If you only had to buy one,wich would you choose?
Very hard choice. All of them are in my wishlist. If I were you, I would probably buy Mafia 3. Why? Dishonored 2 is more expensive. And I doubt that Deus Ex will have as deep storyline as Mafia 3 will have.
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im glad you know that im trying to buy only one without me saying that i am :)
wich indeed i am.. i will disapoint everyone who will read this but i never EVER played the first dishonored,mafia 1 and 2,and the first deus.
Yes im not a big SP fan,i always mostly bought mp games but i rly want to buy a sp game this time. what i will say tho i REALLY REALLY enjoyed godfather from ps2,im saying that couse maybe mafia 3 is like it? or no? idk.
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But multiplayer games always have toxic communities. :/ Mafia 3 will surely have a deep storyline, just like all Mafia games do. If I were you, I would put that in top of my wishlist, to be honest. :/ Mafia 3 has nothing to do with Godfather, because Mafia games have an actual storyline. :P
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COMPARED TO MAFIA 3, that is! :P I'm pretty sure Mafia 3 will have a deeper storyline.
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for me its easy...really enjoyed Deus EX played trough it more than once...didn´t much enjoy Mafia 2 (at least the Gameplay part of it which is mostly driving around) and I didn´t finish Dishonored...dont know why just bored me at some point
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I'm also voting for Mafia III. All three are probably going to be great games, but let's wait for the reviews.
Here are two Mafia III gameplay videos:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Xtq18Vmh3s (December 2015)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3DaHzBcdQk (June 2016)
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The game I'm most interested in is Deus Ex, but Dishonored looks really good as well. While I enjoyed Mafia 2, the fact that the story feels so incomplete (despite what's being there being quite good) does make it a bit harder for me to get excited over Mafia 3.
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Trust me i might be the only one but i like to support new triple a games.. i think i might be stupid but idk xD
not only that OFC but i like new games so i dont know what i will expect,because im sure every old game i know atleast a single mission from it.
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For one, the driving is very well done. Second, the areas look beautiful and the atmosphere was made in an amazing way.
But the main reason I don't get is that Mafia II is one of the only games where they often develop the plot for a while.
Plus, don't forget the variety of the story itself.
The idea of driving shows that in most cases you're not the main player in the crime syndicate. The more influential you become, the more noticably good car you own, the prettier your apartment is and so on.
So, the driving isn't just a method of transport or just filler in the game, it also shows the inevitable progression in the character's life and it's a way to convey the story in a new way.
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Dishonored 2. The way Squenix has been (mis)treating their pc ports, they would have to pay ME to play them.
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Squeenix has sublime PC ports, the ones that Nixxes worked on at least.
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All three are great game series (well yeah, Mafia 2 was a bit of disappointing... but the first one was gold), my ranking for the playing order would be Deus Ex (already preordered), Dishonored 2 and Mafia 3. I honestly admit that I haven't followed much of the Mafia 3 but I still hope that it will be great. What about No man's sky? I'm joking, just had to mention it :D
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from those three, dishonored 2 is the only one that I'm not even nearly interested in. Found the first one pretty bland, dropped it after 2 or 3 hours of gameplay.
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Like others, I'd also suggest playing the earlier games first before worrying about the new sequels.
I mean, new games are nice of course - but being a patient gamer certainly has it's merits. Older games are more stable, and you know by now from reviews from people playing for a long time, that it's truly a game worthy of your time and money. New games all have fancy looking trailers these days, but they can often be misleading and the actual game may not live up to your expectations - not to mention those increasingly common day-one patches and problems.
Dishonored is superb, highly recommended. Still looks great and holds up very well today.
Deus Ex is also excellent, definitely worth your time.
I personally didn't get on with Mafia 2 as well, but it was still fun at times.
All three games are much more reasonably priced now too. You could grab them all for the price of one new game! :-)
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As others have said, please spend the, like, $5- $15 each to get each Dishonored GOTY, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and Mafia 2.
I never played mafia so I cannot comment on that one. I did love Dishonored and Human Revolution though. I prefer Human Revolution because though they both have terrific stealth mechanics it was easy for me to connect in Deus Ex game and feel like I am part of the world, but there was always this odd disconnect with dishonored. It was fun to play, but I never felt like I was part of the world, and that probably has something to do with its weak-ish story. Maybe I am just weird ._.
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Mafia 3. While I believe they'll all turn out to be great games, I'm tired of magical/supernatural/augmented/plasmid elements and stealth.
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All 3 games are very promising and Deus Ex already recieving press scores, and pretty good one))) As for me - Ill get all 3 games and i
m glad that they don`t have one release date))) But they are pretty different and it depends on what game of previous titles you liked more))
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First of all i wanna apologize for creating 3 discussions total of today,I wont create any more but i just wanted to know what ppl would choose from either of these sp games :)
if you had to buy only ONE game wich would u choose?
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