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134 Comments - Last post 28 minutes ago by shortyginger
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Great game. Thanks!
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Thank you! :)
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Ty :D
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Thank you
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Thanks for the chance
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thank you for xcom! :D
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well ..
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Ty for the chance
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Thank you for the chance! :)
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THanks for the giveaway!
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Awesome! Thanks!
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Thank you very much!!
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Wow, thanks!
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Thank you so much.
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Thank you soooo much for this chance! :3
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Thanks!!!!!! AWESOME GAME
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Wow, what a giveaway!!
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first a thanks for the nice giveaway :o)
Please don't take my following words in any way against you. That is not the intention.
I would like to ask you that you make no "free for all" GA's under lvl 2+ without security measures.
It's nothing against the real, nice, friendly players on lvl 0 and 1 but on 0 + 1 are 90% autojoiners, bots and extreme leechers (3 years+ on sg, who never give away anything or only 1 GA to be on lvl 1 -to access more with a higher rate- but taken hundreds of GA's).
So i think you feed the wrong people with open for all Giveaway(s) under lvl2 without any security measures.
There are many security measures you can use too. By a part you can avoid the lvl2+ and support all the new/low users without supporting the bots/autojoiners/leechers.
Examples: Forum thread, jigsaw puzzles, puzzles, itstoohard, sgtools, hidden text or links, edited links and so on....
When you want give it out to lvl 0 is it possible without problems.
Only use "invitation only" and Create a Forum Thread.
With this way a lot of the bots, autojoiners and other not so nice people found not the way into your GA's (easiest security measure so not perfect but better then nothing ;o)).
By this way i have no statistic numbers because i saved my thread with sgtools too :o)
When you use sgtools (sgtools.info) you can set rules. Partly set a hook, partly fill in 0.5 or anything like that and when you are experienced you can set custom rules where as example all that own CS:GO can't join your GA or only a fixed number can join your GA or only people with a wishlist smaller as 400 ... or whatever else... the possibilities are very high.
I can say the winners are then real players, no 7 days waiting on a hook, they found the word thanks and the work after the end of the GA is near zero.
I give my stuff mostly out to lvl 1, then i can set a real cv ratio rule too (in my case 0.5 = maximum won double of the given) :o)
ITH = https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/g1nc3/ith2-nov12th-still-top-10-slots-to-fill
Here you can see how you can use Questions.
From "Are you a bot" Questions that can all users solve to Questions that nearly nobody can solve ... you set the difficulty complete by yourself.
Hidden text/links, as example when you link a picture and the picture description shows the 5 digits of a GA.
jigsaw puzzle = http://jigidi.com/
Hope that helps. When you have questions i try to answer them.
Would be great if you think over that and look if any of that stuff fits for you too.
Thanks, happy winning and gifting and have a nice week :o)
friendly regards
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first thanks for carrying.
2nd Please don't take my following words in any way against you. That is not the intention.
please leave your opinion on the people lvl on SG to yourself, as well the opinion of how should GA creators behave as (and sorry for saying that) it doesn't look good for you (at all) - especially on an open GA.
if you do decide to do that i would recommend adding the person on steam and doing it privetly or open your own discussion on general here on SG.
otherwise i would recommend leave lvl0-2 users be.
Hope that helps. you shouldn't have any question as its common courtesy behavior on public places.
Would be great if you think over that and look if any of that stuff fits for you.
Thanks, happy chatting, winning and gifting and have a nice weekend ^_^
friendly regards
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MRLW you can handle it BY YOUR GA's how you want...
but that's not your GA.
So please not act if i have written to you. Thanks.
I would for sure not add each one privatly on steam to write them this message because i have much better to do with my lifetime.
Open a discussion to this reason is not a good way because only a small part would read it (and much smaller from lvl 0 and 1) and i send my words only a few ones that made lvl 0 + 1, open for all, GA's without any security measures. Sometimes when i have a few minutes time and think its worth the effort.
When you not like my words it's ok for me because you are a complete stranger for me.
That i leave my opinion to myself would not happen.
You must not share them, your must not follow them but you must life with them (and i with yours) :o).
I have much more positiv reactions on my Text then negative ... so it can't be soooo wrong ;o).
In your sentences read over "common courtesy behavior" is "nice". I can say follow your own "suggestions" and "common courtesy behavior".
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right back at ya, this aint your GA
by the way you fail to act by what you ask, you ask him to consider your words and not get offended by them - yet here you are responding like this to the same (yet opposite) thing... what does it say about you? :)
and i dont see how exactly you got the idea of
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I get much more posivite messages then negative ones...
thats a fact and so it is not a idea and can be excatly counted from me :o)
When you have too much time you can search in the Open for all games and count by yourself... ;)
You want not understand and my words and edit/interpreting things into that i never said or mean. So its waisted time to discuss with you over it. And because i know that before i save me this time and read instead a good book :o)
Think whatever you want....
(from the words you wrote i can say it's the wrong)
Happy day
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saying that something is a "fact" without actually giving a fact dosent make it a real fact just a statement from you.
well i can say the same for those that think the opposite from you you can use your spare time and search for all those who think different then you.
i do understand your words.
i dont misinterpreting them.
and i dont "edit" them.
i simply acted the same way you did and you couldnt handle it which is ironic as that is what you expect from op of this GA :)
its not a waste of time to correct bad behavior, SG has a 0-10 lvl system which represent those who can give (and want to) and those who cant afford giving (or dont want to), you made your own system lvl 2-10 and you wish to force it up against the site purpose.
i do, my thinking is also baked up by fact of how this site works and purpose :)
well i can say night is day and day is night...
have a nice day as well :)
Edit: quotes fix
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Oh boy, did you think i screen now my message box only for you ?
Trust me or not... your decision.
You not understand my words RIGHT or misinterpreting or edited in your mind.
That's a fact i see because i know exactly what i have written and what i thinked to it.
But ok you think you have not ............... and that is the only truth that can be....
that was the reason why i say before "discuss brings nothing with you".
So i say... yes you are soooo right and can save this time and read a book on the balcony :o)
I not make a lvl 2-10 system.
I have counted many ways to set it up for level 0 and 1 too BUT with security measures (that take mostly only a few seconds more time by/after creating) that hold a good part of the bots, autojoiners and extreme leechers outside.
As a sidenote... that helps the friendly, real, players on lvl 0 and 1 too because then they have really a chance to win (2k entries + are in my eyes not really a real chance to win)
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thats is making your own system - as it aint the site system, it is your right tho just not the public "attitude" to those who dont act like you.
it dosent as it hides most of the GA and limit them just to those are currently active on forum, which is actually waste more of there time just because you have a problem with "bots, autojoiners and extreme leechers".
well you do know how much people are on SG do you? i will share a link for ya to read (on your balcony)
Level 0 - roughly 85% users of the site
lvl 1 - roughly 10% users of the site
lvl 2 - roughly 1.5% users of the site
do you really think your helping over 90% of the site? and do you really think the majority of +90% is "bots, autojoiners and extreme leechers"?
if so im not sure your on the right site.
you wish to give more chance to people? - great thats is why you have private and group GA options
you wish to force your system on others - not grate, as it aint what SG is for.
Edit: qutes fix again... :S
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ok when you say i make my own system then this must be the truth..... nothing else possible.
How can I make a own system when any GA creator decide what he do ??? (it's so far from reality that it make pain...)
(why i waist my time when you act and write like that?).
I know the numbers ...........
And yes i believe that 90% of the 95% (lvl 0 and 1) are bots, autojoiners and extreme leechers.
So I prefer to support the 10% of them that counts for me under "nice/friendly/normal users".
I not force anyone to anything. That's your thinking failure.
I show up possibilities. And the GA creator can think over it (but must not) and if any of the security measures is anything for him/her or not, he/she can use it or not.
But the creator have then the knowledge that it give different ways/possibilities. Much of the people (spoken from the respond messages) don't know that possibilities.
Not more, not less...
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when you create different roles and try to apply them to others then yest you are creating different system.
i did not say your system become all of the rest system - i stated that you force YOUR system over SG one and that is the reality so i guess your pain is curried?! :)
this is so sad...especially for a one who know numbers and base his beliefs on pure guess (as you cant plausibly know who is who and who use what for cretin)
if you know numbers for 90% are like what you say they are - show them.
by your definition - and im cool with that, its your choice after all.
its not your opening post is aggressive statement based on your beliefs that whole purpose is to change others way.
yea possibilities YOU wish other to use as they serve YOUR point of view who is based on YOUR assumptions that over 90% of the site are "bots, autojoiners and extreme leechers"
if you do it on general post then its a suggestion, when you do it like this and in the way you wrote it its more of "path correction"
what people? and for what point? as SG is a lvl 0-10 not 2-10.
less very less, you want to cut off over 90% of the users - thats less very very less...
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I base my beliefs on self made expierences.
Maybe my thinked % are wrong and out there are not 90% of them and "only" 75%. Possible. My experiences are 90%.
How you see which one uses autojoiners and bots.. make open for all GA's and look how much people you must run behind that they take the win... after many many many contact tries over steam, sg and emailadresses. After mostly 7days or more. They are always or very often online in sg and from time to time or often on steam. Calculate that only 10% (with luck) have the basic manners to say thanks after the win is a next sign. Everywhere from that people exactly the same comments by GA's they join in is a next sign too. All not 100% things but all in all you see very fast by how much it is possible (nearly sure).
And yes it is sad. If 70% or 90% it is much too high and destroy, mostly. the fun and chances of the people on lvl 0 and 1. And not let us all only "give and win without any thinking/thoughts" (i would be very happy when i not be forced to use security measures that normal users get the games and not bots and autojoiners).
I don't think that i write it as "path corrections". I think it is clear that i take me time to wrote it (or i hope at least so). Maybe you misunderstood me because i am not a native english speaker but thats the difference we see in my words. Thats the thing i mean with misinterpret before.
I list up possibilities that are makeable. I not like all of them but listed it already to give a good overlook and maybe for anyone fits a possibility that i don't choose.
But yes i not show up things that i really hate or that are not a bit "important/interesting" for me. I think thats normal acting and not bad "behavior/acting".
As a sidenote you are the first one that think/see in my words a path correction. All others that reacts don't know the possibilities and say thanks for the information -many use it afterwards, a few not (both are ok for me)- or are lvl 0/1 and don't like my words because they think that i "act against all lvl 0/1" -what i not do (but i can understand a few think this)-.
You can write me a "better version" of the text when you interested in it and i look if i can/want use it or parts of it.
What people = most of them are lvl 0. Smaller part 1. Over lvl 2 only a few one's.
For what point = my explaination of the possibilities
i thinked both are clear...
the "not more not less" was counted to "show up possibilities".
I want not cut of 90% :-D
Its interesting that you defend the 90% (or maybe 70% ...whatever) bots, autojoiners and extreme leechers.
Did you need such people on sg ? Did you need such people as winners ?
I definitively not.
I don't like it when i must run behind people that they take the wins (wrong world), i don't like it when i have a lot of work after the wins (write them at much ways, over much days and partly with the support for rolling new winners and stuff), i don't like to support people that exploit the system to go "rich(er)" (yes i not like greedy people).
And yes i am happy when the win lands by anyone that is happy over it and won with fair acting (not use bots and stuff) :o).
For me only the last ones count, not interesting if they are 10%, 30% or 75%. That's the people that are worth my time and GA's.
When they won 10x at my GA's thats cool for me too -at group each one in that group on lvl 0 can win and when i do private only each one from lvl 1 that take a look into the forum can win- (winning chances at my GAs are mostly around 5%).
Yes that fits not for all nice/friendly/ok users on lvl 0/1 but on much more then the open for all that supports the bad people much more (only one of my open for all GA's under lvl 2 go to a nice/friendly/ok user... thats my experience with it).
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Phew, that is a pretty passive agressive argument up there :0)
( :0) <--------- that's me emulating you to make my point. )
I myself am currently level 1, so I may be biased, but I've seen you pasting your stuff everywhere. Maybe you should just leave people be, and keep your rules to yourself.
How do you think that you writing to every newcomer to set minimum level restrictions on their first giveaways comes across? Do you think it'd be favourable for the relations of a giveaway community, if users were to follow your advice, leaving every newcomer who's creating popular game giveaways to be setting level restrictions higher than their own?
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Why you are more biased then anyone else ?
GA's with security measures can be set up for lvl 0 / 1 too and give you much higher win chances without the bots and autojoiners.
So nothing is taken away (except from the listing in the open for all site), from my point of sight you get more (wins/chances) then before.
Everywhere ? lol ... i putting it at maybe 20 GA's
and when you seen it "everywhere" you should be seen the positive reactions on my text too. Or ? :o)
Mostly from little level users.
What you want say with your last sentences i don't understand. Maybe because the time.
Again in short.
It is, very easy, possible to create lvl 0 GA's with security measures that hold a good part of the bots and autojoiners outside.
When you use set up open for all GA's WITHOUT security measures is the only way to hold a part of the bots and autojoiners outside to raise the level to 2+.
I would say that each GA with security measures is better then a open for all (not from interesting how high set from the level) -a lvl 0 GA with security measure is betten then a lvl 4 open for all without-.
And for what you must emulate me to make "your point" ?
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you actually missed his point, as you missed this site point :)
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read other peoples opinions and experiences (not sooo far away from my own)
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The point is your assumptions are based on opinion not facts, the highest joins GA i have seen here are around the 10-15k people, even if you exaggerate and make it 3 times of that its still aint 1/4 of lvl 0 users.
you take few black sheep's and color the entire flock as totally infected.
and the problem aint your belief - those are yours and you entitled to them same as the rest of us - the problems are your aggressive way to "force it" and failing in acting the way you expect others do to your way of thinking.
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read other peoples opinions and experiences (not sooo far away from my own)
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thats actually strengthen my points not yours.
point 1: they went on general dissociation (as i suggested you in the first place)
point 2: how many are on there? 20 users? 50 users? vs how many lvl 0-1 users? 900K?
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Yeah, I thought you'd dropped this by now, but here:
In the discussion you linked, much of it was about how
So it actually is pretty far away from your own opinion, about users, especially level 0s entry capping at lvl 2.
That said, it was never really close to comparable anyway.
We have these many users discussing using recaptchas, invisible captchas, browser versifiers and such so users don't have to fill them in every time, and simply just waiting for CG to implement bans on autojoiners, so that giveaway entries are all actual people. Whereas you have been showing up everywhere on other peoples GAs (especially newer users and lower levels) persuading them to set the minimum levels higher, with a very lengthy letter like comment nothing to do with the giveaway itself. Not exactly helpful to the community in welcoming newcommers, and very different from having a proper discussion. Either request to be a mod, (which is unlikely) or leave people be on their own giveaways. It's a giveaway site, so if you're actually trying to set up rules, keep them to yourself.
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"under lvl 2+"
This would appear to include level 10 giveaways as it would be read as 'under level 2 and up'... so this could theoretically include level 99 or even a billion, although no such levels exists.
It does seem odd that you suggest that the giveaway creator make giveaways with restrictions that they would not, currently, be able to pass.
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yes you can include each stuff that you can't pick from that site (lvl 100 and so on)......
sorry thats bullshit and i don't know why you say it (i not say it unfriendly but i don't know what you want say with that...).
Too much time?
I pleased him to use security measures that the real players get the Games and not autojoiners and bots. And each one can solve as example a ITH Question when they are so easy as a "Are you a bot?" or a jigsaw puzzle.
So only a small part of my sentences (open for all lvl 2+) is concentrated on a higher level then his own.
And why he should only make GA that he can join in himself ?
But maybe i had wrote my text more concentrated (not only in my thinking and what i feel) on the security measures and not on "open for all" GA's. Saved me a BL and a lot of writing. And only because a few think/misunderstood that i want take anything away from lvl 0 + 1 what is not my intention by the advice and please.
My intention is to kick out the autojoiners, bots and such guys and make the chances for the real players much better. For the real players on lvl 0 + 1 too :o)
I hope my words make it now complete clear.
Answers can take today long because of my illness. Not wonder.
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Real players such as yourself? I see that 89% of the games you've won that have achievements are lacking even a single achievement and yet many appear to have playtime, so it appears you are just farming their cards. The only game you have 100% in is an achievement collectors game that requires 1 action to unlock all the achievements. Nearly a third of your playtime for your wins is a single game, one that several used auto-clickers on (not saying you did but it is an outlier), discounting that game you average 2 hrs played per win. Hardly what I consider a "real player".
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Real players such as REAL players.
Not people that farm GA's with bots and autojoiners and never touch that wins after they have the 3cent of cards (yeah) -taken by a program without installing the games too-.
I am ONE user/player from steamgifts... not all :o). So focus only on me is maybe interesting but should not be the target when we wrote over "real players/users or not" :o)
When you look so close on my statistic it is interesting for me (i can not prove it but i trust you).
But because they sound so bad i want say a few things to them.
Because of my uncureable, chronic illness i am many hours a day (5+) in the bath and not at the Laptop. In that time i take the cards from 1 - 3 games/day (manually not with a program) -for my badge making nothing else-. So yes i download the games, with my really slow connection of 0,16 Mb/sec :o(, first.
I play not much the last months. Partly because the illness too. You can think yourself how it is to play with very strong/heavy pains and each time with the "i must run very soon again to the toilet" (not fit's for a part of the games). And partly because reallife issues i not name. The RL is much more important then the Games and it is important to clear things for a better life in the future.
When this stressfull times ends (right now i see a end of the tunnel in a few months -much more then i see 5 month ago-) i will play more :o)
I not look closely on what i won or buyed myself by playing. I play whatever i want.
Your statistic don't show other parts. As exmaple i try to get achievements from Neon Hardcore. And give up after a time because of the really bad controls (you hit anything you die and must restart... and it hapens all the time only because that "swimming" controls... its very frustrating).
I raised my gamenumber very much up in a very short time. Not only from GA winning, from buying bundles, looking for free games and so on. I learn(ed) a lot in a very short time and so this things take(n) a lot of my free time. Since, maybe, 2 weeks i am at the point to slow all down and use the free time for more playing (only to have the games when i not have then the time to play is not really fullfilling/satisfying). As example, i sorted out around 250 groups in steam (and a few friends) and started to play regular with steam friends Minion Masters (i think not won on steamgifts).
So long story short.
I would play much more in a few months and then my statistic will change (much) to the better :o)
But whats fact too. I play not so much as others. Maybe because i have a RL (real friends and stuff^^) and must do a lot against my illness or for my health. When i sit by the doc or in a hospital i can't and wan't play as example.
Would be great when you say me how you can see all that informations that i can look at such things by myself and by others (i am a statistic freak sometimes :o)). A few links to that script(s) would be great too.
Thanks and have a good day.
Ps.: Such a, long, answer you would never get from the people i mean with my "no real players" ;o)
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I never use bots, autojoiners, autoclickers or whatever.
Maybe you talk from "Tap Heroes" ? When yes you have there a option that your heroes attack and stay at the same level automatically. So you can cook, eat or whatever and let the game only runs. When you want.
But i really played this game a longer time. A lot of my friends can't understand it because it is very simple (yes it is).
I like the graphic style (that paper look), maybe because i am a Pen&Paper Roleplayer :o). With self playing all go much faster then with "let the comp run". And at least in germany the electricity costs are high. So high that i not want let my laptop run to play a game for me (what i have from that ???) :o)
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Thanks hope that this time i will win it wthog ^_^
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