
Previous ← | BUMP | → [END] 4162!

  • Reserved for hints

Just a small additional Info: The "!" is in the correct place (at the Ending). I also edited Hint 1 to make it clearer.

Hint 1:
Last (visible) part of the description which differs from the other giveaways = important part

Hint 2:
Points are missing

Hint 3.
American Notation

Hint 4:
Every giveaway has it
The train has the same for all giveaways

4 months ago*

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May need a "Hint 2".
I've tried a couple of guesses juggling the order of the code characters based somehow on 4162! but not working.
Also, do you mean the "description" on this ga (above), or the description in the opening discussion.
ps - I just followed you on Twitch. Thanks for train, I appreciate you. 🦄

4 months ago

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thank you for your message, the hint is for the description on this ga (above).

i will drop hint 2 tomorrow. :)

PS: thank you for the follow!

4 months ago

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The code is too difficult for me. Regardless, thanks for the great train!

4 months ago

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Hmm, my first thought was that the expression refers to 4162 factorial (the product of all numbers from 1 to 4162), but that number is a bit too large.

4 months ago

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i know that this probably won't help you now but you are overthinking it. I hope the next hint will help you :)

4 months ago

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The third hint makes me wonder if there was a noteworthy April Fools joke years and years and years ago! 😱

4 months ago

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Or perhaps someone is 1 year, 1 month and 13 days older than I!

4 months ago

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While I didn't solve it yet, the thing, Hint 4 is hinting at, is differing depending on time zones.

4 months ago

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Central European time it is.

That is my bad, i didn't think about that beforehand. Sry.

4 months ago

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You've got an additional follow! ;-)
But I'm still stuck.... and have no clue how to get Hint 4 together with the "!" :thinking:

4 months ago

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Thank you for your follow :)

The comment i made above is pointing at the right direction.

If you are still stuck, go on to the "create giveaway site". There you should get hint 4
The "!" is just a reminder to let it stay at the end. (since i did not have another letter)

4 months ago

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still stuck 🤔
has it something to do with the link behind the numbers?

3 months ago

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yeah, if you know the correct order of the numbers you can get the correct link :)

3 months ago

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I must have a knot somewhere 🤔
I also tried every combination of the link behind the numbers. There is one giveaway though but from 8 years ago :-D

3 months ago

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did you use the "/" at the end after the 5 letter code? The link won't work without that.

e.g. 0Tfjb/

0Tfjb gives you an error :)

3 months ago

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you're right. but I didn't miss the "/"
hm 🤔
all 120 combinations tested with "/". only the one from yeveral year ago was a giveaway
that's strange
should I try again? 🤔

3 months ago

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one last unofficial hint

3 months ago

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...well.. I did try every combination... but with a typo 🤦‍♂️
well... blöd muss man sein :-D
had a great time with the puzzle anyway :-)

3 months ago

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Can you share the solution once the GAs end?

3 months ago

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i will do that :)

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Yeah I think I'll also rely on that. I think I got the right direction but definitely can't take it to the end, would be cool to at least learn where my assumptions failed

3 months ago

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Well, you managed to do more than me. I am not able to understand even where to begin.

3 months ago

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I explained everything at the discussion thread (last comment). Thanks for participating :)

Discussion Thread

3 months ago

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Thank you!

3 months ago

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We both ended at the same place thou 😂

3 months ago

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Lol, in one way. But I feel so dumb rn, Even after looking at the solution I am not able to understand what the puzzle even means, where to even start from.

3 months ago

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