Key from Humble Bundle's Humble Overwhelmingly Positive Bundle 2 bundle.
This bundle has been bought a while ago, but even though the key has remained unrevealed until the creation of this giveaway, I can't fully vouch that it will work. By entering this giveaway, you agree to delete the giveaway if you're the winner and the code doesn't work.
74 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by Abstrazard
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899 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Vee79
Oh hey! Welcome back!
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Ha-ha! Jokes on you, I've never been gone! :D
I changed my profile a bit now, but gosh darn I love Kamiyan >w<
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A little too late for April fools jokeAm I going to get whoosh?I thought your account was being hacked :P
Aww I like your profile pic better with Kamiya Hiroshi in it xD
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Looks like my skills came to work, letting me avoid that one! I did get tricked into that phish that went around two months ago, yeah, but I've got my account back now ^^
Aww, thanks! Now I'd just need to find another good one, since the one I've had before became a little boring...
also omg omg omg I just need to know where that second gif is from!
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You didn't lose anything? If so that's good then!
Sorry I don't know where the 2nd gif come from
Looks like a photo studio, maybe from Dear Girl Stories or Kiramune?
Why boring? You don't want to use HiroC's pic anymore? :P
These two are my favorites
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Fortunately I didn't, as the phisher only seemed to be interested in games like CS:GO, which I don't have :D
Aw, that's a shame :c all the more reason to keep it then, muahaha
No, no, goodness no! It's just that if anything, I want a different pic of him, haha. And I really want it to fit my profile look, since the background I have is the best I got so far, imo.
Ah, that first one is pretty common, but I don't believe I've ever seen the second one! I like it so much I might actually use it some time soon! that front teeth is gonna be the death of me one day ^^
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Haha CSGO is free game now, maybe that phisher could get a case for 0.0001$ now :P
I see, I'm more weak to that bright smile xD
Also fang, fang teeth is adorable.. though only female seiyuu have them, never seen male seiyuu have them
By the way what's your profile pic right now?
Click below to get bonus smilesComment has been collapsed.
Apparently he was testing new hack methods? I... just... why do people do that...
Oh yes, his bright smile is also an important feature!
Fangs, huh? It might sound weird, but I like Hiro Shimono's teeth ^^
It's Felix from Pinstripe! Really atmospheric and pretty game, I recommend it!
Omg, the second one! I wanna be that doggo! lol
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Well you know, it's people you want to slap when you meet them in real life
Or he's just Joker wannabe, want to see world burn :P
I really didn't notice Shimono Hiro have fang smile, I'm a failure :(
The one you can see the most is from Toyosaki Aki
I've heard about that game
Oh Felix? Isn't he inspired by Pewdiepie? :P
I thought you're talking about Nyanko-sensei
Doggo is really confused though
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Like a certain protagonist would say - "Ugh... clowns."
Oh, don't bring yourself down! He's totally cute either way, but the crooked teeth add some charm ^^
It's really, really good for what it is! Felix is both inspired and voiced by PewDiePie, actually :D
Nyanko-sensei is too cool, I wouldn't wanna steal that from him. As for the doggo, it kinda looks like "wat am i doin here" xD
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At the bright side, that clown wasn't Pennywise.. so it's ok :P
Haha he looked cute (cool) either way even with his age
I just can't believe he's at late 30s, just like Kamiya Hiroshi is at mid 40s xD
Ooh I see, good to know
I might pick it up someday, platformer wasn't my favorite game's genre
But it might be really good since it's story-driven
Nyanko-sensei is cool
But he's smelly because he drinks too much alcohol (lol)
God, I wish I were the doggo xD
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Don't even tell me about him... I'm too much of a scaredy-cat :c
Right?! There are a bunch of male seiyuu who look younger than they are and can sound like children if you ask them too! It's nuts! :D
I bought it at launch day... first game I ever did that with. Don't regret it, but I don't like that the achievements are bugged... I played through the game like three times now and some of them still didn't unlock :/
The platforming aspect might not be the easiest at first, but the game's really short - it might take you up to 3 hours, and even that's only if you don't know what to do.
Oh no, I totally forgot about that! (lol)
We should come together and... Kamidoggos! (lol)
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Don't worry about it, just don't check your gutter
No(one)thing there
Haha sounds like a child, it's still normal... but what about sounds like a girl? xD
cough Murase Ayumu cough
I see, might be good game to play when you're having tea break/snack time and not enough time to spare
Well time to watch Natsume all over again :P
Kamidoggos... what are you even talking about?
Now I know what I'm going to name my pet withComment has been collapsed.
Sewers... yuck.
Oh, I know something about that too.
cough Tsubasa Yonaga cough
But you best wait until a winter evening! That way it's most atmospheric ^^
Or, more like, catch up on all the other seasons I haven't seen - why the hell have I only watched season one?!
Godly dogs! Or rather, Kamiya dogs (lol) the doggo that starred in his MV for "Dual Wing" was a good doggo too :>
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Don't worry nothing is in your sewer
Ah I forgot about him
I guess after he got married, he's a bit manly now xD
My country doesn't have winter season :P
You've watched only season 1?
Oh I never watched his MVs :P
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Ewww! Major eww! :<
Oh, is he now? Free!'s still going strong though...
Oi mate, ye Australian? :D
Yes! Sue me now if you so desire! >.<
There's a full playlist of them over on bilibili, I'm so glad I found it ^^
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What? Married? I think it was long time ago.. 2015 maybe?
No, free is obviously still going freely xD
I wish I was an Australian with that sexy accent, but I'm not :(
Nah I'll burn the blasphemer.... with lemons (portal reference) :P
Haha alright, I prefer seeing him talking than singing though :P
Have you ever heard a big event called "AD-LIVE"?
I wish he were there, would be so hilarious if he did
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No no, is he more manly? I knew he was married, I still remember reading the news about it ^^
Okay then... Free! is going... on...
Awh... what land do you reside in then, if I might ask?
Oh damn, I'm not far enough into Portal to get that one :<
That's a shame :/ And no, I haven't heard about it... what is it, exactly?
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Dunno I haven't seen his face for a long time.. maybe he had thick beard by now xD
Land of the Lustrous.. oh waitWeird third-world country with a lot of islands above Australia, famous for one of the Island (because it's like Hawaii but in Asia) :P
"Not far enough into Portal"
Now I'll really burn down your house with lemons! Combustible lemons!
Basically they're given words written on paper, they can open it whenever they want
Everything else, they have to improvise
Ad-lib story&conversations and it's live (on stage)
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Yooo... that'd be oddly awesome! xD
Ooo... would that be Indonesia, then?
Or... maybe... I saw that already... but don't remember it...? I'm sorry, I've been stalling Portal for a while now, I don't brain good :<
Damn, that sounds fun! I wanna see it!
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All you need is to watch bunch of youtube videos and voila!
Now you're
Thinking With Portalsa master at Portal :PYea, it's kinda fun to see.. But I can only understand what they're saying 70%
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Yay! I guessed right! ^^
Ah, hmm... I'd still rather get help from my boyfriend then. He really likes Portal and bashes me for not having played enough of it yet even though I own both games :/
Wait... so is it an English-language event or...?
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Congrats then! You just youself got a cake (another portal ref)
I like your bf, he had his priorities straight xD
"You haven't played portal, time to make references you don't understand"
Something like that? Or just straight "bash"
If it's about seiyuu, it's obviously not
It's pretty rare seiyuu to have an English event in Japan, most likely never
Also, did you mean I'm 70% understand English? :P
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The cake is a lie - a Portal reference prolific enough that I know what it is without having finished the game
He always does! I'd say he's 50/50 on that one though - he both makes references to a lot of stuff I don't know and goes "who am I even dating?" when he realizes I don't know yet another piece of media he loves, whether it's a movie, a game or a meme.
Oh yeah, I just meant to ask if your wish for Kamiyan to be in that event is realistic or not xD
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You know the reference, but not the meaning.. That's different :P
Haha maybe you should play it with him
Especially portal 2 since it have co-op
Portal 1 is only single-player game
Of course, he's one of the best at improvising
I've seen a lot of events and he's like mood-maker
Together with Fukuyama Jun, OnoD, or someone on their generation would be so much fun xD
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Yeah, I guess it is. Sorry :c
I did, actually! Well... only a little bit... we gotta play more, but... ugh, there are just too many games! >w<
I meant language-wise... but yeah, I can definitely agree. He's a strong "no bullshit"-kinda guy, to the point of absurd LOL
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Awww :(
Yea you both should :P
Too many games, not enough time.. these problems xD
Sorry I don't get what you mean
Haha "no bullshit" it reminds me of this
He chased the director, like aggresively xD
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Oh dang... now you're gonna hunt me down for not knowing Spongebob, too! ;w;
I'm pretty sure he completed both games in single-player yeeears ago... but we'll get to it one day! (lol)
I meant to ask what language the event is in and if it features people from all over the world or not... you know...
Oh yeah, that's a prime example xD Not to mention all those times on DGS when OnoD starts fooling around and he's just like "Oi! You idiot!" LOL
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I will find you and I will k- I mean force you to watch all 3 seasons
Please tell me your BF have watched Spongebob, so he also can force it to you xD
I mean it's not that long of a game, should be pretty easy to complete if you empty the entire weekend :P
Oh.. I mean it's Japanese show/event, so it's in Japanese
If it's in English, they're only a few seiyuu that able to speak English fluently
I just know 3 of them.. Murase Ayumu, Kakihara Tetsuya, and Amaki Sally xD
Haha karma for bullying OnoD
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Nah, I don't think he did xD He really wanted to get to know Adventure Time though, so he made me watch that with him. I knew it before, but I still love it ^^
Not happening... he's studying for his exams :/
Oh, right! There we go! Well then, that would be really cool!
You know what they say... life comes at you fast
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I'm guessing you and your BF is really young?
I don't think I've ever heard someone (around my age) doesn't watch Spongebob
Playing Portal is like studying,it's finee :P
Might be a great idea, but I don't think Japanese realized that untapped potential
English events for foreign countries, that would be cool
But nope.. I just don't know what the higher-ups are thinking
"Let's ban anime piracy on the way since that's the only thing made anime popular in the first place"
At least it's not as fast as Initial D :PPoor OnoD always get bullied
Have you seen this?
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Depends on what you think "really young" is, we're mostly out of the loop because we didn't watch all the cartoons when we were kids.
Yeah, yeah, tell that to him :P
Damn, you're totally right, that's all they do! That's just sad... :/
okay, my boyfriend would be satisfied with that referenceOf course I've seen it! Poor OnoD indeed. But it's always nice to watch HiroC laughing so hard he can't speak properly~
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But Spongebob isn't just cartoon :(
It's a way of life
Considering I'm still watching cartoon called anime xD
Sure, please tell him that for me
As long his test is logic test or something like that, he's fineeee (lol)
I'm so proud of your boyfriend for understanding Initial D xDBonus Initial D parody
Somehow when you said "HiroC laughing so hard"
I can hear his laugh
Creepy, but I'd love that if that's really happening for real
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Oh no, I'm sorry, I forgot :C But it's not the only one out there, is it? Like, a cartoon so popular it blends into the mainstream? Adventure Time is one of those and one that actually interests me (as creepy as it supposedly gets later on), sooo...
He's been playing Overwatch recently, but then stopped, and now... I don't even know. He says he might come back for events or something, but like... xD
Oh yeah, he does know it. While I was watching recent school life/comedy anime, he was more into that gud gud old old :'D
Damn, now I can hear it too! The power of suggestion is amazing! Speaking of his laughter though... you do know the clip where he played janken with OnoD, right?
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Adventure time is 2010 cartoon
I'm like already get over cartoons already
Spongebob is like back then early 2000s
Haha maybe the "adventure" gets you
Overwatch :(
Try to play Team Fortress 2 it's better :P
School life/comedy ewww..
Have you tried to watch Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou or.. Nichijou? xD
Haha he liked good old anime?
Initial D is really solid until the end, I like the races & commentary
Also you'll know what D stands for in the end :P
Your bf is he like to watch anime?
Can I give him this as recommendation? xD
Haven't I share it with you already?
This one
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Adventure Time was perfect for me when I was watching it on the TV ^^ As for SpongeBob... not only did I not have the channel(s) it aired on, I would have been out of the loop since I was too small to watch it when it first started airing, I believe.
Why the sad face? And let me tell you, he's put thousands of hours into TF2, so many so that he cringes at himself from the past :P
Why "ewww...", come on... :c
Heck yeah I've seen Danshi Koukou! I've yet to watch Nichijou though :/
Yup! He's seen stuff like Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist...
Oh damn, that was awesome! If he doesn't want to watch it after seeing that scene, I wouldn't know how else to convince him :D
Yeah, you did! I was pretty sure you did~
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It's never too late to start :P
Why cringe? :(
But it's good if he used to play TF2, usually OW players never even tried the "original"
Wait you shouldn't watch Danshi Koukousei, you know boys' secrets now
I prefer Danshi Koukousei over Nichjiou, but if this didn't make you laugh
Maybe you shouldn't watch it
Booo, mainstream anime
Yea.. City Hunter is pretty old anime, but I really like it
After watching that scene ofc xD
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Meh, I've got tons of other stuff to do... like fighting my game backlog :P
He doesn't think well of those times, I believe...
LUL well, it's too late now!
Mmm... it was okay. Nothing hilarious, more exhausting imo.
Pfff :P
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Why? I still think TF2 better than OW
Because you can have fun in TF2, in OW you just have to be serious competitively
Maybe it's not for you then
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No, I meant he probably associates playing TF2 with being more of a loser (?) than he is now; even though the change in what he's playing doesn't really correlate with who he is as a person. And I feel like he likes the competitiveness of OW.
Maaaybe not... but I might still watch it some day.
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I see, well good for him if he found a game he really likes
Do you play with him?
Sure let me know your opinion of it
If it's bad please kindly don't tell me :P
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Nah, I'm more of a Paladins-kinda gal (mostly because it's free), to the point where I don't wanna play OW (even though he really, really wanted to teach me some). But I guess we're even, since he tried out Paladins when I asked him to and he found it crappy.
lolol sure thing! so far i can tell you to watch uhhh... Osomatsu-san? yes. i love Osomatsu-san.
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Haha I liked Paladins
It's just I don't like the people :P
OW is just too many characters in it
It's hard to balance something that have many characters in it
Also there's only one way to play a character, where in TF2 (and maybe paladins) have a lot way to play one character
For example Mercy is healer can also boost dmg, that's it
Medic in TF2 can have heal that can give you invulnerability, or critical dmg, or faster heal, or immunity to specific dmg type
In Paladins you can buy upgrades to make you better at survival, better at dmg, or making opponents heal not as effective
I haven't played a lot of Paladins so I don't know if it's still like that
Too late, I've watched it :P
Because of the seiyuu though.. You look at that seiyuu lineup, you can't just ignored it
Haven't finished the 2nd season though
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LOL I so know nothing about those games technically speaking. I just like getting in and shooting lolol
Good person. The seiyuu line-up is pure gold indeed!
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You're playing wrong game if you just like getting in and shoot some silly people
Try singleplayer FPS, you're more OP there :P
Sorry maybe later, I've been busy with Nana and Yakitate Japan xD
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No :P why would I play some random game about war if the one I am playing has a colorful cast of characters
Boo :P
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Well usually single player games have more colorful casts
For example like Mass Effect Trilogy
Not FPS I know :P
Maybe Bioshock, Borderlands, Halo
Sorry kinda bored with screaming and very silly kind of jokes :P
I want to watch anime with story for bit to change the mood
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Ah, I'm playing BioShock already. Shadow Warrior on boyfriend's account too, if that counts.
Yeah, sure. Good luck on watching such long series!
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No, only your account counts, jk :P
I found this one long documentary
Have fun!
It's kinda sad though
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Bah :P
Oh yeah, that's on my to-watch list already! Thanks ^^
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Thanks for this chance also :)
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Thank you~
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