something basic and clean.

2 years ago

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As long as it isn't something like chiller or comic sans, then I'm good LOL

Cheers to the development of this project!

2 years ago

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I miss gaming magazines, sure they're "kinda" still out there but I mean the ones where it felt like a small team fumbling around, just being excited about everything. That has nothing to do with this tbh I just wanted to express my melancholy.

It's a really cute idea though and I'd love to be a part of it, even if only donating some games/funds.

2 years ago

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Thanks! And I totally feel the same way..

2 years ago

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I am interested, already write montly complete review with game given by dev (steam curator copies for a group with more than 15.000 subscribers), so not a problem for writing others reviews for game that interest me.

2 years ago

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That's awesome!

I'll create the Group and decide on the name tomorrow. Will send you an invite after it's done :)

2 years ago

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I'd like to suggest a name - SGM. It's a nod to EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly), and can mean Steamgifts Gaming Monthly (I really like this), but also can be read as SteamGifts Monthly.

2 years ago

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Oh, that's a good one!

2 years ago

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I'll add it to the poll tomorrow! :)

2 years ago

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When 1st group only giveaway go live? id love to see in giveaways games with online feature like coop etc. love to play them and i can write fun review cuz its so fun to me to play online! more massively multiplayer - more fun to me :) especially if its social stealth/deduction cuz i love games like deceit, project winter, lies of thrones etc. Also love asymmetric multiplayer like friday 13 the game ,krampus is home (and more this type of online horror games) etc. Online vehicle battle like in wreckfest Flatout 4 , carmagedon etc is so lovely to me -

2 years ago

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Going to post the name poll in a few minutes and after that I'll create a different post with more details and hopefully I'll have time to add the giveaways for the group.

2 years ago

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Yes, yes, YES- this idea is AWESOME!!
Just one caveat- ive seen projects like this in the past (community projects around a nice idea, multiple people togeter on a timetable), 2 zines btw- that didnt go well or blew up at the start for trying too much too quickly

My sugestion is not starting from the get go with 'monthly'- thats already a big commit when we dont even know how easy or hard it will be to coordinate everything or what kind of unexpected decisions or issues may come up. Better to set monthly as a target for the future, but start smaller- start with a 'as it gets done' issues first; We can aim for a month but better start slower- otherwise problems may creep up, how to solve then become a discussion, some may want to start the GAs/review for the next issue before solving whatever happened about the previous one... projects like this can be full of surprises

Most important suggestions:

  • Steam group or similar for PLANING and discussions, open for everyone, so multiple threads on specific subjects or issues can be made

  • important not to be a group for review GAs only, the number of reviewers will always be smaller then everyone involved directly or interested in just reading but with ideas to share

  • start of as 'trial runs'- number of titles and frequency of release all up in the air until everything fits and everyone can get a good grasp on how often it can be, stable, it will stand on solid experience. For example how long time to review, deadlines for delivering said reviews, who would build the pages, etc, etc

  • smaller amount of titles to start

  • maybe already start with queue method- the number of gas/reviews being done not necessarily being tightly 1:1 for every issue, set a initial target, let any reviews that got late be pushed for next issue, stuff like that (remenber its very different people, different time zones, doing it on their free time etc)

Also: Notion
This is more of a personal sugestion- ive been in or close to community projects in the past (tabletop rpg stuff, other niches) waaay back and managing things were a struggle, but theres now more options to do it easily and Notion comes to mind. It allows for a single space/project to have pages both private amongst colaborators and public, dynamic tables with entries... it could turn a chore or heavily one sided endeavour of making it all fit into a much more open and colaborative one.
For example everyone seeing in a table what will be the next ones, how each review is going, whats already ready...
Even a informal 'editorial review(colective)' could happen, like people correcting any typos or leaving suggestions in any of the reviews (and its easy to see who changed what, allows for comments/discussions per page without cluttering the main text, rollback on previous versions...)

Heck once everything falls in place there could even be a public page that would list every released issue, link to the pdf and its topic on SG- maybe even pools (if ever needed, we have pools on sg after all)

2 years ago

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Also, on a completely different suggestion, it would be freaking awesome if in the future we open up a section for short reviews not from GAs/new titles but around bundles- in particular Humbles Monthly. If releases get anywhere mid month or before a month ends opening a spot for shorter reviews (and or sg pool results too) open for anyone who owns and played that months entries.

Doesnt need to be big, deep nor even complete. For example in one page mentioning the list, each steam score and or metascore, and then next page 3 paragraphs, 2 thumbs up and one thumb down- in this example 3 users would have sent a 'recommended short review' and 1 a 'dont recommended/warning' one

I can also imagine a number of 'sections'(with titles) that could come up irregularly - instead of every issue having A, B, C sections just very few or one of those (example: game of the month/cover) and in any issue a number of others could come up as they come- 'hidden jewel', 'oldie but goodie', and so on... A 'bundle trash or smash' comes to mind, anytime someone reviews some highly bundled/cheap title to see if its really just meh, asset flip or a good gem some would`ve overlooked otherwise...

2 years ago

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What I want this magazine to be about, is exactly that. Small games, big games, old or new, good or bad... doesn't matter! All have equal chances of being in the issue.

I also have a rating system in place. We won't use the traditional "digit" method of giving scores, since it can be quite difficult for some to balance the scale and give a fair score. It will be based on a "star" system split in categories. I also want a "verdict" or "final word" of the reviewer, which "pro"s and "contra"s of the game.

2 years ago

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Hello and thank you for the interest and for this detailed comment! :)

To address some of your comments:

"Just one caveat- ive seen projects like this in the past (community projects around a nice idea, multiple people togeter on a timetable), 2 zines btw- that didnt go well or blew up at the start for trying too much too quickly"

Yes, I am very familiar with the term "don't bite more than you can chew" and I can tell from own experience that I have started many projects and abandoned. Projects involving other people.. never. I won't give up on it unless everyone does.

"My sugestion is not starting from the get go with 'monthly'- thats already a big commit when we dont even know how easy or hard it will be to coordinate everything or what kind of unexpected decisions or issues may come up. Better to set monthly as a target for the future, but start smaller- start with a 'as it gets done' issues first"

I do see your point, and tbh it's a real concern. I for one, know for sure that 3 weeks would be enough for me to finish a game (or at least play a vast majority), and I shouldn't need more than a few hours to write a decent review. But that's ME. I don't know how others will deal with the deadline. I do hope tho that the participating members will understand and be able to manage their time. Some might not make it, I'm sure there will be some cases. That's totally understandable if the reason is justified and I'm being told that they need additional days to finish. I do have an idea on how to deal with this as well. There are going to be some group rules and surely we're going to have a limit on how many times a member can delay a review. I believe it is beneficial to have a "deadline" and a "monthly issue" otherwise some might get complacent and keep on delaying.

"Steam group or similar for PLANING and discussions, open for everyone, so multiple threads on specific subjects or issues can be made"

I do plan to create different posts on the Steam Group page, for each game that has been assigned to a member. There members can share their progress or ask for guidance, share screenshots from the game and more.

I also want to use Discord in order to keep in touch with the "reviewers" and the "contributors".

I'll consider each member of the Group as "part of the team". But I'll need a couple of "right hands" to help me out on Discord and on the Steam Group page.

"important not to be a group for review GAs only, the number of reviewers will always be smaller then everyone involved directly or interested in just reading but with ideas to share"

My idea is that we'll permanently have an open discussion "SG Magazine Central Hub" in which we'll keep track of each issue released, the giveaways for the "next" issue will be linked there as well, and a group rules and explanation so that anyone can comment and request to join at any time.

"smaller amount of titles to start"

I want to start with 10 titles that I will giveaway + the ones from contributors. Ideally I want the first issue to have at least 10 reviews. Even if there are going to be 15 giveaways for example, we'll only use 10-12 for the first issue. The remaining being saved for the next one. Each issue will have a minimum of 10, and a maximum of 18 "articles".

"Also: Notion"

I'll check it out!

2 years ago*

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It seems like a generally good story.

The exception would be the fear that "non-English speaking users" are at the mercy of "games that are improperly localized even though the language is the supported notation" that they sometimes fall into.
This may be more distressing to participants than if the only language required for review is English.

I saw that story and felt that this was a topic that needed to be adjusted around before the group could be set up.🙄
Well, maybe ask them to write both their native language and the review?

2 years ago

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I am planning to correct any errors I may find, and even change entire sentences if the idea is poorly translated. I am not a native english speaker myself. Actually my english is far from perfect, but I think we can manage it. Nobody is paying for the magazine, so no harm done! :)

2 years ago

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I'd be interested in this since I already play my wins and have written reviews on BLAEO in the past but I'm guessing you aren't recruiting yet? Since I can't find a way to apply in your post?

2 years ago

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I'd be more than happy to recruit you!

Currently we are voting for the name of the Magazine. After we decide on that, I'll create the group and start recruiting members that are interested :)

2 years ago

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Thanks that's good to know. I voted for Gifted Reviews, though it's not a very popular opinion :)

2 years ago

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i'd love to read it but will pass on entry as i am rather out of space on my computer

2 years ago

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I will re-open to add message.

As long as it's not making it look like it's part of SG (adding "Unofficial" is enough) it would be fine. I don't want to answer to people tickets where they ask about "SteamGifts magazine reviews", or ask us for business opportunities :D

2 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by MSKOTOR.