This giveaway is for the complete Blackwell series - all five games. I have FIVE SEPARATE KEYS - one for each game. In order to make sure you get all five games, I will need to send a Steam friend request to the winner. If the winner already has some of the games but not all of them, I will only gift the games they do not have (which is how the bundle would function were you to buy it anyway, there's just no sense in wasting keys). I would prefer to gift the entire bundle to one person, so I may request a re-roll depending on which/how many games the winner already owns. If the winner does not respond to my friend request, I will request a re-roll.
*ETA: I meant to put the gameplay order in here too, in case anyone needs it:
1 - Legacy
2 - Unbound
3 - Convergence
4 - Deception
5 - Epiphany
Please don't burn me on this, y'all. I've had a really good time here on Steamgifts and I continue to want to provide giveaways that a wide variety of people can enter. So I'm asking the universe - pick a winner who will be good at communicating, please. :) Otherwise I may not be inclined to gift bundles anymore and will stick to individual game keys.
If this seems like too much to ask, hop on over to check out the rest of my giveaways, and enter as many as you like. ^_^
16,724 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by Channel28
30 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by sensualshakti
329 Comments - Last post 49 minutes ago by Tsukichild
49 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by wigglenose
409 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by WaitingforGodot
353 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Mayanaise
100 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Channel28
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132 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Giannisg
36 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by akfas
29,707 Comments - Last post 28 minutes ago by Kingsajz
27 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by kbronct
10,127 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Zolivv
388 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by RosimInc
may I suggest, you check first if the winner owns any of the games already an request a new winner in that case. Sending only part of the keys, if the winner owns some games already might lead into trouble.
Have a nice day.
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Per Steamgifts's rules, a winner can only activate keys for their own account. If they already own some of the games in the bundle, they would not be able to activate a second key for that game on their account, thus I will not be able to send a key for a game they already own. But thank you for the suggestion, I will keep that in mind when reviewing the winner. :)
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I have 7 PhDs. in communication and linguistics!
Joke, but I hope you don't struggle with your future winner
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Thank you! XD Gosh, though, 7 PhDs sounds like almost as much work as getting steamgifts winners to message you back! ~_^
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Thank you for your generosity.
Question - does this bundle officially activate a separate “steam id” that individual games do not? If so, and you’re giving individual games, you and/or winner could get into trouble.
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I don't see any reason why it should. (*Edited) - I just checked and I'm not sure if I can tell whether the bundle shows up separately, I don't see an "already in library flag" but I'm not sure if that's unusual for bundles. Though there's nothing in it other than the games so it shouldn't make a difference.
I'm curious as to what specific trouble you think would occur, though, if you wouldn't mind elucidating.
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No worries, I don’t mind sharing. And perhaps someone can correct me if I’m wrong. If there is a separate appid on Steam for this bundle VS individual games, I can imagine 2 scenarios:
1) winner marks as received, but since the appid is not present on their account when checked, the user gets a penalty from SG for not activating on their account
2) the user is worried about separate appid, and does not want to get a SG penalty. So after receiving individual games, marks as Not Received, and you get “burned” in the process (depends on your definition of burned)
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Ahh, I see, yeah, that makes sense. From my understanding, both of those things would only happen if a user is reported (in the case of #1, which I don't intend on doing, and the FAQ/rules require proof of contact attempts before reporting), or of course in the case of #2, if the winner themselves provides the feedback. I would prefer to avoid #2, which was part of what I meant about not burning me, but it's also not the end of the world - just slows down how many giveaways I can provide, which at this point is plenty.
My thinking on this - and other users agreed when I asked about doing this in a discussion - is that as long as the winner has all five games when all is said and done, everyone should go home happy. I've explained clearly in my description what I'm about. If someone wants to report me for trying to be generous, that's a sad person indeed. :<
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Thank you so much for this!
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You can reuse the key slot here, btw, and think it even accepts (semi?) arbitrary text.
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That was suggested to me, but even if I use that particular method, I would still prefer to communicate actively with the winner to make sure all of the keys come through properly. Thank you, though.
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Thanks for this. I already have Convergence and Epiphany, is it okay to enter the GA anyway? Or do you consider this too much already?
Hope everything goes well with your winner.
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Thank you for asking! Yes, I would consider two games to be a sufficiently low threshold for entry. ^_^ As long as you'd be okay with only receiving 3 keys in the case you are the winner (since the other two keys would be duplicates), then we're all good!
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Of course I'm fine with only getting the keys for the games I don't have already, no use having duplicates ^^
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Anytime! ^_^ Good luck!
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Thank you!
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Thanks for the giveaway!
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Thanks! :)
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Thanks! Good luck to everyone ^^
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Thanks for giveaway! :3
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Thanks for giveaway!
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Hey! Thanks bro!
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Thank you for your generosity.
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To echo Abraham just a bit...
... but what if one should own THREE of the titles in the bundle? Might one enter the drawing then?
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I'm not sure I understand the reference, but I think I would probably request a reroll at three, otherwise I feel the bundle would be fairly misrepresented at that point. But keep an eye out, I have spare copies of some of the games, I'll be putting them up once things shake out with this one. ^_^
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Biblical. Abraham wheedles God down from destroying a city if only 100 good men are there, all the way down to three, whilst apologizing the entire time for being forward. Heh.
I will -- I was just curious when you mentioned 2! That, or I could finally BUY them in the next sale... heh...
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Ahhh gotcha. I probably recall something like that, now that you mention it. XD
The summer sale is probably coming up soon, yeah? A lot of the individual games are not expensive to begin with, if they go on sale you might be able to snag a really good bundle deal or something. :)
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Thanks for the chance!
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thx 🌹
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Thanks for this GA dude!
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Thanks <3
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thx for the giveaway~
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Thanks, GL all
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