
The remake is on the way so you might want to experience the original before it's too late to appreciate it.

I wouldn't call it the "best" Final Fantasy game, but I would argue it's the most "iconic."

I've only played VII, what other FF do you like the most? I'd like to try them.

5 years ago

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1 is a buggy mess unless you play the GBA port and or the even better/best PSP port.
2 is kinda meh but had developed characters?
3 is a fun romp. Played the DS port.
Haven't played 4.
5 is basically the best version of what 2 should have been.
Haven't played 6 but people love it.
We know about 7.
8 is like 7 if it was somehow more dumb and convoluted but it's pretty good.
People love 9... haven't played it.
10 is up there with some of the best RPGs on the PS2.
11 is an MMO with a subscription fee that's still active today... I don't mess with subs.
12 was something different... didn't play it.
13 was... a decent hallway simulator? I dunno, people liked the characters and I guess after 2 sequels it got better? I dunno.
14 is an MMO that's actually pretty solid, but only after they literally nuked the original game and retconned the remaking into the story.
15 is basically Kingdom Hearts with 0 Disney and is easily accessible for most ARPG players.

...And let's not get into the spin-offs as we'd be here for ages... the tactics games are good for sure.

I'd recommend 3, 8,10, and 15 from personal experience as well as 6 and 9 from what I've heard.

5 years ago*

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The 4, 6, 9 and 10 are my favourites and you missed almost all of them. I feel sad.

1 to 3 are decent, but with little to no story, so in 2020 you play them mostly for the gameplay and/or to complete the collection.
4, the true essence of Final Fantasy appears, with decent story and characters.
5, I haven't played it yet, but I suppose it's close to 4.
6 is awesome, with one of the most iconic bad guys in the saga. What a soundtrack too (Terra's Theme).
7, I feel the same. It's good, very good, and changed quite a lot of things. Goodbye 2D, hello 3D. Not my favourite FF though (story perhaps too industrial for my taste), but I understand that people loved it. And I think it's sad and unfair that it gets lots of prequels, sequels, movies, remasters (that I definitely won't buy until it's like 20€ for all of the episodes), while other FFs get nothing. Yet giveaways for it are always welcome, thank you a lot !
8, I suppose it's one of the most controversial love it/hate it FFs. I tried to play it twice, quit quickly.
9 is wonderful, perhaps the most philosophical FF. Very beautiful medieval FF.
10 was my first FF, so it has a special place in my heart. It made me cry. 16 years after, I still can't hear some musics without having teary eyes. Probably the most sentimental FF.
10-2 was a joke to me. I disliked the story and the gameplay.
11 and 14 are MMO, haven't played them.
12 is okay. The gameplay is very different, close to a proto-Dragon Age, you like it or you hate it. The characters feel forgettable. The story is decent but offers few surprises. But what a beautiful world, and I enjoyed the side-quests.
13, 13-2, 13-3, I hate them all. 13 is like you say, a hallway simulator, and the story is... meh. 13-2 offers more liberty, but the story feels trash. 13-3 is the worst, with four poor areas to explore, boring and trash story, and a terrible idea in a FF : a timer.
15, haven't played yet, but I heard it feels empty and unfinished.

I enjoyed FF Tactics and Tactics Advance too. Tactics (the War of the Lions) has a solid and serious story. Tactics Advance is very childish, but the gameplay is good.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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Garbage port on PC it seems (at least at the release), that kept me away from the purchase. I played the beginning on PSP back in the days and I remember it was okay, especially for a PSP game. A friend of mine played it several times, PSP and HD version on PS4 and loved it.
Awesome musics, especially What becomes of us

5 years ago

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Thanks for the short insight, MrRenard. I was wondering - do you happen to know if it is a remake of a classic FF title, or is it some kind of spin off? How does it fit into the universe?

5 years ago

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Type-0 is a spin-off that was released on PSP, and there is a HD version on PC and PS4. That's not a reboot, remake, prequel (even if it has a 0 in its name) or a sequel of any prior FF. You then can play it without having to play something else before.
Edit : Actually Wiki says that they were two spin-off of Type-0, mobile games now offline. FF Agito and FF Awakening. I suppose that they are totally optional. They were released years after Type-0 anyway, they were not the main games.

About the fitting into the universe, well, Final Fantasy games are independant (except for the prequels and sequels, like FF13, 13-2 and "13-3" Lightning Returns, FF10 and 10-2, or FF7, FF7 Crisis Core, FF7 Before Crisis and FF7 Dirge of Cerberus for instance). There are some things that you'll see in almost every game, like the Moogles, Chocobos, a guy named Cid, creatures like Ifrit, Odin, Shiva, and sometimes the world is called Ivalice (though that's not the same Ivalice in FF12 and Tactics Advance). So no real connection between the games.

I can say that the game seems good. It's beautiful (at least it was on PSP). It's not a turn-by-turn RPG like lots of FF, it's more an action-RPG quite enjoyable, close to Kingdom Hearts if you know that game. You play a team of 3 quite charismatic people (that you have to choose among 13 (?) characters, each with a different weapon and gameplay), and you choose 4 skills or spells in a list and put them on the 4 buttons of the PSP/PS4 (circle, square, triangle, cross).
The story felt quite mature, and I only played maybe the first quarter. That goes probably darker.
And if I remember well, the friend told me it's quite a long game, for better or for worse, as you are supposed to do a New Game + and exp most/all of your 13 characters (not only the same 3 or you'll get in trouble).

If the PS4 port seems okay, the Steam port had a lot of issues at the release. That's now probably better as the game has 90% rate this month, but I'd be prudent and read the forums before a purchase.

5 years ago*

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Oh wow, thank you so much for the extensive reply, MrRenard! I very much appreciate it. I feel I finally get a grip of Final Fantasy. It felt so vast before, I had no idea where to even start. Now I realize I may as well start anywhere, the games don't seem to be connected at all.
But ... wait. What makes them Final Fantasy then?

5 years ago

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But ... wait. What makes them Final Fantasy then?

The power of a trademark is beyond our comprehension. See that as a licence of "Let's make fantasy games that will sell easy as now everyone heard of that name and our fanbase is huge", and their beloved lucky charm as Final Fantasy the first saved Squaresoft from bankruptcy. That was their last chance, their last game before closure, hence the "Final" in the name. But the game sold enough copies to save the company.
The first FFs (1 to 4, maybe 5 as I haven't played it yet) share a similar synopsis, as it's about crystals. But not the same world, not the same menace. That's I suppose why they named Final Fantasy 2, 3 and 4 that way rather than picking a different name. After that, the stories are way better, bye bye MacGuffin crystals, and I suppose they were too chicken to start a new licence and kept Final Fantasy.
One can argue that in the first 9, you can travel around the whole world with boats and airships (that you have to unlock first) or at feet/Chocobos, with a view like this or that, and enter dungeons and towns with proper level design. Until the 12, they are turn-by-turn RPGs. You encounter the enemies randomly, like in Pokémon. The interface is similar (attack, magic, items, flee). So a similar gameplay and world design.

In every game, the world is different (time and space, level of technology and magic, it's not even the same planet). In every game, the story is different. In every game, the characters are different. No mention of any event coming from other FFs.
You'll just see sometimes the same creatures (good ones like the Moogles, the Chocobos, or wild/evil ones like Cactuars, Malboros), the same big allied creatures to summon in battles (Shiva, Ifrit, Odin, Leviathan), a guy named Cid (but it's not the same guy, just the same name). That's the only "connection" between the games, similar names. Same creatures can have a similar or a very different graphic design, like the Moogles from FF9 and Moogles from FF12.

You then can play them in any order you want, and skip as many as your wallet or sanity needs. Exceptions are the prequels/sequels from the same number, like FF13, 13-2 and "13-3" Lightning Returns, that share the same story, obviously.

If you like 2D format, FF6 should be an awesome way to start. It's the last 2D game, with the most developed story among the 6 games in 2D.
7 to 9 are 3D games from PS1. 7 and 8 are in a technological world (factories, fireguns, yet there is still magic). 9 is closer to a medieval world (yet there are still machines). All are very solid (I quit FF8 quickly, I should give it a third chance, but reviews are good). 7 and 9 seem to be a good start, pick what you prefer (technology/medieval).
10 (and 10-2) and 12 are 3D games from PS2. 10 has a wonderful immersive story, it can be a good start too. On Steam, it cames with its sequel that I disliked, but to each his own. 12 is pretty good but has a very different gameplay, so it tends to be very different to the previous FFs.
13 and its sequels are from PS3 and 15 from PS4. They have also a different gameplay. Also, but it's only my review, I hated the 13 saga. I wouldn't start with them.
My very own advice to start ? FF6.

That's for the numbered Final Fantasy. Type-0 seems good (it's action-RPG), Tactics and Tactics Advance are good (and are, well, tactical games). Avoid Dissidia saga (fighting) for now, as it's just battles between characters (good and evil) from all of the numbered FFs. Can't say much about the (many) other spin-off games.

5 years ago*

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Once again, can't thank you enough. That was an interesting read and I feel very honored that an obvious FF veteran took the time to explain all that to an FF newb like me. I'd give you my blue heart, but you already had it <3

5 years ago

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I'll be concise this time : np thx u too lol
Veteran, well, far from that. But for sure Square Enix took me a lot of money and time in the past.

5 years ago*

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Thank you for this quick insight of where we should start.
Seems like FF below VII are region locked on Steam, I can't access their store page.
So I guess I'll start with VIII or IX first, then goes to X, and put XIII as low priority.

5 years ago

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Final Fantasy was a last ditch effort to keep the company from going under... and it worked. So well in fact, that they made a second, and a third, and so on, and so on, and so on...

I'd recommend 10 if you want the "Final Fantasy" experience as it's got a lot of what makes the older 2D titles good but brings them to the modern 3D setting. It's a stepping stone in either direction taste-wise within the franchise.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the recommendation, Jlol. I have a few FF titles in my library from Easter and Xmas SE surprise bundles, sadly 10 is not among them. 7 is though, so I might give that one a try.
Thanks for sparking the interest and for giving away so many copies to people!

5 years ago

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Absolutely! <3
7 is the most iconic in my opinion and I would argue that the devs agree due to the sheer number of spin-offs and supplementary media. Next would be 15 me thinks.

5 years ago

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Ahoy again !
It seems that Final Fantasy XV is currently on the XBox Game Pass Ultimate thing (which allows you to play quite a lot of games on PC or XBox for the price of a monthly subscription, cheap for now, and they gave free codes for a month not so long ago).

And better than that, "early 2020", those will come too it seems, according to this news (French, sorry) :
VII (the classic one)
VIII: Remastered (the classic one with a little """HD""" patch)
X/X-2 HD Remaster
XII The Zodiac Age
XIII, XIII-2, XIII-3" Lightning Returns

Though you might prefer the games on Steam rather than rent them.

5 years ago*

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Thanks for the info, MrR, I only own a PC tho, and there are no plans on getting a console in the near or far future. There's enough to play in my Steam library anyways ;)

4 years ago

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The PC is enough ! This Pass lets you play tons of games, some are available for XBox only, lots are available for XBox and PC. Both are owned by Microsoft after all.
I tried that thing a year ago when they gave a month for free, on PC (I don't have a XBox and I don't want one), it worked fine. At that time, there were quite few games for PC. It seems it evolved a lot since then.

Yet, that's still renting games. Owning them forever is of course better...but more expensive, yeyyy.

4 years ago

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Wait wait -- I love writing walls of text with my opinions! :D :D

FF1 (1987): 66/100; Historically important, but too dated.
FF2 (1988): 70/100; Kind of fun, but also very dated.
FF3 (1990): 74/100; Job change system. Sort of fun too.
FF4 (1991): 84/100; Active Time Battle; very cool story and, finally, some memorable characters (Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Kain, Golbez...).
FF5 (1992): 80/100; Expanded Job System; it's ok.
FF6 (1994): 90/100; Superb! Different setting (steampunk + magic), awesome characters (Terra, Locke, Celes, Kefka, Gau, Shadow, ...) , many memorable setpieces (Ghost Train; Opera House; Ruined World), great soundtrack (with character themes). These intro cinematics really capture the spirit of the game.
FF7 (1997): 92/100; Classic. Again, great characters, great story.
FF8 (1999): 92/100; Once you see it is actually a love story (and if you like love stories), you can really really enjoy it. Another very different setting, fresh gameplay, more incredible setpieces (Train Mission, Sniping Scene, The Battle of the Gardens), Triple Triad.
FF9 (2000): 82/100; A bit too unfocused for my taste, but characters are nice. I have a soft spot for Vivi.

And that's all I played so far. :D

5 years ago

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Gotta play 10. I'm literally telling you based off of your post, play 10.


5 years ago

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I almost got the remastered versions from Steam during the Winter sale... But I will, at some point, for sure. :D

Once I do, if I remember your post, I will reply here. :D


5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I've only played the FFIII remake (light, extremely classic JRPG minus the innovative job system, stopped about three quarters of the way through and didn't feel compelled to pick it up again), and FFXIII (solid characters with solid development, very pretty, lousy gameplay and story).

Hasn't really endeared me to the series, which is a shame, because I know they're hugely nostalgic for a lot of gamers.

5 years ago

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honestly they're all good, some obviously better than others. i've played them all (except the online-only 11&14) starting from ff1 on nes when i was a little kid.

1 is good, don't know what op is talking about it being a buggy mess. i guess it depends where you play it.. an nes emulator would probably be the best bet if you can't get your hands on the actual game and an nes.

2 is the only one i was never able to finish.. it was my least favorite. i guess i would say i didn't like it, but like i said i never beat it.

3 i really loved for some reason. there are a ton of classes you can choose from and master.

4 was an instant classic. the first one where they had actual named characters with static classes and a solid story.

5 i can't really remember many details.. i always kinda blended it together with 4 in my head. though i only remember having positive feelings about it.

6.. holy shit 6 boye wow this game still holds up today. amazing story and characters and gameplay. this is where they introduced optional characters you can collect that will influence the story later. along with optional characters, there's also a lot of optional difficult bosses and areas to check out. if there was one final fantasy game i'd recommend playing, it's this.

7 you already know it's amazing. it was the first final fantasy to have 3d graphics. characters that really stick to you. this one had a few optional characters you can have join your team, and more optional bosses/areas as well, among those being the memorable ruby, emerald and ultima weapon. i have so many good memories playing this as a kid. i can literally remember where i got the money and when i bought it, who i was with etc. i love this game.

8 was good. i liked it a lot but i think a lot of people didn't. they introduced an optional collectible card game in this one that was fun to play and collect the cards. this game also had a shitton of side areas and bosses.. actually i'm gonna stop saying that because all of them from now on have that, not so much 13 though.

9 is another one that is dear to me and a lot of others. they brought back some old school vibes and strayed hard from 8. also very good. i'm getting tired of typing out how good these games are.

10 was amazing, had the whole blitzball thing where you can build a team and play in tournaments. literally a game within a game. you could recruit new players and level them up, teach them new moves etc. this was also the first final fantasy on ps2 and with "voice acting" and fully 3d areas. i put that in quotations because the voice acting is abysmal. i'm sure there are some good youtube videos.

12 i really loved, and i don't know why others didn't. it kinda played like an mmo in that you really only controlled one character during battle. fights are all in real-time, and you can literally program your teammates to fight however you want. literally if/then statements. tons of stuff to do on this one. also this was the final final fantasy for ps2 and by this time they really had the system figured out and got the most out of the ps2 hardware. this game looked amazing for its time.

13 idk maybe avoid this. it strayed hard from the norm. the first 80% of the game is no bullshit just straight linear. no idea why they did this because every final fantasy up to this point has been the polar opposite. even when it does open up at the end, there isn't a whole lot of optional stuff to do.i guess i still liked it once it was over, but if you can't tell, i really like this series. but yeah this game got shit on real hard.

15 guess what? loved this one as well. bought it on a slight sale, probably like $40-50 and could not put it down until i had 100%. huge open world and tons of stuff to do. typical great final fantasy game.

sorry for all the words, but this is probably the one video game series i'm actually passionate about. i haven't played much of the non-sequential games, but final fantasy tactics is definitely great if you like those kind of games, pretty much just like the disgaea series.
as far as these "reviews" i guess i should note that all the games i played were the "original" versions. 2&3 i had to play on emulators because they weren't released in america at the time. so i can't say much for quality of ports or whatever. if anybody actually read this whole thing, you're a god damn trooper and i love you.

5 years ago*

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Nice review there

So many comments here praising FF VI.
I hope they will remaster it, and make it available for my region too

5 years ago

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About FF1 and it being a buggy mess:

"The Critical Hit bug is present in every version of the original Final Fantasy (though its status as a bug in more recent versions is debatable since it seems to have been intentionally retained). Instead of loading a weapon's critical hit rate, the game loads the weapon's index number. The practical effect of this bug is that critical hits are slightly less common than they were intended to be at the beginning of the game, and substantially more common than they were meant to be at the end of the game."

" Were Sword - Does not inflict more damage on Were-creatures.
Rune Sword - Does not inflict more damage on magic-using or supernatural creatures.
Dragon Sword - Does not inflict more damage on Dragon and dragon-kin creatures.
Coral Sword - Does not inflict more damage on sea creatures.
Giant Sword - Does not inflict more damage on Giants/Ogres or their kin.
Flame Sword - Does not inflict more damage on Fire-weak, undead, or regenerative creatures.
Ice Sword - Does not inflict more damage on Ice-weak creatures.
Sun Sword - Does not inflict more damage on undead creatures.
Light Axe - Does not inflict more damage on undead creatures.
Xcaliber - Does not inflict more damage on every creature-type and elemental weakness."

"The Intelligence bug is a bug found in both the NES and PS versions of Final Fantasy. In the game, Intelligence is supposed to be a factor in how much damage or healing a spell will do, or how effective it is, but is never factored in, essentially meaning that a Red Mage can use Cure just as well as a White Mage, with neither being better at it than the other. This also means that magic spells never become more powerful, with any given magic spell being just as powerful when cast by low-level or high-level characters. Combined with the Critical Hit bug this results in magic being overall less powerful than physical attacks."

"TMPR - Does not work at all.
SABR - Does not work at all.
XFER - Does not work unless the target is the party.
LOCK - Always misses.
LOK2 - Instead of decreasing Enemy Evade% by 20, increases Evade by 20.
HEL2 - Works outside of battle as designed, works like HEL3 in battle."

"A second glitch with magic involves recharging the charges for each spell. When using the House, the game will only recharge the party's spells after saving the game. If the player chooses not to save, the party will only recover its HP. Additionally, if one loads a game saved when using House, the party's spells will still be depleted."

Case closed.

5 years ago

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the "case closed" at the end was a bit snarky. i wasn't debating whether it was or wasn't buggy, i said i didn't know what you were talking about, implying i didn't know anything about it being buggy. so sure, it seems it's buggy. i still enjoyed it as a kid and later as a teenager. honestly none of those bugs really strike me as game-breaking and if it weren't for this game being so old and outdated, i would probably still enjoy it today.

5 years ago

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It was all in jest. The game rocks and the PSP port is the best way to play it currently.

5 years ago

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it's all good man. i didn't even know there was a psp port, but i'm glad they're still keeping the old catalog alive. also, though i already own it, thanks for doing a 4x giveaway for ff7. i reeeeeeally hope the winners will actually play it and discover a new game, maybe series, they enjoy.

5 years ago

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20th anniversary edition with new art and even more content than the GBA port had, with all the same bug fixes from the GBA port.

5 years ago

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I'm going to add a weird recommendation. Give a try to Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. I know it's a phone / tablet game, I know it's a gatcha game, but you can enjoy it without spending a single cent as you're given both Lapis (the gatcha currency) and energy potions all the time.
The story is surprisingly very good, has 2 seasons complete (the 3rd season just began last week) as well as a lot of side content, including fights against difficult boss, side story events to give a background to main and side characters, specific events to include characters from other FF, etc.
The beginning is a little slow as Rain, Lasswell and Fina begin to journey without understanding much of what is happening, but honestly, the more you get into it, the best it becomes.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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They're all different, and opinions vary from person to person. Here's how I see them:

1) I loved it at the time, but it aged poorly and is rather dated and grindy by current standards.

2) Haven't played it.

3) Haven't played it.

4) Really good SNES era FF game with a surprisingly good story. Holds up really well today. I'd play the GBA version, it has a better translation.

5) Really fun job system and interesting story, also holds up really well today. Again I think the GBA version is the one to go with.

6) The popular darling, but I found 6 to be too much - too many characters, too over the top characters, too many cliches, too predictable. The villain is introduced as basically saying, "Look at me, I'm evil! Watch me do this evil thing, because I'm evil! Did I mention that I'm evil?" I greatly prefer 4, but I'm clearly in the minority.

7) The PSX darling that you played. Great music, great villain, but the graphics and gameplay (mostly the world navigation) have aged poorly. It is quite possible to get lost for hours trying to figure out how to get to the next place you need to go to advance the story.

8) I haven't played it enough to form an opinion.

9) Haven't played it.

10) Great turn-based combat, great (for the time) graphics, nice transitions between cutscenes and combat, great setting and an interesting story. I love the characters, with the exception of the protagonist, love the turn-based combat, and it has the single best mini-game ever - Blitzball! It's basically underwater soccer, and it's shockingly fun to recruit and train your own team. That said, there are some definite flaws: only characters that participate in battle get XP, and the final dungeon has one monster that's so OP that you basically need to do the optional stuff to get stronger - but by the time you're strong enough to easily defeat that monster, you're overpowered for the rest of the dungeon including the boss.

10-2) Silly story and characters, but surprisingly fun combat. It combines the turn-based combat of 10 with the job system of 5, and the result is really engaging combat with actual strategy.

11) MMO, haven't played it.

12) Good story, terrible pacing, terrible combat, terrible battle feedback, and save points that could be 2 hours apart. 12 had lots of good ideas with terrible execution. The Gambit system to automate the tedious nature of JRPG combat backfired, resulting in a game that's far more tedious and boring than any previous FF game. The freedom to build up your characters however you want was ruined by hiding the upgrades so you don't know what you're choosing and letting every character get (almost) every upgrade resulting in 6 near identical characters. The huge, open maps were largely devoid of anything interesting, and resulted in a game that felt like playing an MMO all by yourself. Having monsters visible in the world was great, but the battles themselves were awful - tedious, drawn out encounters with terrible feedback such that you had no idea why the monster suddenly stopped taking damage or why everyone is suddenly on the brink of death. A battle with a regular monster could last 20 minutes, and the final (story) boss fight was at least 30 minutes of tedium where I spent 90% of the time watching the game play itself. The last dungeon was a dreadful slog with save points that were 2-hours apart. And while the story was good, the pacing was so poor that bits of story would often be presented so far apart that I'd forget what had happened and who the characters were.

13) I loved FF 13. It's the Internet's punching-bag, but I loved it. It took the good ideas of 12, and re-worked them to make them actually good. It successfully automated the boring parts of a JRPG, but it also gave you something to do rather than just watch the game - initially that meant selecting better attacks (for example casting Fire instead of attacking with your sword against an you know to be weak to fire), and later it meant changing your whole battle strategy on the fly to respond to how the battle is going. It took the long, boring fights and made them fast, frantic, and exciting, encouraging you to be aggressive with bonuses given out for finishing fights faster. Where 12's final boss fight was 30+ minutes of tedium, 13's was a frantic and exciting battle that was over in under 5 minutes - 5 very tense, exciting minutes. There are save points every 20-30 minutes, so you can get some playing done even with limited free time. Boss fights, and even some big monster fights, are actually challenging, but because the fights are fast, and if you die you re-spawn seconds before the fight that killed you, they're not at all punishing. So you'll lose, but then can form a strategy, set up your party, change your equipment - you'll actually use all the situational gear (poison immunity necklace) that normally gathers dust. FF 13 is very streamlined, sharp like a scalpel. Some complain about the narrow paths which you can't get lost in, about the lack of towns and NPCs and how you do your shopping from the save points, about the lack of mini-games - but I didn't miss most of that stuff, and appreciated how fast and focused it felt. I don't like everything about FF 13 - the story was needlessly complicated, some of the characters were grating, and some of the early chapters really drag - but it's the most fun I had playing a mainline FF game.

13-2) A polished, if less focused, sequel that is also a response to criticism of 13. 13-2 keeps the great combat system of 13, but replaces the narrow paths with wide-open maps, replaces the linear progression with multiple locations to chose from (and sometimes return to), and adds monster catching and raising on top of that. It brings back the towns and NPCs that people missed, optional quests and challenges, etc. It has an interesting story that one can actually follow. It's generally better in most ways - combining the best parts of 13 and 12. But by being more open and sprawling - large locations, multiple locations to chose from, needing to travel between different locations and return to find new stuff - it also feels less focused, and it lost the fast pacing and sense of urgency of 13.

13-3) Haven't played it.

14) MMO, haven't played it.

15) Action RPG. I haven't played it yet, but it's a stark departure for the series.

5 years ago

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yep, best of FF! :)
thank you so much!

5 years ago

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No problemo!

5 years ago

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The first WL I give just because the games the person gifts... My favorite series, the reason i love rpgs for more than 25years! Thanks for the GA

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thank you!

5 years ago

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Thank you!!! ~♡

5 years ago

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Thank you so much, good luck to you!

5 years ago

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Hvala puno!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Well. I've enjoyed fifth one quite a bit. Yes.

5 years ago

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Final Fantasy is BEST RPG!

5 years ago

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Good luck to everyone out there!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thanks mate!

5 years ago

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Good luck, everyone!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thanks for offering this giveaway!

5 years ago

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I was just considering buying a copy to replay it, this time in English, because I played the French version when it was released on Playstation and the translation is SO BAD (the translation was tasked to people who weren't professionals) that a lot of scene don't make any sense at all.

5 years ago

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I just used a bunch of free cash that Alienware Arena gives out via to buy tons of FF games.

5 years ago

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Good use of money if you ask me :)

5 years ago

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I haven't played it yet just because spanish translation is... by far... worst spanish videogame translation ever done. I started it some years ago and had to stop after finishing disk 1 because reading each dialogue was too painful, and I really didn't know what a lot of story and characters information I wouldn't be understanding due to "translation". It's really horrible to discover that in other countries translation was also so dissapointing, something even worse in one of best videogames of all times. As long as I know, english translation was also bad, so only way to really enjoy the game is knowing japanese.

Fortunately in spanish a group of fans ended a complete spanish translation done directly from japanese some months ago. High quality translation including all text of the game, and even solving bugs presented in original version. Probably community did a similar one in english in the past.

5 years ago

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remember pair "last cut" and "Fenix", great game !

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thank you very much! :-)

5 years ago

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Thanks :-)

5 years ago

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No problemo!

5 years ago

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Wow, didn't spect to win, with 2k participants.. Thank you! ^^

5 years ago

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You never expect to win, but sometimes you just do. :)

5 years ago

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Thank you for the game! ^^ I really hope new remake don't be a trash :_(

5 years ago

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thanks for the game

5 years ago

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Big ups! Just promise to play it before it's too late to appreciate it. :c

5 years ago

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