very cool game
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9,871 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by CultofPersonalitea
Hi, first of all, thanks for the giveaway.
I've noticed you haven't set a level restriction on your giveaways, may i suggest, that you do so in your future ones?
The reason is simple, there are a lot of bad accounts on this site, like autojoiners, multis, bots, win resellers and other rule breakers or just leechers, who doesn't contribute to the site at all, and most of them are found on level 0.
I even suggest to set a higher level than 1, because it will cost like 10 Cent to reach that level, even level 3 is pretty cheap to reach and will cost like 10 to 20 bucks, also being poor isn't an excuse for me, because i live below the poverty line of my country and even i managed to get to level 5 in few months.
Another advantage of setting the bar higher is, that you won't get bothered by all the annoying thank you messages from autojoiners with thank you script, that's why i set my bar even higher to at least level 4 and level 3 being the real exception.
You can even go right away and delete your giveaway to set it up new with a level restriction, if you wish to do so, deletion of running giveaways are accepted instantly.
I'm a person, who checks his winners, about ratio and also rule breaks and if you like to do so:
If you see red marks there, you can request a reroll for a new winner, just put the link into your support ticket
If you want to know how many users are on each level:
with 970k users on level 0 85% of the accounts on the site haven't contributed with a giveaway and just there for leeching, another reason for setting up a level restriction.
If you got more questions, feel free to ask.
Have a nice day
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Hey, thanks for letting me know ^^
I assumed a lot of people would probably just be here for free games but I didn't realize it was that bad. I'll make sure to use level restrictions in my future giveaways. Additional thanks for linking those tools!
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it's always bad, because it's the internet and/or things are given away for free
Edit: I hope you won't get fooled by these people below me, start with checking the people writing thanks, you'll see half of them have red marks, which is usually a disqualifier for joining groups with veterans or sgtools made GAs
I'm also member of a group, which leader is very proficient in hunting bad accounts, so i have quite a lot of background information, you wouldn't believe how many bad accounts are around, some members of this group also made unrestricted GAs, took the effort and checked every entry and about 40% had red marks, that's far from a large minority as wiksolop falsely claims over and over again
and of course he'll have no evidence either that the propotion of good to bad accounts doesn't change with higher level and even if this would be the case, the overall number on a higher level will be much more less, than on level zero, out of the sheer number of level zeroes.
but let us think about that proportion thing again for a second, i claim the higher the level and thus invested keys, the less people are inclined in risking their account and to get banned, sounds logical, right? see how they're trying to fool you, claiming something else?
I could go on and on, how the owner isn't taking action against autojoiners (running his tool, which he last ran 3 years ago) and other bad accounts, how we repurpose the level restriction to fight the bad accounts and how this is not ideal, but the only viable solution we have at hand (blacklist is capped at 1k and that isn't even enough for blacklisting only level 5+ bad accounts, imagine how bad the situation is on the lower levels), but i don't want to drop a wall of text, so i'm limiting myself to only basic information.
Edit2: I just stumbled over this
just another example, how bad the situation on the internet really is, people arguing against that are just pathetic
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No it is not that bad. There are many "real" people on lvl 0. and they are here for free games just like you assumed.
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Hey there kabopzka, welcome to the site! While everything said above sounds convincing in a vacuum, there's a lot more nuance involved than what was initially presented to you in Prosac's copy/pasted spam (which they tend to send to anyone and everyone with an active Level 0 giveaway).
The idea that users should set a level requirement because it "is pretty cheap to reach" and "being poor isn't an excuse" sets a dangerous precedent that newcomers should be treated with skepticism and distrust until they buy their way into the community instead of being welcomed with open arms. The expectation that users should give first before they can receive creates an elitist mentality that can easily segregate users over an unseen enemy. That being said, the level requirements are there for a reason and if you should decide you want to use them, then by all means more power to you.
I will also address the elephant in the room. While there ARE users on the site that utilize scripts or bots to join giveaways, they are largely the minority compared to the number of active users. Additionally, they are present at ALL levels, not just level 0. And there's little to no evidence to suggest that the proportion of "bad" accounts to "good" accounts changes much at each level of contribution. Case in point (as Prosac themselves hinted at), there are ways for users to take advantage of the system in order to level up quickly for cheap. Thus making level less of a true indicator of total contribution and should instead only be seen as a soft form of measurement.
P.S. Prosac if you're seeing this, I know you can't resist the urge to get in the last word. Do whatever helps you sleep at night, fam. We've had this discussion dozens of times and we both know how this plays out. I point out your refusal to acknowledge evidence (and mods!) suggesting your crusade is both misguided and misinformed, you spout expletives in response. And as usual, I will engage no further in this thread.
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Very well put. Thank you. This reminded me of an earlier interaction I had with that user. At this point, I wish the website moderators took action since this is the epitome of spam, and it is not going to stop.
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I genuinely appreciate seeing other users speaking up about it too. Thank you ^_^
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I agree with this too. You can't decide when you don't own the site nor have any say so in its operation that certain people should be excluded off some arbitrary rules you created. That's be as asinine as saying if your PFP isn't your real face, you can't participate or something.
Those who do the giveaways have all the options at their disposal to limit to whoever they want - or to leave it open to anyone they want. Highly suspect most who started here figured they would never get anything, as places like this so often seem like that's what happens. After I won a few, I started giving some away myself. If you shut out every Level 0 member, then many will just leave and never bother to give anything.
I'd hate to be a gift recipient from that guy. Probably complains to whomever gave the gift if it's not of equal or sufficient value to the one they gave...which totally defeats the purpose of what a gift is's not "SteamTrades".
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Thank you for this, really. The irony of "fighting bots" with a bot-like spam that may as well be an automated msg to every lvl 0 GA is great in this one. I see this every single time I view a giveaway to check if the op wanted something in return like checking out other games, watching a vid or a stream, it's unmistakenly there.
Looking down on people who most of the time cannot afford to buy keys to give them away is disgusting. $10 for a game might be nothing to you and me, but the way the world unfortunately is, there are parts of it where it may as well be a week of work for an unemployed person. After all, isn't this what steamGIFTS is all about? Gifting games to people who are unable to otherwise play them. If you require them to invest loads into giveaways, why don't they just buy games they want to play instead? If people really have a problem with this, I get a feeling the only reason they give the games away is to make themselves feel better about the real person behind that mask of "$ of gifts sent".
That being said, I do encourage everyone to manually check the winner of their giveaway before sending the key, in case it may have some red flags of being a bot account.
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did you missed my part with me living below poverty line? 10$ isn't cheap for me too
and keep in mind every user here has a Steam account worth at least 100$ and pays food, rent, electricity, insurance, his other bills and whatnot, but you guys are always painting a picture of a poor begger in the streets, who probably has more serious problems than free games on a site in the internet, as an excuse.
Furthermore i don't get it that you guys are always fighting about some Cents or bucks, when it's really easy to reach level 1 or 2 or is it another excuse for being stingy?
And then you usually get offended and throw insults or personal attacks left, right and center at me, is it because you're lacking substantial arguments to discuss the matter on an objective basis?
And everyone trying to reach higher levels won't even get harmed by it, they're profiting from it, access to way more giveaways and way better chances, costing what, 10 Cents for level 1 or a pack of cigarettes for level 2, but you guys are always getting in rage that fast, that you can't see the reality behind the curtain. Do i even have to mention how such behaviour would not just profit the users, but the whole site and its economy?
I'm sorry, but you are mixmatching gifts with charity here. And if you wouldn't be in rage that much an think about gifting a second or two, you would realize, that gifting is usually mutual in reallife, sometimes it's used to form bonds or used as a thank you, for good deeds a person did to you, gifting is not always exchanging things, at least in reallife.
The closest you can get with paying something back in the anonymous environment of the webz is, that you make a giveaway yourself and not be greedy and just take and use the anonymity of the webz as a cover and get offended, when someone points at you.
It's not the messenger to blame here, but that's what you guys are constantly doing.
i can only speak for myself, but i like the secret santa aspect and that's why i'm here.
Did you noticed that secret santa is also gifting in reallife?
and i get the feeling, that you personally attacking me again, without even knowing shit about me
at least one solid statement
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What can I say, thank you for providing me with a rather thorough example of why wiksolop72 won't get involved in a discussion with you, neither will I from now on.
I'm not entirely sure what makes you assume there was any kind of rage in my post, it was rather a disappointment and as it turns out, the justified kind. I don't gift people in real life because I expect something in return, I gift people because I care about them, which obviously builds a fundamental difference between us. The term you're looking for is not gifting, it's gift exchange, to some degree closer to a trade than gifting itself.
Either way, please do continue your crusade without involving me, after all, levels on steamgifts are a matter of global concern. There's no need to waste precious time to victimise yourself, even tho I didn't even mention or think of you specifically with what I wrote, but it appears that you found yourself in it anyway. I was just glad that there are other people that won't just eyeroll and move past the spam like I did too many times and I have better things to do than fight windmills.
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so you're saying attacking people is just your habit?
you're twisting my words and take it out of context not recognizing the whole thing of being mutual and how it will affects your behaviour knowing this, you're not a robot without emotions
I'll do, at least i respect people, not like your admired wiksolop, who harassed me in the past, this here being the first time he didn't replied to me directly, but complaining about the harsh response he got last time, after he spammed me multiple times and i calmly explained the situation to him every time
haha, saying you're not attacking me, with attacking me in the same sentence, that's gold
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Just out of curiosity, in your personal statistics, how many blacklists are you on?
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i prefer to keep my personal stats private, because they have nothing to do with the facts i'm trying to tell and would probably just held against me as another personal attack, dragging me in another useless discussion, who and for what reason is blacklisting me, when it doesn't matter at all
only thing that matters are whitelists and so far i'm quite good with them
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I understand. I was just curious. I assume you get put on blacklists regularly, although I don’t believe it is personal. You seem committed to exclude certain people from giveaways, and it makes sense that others would want to exclude you. This isn’t an attack or a sarcastic comment but a simple theory.
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most of the time is see some offended level zeroes, who excluded me from their non-existant giveaways
and you got my intentions wrong, my commitment is against bad accounts, but it's like chemotherapy fighting cancer, you will also hit the not bad ones, i wouldn't say good ones, because they only need to invest like 10 Cents to not get affected, but instead they're making a fuss and find all kind of excuses, why chemotherapy against cancer is bad and that we should let cancer grow, which would lead to the death of the patient in the long term
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As I said in our previous conversation, it is not so much about why people won’t spend money as it is about choice. If the intent was that only the people who spend money can participate in giveaways, albeit, as low as ten cents, then level zero simply shouldn’t exist. We know that that is not the case. That said, you believe in something, and you are free to express it in any way you like—hence, the idea of choice.
Again, out of curiosity, where are you from, or what region? I have seen you mention you don’t exactly live in the best economy.
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i never said setting level restrictions is the perfect tool, but as the owner isn't taking care of the problem, we repurposed this tool and it's the most effective one.
and to be clear it's not believing on my side, believing is a thing for churches, i got evidences, as i already explained earlier
so when its about choice, then people have choosen to be level zero and swim in the pool with a lot of bad accounts and then i'm not getting it, why they are mad at me, when its been their choice. Maybe they're mad, being called out as egoists, idk
I'm sorry, i will not reveal the country i'm living in, it has nothing to do with the facts i'm presenting, and will be just another point offended people will bash
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The keyword here is curiosity. My questions, presented in separate messages and paragraphs, had nothing to do with the other point of discussion. Anyway, I wish you luck.
I just had to look at your Steam account, which is public, to find out you live in central Europe.
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Thank you!
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Thanks hope to win it wthog ^_^
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Thanks! Good luck to everyone ^^
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Thank you!
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Thank you sir!
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Thank you!
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Thank you :D
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Thank you for the opportunity to traverse a magical forest as a small creature ^ u^
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Thx for this awesome Game. 😀
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Thanks for the chance
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thks for chance
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Thanks :)
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++ =))
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thanks! ♥
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Thanks, GL all
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Thanks dude! Você é um amigo <3
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Thank you for the opportunity!
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Watchy Watchy
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