7 years ago

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Need more details (⁎˃ᆺ˂)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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You'll have to wait the full 7 days I'm afraid \o/ Make sure they didn't just activate it and 'forget' to leave feedback.
After that if you think they traded/used the key you can make a ticket for "Request Received feedback" (◕‿-)✌

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I've rerolled for keys a few times for people who already got the game etc. and they weren't used so hope for the best 😺👍

7 years ago

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I have the same problem but its already been like 8 days...finally sent s ticket in

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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first time its happened to me...and now I'm like considering never making low level public GA's

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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There are plenty of people who would make you wait the full 7 days exactly because you left messages and emails every day. Sheesh, man. They have 7 days by the rules. What you are doing is harassing them. Be patient.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Leaving a comment on their profile and 2 emails per day for 5 days is harrassing. Not in the legal sense. But in the normal use of the word. If they have 7 days in the rules, then they have 7 days, and you don't have a right to rush them.

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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Because it don't have any use of it? If you click "sent" you won't have the red mark up there. And afaik it doesn't even count as undelivered until 7 days or if a user marks it as not received. You're also at 4.17 level so 1 game wouldn't make you level up. Why overworry it then?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Well, care about it when people breaking the rules and don't harass them maybe? :\ This is similarly just as bad of a behaviour than demanding won keys on a giveaway creator. There are timeframes on the site that everyone has to agree on, and if you bombard them with messages despite them not doing anything wrong then it's a problem.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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If they've logged in, assume they've seen it. If not, you're probably safe.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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They might use something like ASF for card farming, and have it configured so they appear online whenever their bot is running. Or they might just leave their PC running and Steam runs in the background, but they might be AFK. Another possibility is they might have family members who use their account (my son plays some games on mine), so that person may ignore or not know how to respond to comments and messages.

Though I agree, it's a PITA when people don't accept their gifts promptly.

7 years ago

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I've had mixed results on those. Have had a few too many "duplicate keys" that have only ever happened on rerolls for it to be a coincidence

7 years ago

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I consider the key borked...then drop it here with a note indicating it may be used.

7 years ago

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Absolutely incorrect advice 🤦 There's still 2 days for them to receive the key and reroll afterwards.

7 years ago

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It also depends on if the user has been online, as mentioned. Either way, I find it easier to just drop the key and move on. I can live without the CV or +1 to my GAs. Just not worth the hassle if the key is used.

Edit: Also, not advice. Just personal experience of what I do in that situation.

7 years ago*

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You still need to wait the full 7 days and then do a reroll/request received feedback otherwise your "Not-received" pileup and you can get suspended for fake giveaways. I don't see you having a not-received, so I guess you're just saying that is what you would do not out of experience, but it will complicate things further.

7 years ago

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Ok, I'll be more specific. I would wait the 7 days and also check to see if the user has been online. Not request a re-roll, depending. Submit a ticket to have the GA marked sent with proof of sending/communicating (without the key visible). Then drop once resolved. This has only happened a couple times so I apologize for any misinformation.

7 years ago

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Yeah that works, most of the time it's just a delay or something. Don't apologise! It's just your first post was kinda confusing/leading to more complications 😸 Sorry for making a big deal \o/

7 years ago

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Understandable. It's my first day of a week vacation. Been drinkin' little a bit. ;)


7 years ago

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Happy vaycay week 乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏ

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Thanks! Finally picked up a NES Classic and got Hakchi2 going. Shaping up to be an awesome stay-cation!

7 years ago

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If they haven't claimed after 7 days, you'll probably want to make a support ticket to have it marked as received. Sure it may not be activated on their account, but that doesn't mean they haven't activated it elsewhere, so better to have support mark it received, and the winner get punished for not claiming the key like they're suppose too, as appose to re-rolling and it already being used.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Here are the steps I would take.

  1. Hide the key, again. If they haven't used it or seen it, this will help protect it. This person is supposed to be in touch with you, anyway, so no harm is done.
  2. Take screenshots of your attempts to contact this person. Do not include the full game key in your screenshot(s).
  3. After the grace period expires, ask for a re-roll. Include the screenshot(s) you took in #2.
  4. If the key turns out to have been compromised, reverse the re-roll and request "Received" feedback for your giveaway, instead.
  5. Profit.

Of course, it is hoped that your winner will get in touch with you at some point....

7 years ago

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You can just reverse rerolls under that condition? That kinda screws over the 2nd winner, no? Having them think they've won a game only to take it away from them if they tell you the key didn't work. I'd have assumed once you request a reroll, if the key turned out to be used, you would then be required to replace it for the rerolled winner. Or the reroll would be rejected unless you were willing to accept the responsibility of potentially having to replace a used key.

7 years ago

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I didn't go into the details involving the new winner. When it comes to deleting or reversing a giveaway, you need the permission of your (new) winner. Most of the time, the giveaway creator finds it simpler to just give a new key to the new winner, but that means the old winner is off the hook. I prefer to "force the issue" by pinning the used key on the old winner..

Of course, I much prefer to avoid this entire situation by not revealing a key/sending a gift until after I've contacted my winner. If the winner cannot be bothered to respond to emails and friend requests, then I can't be bothered to give him/her the won game.

7 years ago*

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Ah right so you need permission from winner #2 first, that definitely makes more sense. Yeah of course the original needs to accept his responsibilities as a winner, I fully agree with you, just got a little confused by your point #4, but all is right with the world again now.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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surely you cannot hide the key again without 7 days going by first ? - they have 7 days after all, not all of us are online 24/7 - or indeed 7 days a week

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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sorry - I thought the advice given was that the giveaway winner has 7 days to claim - according to the FAQ - perhaps Khalaq
can clarify this point a bit better in the interim

7 years ago

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khalaq's step 3's grace period was meant to be 7days.

7 years ago

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yeah - that is what I thought, as that is what I do - hence my concern over hiding the code again before 7 days have gone by - people are not as avid (read anal) as us when using this site after all :P (curse our habit of making giveaways grrrrr)

seriously though, I have put this site on my OCD list - it seems it is habit forming :P

7 years ago

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Khalaq, I've made a lot of key giveaways in the past, luckily I had encountered little to no problems, but I want to ask.

How can I prevent a situation where, let's say, the winner gives the key to someone else and tells me that it was a duplicate?
Am I forced to repurchase the game for the winner and send it as a gift?

Or in the event that I have to reroll and the previous winner actually ends up using the key after a new winner has been picked, would I have to provide the game to the new winner as well in case I don't have his permission to reverse?

I often feel like giveaway creators are very vulnerable to problems like these...
Excuse me if I missed something or if my explanations were unclear.

7 years ago

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until a system like this one is implemented, rerolling a key giveaway is risky.

7 years ago

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agreed - I never trust that a key has not been compromised - too much aggravation when it turns out that it has.

7 years ago

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i've been lucky in those regards. i've never had to force feedback change before, and the few times something of this sort happened to me the user had never even logged steamgifts.com to notice the win or see the key for it to possibly be compromised. ^^

7 years ago

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curse you and your luck :P - had to do a few forced feedback recently - pesky people :)

7 years ago

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i noticed these issues happens on lvl 0 giveaways, people are new, or not used to Steamgift, or simply don't care.. so they basicly forget to check "received" or even didn't notice they won something. hope your case will be fixed! Good luck & thanks for all your contribution for the SG community

7 years ago

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I had a similar situation (different user though, I'm certain) recently; of course contact with the winner finally succeeded right after I finally sent a ticket, and it all ended well. Sometimes there are reasons why a winner seems online non-stop and yet unable to activate and mark received right away, or answer to contact requests right away. Of course I was left feeling stupid to worry about it so much in the first place, but that's just me, I am a worrier, sadly ;(

I cancelled the ticket immediately (just 20 minutes after sending). Does support still get notified and has to look at cancelled tickets? Of course now I'm irrationally worried that I wasted somebody's time :/

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Deleted-2962871.