source is a twitter i won't link:

In Silicon Valley, founders and C.E.O.s often embrace a signature idiosyncrasy as a personal branding device.
Steve Jobs wore the same black turtleneck every day and tended to only park in handicap spots.
Mark Zuckerberg went through a phase during which he would only eat the meat of animals he had personally killed.
Shigeru Miyamoto, the Nintendo video-game legend, is so obsessed with estimating the size of things that he carries around a tape measure. It can get even weirder.
Peter Thiel has expressed an interest in the restorative properties of blood transfusions from young people.
Jack Dorsey drinks a strange lemon-water concoction every morning, and goes on 10-day silent retreats while wearing designer clothing and an Apple Watch.

Holmes, too, had seemingly cherry-picked from her elders. She wore a black turtleneck, drank strange green juices, traveled with armed guards, and spoke in a near baritone. In an industry full of oddballs, Holmes—a blonde WASP from the D.C. area—seemed hell-bent on cultivating a reputation as an iconoclastic weirdo. Having Balto seemed to help fortify the image.

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5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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Elizabeth Holmes is a con artist. Elon Musk is no different. And Silicon Valley is like silicon breasts- all fake.

5 years ago

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silicon breasts

ginormous Blando

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Mark Zuckerberg went through a phase during which he would only eat the meat of animals he had personally killed.

Me, if I go vegan.

5 years ago

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Oh man, this reminds me too much of Silicon Valley (the tv show).

Such a shame the 6th season is delayed; that show is amazing.

5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by icaio.