
I liked how it felt to give stuff away to complete strangers, even if it's nothing super fancy and expensive. So I plan to keep doing this every now and then. I'm still figuring out SG and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to make this giveaway because it's just a DLC. Started typing and there it was... extremely selectable, so I guess it's cool.

Anyhow. It's a gift so I'll send a friend request on steam to the winner asap. Good luck and have fun! :)

hi there ^^

i just wanted to let you know, that you should double check your winner, as i own that DLC and would still be able to enter.

9 years ago

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Hey there :) I had no idea about that so thanks for letting me know! Btw, Is this the usual behavior of SG with DLCs or just some sort of glitch with my giveaway?

9 years ago

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It's a common problem that because of the way the Steam API works, SG has trouble detecting a lot of DLCs or game editions that are composed of a base game and separate DLCs.

9 years ago

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I'll certainly watch out for this. And you guys are both whitelisted. Thank you both!

9 years ago

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yay ^^

9 years ago

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I can definitely confirm this. I have the Game of the Year of this and it's listed as DLC for me, but it still gives me the ability to enter. Good luck with your giveaways. :3

9 years ago

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The main reason to inquire, is that many people will have the complete set from a bundle and many peopel are also using scripts/bots to enter GA's. So they might be automatically entering, and already have this item and you would never know if they weren't a Steam friend and you checked.

9 years ago

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Yeah i have this D:C but it still shows up

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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