I decided to draw the icons in a cartoony style, I like it but I am not sure the descriptions are good - maybe funny over clarity - or the challenges interesting.

Any input is much appreciated.

11 years ago*

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While I've noticed the game before, I don't know much about the gameplay. But with those mechs I've seen, are they customised? If so, maybe making a ridiculously unsuitable mech (can't balance, weight over what the legs support, something like that) should have one ding.

11 years ago

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No, you can only change the designs (color, symbols), bot the mech itself.

11 years ago

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Too bad, making a mech that falls on its face would be fun. :P

11 years ago

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You can customize the Mech with hats, boots, beards, glasses, which change the speed, armor, gun power.

11 years ago

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Yeah, but can they fall over or have their legs crushed under the weight of their body? As weird as it seems, I tend to make a mech like that in games that allow it. :P

11 years ago

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That would be fun - the game isn't about building mechs but what can be done wtih achievement is "anti-pimped out" where you have boots, beard/glasses and hat.... which neg all your stats instead of boosting them.

11 years ago

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I wanted to make a suggestion about playing it for like 5 hours and it saying congrats on putting real play time in vs just playing for cards!

11 years ago

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Try One Year.

11 years ago

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"Congratulation you just played McDROID for 24 hours straight, now un-board your windows and breath some fresh air, then come back"

11 years ago

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the sad thing is so many people just use unlockers for achievements like that but it would be funny to have someone who has like 5 mins played and then have them have that achievement still

11 years ago

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Hahaha I like that too bad we cannot change the message of the achievement after it's unlocked - what are unlockers by the way?

11 years ago

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People who use external programs to unlock achievements. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to mention any here, but there's at least one really popular program to unlock any achievement from any Steam game with achievements.

Some people claim that it's bannable or that you get VAC-banned if you use it while a game is open, but I'm not sure what's the current state of this. Everyone who uses those should know the risks, at least.

11 years ago

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Cheers, I guess that's why achievements are not redeemed for points or anything tradeable.

11 years ago

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You're right that the descriptions aren't very clear, so I'd need a community guide to complete them. On a general note, I love a game that lets me earn all the achievements without a lot of grinding.

11 years ago

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A community guide comes from the community though lol.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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The descriptions are clear enough for someone though, that's how community guides exist....

11 years ago

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Oh, okay ;) Some people are more devoted than others. I wouldn't count on it though. I've looked up a few obscure achievements and couldn't find any sort of explanation anywhere, so I just ignored them. I do make an effort to earn them (have since Mass Effect, they "forced" me to try different play styles which turned out to be a lot of fun). Also, some can be earned without trying.

Though I'm sure the devs know all this. Just saying I prefer the "Destroy all the green polyps inside Paul in 'Pop His Top'" type of things.

11 years ago

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I'll experiment with clarity visual vs description.
One very obscure one can be fun for hardcore players (I'm not one of them, although I did change my play style in tf2 to get achievements)

11 years ago

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No multiplayer level grinding please. So many games use those types of achievements in an attempt to get players to play their multiplayer more.

11 years ago

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That makes me think some can be fun : in McDROID someone has to take on the role of the farming bitch, some more selfish take all the strawberries to themselves and build the turrets because it's fun.

11 years ago

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Here is the multiplayer achiement: "I am a selfish and greedy person"

11 years ago

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I dunno if you want anyone to nit pick, but society should be societies.

related: if your 24 hour achievement that you mentioned in this thread is a legit one, it should be breathe not breath.

EDIT: also, anti pimped out should be 'your robot', not 'Your robots'

sorry if you hadn't gotten to the spellchecking yet I just couldn't stop staring at that word :P

11 years ago

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I'll nitpick the nitpicking - it's society's as in "society's downward spiral" and I fixed all these, thanks.

11 years ago

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boop, you're right lol my bad.

11 years ago

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you have a very colorful game - why don't you try to make the archiments colorful too?

11 years ago

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And at least grey for unachieved and blue for achieved, why viceversa?

11 years ago

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Make the "achieved" icons colored in, the game isn't black and white. Also, based on what I'm seeing, the game has a very "outlined" visual style, so adding that to the achievement icons might make it look more like the game and less like generic confusing icons. Also, perhaps editing the descriptions might be useful. Right now it assumes you've already completed it, which might be confusing (example "You did this and this! Now this!"). It might make more sense to say what the achievement is (example "Do this, kill this, complete this many whatevers, grind this many points").

11 years ago

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Kinda off topic, but wasn't this the game you could get for free a while ago in their store when the whole SimCity fiasco happened?

11 years ago

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No, that was RawBots

11 years ago

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lol thanks

11 years ago

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The icons need more colors ... and more strawberries :3

Seriously, so far I'd say they do not match the nice comic style of the game at all.

And I can't even associate any of the "turrets" in the icons with actual ingame turrets, they look more like chess pieces.

So far I mostly see achievements that are related to turrets or strawberries - what about "You have defeated X enemies of type Y"? (just don't make them too grindy)

Just my 2 cents =)

Keep up the good work and I hope I can enjoy McDROID on Steam soon :D

11 years ago

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Yup, levels of gray don't go with the visual style of the game.
Need more red and orange.

11 years ago

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Kill monster X is always grindy.
But that gives me the idea of an achievement with Bomb Trees and Mutators (monsters that turn you patch of strawberries into bomb trees). Like "all your berry fields are turned into bomb trees and you survived :)

11 years ago

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(Some very good ideas are up^^, you may want to check them out.)

11 years ago

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I know, right? I've already changed a lot of stuff.

11 years ago

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Good. Gimme the changelog thru mail.

11 years ago

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I think the best thing is to avoid really hard achievements, some of the Super Meat Boy ones are almost impossible and only few people would do them

11 years ago

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But the bragging rights of those few... although as Kunpuntu mentioned, there are unlockers...

11 years ago

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you should make an achievement that is un-attainable, like it literally cant happen, then report everyone who unlocks it to valve mwahahahaha!

(is there even a punishment for unlocking achievements with a external program?)

11 years ago

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I don't think it is...

11 years ago

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Well I personally do a kind of mental math between on how much I like the game and how interesting/doable the achievements are. I loved Super Meat Boy but I'm not able to get them, and I've been able to beat Braid under 45 minutes and LIMBO with less than 5 deaths, and carry the gnome for the whole Half-Life 2 Episode 2 obviously, and that for achievements only.

11 years ago

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for me description is a little too lengthy but they looks nice

11 years ago

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It's unanimous, more colors!

11 years ago

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What about something like Cooking by the Book in Hate plus?

11 years ago

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That's funny!
There could be an equivalent.... hmmmm like "ROTTEN FACEBOOK" where you let 50 strawberries rot, and before they mutate into wormlings, take a photo and post it on facebook THEN send us the url to and we'll post the best every week.

11 years ago

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If you want to include an achievement that requires anything outside of the Steam+developer ecosystem, please don't make it use Facebook.

Ideally Steam alone would be enough (ie: share the Screenshot on the Steam community site and email you), but if you really want to include external site/s I think it'd be better as "Rotten Social Media" and accept any popular social media site (eg: Facebook, Twitter, VK.)

11 years ago

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No please don't require any social media sites period. Plenty of people don't want to mix their gaming with their social media and there are also plenty still avoiding most of the popular social media sites as well.

Also believe it or not, not everyone has a digital camera either, so something involving taking a picture does exclude people from being able to 100% the game because they are lacking in some extra item, though I can imagine that for the Hate Plus one a person without a digital camera could go and find a picture of a cake someone else uploaded somewhere and send that if it came down to it and it wouldn't be so bad since they would have to locate a picture of a cake they would find good to send.

And that doesn't even get into the fact that letting perfectly good fruit rot has plenty of issues on its own and people may complain about that as well. An achievement involving something like that would definitely draw some negative attention to the game and there are people who would likely boycott over that and encourage others to do the same.

11 years ago

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Could be capture screen instead of take photo, and the strawberries in question are in-game strawberries. Not all achievements are meant to be done by 100% of the players, in fact I see most achievements are done by a fraction, like 0.4% so that doesn't count in my evaluation.

That said I can see the point against pulling us out of the game world and involving existing social media. But I want something disruptive, ideally within the world of McDROID - ie: megacorporation like Monsanto does what it pleases and more - so if anyone has a better idea, I'll consider - I mean we're just throwing ideas at this point.

11 years ago

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That crap alone made me not want to play the alternate routes. Not even kidding.

Gotta admit though, the game wasn't too good either, and I say that while I was blown away by the whole series before it. Still, those achievements only appeal to a small group of people I think, and it might turn down the majority of achievement whores. I'm not one myself, and yet it managed to turn me down from the game anyways. Seriously, just go and see how it's acted out in the game...

11 years ago

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I can't play these sorts of games, scrubbing through the playthrough alone made me cringe.

11 years ago

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Well I personally loved all of the achievements in dejobann games like AaaaAaAAAaaAa, just because when I achieved one of them, I loved reading what it was called. Normally I don't go out of my way to do achievements, but in those games, I actually enjoyed collecting them just so I could say stuff like "I have jumped beyond the power of 2 and lived to tell the tale" and back it up.

11 years ago

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In TF2 had me jump through hoops (sometimes literally?) to read the funny description.

11 years ago

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The achieved icons look like they're... unachachived. Gray doesn't work well I guess.

11 years ago

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I'd say to add some color to the ones that are grey colored for achieved. People tend to associated greyed out as being locked still since that is what most games do. Either that or make the locked more obvious, like put a chain or X over the picture.

As far as what you what achievements to be for, the ideal tends to be a mix of storyline and challenges. People like earning achievements as they progress through the game normally and it lets them share how far they've gotten with others. A good and challenging game will have no more than half of the achievements be storyline related. Then you want to do some stuff that is actual challenges and missable stuff. Optional bosses, sidquests to get extra stuff, and things like that are good.

Thing to avoid are achievements that are downright tedious. A good example of a truly tedious achievement is the 10,000 Kills one in Final Fantasy VIII. People have calculated that at the fastest that achievement will take 80 hours after you've already earned the rest that take around 60 hours. Don't do that sort of achievement because it's not fun for players and just gets people wanting to cheat it (in fact there's even a guide that provides a macro to auto kill monsters for that one, people also have posted how to hack your save for it).

In the end, you know your game the best. Consider what you would find fun to play and what sort of things you want players to discover. Achievements can be a great way to get players to try out challenges they may not have normally tried and to do stuff they would have missed.

My personal favorite set of achievements was for Ys II. There's a few that you'll get from playing and beating the game, but a good number are random silly easter eggs and missables. Yeah, someone would need a guide to find all of them, but there was nothing in there that I felt was tedious and didn't add in some way to my overall experience of the game. In fact a few of them had me busting out laughing and players had fun posting screencaps of the scenes. That and nearly a year later I still remember the fun I had, so that also says a lot.

11 years ago

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That's super useful! I didn't consider story achievements to be worthy because I always felt it was trivial - yes I did press the Start button.
That said there are some turning points in McDROID that are worthy of trumpeting, like the first time you heal a Planetary Nodule and the first time the planet talks. Yep... inspired - here is the new achievement.

I don't understand the appeal of YsII achievements because mostly I don't know the universe of Ys, can you explain?

11 years ago

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Like the "what the legends don't tell you" - achieved by burning 50 (innocent) villagers (with magic)?
or "Personal trainer" - where you have to level up the kid you're supposed to escort to safety, hmm.. maybe if you buy a misille bot at the wery beginning of a level it may "level up" if you let it do enough "finishing blows"
or. the creepy ones like "police are on their way" where during aforementioned escort mission There's 1 spot on the map where you can push the boy so he can't move in any direction letting you "messaure" him (at least in Ys 1 it was a girl - but same procedure).
Hmm, what if you place a explosive barrel on a nodule and then shoot it so it explodes, to get something like "Monsanto's pet"
...say, can the nodule loose health if gnawed on or lasered??

There's a lot of humor to McDroid, so achievements for things that you'd in your right mind normally never do would fit perfectly IMO.
Maybe an achievement for finishing "Magma Quarry" without buying any bonsai + maybe the one you get for free gets destroyed - "I'm allergic to plants" - or another achievement at a later level if you don't buy any - "Seriously, you should buy these!" cause, i've seen quite some players not knowing they are vital to surviving.

11 years ago

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I added Tree Allergies

I like the idea of "Monsanto Pet", sometimes we make things worse when we are convinced that we do good.
Maybe it could work with the persistent corpses we have now TheEvilSword suggested that the larger corpses could be harvested for loot. I don't want the game turning too bleak but there is something to be done here, setting free the essence of those creatures that were turned...

11 years ago

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If you spell it "Allergies" here, you should also do so in the steam-achivements o.0'
Hopefully not permanetly persistient corpses, i can't really begin to imagine how an arena-game will look... or run with that many objects on screen... but then again, maybe it's not possible to last long enough to go beyond wave 50 anymore ;-)

11 years ago

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Hahaha, that's a good point, I was to enthralled at the look of a corpse-full arena to even think performances but we hit over 2 million polys at the end of the last stand so I'm putting some form of decay in there.

11 years ago

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Buy and play all the Ys games on Steam, they'll give you some good ideas :P

11 years ago

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Added to my wishlist (hint)

11 years ago

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McSteroids - Make your droid look like a hulking monster.

Not sure how flexible the customization will be but hopefully you can do something like this.

11 years ago

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we have Anti Pimped Out, McSteroid could be its opposite: "customize McDROID to boost 20% in any stat, probably not so good for the liver, if robots had a liver"

11 years ago

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While I prefer a focus on skill and not on pointless grinds, I'm generally ok with any kind of in-game achievements as long as they are always obtainable - however, the 'play for 24 hours straight' one is a bad idea I think, as what it really means to anyone is 'leave the game idle for 24 hours straight', which is hardly an achievement, and not all players are going to have the option to do that. If you do implement such an achievement, make it cheatable (ie. adjusting system clock).

Achievements which rely on developer intervention, social networking, active multiplayer servers, or other similar features should be treated with care, or avoided altogether. This doesn't mean don't use them at all - such things can be fun when done right - but my recommendation for such achievements is to make them also achievable in an alternative way. While I don't particularly like achievement culture in the first place, it is an unfortunate part of modern gaming and in many games, getting 100% of the achievements is often regarded as part of truly completing a game, so it's best to avoid any situation which means that future buyers may be unable to complete the game.

11 years ago

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  • Yeah I think the Facebook one is really unnecessary, and the 24 hours straight one - I've never played a game 24 hours straight even the games I idled/ games I absolutely adore, you'll just see people idling them which doesn't reflect well on the game time counter well at all!

  • If you wanted to make it seem like people are spending a lot of time on the game, this wouldn't be a good way - would possibly have the opposite effect because even if I really played many hours my friends would probably just be like "Oh they probably idled most of that for the achievement"

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Elefantopia.