Most interesting to me is comment under group.
So, you can buy game full price in their store, keys for it will ve exhausted... and 2 years after you bought new game at store, Humble by their new TOS can close case and never again bother give you game you paid for and which could be removed from store as they don't have it, cause these aren't even bundles.
Sorry, I still can't believe that can be real, cause it looks like some extremely stupid april joke they are preparing.
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Hard to talk with your wallet when they already got your money, won't deliver on what you've purchased and won't give your money back either, not even under legal threat.
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Sorry to turn heel...but pineapple DOES belong on pizza.
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It was just a test really. I'm of the opinion that everyone should be able to put whatever they want on their pizza. I hate anchovies on pizza but it's just my opinion, everyone is entitled to disagree. Same with pineapple. Your pizza, your choice.
Just don't let Italians see you. They seem to mind XD
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ive purchased bundles and went to redeem key to immediately find them exhausted
been like this for at least 2+ years
selling stock they dont have
well the key is also being sold on humble store page
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Steam will readily give 5000 keys for each game. After that, requests for keys are examined on a case by case basis. Developers can also have access to 2500 so-called "beta" keys, but these are not meant for consumer-wide distribution.
If Steam decides that your game will not be getting any more keys, for example if the game is not selling on Steam but you've already run through your starting 5k keys, then you just don't get any.
See the Steam Keys documentation for more details.
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That's not a recent development though, or is it? (literally asking because I know nothing about this)
I mean bundles have been a thing for decades. In fact there are fewer bundles now than ever and suddenly Steam is not giving devs enough keys to cover basic bundle or even store orders and it's only a problem on Humble store?
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You're right, this is not a new development. It's been 5000 keys for years now, even though Steam clarified this about 2 years ago.
Which is why I think it's mismanagement on the part of Humble Bundle. If they know that they can't sell more than, say, 4500 keys, then they should have a replacement for when that game runs out of keys, or simply limit the bundle to 4500 copies.
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or simply limit the bundle to 4500 copies.
That seems like the sensible option but then they'd lose all the money they are getting from all the people buying keys they know they won't have to deliver. Technically it's called premeditation and fraud and I'm not a lawyer so I asked my girlfriend who is :D
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I don't get that kind of comment tbh. Yes, that's the idea. But the more people know, the likelier they are not to get scammed so people are talking about it in addition to not spending their own money there anymore.
And it's more useful than "so spend your money elsewhere"
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The most surprising is how hard some are defending Humble. I don't really get it.
If it was a store in your neighborhood doing what Humble is doing, it'll be called a robbery and a fraud and the cops would be called... but they're letting you spend some of the money you already gave them for nothing again so hey it's all good
And he got robbed of over 40 keys?? Damn! I imagine things are going to get increasingly worse with people revealing all their leftover keys not to get screwed by further TOS ninja changes...
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Thanks for all the comments, guys! It's been nice to get messages from people saying they've been having the same troubles and were frustrated that not many people were talking about it.
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94 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by ShannonA81
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60 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Greativity
For a while now, Humble Bundle has been selling bundles without being able to keep up with the demand, leaving purchases unfulfilled and selling consumers empty game keys that can't be activated or redeemed.
Sentinels of the Store's SirViolentDeath goes more into detail on the topic here:
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