I think it's lame and it sucks but there's not much you can do. Short of creating your own invite-only group and carefully deciding who is in it or not, there's no way to insure that an undesirable person will be able to enter your giveaway. Even links to private giveaways can easily be leaked. Seeing as to how you can already make group giveaways that are only visible to certain people it would be nice to have an option for a new 'invite-only' type of private giveaway.
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Privates are supposed to be invite only anyway. 2 ways of making it more private might be:
Have to individually white-list people, they could get a message on SG to say they are invited. Although it would be easier than doing so, the same could be accomplished with a temporary group though.
Generate one-use entry urls. Once someone logged in visited the url no-one else could use that "key" and you would have to generate more to give out.
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Private giveaways can be leaked, but support will grant your reroll request if the winner wasnt given the link by you.
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Contribution limits, my friend ... contribution limits.
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doesn't really mean much (if anything) anymore when there are so many ways to contributor whore and get $20 worth of value for every $1 you spend. To say nothing of free and/or exploited titles. I saw a guy on here who gave away easily several hundred dollars worth of 2K games that were unquestionably the result of the Bioshock Infinite exploit on Amazon. So yeah you can put a contributor restriction on it, but that doesn't stop exploiters and the people who get left out are the ones who chose not to do lame stuff like that.
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Yeah, I made a private group for people from a forum I use to prevent that from happening. Means I'll get random leechers adding me then requesting invites, but beats them just adding themselves to every group.
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You mean just a regular forum giveaway there? Meh, less effort doing it here, once the people are invited, and others have started using the group for the same thing. One of the users had 4 end yesterday, and another is running right now.
Besides, much as I like that forum, since I managed to win over 100 games from forum giveaways, there were still plenty of lurking leechers around as well. I wanted my group giveaways only for the people who were regulars on the forum.
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It's a public giveaway. And yes, giveaways in open-to-everyone groups and private giveaways that are posted on the forum are pretty much the same.
I've had public giveaway winners that were so happy they won something that they gave me a small DLC as a thank you present just because they won. And I've had public giveaway winners that outright told me they didn't care about the game and had no intention of playing it ever, they just entered the giveaway to win something.
That's the thing with public giveaways, you get the most leechers, the most assholes and the most annoyances. But you also get the occasionally winner that so thrilled he won and ends up with 100+ hours spent on the game. It has plenty of disadvantages from private giveaways but also some advantages.
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Yeah, I've gotten a great person who won one of my giveaways as well. They gave me a game that had recently been cheap, but that I hadn't been able to purchase myself. It was a great day, that.
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I hope your employer has the same opinion on matters. When it's time for the paycheck he'll juts think fuck this leecher, comes here for my money only. The finger bird he flips will be your monthly reward.
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The OP resorts to lame excuses in order not give the winner his prize. Demagoguery is only in the first post. Now that he's suspended just makes it more obvious.
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He was suspended for something else, as mentioned in the later posts.
Anyway, I think it sucks what happened, but that is the problem with public groups, there will be jerks checking profiles for group giveaways they can join that way, even though they know nothing about the group and only want free games. They don't deserve the prize, but unfortunately, they get it if the creator cares about the site rules and their receive percentage.
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So wait was he suspended over this? I just noticed OP is suspended is all...
Anyways, I think he should get it.
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The suspension is likely due to having some games unactivated. I hope the winner still gets their game.
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Meh, that's nothing, I once saw someone with over 1.200 groups who obviously just entered every group he saw on accounts of regular forum members (I only noticed because random Russian adding himself to Steam Group for niche RPG forum users as well as all my other groups was pretty unusual). As soon as I asked why join so many groups, he unadded me and went private with account -.-
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Yeah, some people do that, and some groups have to be open because they are official steam groups of certain websites and forums... or do they? Anyway, give them the key and learn from the experience - next time create a private giveaway and share it on the forums, ask for entries to write forum nickname in the comments. If the winner is not a forum member, ask for a re-roll on the grounds of leaked private giveaway.
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One solution is making the group invite-only, the other is already suggested and IMHO best way to control your giveaway - making a private giveaway. That way you can ask for re-rolls.
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My solution is a bit different in nature.
I suggest you stick to a simple rule-of-thumb: Never, ever, ever look-up details on a winner. Just send 'em the key/gift with a "Congrats" note, and be done with it.
You'll save yourself a lot of grief that way and not have the fun sucked out of giving.
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So I get this game from a bundle, and I wanted to give it to someone from forum I visit every day. I made a giveaways for this game, then chose the group from Steam that is for members of that forum. I posted the giveaways on the forum and waited for 2 days.
A little while ago the giveaway ends and I go to see who the winner is and send him the key. And what do I see? A person that is not even a member of the forum, but only a member of the Steam group(which is public), and he is also a member of over 250 other Steam groups. Obviously a leecher.
I asked for a new winner but I get a response that I can't get one because the Steam group is public.
Now I ask you guys what do you think?
P.S. I have shared no info, there is no reason for this thread to be deleted.
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